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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 349

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Chapter 349. From this side and from that side,


Kiko Armin, the senior in the Department of Enchantment, climbed the stairs of the magic tower. It seems that filling the magic tool subspace pocket is not enough. Both hands were not enough, so he had a full smelting tool in his arms.


There was a voice calling out to Kiko.

“Senior Kiko?”

“Hey… I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Well, who is it?”

A snoring sound.

I didn’t know who it was, but I was mischievous and didn’t raise my voice. Kiko whimpered and turned and twisted her head to look at the voice, but even that didn’t work.


Then, the view suddenly opens.

“I’ll take this as an apology for teasing you.”

As the load that was blocking his vision disappeared by half, lush green hair came into view instead. A bright color appeared on Kiko’s face.

“Senior Bellier!”

Senior Belier of the Healing School.

Kiko climbed the stairs of the Mage Tower with her. The reason for hurrying up the stairs was simple. Bellier and Kiko are tonight. Because I had to head to the Arcana continent right now.

“I was worried that I would fall, but thanks to that, I survived.”

It looks like you were in a hurry. Senior Kiko.

The tee, which was roughly wet with water and tidied up the hair, was clear.

Bellier gently suffocated Kiko’s spiky hair.

And then he spoke.

“I heard the news. You must have been out of your mind.”

“…Did rumors spread to the private room already?”

“Yes, of course, without distortion.”

“Eh. Anyway, skilled mages. I’m only good at chattering…!”

If it was a rumor, it would surely be referring to Chief Lee entering Garnet Hall and asking him about the dinner schedule without hesitation. Kiko was still dizzy. Even minor misunderstandings aside.

“You said you would enter the Arcana continent through Dragon Heart, but I thought it had nothing to do with me. But all of a sudden…!”

I never thought I would step on the land of the Arcana continent!

Will the Armin family be safe? My laboratory hidden in the family manor? How messed up is the Arcana continent? The magical tools left in the warehouse of the Antonium Empire…

Thanks to that, Kiko’s head was completely confused.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts.

Then he asked Bellier.

“Senior Bellier, are you okay?”

“You mean that?”

“Yeah, unlike me, you seem relaxed.”


Belle laughed lightly.

“I kind of had that in mind.”

From the moment Yunaxus collapsed, it was Bellier who expected that the day he would step on the Arcana Continent would soon come. Kiko’s eyes sparkled at Bellier’s meaningful answer.

“As expected, Senior Bellier…! Could you just give me a little hint? I already had one unnecessary misunderstanding at Garnet Hall, so I want to prepare my mind this time.”


the moment the words are finished.

The two reached the top floor of the Magic Tower.

Belle replied with a grin.

“I want to do that too, but wouldn’t it be better to listen directly to Chief Lee? Just in time, it seems like we all got together for the last time.”


Kiko poked her head out at Bellier’s words.

Indeed, on the top floor of the Mage Tower, those who were selected as the starting line were gathered.

Harkon sitting in a wheel chair-wheelchair-.

The four adventurers supporting Harkon.

Senior Matisse Bangrit.

Yugweed Elder Mage.


“Is everyone attending with this?”

Even Chief Lee Ho-yeol.


It’s been a long time since I rushed to get the magic tools…!

Aware of it, Kiko hurriedly joined the crowd.

Belly followed suit.

After confirming that appearance, Hoyeol opened his mouth.

“The reason I summoned you is simple.”

feeling of tension.

Nam Tae-min swallowed dry saliva.

At first, I thought he was just trying to keep his words.

However, unlike what you said, there was a difference in the number of people in the advance team.

Because the total number of people in the current advance party was only 10, half of twenty.

‘Maybe it’s not the time to be happy just because I was selected.’

Why did Ho-yeol make such a decision?

There must be a reason.

Indeed, if you look at it from a positive point of view, half of it goes.

Nam Tae-min’s prediction was correct.

“Because the paroxysm of the evil fruit is just starting.”

If it’s a malice seizure…

Yunaxus who swallowed the devil fruit.

Are you saying that the appearance of Yunaxus is just the beginning?


A look of astonishment appears on the faces of those who realized the meaning.

among the selectors.

Bellier was the only one who maintained his composure.

‘I was guessing.’

No Bellier was quietly burning his will.

Because she felt a great sense of responsibility at this moment.

purification from evil.

It was the first thing Chief Lee asked of himself.

But as you can see, he didn’t make it.

What was the result?

The Mage Tower lost its owner and Harkon lost a leg.

‘If only I hadn’t been lacking.’

Starting with the shadow mercenaries.

That time was wasted on treating the wounded, big and small.

I didn’t want to make excuses.

‘I’m sorry Chief Lee.’

Compared to Chief Lee’s hard work, it’s his job.

Because it was just what I had to do.

So Belle clenched her fists firmly.

“Also, unfortunately, my experience with Yunaxus won’t help much. Rather, it was because Yunaxus was desperately suppressing the seizure of the evil department.”


“With a sense of the heavy duty he shouldered.”

The five people who faced Yunaxus.

‘That’s what I was desperately suppressing…’

Hisagi Leoni Skal, a South Taemin, including Harkon, realized the gap anew. But their hearts were not easily broken. Because it was the same for this side as well.

“You can’t expect the same pride as Yunaxus from other dragons. It means that from this time on, not only the continent of Arcana, but also the reality where the Zero Mountains exist cannot be safe from dragons. In the first place, they are beings that freely cross dimensions.”


Only then did the squad realize.

Why is there only half the number of members of the advance party?

Because no one can be sure when and in which world evil dragons will appear.

It must have been to prevent the power from being biased towards one world.

Harkon nodded.

‘It’s a shrewd judgment that can be made in a wonder.’

However, one question still persisted.

‘…But why am I like this?’

He lost both legs and was able to move only with the help of others. Of course, there were equipment to compensate for the physical defects in the world of adventurers in the Arcana continent.

‘Even if I wear it and get used to it.’

Wasn’t he sentenced to not being able to roam the battlefield like before?

But Harkon didn’t bother to ask.

It was because of his faith in Ho-yeol.

‘Nevertheless, the Lord must have a meaning for everything.’

If this is useful for me too.

Harkon promised to follow suit.

Harkon’s faith was immediately answered.


A portal that appears on the top floor of the Mage Tower.

Beyond the darkness was the Arcana continent.

The advance team stepped toward the portal with a sense of tension.

It was only after I took the step that the thought came to me.

So where is your destination?

I vaguely thought it was the Arcana continent, but in fact, the continent was too wide even if it was wide. Will I wake up in Antonium, the capital of the empire that is starting to rebuild?

in its own way.

It was the moment everyone was thinking about.

A scene no one could have imagined unfolded before their eyes.


What the vanguard saw in their field of vision.

A panoramic view of the vast Arcana continent.

It was a view as if looking at it from afar.

“I’m not in a free fall from our sky, right?”

Including bangles.

A few of them, who were looking around in an old age, were startled.

Because I started hearing it in my ears.




The sound of machinery engaging.

kang! kang! kang!

the sound of metal striking.

It was.

It was the flying star Iron Castle that greeted the advance party.

Harkon let out a laugh.

“I only heard about it from the commander-in-chief…”

It was Harkon who heard the news of the empire through Hoyeol. Thanks to this, I immediately recognized that this place was inside the Dwarf’s Iron Castle, which was said to have provided considerable help to the Empire while anchored in Antonium.

But it’s still too early to be surprised.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Dark Dragon.”

Dwarves who greet the heat with respect.

Among them, one of the dwarves, who looked older, approached Harkon. He looked at Harkon’s lower body with a serious face and said, “It’s okay.”

“Tell me what you want.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“If you have any orders you want from me, Wallsweil, the best blacksmith in the Dwarves, you can tell me. I will make all your wishes come true wherever possible.”


Harkon finally understood the meaning.


Among those with legendary dexterity.

It was the sound of Wallsweil, who was called the best, offering to build new legs for himself. There must be no other reason why a dwarf who was blunt in his tone would show such great favor to himself when he was seeing him for the first time.

‘Could it be that I was selected for this…?’

It must have been what he asked for.

Harkon turned his head and looked at Hoyeol.

Hoyeol was no different from usual.

It’s a very natural thing.

As if they wouldn’t accept any thank you.

“According to the information I’ve collected so far…”

The Dwarves only received the news.

‘…It’s nothing else, and it shouldn’t interfere with the process.’

Harkon just bowed his head toward Hoyeol’s back.

Still, the feelings did not subside easily.

I had no choice but to express those overwhelming emotions.

Harkon’s eyes, which had disappeared from the miasma, flared up again.

“I want a bridge that won’t break.”

“It is easy. As for the minerals we use…”

“But I want a light bridge.”

“Well, that’s not a difficult order.”

“Finally, I want a bridge that transcends human limitations.”


“Only then will we be able to follow him.”

to pursue him.

Wallsweil looked at Ho-yeol and shook his head.

Even so, it won’t be easy.

“I know the feeling, but the limits of human beings…”

It was the moment when he blurted out his words.

“Hey, I think I might be able to help.”

Enchantment senior Kiko stepped in between the two.

Wallsweil’s gaze turned to Kiko.


It’s a family you don’t want to see.

The moment I thought about it inwardly.

His gaze shifted to the smelting tool Kiko was putting down.

“…Wait, aren’t these smelting tools? How can you, a wizard, carry something like this? You won’t be pounding a hammer in a place called the Magic Tower, right?”

“Ah, I’m sorry if you said that.”

“What? Then, do you know about the magic stone?”

magic stone.

They were Dwarves who were already using the magic stone in various ways, including the Iron Castle.

However, I couldn’t guarantee that the effect was brought out 100%. Dwarves weren’t very good at handling magic.

Kiko proudly replied.

“Magic stone is a very rare mineral on the continent, so I’ve only ever touched it crafted into a magic tool. Still, I am confident in dealing with it. It’s a stone with magic power, right? He’s the senior of the Mage Tower, so that’s enough.”

“Oh my. Look. Your dreams may come true.”


A situation where Harkon’s undeserved wishes may come true. It was no wonder that the disciples, who were more concerned about Harkon’s condition than anyone else, ran around.

But why?


Nam Tae-min Hisagi Leoni.

And Skaarl was speechless at this moment.

A sight that can be witnessed by a player who is not an Arcana.

It was because of the message that popped up the moment I entered the Arcana continent.

[It was one man who saved the Arcana continent from falling into despair. He breathed new hope into the Arcana Continent.]

‘The man’ who was said to have saved the Arcana Continent.

[The Arcana Continent sings its legend from now on. The cold wind that blows across the Arcana continent stops and the frozen ground melts and trembles with life force. : The amount of experience gained increases by 50%.]

A buff that came to mind thanks to that man.

Because the effect didn’t make sense.

From the days when Arcanagi was just a game until recently.

“What is this?”

It was Skal who did not miss the peak. They were three people who did not miss the top rank, if not to the extent of Scal. So, beyond shock, I have no choice but to come to astonishment.

“…Am I seeing it correctly?”

Even the 50 percent increase in experience gained was just the beginning.

[The Cosmic Elemental rejoices at the reversed entropy. Their playfulness greatly distorted the causality of the Arcana continent, but no one will blame them. : Item drop rate is increased by 50%.]

[The descendents of Twilight, a race of pure-blooded magicians, scatter purple magic on the Arcana continent. The concentration of magical power on the Arcana Continent increases. The beginning of the Tsushima era opens. : Magic expression power increases by 30%.]

[Weapon Master, the teacher of martial arts who disappeared suddenly, has returned. All weapons on the Arcana continent worship him and are eager to surpass him. : All weapon proficiency acquisition increases by 30%.]…

Constantly emerging.

Literally crazy buffs.

and to decorate the end.

Even a single message that turns speculation into certainty.

[All of this was the Dark Dragon’s arrangement.]

“…What kind of achievements have you made on the continent?”

Just dare to imagine it.

Giving goosebumps all over…


“It is not an achievement. You have written a new legend.”

It was enough to thrill.


The top floor of the Magic Tower.

Marcelo shrugged.

“Still, I’m a little disappointed, sir.”

It was Marcelo who knew the meaning of Ho-yeol better than anyone else.

It has to be.

Why didn’t only half of the advance party be selected?

Because it was Marcelo who heard the meaning.

Ho-yeol’s words still ring in my ears.

-“Because I can entrust my world to you.”

Also, what I know is correct.

Thanks to that voice, Marcelo faced Yunaxus.

I was able to shake off the concerns I had after seeing the long-haired Ho-yeol.

“If you think about the time difference…”

He will return to reality by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

However, as Sir said, you should not relax.

From now on.

They were evil dragons that wouldn’t be strange no matter where and when they showed up.


Marcelo looked at the top floor, where it was quiet.

It’s not too leisurely. There are no hairs flying in the air. There is no voice with a hint of laziness. Because the top lord no longer existed. I tried hard not to show it.

It wasn’t easy.

“You must have made a fuss.”

It wouldn’t have been strange if he complained all day asking why he didn’t take him to the continent. However, Marcelo’s reminiscence was cut off at that point.

A sudden feeling of popularity.

“Oh hello! Chief Marcelo!”

Jesse Heinness.

Because she came to the top floor.

Marcelo nodded lightly.

“Ms. Jessie. If you came to find Chief Lee…”

“No! It’s not that, there’s something I must tell the chief!”

“You have something to say to me?”

I wondered if it was Mary-sama’s words.

That was not it.

Jesse adjusted his cone hat and continued.

“About the will of your tower lord!”





mage tower.

The lobby was full of players.

The crowd also included explorer and NetTuber player Park Hwigang.

Park Hwigang whispered to the chat window.

“We don’t know when Arcana Continent will be added to the Mage Tower portal destination, but shouldn’t we be a few steps faster than others? For that, you have to go camping.”

-But the signal also explodes on the Arcana continent?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It looks like the broadcast will end ㅅㄱ

– It’s not that our Hwigang is struggling and can’t collect money ㅠㅠ

Park Hwigang waved his hand.

“Ah, since when did I earn well? And don’t you all know about integrity? It’s okay if I can’t collect money or broadcast anything. I just want to step on the Arcana continent. Why in the old days when Arcana was a game…!”

That’s when I started.

However, Park Hwi-gang’s memorabilia did not last long.

Players gathered at the Mage Tower.


Suddenly, a message appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

First of all, it wasn’t a message that the portal was open.

Because it was an unexpected quest message.

However, the quest name was unusual.

The content was even more serious.

Park Hwigang was reading the quest window.

His eyes widened and he stuttered.

“Everyone, super super breaking news…!! Ho Ho-yeol-nim…!!”




[Quest: Election for the next tower owner]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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