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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 347

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Episode 347. Even so, the one thing that doesn’t change is (3)

until now when Yunaxus was engulfed in green flames and disappeared. If you were to count the world’s most talked about story on three fingers, the first would be the noble sacrifice of the cat Topju.

“Hey, it seems like everyone except Unification has come?”

“Even if I’m not sincere, I will attend. Pretend you don’t know that Topju, who is an Arcana, gave his life for us. can you afford it? Comment bombardment by netizens?”

“Is everyone taking a snow stamp, even in terms of image management?”

The second and third stories as well.

I was able to find it in the magic tower.

Humble voice—

at the same time as another sound.

Seeing the appearance of Ho-yeol, the crowds gossip.

Arcana in that whisper.

“Chief Lee’s hair is back to normal?”

“Personally, long hair was my preference… At that time he wasn’t wearing a jacket, but when I imagine long hair and a jacket draped over my shoulders fluttering together…!”

“I’m not even curious about your personal taste over there, are you?”

There was nothing to cover the player.

“Wouldn’t that be some kind of skill then?”

“Ayy, is there a skill like long fire in Arcana? Why would you use a skill like that while facing a dragon?”

“Pomsaengpomsa. was it cool long hair.”

“I can’t refute that again, but…”

Ho-yeol’s ever-changing hairstyle changes.

The last story that followed.

Thanks to Dmitri, who didn’t notice, I was able to confirm it again.

The dragon’s booty that Hoyeol must have obtained.

Are you curious about what loot you got?

Dmitri broke into a cold sweat before asking Ho-yeol.

“Oh no. That’s what the commander-in-chief…?”

Is there anything more fun than the view across the river?

Literally, Dmitri was earning a beating with his mouth.

There is a kind of unwritten rule between players. If you have lost or are not planning to defeat an enemy, you will not carelessly ask what kind of loot you have acquired from those who succeeded in the raid.

The reason is simple.

“There is nothing in the world that angers me more than Reid’s mother-in-law.”

After the Cataclysm, Reid became a life-and-death struggle.

It is only natural that lives come and go in a desperate struggle worthy of being called a raid. Evaluating the loot was no different from weighing the value of the sacrifice and the loot.

In addition, the sacrifice of this Yunaxus raid was even heavier.

“Dmitri, that line was crossed properly.”

It was a battle in which the owner of the tower sacrificed, and it was the tower where the memorial for the owner of the tower was held. To openly mention trophies in such a mage tower. Then no one else.

Ho-yeol’s atrocities were discovered.

Some players averted their eyes altogether.

“I’m sorry I can’t see you. Come to think of it, Dmitri didn’t get rejected for a proposal in the past by plaparazzi? Since then, why is he so salty?”

“Because I thought I was like that… I’m about to vomit.”

“I’m already getting chills, is that normal…?”

A situation in which there is no choice but to arise by itself.

save me

Dmitry, who had been stuttering, looked for his friend Shining with earnest eyes. However, neither Rox nor Camilla can see the shadow of a single strand of hair.

“…hey guys?”

Enough to make up for Dmitri’s loophole. The quick-witted Rox had left early because the sparks were flying, and Camilla had long since made her way through the crowds to find Jesse.

‘Ship traitors…!’


You can’t take it out or take it out, Dmitry.

It was the moment everyone was waiting for Dmitri’s ‘disposition’.

Ho-yeol continued.


something no one expected.

“Then wait for your turn.”

wait for your order?

It’s a procedure, with formality.

It was something that Ho-yeol used to say, but…

Waiting for his turn.

Ho-yeol left only one word.

took a step

Dmitri, who passed the crisis of despair, took his last breath.


Because I couldn’t afford to think.

I had no choice but to ask those around me once again.

Dmitri whispers to the Shining Guild member and analyst.

“You don’t mean to dispose of me in order, do you?”

“well. It can be interpreted in two ways.”

“…Two? What?”

“One is the order of disposal, as you just said.”

“Whoa, then what’s the other one?”

“I’d like to know if there’s anything else…”

The man who was struggling continued.

“If you had the intention of revealing the Yunaxus spoils to player Lee Ho-yeol from the beginning… the words to wait for this turn could be interpreted differently, right?”

“…Oh oh.”

Depending on the interpretation, you go back and forth between heaven and hell.

There was only one way for Dmitri to foresee his future. So, what is the next schedule for Ho-Yeol, who values procedures?

The magicians of the Mage Tower knew about him better than anyone else.

Among the crowd, Jibril whispered to Klee.

“Come to think of it, wasn’t today the day the roundtable was held, Klee?”


Thank you Dmitry.

‘Because you didn’t pay attention to my long hair like everyone else…’

The shock of last night still lingers.

It rang in the palm of my hand all the time.

The shock of the strangeness – the vibration of smartphone notifications – is what I mean.

-ㅁㅁ Hoyeol-ah, what is your hair??




– Yerim, you know how honest the kids are, right? But, my uncle was so upset that he was like a real prince? Haha

– I didn’t tell Aunt Gogeo that she was pretty ㅡㅡ

Numbers 2 and 3, who long for me as always, are just like them.

Even my eldest sister, who gives comfort that is not consolation.

I couldn’t be so resentful…!

I was prepared, but it was a harsh aftermath. If it’s fortunate among the misfortunes, as you can see, when the fucking skill [Heaven, Heaven, and Earth] is canceled, the hair will return to its original state.

‘And if it’s unfortunate out of luck.’

If you activate it again, your hair will grow thick again…! A strength that must be exchanged for shame in the world. Even if it is now, I am worried about the future.

[Understanding of Darkness (Curse): Significantly increases appropriate magic affinity. However, he must face the past, which is the source of suitable magical power. – Current magic affinity: 10%]

If you learn about Grandpel’s past with [Understanding the Darkness].

[Heaven, Heaven, and Earth, Infant Tolerance (10%): A rare genius who blasphemes even the unsalted Goddess. Demonstrate the talents of Grand Fell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo.]

The skill level of [Heavenly Angel Infant Toddler] will also rise. I’m worried that if I master the skill, I’ll just sweep the floor with my hair…

So I have no choice but to be grateful.

‘He evoked the atmosphere with questions about loot.’

Thanks to that, I was able to attend the next scheduled roundtable without anyone asking questions. Then, according to the procedures, I stepped up to the podium of the Crystal Hall where the round table conference was held.

I opened my mouth as the commander-in-chief of the allied forces of the temple.

“Eunaxus no longer exists in this world.”

Numerous players joined, but it was the Crusade Alliance that led the Yunaxus Raid. It meant that it was my job to settle the results of the raid.

“Thanks to your noble sacrifice.”

Nam Tae-min Hisagi Leoni Scal


The last place where the eyes stopped was Harkon.

Harkon lost both legs in this battle.

It was because his legs were crushed and the sheet metal melted in extreme flames aggravated his injuries. To the point that even modern medicine and the magic tower’s healing magic couldn’t restore it.

“The sacrifice deserves respect.”

I nodded to Harkon.

Harkon lost his leg while leading the Allied Crusade in place of me, who had been absent for six days unexpectedly. I wanted to pay my respects more fiercely, but my fucking neck was stiff even at this point.

But instead of me

Clap clap clap—

All participants in the roundtable stood up.

I applaud Harkon.

Harkon smiled shyly.

“Oh… this is embarrassing in its own way.”

By the time the applause died down, I continued.

“Yunaxus, he was a formidable enemy that could not be compared to demon lords or giants. It is thanks to you that we were able to protect reality from such Yunaxus.”


I feel the crowd startled.

Who is the Grand Fell of the world?

The owner of a picky personality who doesn’t spit out compliments.

It was because rave reviews were pouring from Grandfel’s mouth. The wizards of the Mage Tower, as well as the players who attended the round table for the first time thanks to the Mage Tower being completely open, were clearly surprised.

I don’t even know if there is a complicated inner meaning.

‘Look at how his chest is wide open even in the middle of it.’

In any case, it was I who contributed overwhelmingly to defeating Yunaxus.

I didn’t attack Yunaxus directly, but I was the one who had fully endured the heat while Yunaxus was blazing with splendid flames until the very end.

‘In the end, it’ll be said that I’m the best.’

Even if you break through the 800 level wall as proof of that.

[Level: 826]

A level that has risen by an additional 26 stages.

In addition, I automatically acquired all the loot left by Yunaxus with a high contribution to killing. Yes, I came to the podium like this to reveal that fact.

Why shouldn’t my words come true?

“I will reveal to you the legacy left by such Yunaxus.”


AAU Korean branch.

It is as if a storm has swept through.

Seong Hyun-joon and Yoon Su-gyeom are breathing.

Two glasses of iced Americano are placed next to the two men.


It is also the size of a large Venti.

“…Director Park?”

Salty boy Park Min-jae, branch manager.

He loves canned coffee and mixed coffee, which is rare in this day and age.

For some reason, I had put down the Cafe Ice Americano.

Does the sun rise in the west?

Or did you win the lottery?

Park Min-jae opens his mouth to the two men staring at him blankly.

“…My wife shot me.”

“Somehow, did your wife come?”

“Yeah, when you guys are banging on the keyboard…”

But after all, isn’t this also what I shot…?

The moment Park Min-jae’s eyes were about to become sad.

Seong Hyun-Jun noticed and hit the ball quickly.

“Wow, thank you, I will drink well! Branch Manager Park! The coffee you buy is also delicious. Oh and have you checked? There has been a lot of breaking news in the media since a while ago.”

“trot? Turn off the magic tower?”


Seong Hyeon-jun turned the monitor to Park Min-jae just in case.

Park Min-jae glanced at the monitor once and nodded.

“Of course I read it thoroughly without missing anything.”

“Now I feel like I’m done right.”

“I mean.”

Fiddling, fidgeting─

Park Min-jae secretly tried to pick up Yoon Su-gyeom’s coffee.

Yoon Soo-gyeom’s hand was faster.

Yoon Soo-gyeom, who quickly brought his lips to the straw, asked.

“Would you like some water?”

“…shit. Nope.”

“What the hell did he do, that bastard?”

Here, the child was, of course, Rayman Shen.

They were the dragons who followed Ho-yeol, calling him Dark Dark Dragon. I thought there was no reason for a dragon like that to breathe its breath on reality and players now.

“Eunaxus swallowed the fruit. The evil fruit in front must have been the cause.”

“So I searched the Cosmo database again. However, even though there is a knowledge of good and evil, there is not even a concept of the fruit of evil. I can’t even find the deleted data. Where did it get twisted…”

“Isn’t it natural that we don’t know? Seeing as it was an emergency update, it didn’t even seem like Raymon Shen was expecting it.”

“That in itself is a pain in the ass.”

On the other side─

Seong Hyeon-jun and Yoon Su-gyeom shook their heads as they sipped their Americanos.

By the way, because it was unexpected…

Seong Hyeon-jun opens his mouth.

“I never imagined that this Yunaxus raid would end like this. In fact, I was expecting Lee Ho-yeol, the general manager of Yoosura, to sort out the situation…” ”

I didn’t expect you to appear with long hair?”

“That too, right? Still, the general manager is the one who always does it. Because I have infinite faith. I wasn’t really that surprised.”

“What is testimony time?”

He’s no different from me either.

It took a while for Park Min-jae to swallow a smile.

Seong Hyun-joon continues.

“However, Yunaxus, who swallowed the fruit and turned into an evil dragon, caused considerable damage to reality. I never expected that it would be remembered and recorded in this way.”


Park Min-jae recited the headline of the breaking news at Sung Hyun-jun’s words.

“Lee Ho-yeol said that the dragon heart of Yunaxus opened a portal to the Arcana continent. From now on, you can freely enter the Arcana Continent through the portal of the Mage Tower. Is the era of scramble for connector coming to an end…”

Yoon Su-gyeom added.

“No one would have thought. I don’t think you would use the dragon hearts you acquired as loot as a medium to reach the Arcana continent.”

Because wealth and honor are treated as such things.

to such a passion.

It was a development that could have happened thanks to the passing of Dragon Heart.

Park Min-jae suddenly remembered the setting of Arcana Continental Electric.

“In fact, it was the final content of the Arcana Continental Biography that we planned in the early days of Cosmo, right? What about Mountain Zero and the dragon that lives on top of it?”

“It was.”

“Even if the cataclysm hadn’t happened, players would have succeeded in hunting dragons someday. Of course, even so, Arcana Continent Electricity would not have ended there. Because new content will be added constantly.”

“That must have been too.”

“Nevertheless, Dragon Raid must have been a kind of big turning point. It must have been then that the worldview expanded beyond the Arcana we had planned.”

Seong Hyun-jun and Yoon Su-gyeom spit out exclamations at the same time.

“Oh… how do things fit?”

“Anyway, it seems that the Yunaxus raid has become a turning point. Thanks to this, the portal to the Arcana Continent, a completely different world, was opened. It was a point of view that I hadn’t really thought of, branch manager.”


It’s worth eating these expensive coffees.

Park Min-jae just shrugged.

I thought nonetheless.

Yes, the truth has always been one.

It’s just a different point of view.

In that sense.

Really unfathomable to the end.

Looking down on everything from a high place.

It was a consistent point of view and interpretation.

Park Min-jae sighed involuntarily.

“Even the evil dragon, Extreme Flame Dragon, Yunaxus, who almost set the world on fire. Lee Ho-yeol, general manager of Yusra, looked at it as a torch to light a new era called Arcana Continent…”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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