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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 334

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Episode 334. Write greatly (1)

Muon, the Holy Land of the Goddess Church.

Talim Ever, the commander of the Holy Knights, wiped the sweat from training. The feeling was not bad. It’s incomparable to when I fell into the world of adventurers.

Talim laughed lightly.

“Is it natural that he stayed?”

The Goddess Church has been stopped for a while.

It’s still a shame.

Reminds me of the Goddess Church that was tossed around by the devil and shut herself up in Muon. The church’s paladins, as well as the priests, must have been faithful every moment, wanting to make up for the past just like me.

“Let’s see if tomorrow is a crack entry.”

The Goddess Church belonged to the Allied Temple.

Because he knew better than anyone else that training alone would not be able to respond to demons that possess and shake humans. Talim has been attacking numerous rifts to gain experience in combat.

A system that is the exclusive property of the player.

“Although the words are still unfamiliar to me.”

Talim, an Arcana, had neither a system nor a level.

However, it could be known from the changing body and the reaction of the players of the Allied Crusade.

-“Now, level 500 cracks are easy!”

Efforts don’t betray.

But Talim wasn’t happy at all.

just clenched fists

It was because I became more and more aware of it as I got used to the world of adventurers.

“Unfortunately, it still seems a long way off.”

The gap with Hoyeol.

Rumors spread faster in the world of adventurers than in the Arcana continent.

It was thanks to the strange mechanical devices that were incomparable to most magic tools. More than half of the rumors floating around were none other than news about Hoyeol.

– Appropriate level 700 ~ 800 cave crack clear at the same time!

-Lee Ho-yeol puts to rest the cataclysm of the Zero Mountains.

-[Breaking News] Defeat the Seven Deadly Sins of Jealousy…

As for the current Talim.

Legendary achievements that cannot be matched.


“I will faithfully follow in your footsteps.”

Talim was more motivated than discouraged.

The important thing is to have confidence in yourself.

What is more important than the direction that belief is heading.

That trust is unbreakable.

The day Muon fell here.

It was thanks to the enlightenment gained through Hoyeol.

Talim murmured.

“But sometimes I want to be like this.”

It was amazing. I knew I had a long way to go, but I didn’t feel impatient. It was the moment when Talim was reminded of Hoyeol’s presence.


A portal opened in front of my eyes.


Muon has always been a sacred place for the Goddess Church.

Although the main gate was opened and visitors found Muon through the main gate. In the heart of Muon. He was the only one who could open the portal and enter.

Talim’s face turned red.

‘He is the commander-in-chief.’

However, the bright expression did not last long.


Eventually, behind Ho-yeol, who appeared in the light of the portal.

Because I saw a familiar silhouette.

Talim’s eyes narrowed.

A veil draped over her face.

And the octagonal pattern embroidered on the nun’s uniform…

was undoubtedly the symbol of the Order of the Goddess.

All of a sudden, I had a lot of thoughts.

That wouldn’t happen, but by any chance, did the priest of the Goddess Church commit an act of disrespect for the commander-in-chief? What happened even if it wasn’t necessarily a courtesy? In the first place, there was no way the priest of the Goddess Church was outside…?

Of course, Talim’s predictions were all wrong.

“What did you just say, sister?”

Talim asked the priest.

“Goddess Second Coming tribe…?”

With a dumbfounded expression.

“Aren’t there any more tribes in the Goddess Church? How can a story from at least a hundred years have passed now…?”



I put the teacup down.

“I can’t really keep up with age.”

“…What did you say, Commander-in-Chief?”

“No, I didn’t mean to you.”

If you suddenly ask me what my old age is, I will answer with the teacup I just put down. Among the Goddess Church, it seems that Talim did not listen to my teachings.

-“Water is not special like the name of the saint’s tears. Resisting aging is just one of the effects of the non-herbal herb ‘Arya Moss’ that grows under the fountain. Because there is nothing special about the appearance, it is because proper research has not been done so far. It’s natural that you don’t recognize it.”

He was using the aria moss that grew in Muon’s fountain properly!

In any case, it is common to people all over the world to rush desperately when it is good for the body. But what if there was spring water that restores youth?

‘There’s a good example close by…’

It was me who sent an aria moss to Mrs. Choi Kang-hee’s greeting letter every morning to prevent aging. And because of me, there was a fire in the group chat room between Mr. Lee and his siblings.

– Hey Lee Ho-yeol, what gift did you give only to your mother???

-I heard my mother and sisters today hehe…

-Sister shocked hahahahaha



-If there’s something good, shouldn’t these sisters also take care of it? ㅡㅡ

– My mother’s skin is as elastic as a baby’s nest?!

The pentagram of pure knowledge.

Knowledge of plants and minerals emerging as effects.

The rejuvenating effect of Aryan moss is effective only at certain temperatures.

Unless you’re manifesting magic like me, it’s difficult to maintain that specific temperature. Because of that, it was an aria moss that was not widely known compared to its effectiveness.

‘The more I look, the more I guess there is a God?’

It was an amazing coincidence that there was a ‘Demune Moon Stone’ in Muon. It was because the heat-absorbing property of the moonstone perfectly matched the specific temperature of Aryan moss.

‘I like the idea Talim.’


What I’m holding is a teacup made from a moon stone.

What was in it was tea brewed with aria moss.

just look at this

The Goddess Church was one of the Arcana forces that adapted to reality better than anyone else.

And while I was sipping that Arya Moss tea again.

‘How did Mom drink this bitter thing?’

I was admiring the old age again.

‘by the way.’

I, the third person, was tasting the tea.

Talim and Saint Freyza.

The conversation between the two was serious.

‘It’s worth it.’

Fraza’s true identity was a saint from the past who emerged from a bad omen. The fact that I was able to dissuade Fraza from trying to judge me. As expected, I saw some benefit from struggling without rest.

The friendship that was built up with the Goddess Church.

As the last survivor of Akkshan, he defeated the bad omen.

Even if one of the two conditions is not fulfilled.

‘It could have gotten pretty complicated.’

Let’s think about it.

I mean, in the middle of Antonium.

What kind of rumors would have circulated if you were quarreling with the priest of the Goddess Church?

‘It must have been followed by some kind of misunderstanding.’

But thanks to perfectly fulfilling the prerequisites.

Fraza didn’t fully believe what I was saying.

Followed me to visit the muon of reality.

If it were Muon, the sacred ground of the Goddess Church.

He thought he might be able to answer his questions.

But Talim didn’t seem to have the spirit to do that.


Talim, who had been constantly reading the Bible, opened his mouth.

“Indeed, there were saints in the tribe of the Second Coming of the saints in the past.”

I don’t know if that could even be called genealogy.

After all, Freyza was at least a hundred years old.

It was only natural for Talim to be surprised by the existence of the saintess.

It was embarrassing at the same time.

Talim muttered a reproach.

“I didn’t know that the devil knew…”

Nepripit, the demon of true name.

Judging by the exact impersonation of Freyza.

The guy was definitely aware of Fraza’s existence.

I was also a bit taken aback. I thought that the devil’s influence had been spread on the continent for a long time without knowing it. So, in the exorcism ceremony, I look back at the screams that Nepripit had uttered…

-‘You evil. My lord sloth! Save me!’

…Are you sure you said that?

If Nepripit was a servant of the Seven Deadly Sins, it would make sense. Unlike the Demon Lords of the Demon Realm, the Seven Deadly Sins were demons born on the Arcana continent.

Of course, this guy’s pride can’t admire the devil.

I intervened in the conversation at that point.

“Isn’t the target of judgment still changed?”


asked Talim as Freyza was silent.

“What do you mean by referee? Commander-in-Chief?”

I am Lee Ho-yeol.

I can’t stand the resentment and I have no intention of enduring it.

Besides, wasn’t this a one-sided misunderstanding?

‘It sounds a bit like that, but…’

Of course, it’s true that I caused trouble on a continental basis because of the sudden ‘blackening’. But isn’t it too much to be judged simply for that?

‘I think I want to tell Talim.’

Does chattering mean it’s not formal anymore?

So, let’s be tricky.

I just looked at Fraza without saying a word.

But it seemed like that was enough for Talim.

“Sister, will you tell me the whole story?”

After all, if religion is the same, it seems that there is something in common. Freyza, who hadn’t spoken properly with me, was kind enough to talk to Talim about everything.

“I thought that the infinitely deep darkness would plunge the Arcana continent into ‘immeasurable sorrow’ in the future. Following the doctrine of the Goddess Church, it was considered wrong to leave such darkness unattended.”

“…infinitely deep darkness.”

Darkening of Arcana Continent due to blackening.

It must have been an unbelievable scenery to see with my own two eyes.

I’d like to hear what you’re talking about.


Talim’s reaction that followed.

I almost chewed the cud of the aria moss tea I swallowed…!

“The commander-in-chief is ‘a ray of light in the infinitely deep darkness’. Why do you speak as if Sister Fraza never saw the light?”

No Talim That’s not it…!!

What’s the reason for mentioning this name all of a sudden?!

Freyza, why are you there again?

“…If only it was a ray of light.”



Are you staring through my jacket?!

The sins I have committed like this are so great that I cannot be vigilant even for a moment.

But maybe because I didn’t show it, I thought it wasn’t enough.

Talim finally added his words.

“To the Goddess Church, the commander-in-chief was literally a ray of light. It’s not enough that he saved Muon from the devil who pretended to be Sister Freyza’s name…!”

…I guess the story is going to be long.

‘It’s painful to listen to any more.’

The only thing that doesn’t fit as well as the full name of Grandfel is the gilding on the face. I got up from my seat at that point. I must have returned to reality. The time has come to deal with the next schedule.

How do I do the quest and get rid of it?

[World Quest: The Second Coming of Saints]

Darkness covered the Arcana continent.

The saintess will follow the goddess’ teachings.

In the future, the Arcana continent will fall into immeasurable sorrow.

To judge the infinitely deep darkness.

—Survive the judgment of Saint Freyza. (Suspended)

Maybe it’s because I haven’t been completely persuaded by Talim’s words yet.

Progress was stuck on hold, but that’s okay.

Did you check in Antonium?

The goddess seems to like me more than that saint.

‘Besides, he told me that fact directly through my snout.’

A cubic tablet suddenly comes to mind.

-“timing? No, it must be your narrow-minded belief.”

Now that I think about it…

I wonder if I may have earned a beating with my words. Anyway, I have confirmed that the saintess’ ability to judge in the name of the goddess is harmless to me. I manifested the portal without any concern.

What is your next schedule?

If you ask me if I am moving in such a hurry.

You can tell just by looking at the lips that haven’t moved since before, right?

The demon hunter’s rule of thumb.

They do not mix words with their prey.

Just wait, Junchun Ryu.




Talim clutched his head.

“…You made a big mistake, sister.”

Fraza didn’t understand.

“Why is it a mistake? I was just trying to practice the doctrine. Prior to that, I couldn’t believe the shape of the Goddess Church. Why is the Goddess Church, which is supposed to serve only the Goddesses… participating in the ridiculous thing called the Holy Temple?”

Talim was speechless.

‘It’s natural that we don’t understand each other.’

There will be a difference of as little as one hundred and as many as several hundred years.

Even if they say it’s the same Goddess Church.

Depending on the era, the teachings to follow also change. Such views cannot be narrowed down in a short period of time. Just this morning, Talim had been arguing with the priest over the use of the holy relic.

‘But there is a truth that transcends the ages.’

Talim opened his mouth meaningfully.

“great. I will no longer persuade Sister Fraza. The sister will observe and judge for herself why the commander-in-chief is called a ray of light in the infinitely deep darkness. But you have to keep this one thing in mind.”

“What do you mean by mind?”

“How do you think Muon can be fine all this time?”

“With the Goddess’ care, of course…”

“If it were the Arcana Continent, I would have put my hands together at Sister’s gracious words. But this is home to adventurers from a completely different world.”


“How do you think priests and paladins, numbering in the tens of thousands of muons, were able to lead the same life as before without starving in this strange land?”

Fraza could guess the answer.

A truth that transcends time.

A church cannot be self-sufficient.

The church absolutely needs donations.

Talim nodded.

“That’s right. You are the commander-in-chief.”


“If you convert the support you received from the commander-in-chief into gold coins…”


A feather pen, moving without hesitation, writes down numbers.

At that number, Fraza’s complexion changed drastically.

…Now I think I know why you didn’t respond.


That’s not enough to carry through faith.

So many.

It was an astronomical level of support.


It is only natural that the world pays attention to the wealth of celebrities.

A player who is said to be slang-sweeping money.

The interest in their income was indescribable.

There is a name that comes up naturally in such a topic.


Ho-Yeol Lee, the best and strongest player.

Lee Ho-yeol.

How much money did he make as a player?

Estimates about it were easily derived by commission.

– You know, if you think about the market value of Cosmo days,


-The rift clearing reward given by Raymon Sean, isn’t that all sprinkled with the company’s reserves accumulated during the Cosmo days? Even if you think about the price range of connectors…

After the Count Ascura raid.

In fact, it was Ho-yeol who almost monopolized all the high-level content updated in reality. Considering the contribution and clearing difficulty, the total amount of compensation paid to Ho-

yeol is…

It was established that it was estimated at least in the hundreds of trillions.

And that wasn’t all. The kingdom of Yusra, which was called the legendary treasure island, had to be regarded as actually Hoyeol’s territory, and moreover

, if the economic value of the Mage Tower and the price of items equipped by Hoyeol were estimated and added up

… Not at the

national level




It was wealth in an area that could not even be measured.

It’s just that the party was innocent and didn’t reveal it.

However, there were people who suddenly felt enormous wealth, so it was the unification of the world. Analysts of the unification of the world, who were watching the monitor with a dry expression, their complexion turns to earthy color.

“…what is this?”

The auction house of Arcana’s official website.




Non-stop notifications.

at the same time.

High-grade health and magic recovery potions started to sell out in an instant.

“…Is this sold out too? Is it buggy?”

“Everyone, wake up! Shut up and get one.”

“You know I desperately need to secure a quantity, right?”

Until now, it was a unification of the world that had to continue aggressive attacks. In order to do so, Unification of the World had purchased a potion that was considered a luxury among players and was released at the auction house.






No matter how much I scroll down, I can’t even see the potion. High-level, middle-level and low-level potions, of course. Even the elixir, which cost billions of dollars per bottle, was nowhere to be seen.

Not even a single bottle really.

“Something is strange!”

“…Are there rival forces? Could it be Shining?!”

“No, no matter how much Shining does, sweeping like this is impossible!”

“Then who the hell is it? How can you afford to spend money like this!”

The great bundle of money began to smack the cheek of the unification of the world.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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