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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 348

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Chapter 348. A serious voice resounds in the middle of

the harsh You .

“So should we be happy or sad?”

The attention is focused on Skal’s sudden remark.

“Are you clueless or are you going to try?”

They were the ones who had just met Harkon, not anyone else.

I heard that neither magic nor modern medicine could completely replace Harkon’s missing legs. That meant that Harkon could no longer stand on the battlefield.

Nam Tae-min’s eyebrows twitched.

“But what do you like?”

Hisagi intervened in the unusual air current.

“Even if there is no point of contact, I believe that Mr. Skaarl will have no reason to be pleased with Mr. Harkon’s injury. You just had other thoughts in your head. Isn’t that right, Mr. Skal?”


Are you the only one with a different idea?

I didn’t even like it.

Nam Tae-min calmed down his excitement and opened his ears.



I understood why Skaarl said such a thing.

“It’s nothing else than the spoils left by Yunaxus, it’s a dragon heart. As the commander-in-chief said, there is no shortage of opening a portal to the Arcana continent. Sooner or later, any player will be able to freely enter and exit the Arcana Continent.”

Skal says the core.

“If that’s the case, what are the additional points for the screening team we won?”


It was literally a bonus point for the advance team that was obtained at the end of a desperate struggle. However, if Ho-yeol’s words were true, it meant that the extra points earned in advance would be meaningless.

Chet Leonie clenches her fist.

“Somehow, I thought I was praised lightly.”

“Hey, don’t say anything negative.”

“Negative is bullshit.”

As far as Leonie knew, they and Harkon were the only ones who received extra points. Seeing it as a cause he loved so much, or proudly, it seemed neat that they would accept the loss.

already in my head.

It seems that the simulation has been completed several times.

Skaarl continues with a dejected face.

“If I was chosen as the starting lineup, I was thinking of going to the 『Altar of the Dragon Knights』 first. It’s not that there will be a lot of distractions.”

“Who is interfering with you?”

“You don’t know. The pinnacle feeling.”

“…now I’m ranked #1 in the official rankings?”

“What do you know in just one day? The pinnacle feeling.”

“No, this is it.”


Nam Tae-min clenched his fists.

I knew this kid since he was traveling alone.

“Even if it weren’t for the real temple allies, you would be.”

Skal’s self-centered thinking was truly amazing. However, thanks to this, they were the guild masters of the giant union who realized their position that they could neither like nor dislike.

“Anyway, I don’t even have this pride…”

“What is pride, Nam Tae-min?”

“Trying to explain pride is the lack of pride.”

“If you can’t refute, why don’t you evade it with pride again?”

“…But why are you fighting with me all of a sudden? Scal is the problem?”

Taemin Nam and Leonie.

The two were about to kick each other in the shin.

Hisagi, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

“Well, I think a little differently.”

“You think differently? You can’t even try to cheat on me in a mean way…!”

“Do I need to?”

What is the reason for Hisagi’s gaze?

It was facing out the window of the Golden Palace.

As Hisagi moved forward and opened the window, he seemed to have waited.

“What is it?”

Flip flops!

parchment in the sky.

The parchment flew into their respective arms.

It was only after each of the four people were held in their hands that he looked at the parchment, which had calmed down.

It was truly “magic”.

The sender could have known without speaking.

The gold leaf on the parchment is just gorgeous…

“…the commander-in-chief sent it.”

The letter from Ho-yeol was certain.

It’s obvious, but the four people’s faces were colored.

However, the expressions of the four people as they read the letter soon changed.

I started to tingle with astonishment.

Anyway, it was good news.

“This must be because of the bonus point…?”


The advance team points were not invalidated.

Before the magic tower portal to the Arcana continent was activated, they were given the opportunity to step on the Arcana continent first.

But the timing was a problem.

Leonie rubs her eyes, wondering if she saw anything wrong.

But nothing changed.

Leonie murmured incredulously.

“Today, at 6:00 PM, you say you’re leaving from the top floor of the magic tower?”

Checking the time, the current time is 5:45 PM.

…then only 15 minutes left?!

Those who came to their senses hurriedly ran through the golden palace.

“What kind of schedule is so tight… no harsh?!”


Beginning with skilled wizards, you will be provided with a private room in the Mage Tower. Excluding Hoyeol, who started from the top, it was Jessie Heinness, who became the first skilled wizard as a player.

Thanks to this, Jessie was able to have her own time until the memorial service for the tower was over without being disturbed by anyone. No, strictly speaking.

“So what do you think?”

Although I was not alone.


ssuk– like stroking a cat.

What Jesse was fixing was a cone-shaped hat.

said the tall hat.

– I was thinking that my son-in-law was poor.

in the voice of the top lord.

-My son who is worse than a dragon who can’t even die at will.

There was only one reason why the top owner was certain of death.

It was because the wizard had run out of mana, which could be called another life force, due to receiving the Dragon Breath several times. Because the exhaustion of mana was not enough, I was in a state of depletion and fell helplessly.

Forbidden magic.

In the end, it was the tower owner who had neither the energy nor the will to express spirit separation magic. Not like an arrogant wizard, he tried to meet his end with humility.


-I should have recognized him when he did something he didn’t even do.

this senior.

he appeared

It was good until it showed up.

Even if it wasn’t, I had something to say.

-…No, is it my fault for spitting out such a ‘will’?

It was clear that the will had fueled that temper. Chief Lee said that as he took off his jacket out of nowhere and wrapped his body covered in blood.

– “Your mission is not over yet.”

at the same time.

I felt warmth in my jacket, and suddenly I lost consciousness and looked back and it was now.

Although he could never return to his original body whose lifespan had expired. It meant that thanks to the unconscious expression of spirit separation magic, the spirit returned to the cone hat.

The feeling of looking at your own funeral from a cone hat?

-You always exceed my imagination Chief Lee.

It really wasn’t too complicated.

Even if he was recorded as the worst tower owner in the history of the Mage Tower, he had nothing to say. Still, I wanted to avoid the worst. I thought I had succeeded in restoring my last honor by sacrificing my life.

– How can you survive like this? I envy you, Senios.

Even if it’s not enough.

The one and only disciple.

He was still looking at him like a cat.

“Master, you’re not going through your bones anymore.”

-You are the same as this chief.

“Is that a compliment?”

-Please don’t resemble that brazenness.

Topju thought while looking at Jessie who was smiling.

My mission isn’t over yet…


How do you know my mission that even I don’t know? Chief Lee? In the first place, I’m not a wizard with a sense of responsibility enough to have a mission.

Top lord muttered.

-…If it’s a trivial wish, I don’t know.

It’s a matter of course.

There was no way that Chief Lee knew about his wishes that he had not told anyone. Maybe it’s just a coincidence So Topju just grumbled with an invisible smile on his face.

-As expected, you have a lot of sins, chief Lee.

“what. Master, did you just laugh?”

-Do I look like a madman laughing at my funeral?

“Ah lie. Your voice has changed a bit.”

– You learn more and more useless things.

no i will correct it

beyond sinful.

You are harsh.


It was harsh.

“You mean it was the wrong way?”

Lee Ho-yeol.

The price of walking the exact opposite path.

I couldn’t feel it coming from Liuojunchun.

His face, which had completely stopped eating and drinking, had turned white for a long time, and his eyes, which had been looking at the monitor and 『The Holy Grail of Cruel Contracts』 in turns, lost their focus and wandered.

“Wherever you go, it’s only your story.”

Liuojunchun murmured softly.

“…it deserves it.”

Extreme flame dragon Yunaxus.

Level 3500.

Information confirmed through update history.

Lee Ho-yeol overpowered such Yunaxus.

But Liuojunchun knew himself well. If he had been himself in the past, he would not have fully acknowledged the results no matter how many dragons Lee Ho-yeol hunted.

“If I were you, I would have killed you. If I can spread my greatness to the world, it is the duty of my servants to die for me, the monarch.”

It was Lee Ho-yeol, who was called the Dark Dark Dragon and reigned over the dragons.

If Lee Ho-yeol orders to die, then the dragon must die. If he had been himself in the past, he would have asserted that Lee Ho-yeol was playing a trick.



A sigh.

Through the Holy Grail of Cruel Contracts, he witnessed everything through the eyes of a member of the Unification Guild and a chess horse. Lee Ho-yeol’s wholehearted power that covered the Arcana continent.

Bullshit comes out of the monitor.

Lee Ho-yeol’s level estimate is at least in the thousands.

There is something that cannot be explained by levels.


already reached my peak as a player…

What is power?

No, Lee Ho-yeol’s power was not at all like that.

Knowing that fact, Liu Junchun’s heart did not break when Yunaxus fell. Through the dragon heart of Yunaxus, I will open the way to Arcana continent.

That remark broke Liuo Junchun.

“You’re going to waste your Dragon Heart like that?”

It was incomprehensible from the point of view of the tyrant.

“That huge loot is just…?”

Liuo Junchun knows. That Ho-yeol Lee already has a connector that allows him to enter the Arcana continent, and that there is a way to return to reality that is different from himself.

So I couldn’t even imagine.

“Are you going to waste it on those little things?”

Lee Ho-yeol.

Compared to his level, he intends to use it for beings less than worms. The shock was indescribable because he had not even expected it with his common sense.


Liuojunchun’s eyes turned to the seven connectors. In front of the portal to the Arcana continent, the connector was no longer worthless junk from the old era.

Liuojunchun murmured softly.

“…is it. Was my judgment wrong?”

It was the first acknowledgment.


no, it’s not an acknowledgment.

It was a form of submission that forced one to bow down in front of a strong man.

Liu Junchun bit his lip and continued.

“It was my fault for daring to go against you.”

After the final jealousy case of seven giants.

Himself and Lee Ho-yeol.

The motherland and the Republic of Korea completely lost their minds.

Now, even if he announces that he will join AAU belatedly after changing his face, Ho-yeol Lee, as long as Lee Ho-yeol keeps his eyes open.

‘The world will no longer be fooled by shallow tricks.’

that it is

“The Shining Coalition… When the scum that are inferior to them head to the Arcana continent as a group, am I just looking at that old thing…?”

I couldn’t even imagine the gap that would widen.

Far from catching up with Lee Ho-yeol, the player rankings changed through the Yunaxus Raid. That humiliating number of 3rd placed on him. It meant that it could become firm or fall into a far-off abyss.

“…that is unacceptable even if you die.”


Liuojunchun gnashed his teeth. Then I looked at the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail was still shining in the eyes of Yong Seong-rak, the sole survivor. Liuo Junchun chanted.

“Lee Ho-yeol, if just looking at you makes me despair.”

It’s okay if I don’t look at you.


Ryuo Junchun grabbed the Holy Grail.

The sensation of the eyeballs rolling at the bottom of the filled chalice was transmitted through my hands. But Liuojunchun didn’t care. He brought the Holy Grail to his lips.




Junchun Liu emptied the Holy Grail cleanly.

It was a declaration of sorts.

to yield to others.

I realized that it was more shameful than dying.

I won’t be crouching down anymore.

Blood-stained lips open.

“Prepare the operation of the connector. I will enter the continent.”


“Also call the five stars.”

“Oh, what if you say five stars?”

“The five stars of the supernova. It means to summon my true limbs.”


Garnet Hall.

“Chief Lee Ho-yeol Lee…?”

This is the face of Kiko Armin, a senior at the Enchantment Department, as if asking why he came to Garnet Hall without hesitation. What could be the other reason I’m here to make an offer.

“Is the schedule for tonight okay?”

“…yes yes? Me? My dinner schedule?!”


“Yes yes! I’m fine!”

The facial expressions of the skilled magicians of the Garnet Hall School of Enchantment are unusual.

You can guess why.

Didn’t it seem like a trick to anyone to see? Just a line?

‘But it can’t be.’

The culprit was, of course, because of the Grandfel style of speech that buys and causes misunderstandings. I brought it straight to the point in order to prevent misunderstandings from being mistaken and misunderstandings from becoming rumors.

“Can you go to the Arcana Continent with me, Kiko?”

“…Arcana Continent? How about this evening?”


It cannot be cured by modern medicine or magic.

Then shouldn’t we look for other combinations of [『Giggy』? Yes. I was thinking of finding a prosthetic leg to replace Harkon’s leg with the Dwarf’s technology and magic tower’s magic smelting.

‘On top of that, it’s a combination of both.’

Following [Dragon Heart], another legacy left by Yunaxus.

I had to ask for [Dragon Skin] to be smelted.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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