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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 338

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Chapter 338. World line without you (1)

It is different from usual.

It was Banshee William who first sensed it.

Banshee’s office.

Sunset through the window.


Banshee opened the parchment and looked at it.

One, two, three…

However, no matter how many pages I turned, there was no reply from Chief Lee.

Because it was Bensh who had more conversations with Chief Lee than anyone else.

I automatically tilted my head.


The rejection notification always came back at the same time.

Right around the time the sun goes down.

I didn’t know the exact reason why the reply always came at a certain time – it was because Ho-yeol started his work by notifying Banshi of the rejection – but there was no discrepancy there.

Banshee was stunned for a moment.

“…Could you really understand my sincerity this time?”

But even for Bensh, conscience.

No, there was such a thing as intuition.

“No, that can’t be…”

That intuition seemed to tell me.

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think this is silence in a positive sense.

After looking at the blank parchment for a while, Banshee picked up a feather pen.


『Rules of the Mage Tower』

When I wrote that down, the current status of the Mage Tower executives came to mind in real time.

What Banshi wants to check.

It was none other than whether or not Ho-yeol submitted a leave of absence.


Unless you submitted a leave of absence.

There was no reason why this chief, always like a knife, wouldn’t reply. However, after finding Chief Lee’s name, Banshee’s pupils shook.





Floating Garden.

Marcelo faced Senior Benshe William.

“You are worrying enough.”

“I thought Chief Marcelo would understand!”

“But worry shouldn’t turn into doubt.”

The rules of the Magic Tower are strict.

Even if you are the chief, you cannot be free from discipline. Above all, there must be a reason why Chief Lee, who is not anyone else, violated the rules and was away.

Marcelo continued.

“I don’t know the details, but Chief Lee said that the selection process for the advance team will begin today. So why don’t you come back soon to avoid any disruption to the proceedings?”

However, several hours later.

Marcelo and Bensch were separated in the Floating Garden.

The two unexpectedly reunited.

Chief Lee Ho-yeol in front of his office.

Banshee, who had been lowering his head at the presence, raises his head.

“Ah, Chief Marcelo.”

“You came first, Senior Bensh William.”

“It’s because I’m embarrassed about something…”

I don’t have meetings that haven’t been promised in advance.

He knew it was rude, but Banshee kept his lips firmly shut and was about to knock on the door of Chief Lee Ho-yeol’s office. It’s okay to receive etiquette education, so I just hoped that a cool voice would be heard.


“Looks like you’re still away.”

silent answer.

There was no sound or presence in the office.

Marcelo recalled.

‘It’s a full moon.’

What was the longest period in which Chief Lee Ho-yeol was away?

Compared to then, they might be making a fuss.

But the situation then and now was clearly different.

‘…the Lord didn’t say anything?’

It’s nonsense to Ho-yeol, not to anyone else.


Eventually, Marcelo made up his mind and put his hand on the doorknob of the office.

If you waited silently because you believed in Ho-yeol.

Likewise, it was a decision made to trust Ho-yeol even now.

Banshi said startled.

“Chief Marcelo, this is very out of formality…!”

different from what you say.

Banshee followed closely behind Marcelo as he opened the door.

The office that came into view soon.

Marcelo and Banshee slowly inspected the bleak office.

Papers neatly arranged on the desk.

Teacups lined up on the table.

Everything was no different than usual.

Banshee opened his mouth cautiously.

“That… I wonder if I made a fuss for nothing. Our Chief Lee is not the kind of person who would be threatened by someone. Even inside the Mage Tower!”

Marcelo did not answer right away.

Standing in front of the desk.

After being silent for a while, he replied.

“You can tell by looking at the order in which the papers are arranged.”

“…yes? In what order?”

“As the chief said beforehand, it seems that you have arranged the documents for the advance team screening in order. It also contains documents related to the appointment of Bensh William.”

“Are you sure?”


Benshi examined the documents floating in the air.


It was true.

From the list of books related to fire magic written by Benshi himself. Is it because I wrote it down too many times to count? The introduction of the application form, which even he himself had a hazy memory of, was written in the handwriting of Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

Banshee said clearly that he was moved.

“There must have been a deep meaning to all the failures.”

It was clear that it was misunderstood.

Marcelo didn’t bother to speak out.

Because there was something else that was important right now.

“The documents are proof that Chief Lee had no intention of breaking the procedure. Even if it is said that he voluntarily left the place. It means that you did not intend to be away for this long.”

…Then, after all, on purpose?

dory dory.

Banshi, who was about to misunderstand this time, shook his head.

That’s unconvincing even if you assume the worst of the worst.

Then there is only one option to consider.

“Things went wrong unexpectedly…?”

Marcelo nodded.

There must have been a reason for the Lord’s absence.

However, in the process, it is clear that Lord also had an unexpected incident and was unable to return to the Mage Tower.

‘I’m not sure I’ll be of any help to you.’

But if that’s the case.

I wanted to be of some help.

That’s why Marcelo manifested magic.

Banshee stuttered at the surge of magic power.

“Chief Ma Marcelo. Magical manifestations in the Mage Tower…!”

“According to the procedure. I will have to submit a statement of reasons.”

That you were prepared to submit a statement of reason.

‘Did you mean that you caught a glimpse…?’

Banshee swallowed dry saliva and watched the magic unfold.

Marcelo’s magic slowly sank over the office.

Before long, the magic mark engraved in the office came to mind.

Because Lord still won’t be inside the Mage Tower.

I guessed that he moved somewhere through the portal.


it wasn’t.

In the magical traces that emerged, the portal’s interference process.

No, because there was not even a trace of magic power.


Marcelo withdrew his mana.

darkened complexion.

Marcelo opened his mouth.

It was.

“…Now is the time when Senior Matisse’s help is desperately needed.”

All that was captured was ‘adequate magic power’.


Black magician.

The founder of black magic.

At the same time, Matisse Dean Carl, a senior wizard who achieved a magical achievement comparable to theoretical magic, which is said to be the greatest discovery in the history of the Mage Tower. He was suffering from a feeling of powerlessness at this moment.

Crystal Hall.

Matisse desperately held on to his spirit.

I looked at Marcelo, who continued to speak.

“The magic scars found in Chief Lee Ho-yeol’s office were not ordinary magic scars. It was ‘appropriate magic’ that only responded to the manifestation of black magic.”

At Marcelo’s words, the office opens in my head.

From a few days ago until just recently.

The office of Chief Lee, who was literally looking out for penetration.

Marcelo was right.

What was caught in Ho-yeol’s office.

It was just a vast amount of suitable mana.

‘I’m the only one who can get a clue.’

Matisse reflected on his dark magic knowledge.

However, he did not know anything about black magic that could replace portals.

Furthermore, the reason for such dark magic was not found.

‘How can you claim to be the founder of black magic?’

Marcelo’s gaze turned to Matisse.

“To quote the words of Senior Black Magician Mathis Dean Carr. Even if there is a dark magic that can replace portals, they said there is no reason to use it.”

Matisse took over.

“Because suitable horsepower is unstable.”

Appropriate magic power that comes from the presenter’s past and background.


In fact, Matisse had guessed it from the beginning.

Chief Lee Ho-yeol.

when he disappeared.

His vast and incomparably suitable magic power.

To the extent that I am afraid to dare to count.

It is clear that the deep and dark past and background had an impact.

Elder Yugweed asked.

“Do you have any guesses, Mr. Matisse?”

However, Matisse shook his head.

Because there was no doubt.

not exactly.

It was because the moment I doubted it, I felt like I was going to be buried.

‘That shouldn’t be the case.’

Enormous and incomparably suitable horsepower.

What if the past and background, which are the source of it, are regurgitated?

Because I thought that even if it was Chief Lee, I would not be able to overcome it.

It was the same reason that Matisse had been concerned about blackening. It was not the belief that Chief Lee Ho-yeol would overcome even the blackening. It was the belief that there would be no falling into darkness in the first place.

Since he was the founder of black magic, he may have felt it intuitively. It was the moment when Matisse was lost in thought about

the unfathomable depth of the past and background, where even struggling would become meaningless.


The cat Topju, who trembled once, opened her mouth.

“Then, from now on, what the Mage Tower has to do has been decided.”

What the Magic Tower should do.

Those who have been familiar with the Mage Tower’s actions for a long time would have no choice but to ask. You might laugh at me saying that such a thing even existed. Because it was the Mage’s Tower that responded with indifference if it wasn’t the truth they were seeking.

But didn’t a new wind blow in the Mage Tower?

none other than this chief.

A new wind brought by Ho-yeol.

“I am…”

Bangrit, a senior in pure magic sciences who returned to the Mage Tower on the wind, opens his mouth. In the current situation, his passive personality was not an obstacle to opening his mouth.

“Like Chief Lee Ho-yeol saved me from the clutches of a devil worshipper… This time, we believe that the Magic Tower should stand up for Chief Lee Ho-yeol!”

The tower owner’s tail waggled.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had the correct answer, Senior Bangrit.”


Only five days.

However, the absence of existence was greater than ever.

The news of Ho-yeol’s disappearance reached the allied forces of the temple.

As much as the Mage Tower traced Hoyeol’s journey from the Mage Tower.

They also followed the traces of Ho-yeol in their seats.

Kingdom of Yusra.

A private room in the Golden Palace.

A garden of quality.


The elf Elsidore sat down on the table and looked at the flower garden with his chin resting. Who am I? As an elf, he was closer to nature than to spirits born from nature.

“There are no flaws. You don’t even have to come to check it out.”

Elsidore’s legs trembled awkwardly.

Five days for an elf who has lived for eons?

Even if you calculate honestly, it will be only a human moment.

However, it was different to experience.

Elsidore grumbled.

“I’m sorry, but shouldn’t I check my pride?”

Elsidore still didn’t know what pride was.

It’s just that the cheeky silver-haired guy said he would return his mother’s blessing if he regained his pride. To regain his pride, he was only cultivating a flower garden.

Elsidore was sarcastic this time.

“No, isn’t the one who left without a word less proud?”

Only one person didn’t show up.

The atmosphere in the Golden Palace was desolate.

The already uncomfortable palace had become even more uncomfortable.

“Anyway, this is why humans.”

Elsidore did not stop muttering while tending the flower garden.

Later, he even talked to the elixir of growing elixirs.

“When you come back, say the same thing. I was sad.”

However, Elsidore’s complaint did not last long.

The sixth day since Ho-yeol disappeared.

Elsidore’s body trembled.



Blood thicker than water boiled.

Elsidore’s gaze hurriedly turned to the sky.

Elsidore opened her mouth.


I could feel it because it was the bloodline connected to the World Tree.

At this moment, it is about to reveal itself in reality.

That the lizard dragon’s condition is not serious.





[Urgent Update]

A new boss monster is added.

‘Elder Dragon Yunaxus who swallowed the evil fruit’ : Lv.2500


Hoyeol is now missing.

The details of the emergency update were like despair to mankind.

However, even if the defeat is dark.

It is a pride to not back down.

At the same time, it was a void in Hoyeol that had to be filled.

Allied Crusade.

Commander of the Knights of Lion Hart, replacing Ho-yeol’s vacant position as commander-in-chief.

Harkon shouted.

“Today we will meet a heroic end!”

Even if it means filling the void with blood.


Ulrich, the Oak Auction Manager.

His voice as he sat across from Kichi and had a conversation.

I was shaking wildly for the first time.

“…I can’t believe it. Kitsch.”

“What can’t you believe? The person you say is alive and well?”

“No, I can’t believe it even if I see it with my own two eyes.’

Ulrich couldn’t keep his head straight.


I emptied the strong liquor and barely continued my words.

“…I mean I peeked.”

“What are you peeping on?”

“Ryze, the great sage who foretells the future in Pandora’s attic.”

“Oh that inspiration?”

“I witnessed his end through a window in the attic…!!”





Something went wrong.

It was thanks to the system message that I realized.

I woke up in the dark

[Enter the curse ‘Understanding of Darkness’.]

[Caution: Your understanding is too low.]

[The past is unstable.]

Your understanding is low.

The past is unstable.

Until you realize the meaning of the message.

It didn’t take long.

Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo.

About my dark history.

I thought I knew everything without missing a thing.

I guess it wasn’t like that.

Silver hair fluttering in front of my eyes.

In between, he has the same hair color as me.

The back of the man is seen.

The man said so without showing his face.

“I hate you, Grandfel.”

Such a dead end…!!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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