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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 355

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Chapter 355. It wasn’t a bad plan, but

the golem and the dark dragon clashed.


“Didn’t your body shake just now…?”

“It’s not because of my mood, it seems like I’m really shaking!”

“Those two are too strong!!”

Beyond the special structure of the sapphire hall.

The aftermath of the collision is transmitted to the audience as it is.

It wasn’t long before the players made a fuss.

The seniors of the Mage Tower noticed something unusual.

“Senior Bae Bangrit, what am I looking at wrong? Say something! Shouldn’t Bangrit, who has been to the Arcana Continent, know why the two of you are fighting so sincerely?”

Banshee grabbed Bangrit’s hem and asked.

“If you ask me, what am I…!”

But, of course, the bangles.

A senior wizard who stepped on the Arcana continent with him.

Everyone couldn’t understand the current situation.

Kiko, the head of the Department of Enchantment, murmurs incredulously.

“…If it’s Senior Bellier, maybe?”

Healing magic senior Bellier was busy researching a way to purify the evil fruit the dragon had swallowed and was unable to attend. But Marcelo shook his head.

‘If Bellier had known.’

He must have confided in himself in some way. It was because it was a conflict between Chief Lee and Elder Yugwid, not anyone else. Marcelo opened his mouth.

“Senior Bellier probably doesn’t know anything either.”

“Chief Marcelo, then what is that…?”


At the same time, another clash.

Banshee straightened up in shock and opened his mouth again.

From now on, it was not a fuss, but a calm understanding of the situation.

“According to the rules, magic manifestations of middle rank and higher are not prohibited in the sparring of proof, right? This is the magic tower. We know how dangerous each other’s magic is…!”

It was a magic tower where the best geniuses in the Arcana continent gathered.

Even if they exchange suitable magic with each other, they can be threatening enough to each other. You can tell just by looking at the records of the remaining demonstrations.

I opened the book held by senior psychedelic magician Nasrou.

“Right now, if you look at the record of the most recent fight between Senios and Karimzeba… It was recorded that Senios suffered a significant injury.”

So I couldn’t help but be more concerned.

At this moment, the golem manifested by Yugweed was amazing.

Because it was one of the highest level land magics.

‘If the opponent was an ordinary wizard…’

Bangrit shakes his head.

“…it must have been over with the first kick.”

It wasn’t that the sparring was over, it was that life might have ended. Fortunately, the opponent was Ho-yeol. A gigantic dark dragon that is not enough to counter the highest level of magic and is pressuring it.

Some of the seniors ask Fei Yan, senior in Elemental Magic.

“By the way, what is the identity of that dragon, Senior Fei Yan? Certainly, the only thing that can summon something like that is spirit magic, right? So what is the name of that dragon-like spirit? It must be the level of the spirit king, right?”

“Mum-mum. (Dori Dori)”

“…Does the bread go over even in this situation?”

“Mum-mum. (nod)”


“I’m not sure, but it’s definitely not spirit magic.”

Feiyan swallowed the bread with a tense expression and finished her answer.

Then, naturally, the interest of the seniors heading to Bangrit.

If it’s Senior Bangrit’s magic affinity…?

“Is that magic right in the first place, Senior Bangrit?”

“no. Because I don’t feel the magic.”

“What is it? Is that really?!”

Bangrit nodded.

“Whoa. Really.”

It was true. No matter how much I concentrated my senses and tried to feel it, I couldn’t feel any magical energy from that dark dragon. This time, the question goes to Marcelo.

“Sir, what the hell is going on?”

Marcelo couldn’t answer.

Because I was thinking about trying to come up with an answer about it in my head.

In fact, the given situation was quite simple.

‘There is something between the two of you that I don’t know about.’

For some reason, they are pushing each other fiercely beyond sparring. In the process, Elder Yugwid violated the strict rules of proof sparring.

‘It’s a very confusing situation for me.’

Was it a mistake to hastily hold the election for the next tower owner without asking Yugweed’s opinion? no. With Elder Yugwid’s personality, whether he asked for his opinion or not.

Couldn’t have escaped this situation.

‘It’s all top-notch magic.’

In the face of such top-level magic, too.

I have no choice.

There is no choice but to violate the sparring rules of proof…


Marcelo’s gaze suddenly caught on as he continued his thoughts.

Head to Banglet.

“Senior Bangrit, what did you just say?”

“yes? What do you mean…?”

“You said you couldn’t feel any magic power, right?”

“Yes yes! That’s right. Unless there’s something wrong with my magic affinity… That Dark Dragon isn’t magic that’s manifested with magic. Above all, just before the dark dragon spreads its wings and reveals itself. Chief Lee has rather reaped his mana!”


Marcelo listened to Bangrit’s detailed explanation.

His complexion suddenly began to lighten.

Yes, even if Yugweed-sama broke the rules.

He was still strictly following the rules.

“The only thing that is specified as a rule in the proof sparring is the restriction on the [magic] that is manifested. No wonder. There won’t be any magicians fighting over magic.”

Didn’t I tell you before?

The Magic Tower was a group where only wizards with exceptional talent gathered among wizards. It was common sense that only magicians could come and go in Dalian because it was a place where only magicians gathered.

It’s so natural that you don’t have to leave it as a discipline!

“That’s why there is no separate rule that requires only [magic] to be used in the proof sparring.”


“That’s right. The chief is still strictly following the rules.”

At those words, the senior mages let out a sigh of relief.

I don’t know what the circumstances were.

As long as Hoyeol strictly abides by the rules.

It seemed like I wouldn’t have to worry unnecessarily.

But doubts still lingered.

That question soon turned to astonishment.

Realizing that fact, Banshee stuttered.

“In that case, chief Lee uses Yugweed-sama’s highest-level magic. Are you overpowering it because it’s not enough to block it without manifesting magic? Oh my gosh…!!”


Elder Mage.

Their potential was something I had witnessed with my own two eyes.

Not one, but two.

Even through life-and-death struggles.

Senios and Karimzeba.

I compared the battle between the two elder mages to a half-god war.

Indeed, Yugweed’s magic, standing shoulder to shoulder with them, was never light.


The magical heart of a glowing golem. The brute force emanating from the vast amount of mana allowed the golem to move forward regardless of the wings of the Dark Dragon. Soon, fists were thrown out.


It’s more like an explosion, not collapsing or breaking. A large hole appears where the golem’s fist is directed, as if a meteor strike had landed on it.


Mulon Dark Dragon spreads its huge wings and soars into the sky.

Although the attack was easily dodged.

While flying in the sky, you can see the panoramic view of the Sapphire Hall at a glance.

It seemed that there was no need to worry about the impact of the collision leaking out. It seemed that the mysterious structure of the Magic Tower was also applied to the Sapphire Hall.

‘The battlefield has become vast.’

as if to prove that fact.


The golem bounces towards the sky.


Thanks to this, Yugweed’s eyes met immediately.

“Are you still relaxed, Chief Lee?”


Clearly, experience matters.

My experience at Mountain Zero allowed me to see the situation without having to turn my head. Is this the ankle grab that caused Yunaxus to fall?

Did he think that since he crashed Yunaxus, he could also crash the dark dragon? I’m sorry if that’s the case. Because the golem pulled down Yunaxus had no wings.

Besides, this dark dragon is thanks to the exact resemblance to ‘someone’.

‘Because I hate it extremely.’

I mean crushing the form.


Is it inelegant to brush your feet?

The dark dragon had Yugweed and the golem hanging from his ankles.

soar to higher skies

Yugweed’s panicked voice is heard.

“…How can you fly?”

How to fly…!

Look at these excessively huge wings that flutter.

You have to be good at flapping your wings to make ends meet.

‘If I had to add to that.’

[Legendary Dark Dragon Lee Ho-yeol] is at this moment.

It was resounding incessantly both in reality and on the Arcana continent. It means that it is not an exaggeration to say that it literally becomes stronger in real time whenever it manifests.

fast flight.

Even in the meantime, the neck that is not very upright.

Thanks to you, I looked down at Yugweed and said.

“Now no one can hear Yugweed.”


I’m going to be far away from my eyes and ears.

Now you need to hear the truth.

As you said.

I was guessing the reason why Yugwid broke the rules of proof.

That’s why I asked.

“Where are you planning to go after leaving the Magic Tower?”

Yugweed laughs at my question.

“Haha, the old man was looking down.”

to see clearly.

Anyway, the years we’ve seen.

How many relationships have you built up?

There is a saying that you know what’s inside the water, but you don’t know what’s inside people, and since I knew about the tempers of wizards through Senios, I couldn’t let go of my doubts until the end… but I don’t think Yugweed will ever show his true hostility towards me

. believed It’s hard to say that he only applied for a proof match because he coveted the position of the next tower owner.

‘We’ve been through so many storms, haven’t we?’

From the rebuilding of the Magic Tower.

Even the funeral of the head of Senios Tower.

Yugweed continues.

“If the tower lord saw this, what would he say? Well done? did you think you would lose? If that’s not the case, what kind of trick is that, Yugweed?”

…If the cat had a conscience, wouldn’t it be possible to say such a thing?

I think indifferently.

Yugweed whispered softly.

“If you have time, ask the head of the tower, Chief Lee.”

…What is it, did Yugwid guess the whereabouts of the Tower Master?

Well, more than Marcelo.

Because it was Yugweed who had seen the top lord for a long time.

‘I might have guessed.’

Yugweed shrugged.

“Isn’t Chief Marcelo rather naive in that respect? Maybe that’s why the tower lord still calls him the little chief. By the way, this is a nickname that Marcelo deliberately gives out because he is outraged.”

Shame on you.

No matter how much I followed the tower owner’s will, this time there wasn’t a lack of that aspect. Thanks to the little chief, I learned an unexpected nickname for Marcelo.

Soon, Yugweed got to the point.

“I believe that this chief knows. It is said that new wine must be put in new wineskins. It is a new era in which your world and the Arcana Continent are connected. An old-fashioned wizard like me? An elderly mage with only a facade? It sounds like nothing.”

It was also speculation.

“As this chief said, I was thinking of leaving the Mage Tower. In the midst of that, I stepped on the Arcana continent and witnessed the way I was going to go there. And when I returned to the Mage Tower… I found a way to exit in a fancy and appropriate way.”

It was not wrong.

It’s not enough that the elder mage and the chief mage, who are candidates for the next tower owner, are sparring, so it’s a way to get more attention than breaking the rules during the sparring… At least I couldn’t think of it in my head


Ugweed eventually canceled the release of magical power.

“Then, shall we come to an agreement that our battle ended with the victory of the Chief Lee after a fierce aerial battle? I’m sorry I made you go along with the old lady’s whims, Chief Lee.”

Ugweed raised an eyebrow and added.

“No, our next tower lord.”

at the same time.


The magic heart turns off and the golems begin to scatter.


The remains of the golem fell in all directions, creating a roar. In the meantime, Yugweed falls helplessly. Just by looking at that scene, you’d think I really beat up Yugweed.

Soon a message comes to mind.

[You have won the battle of proof.]

[Relationship with the Mage Tower has increased.]

[Influence in the Mage Tower has increased.]


I stood upright in the sapphire hall with both feet. At the end of the sparring, Yugweed, who had fallen in the center of the Sapphire Hall and returned to his original form, skillfully gets up.

“Such a rout, Chief Lee. Even though I broke the rules, I couldn’t reach you. What the heck is that giant dragon? Anyway, it was great. I was surprised in many ways. Seriously.”

You seem like a wizard who has achieved his insidious goal with his somewhat excited tone, Yugweed. Yes, that’s why I said that even if I know the inside of a person, I can’t guess the inside of a wizard.

‘It kills two birds with one stone, right?’

with his retirement.

By raising me up through the sparring of proof.

Both inside and outside the magic tower.

It was a ploy to have him selected as the next recognized tower owner.

Regardless of the feeling of betrayal I felt, however, I opened my mouth.

“Yugwid, you have violated the rules of strict proof. In addition, the manifestation of battle magic inside the Mage Tower is prohibited. As of this time.”

My words drew the attention of the crowd.

“Yugwid Lufeng, your elder mage status is deprived.”

The senior mages, including Marcelo, seemed to have guessed. He was still making an expression that he didn’t understand, but that meant he wasn’t surprised.

But players are different.


I thought as I looked at the wide-eyed pupils of the players.

I thought this would spur the legend again unintentionally.

“Yugweed Lufeng I will gladly accept that disposition.”

Yugweed lowered his head with a satisfied expression.

You thought this was the end of everything, Yugweed?

But it is a mistake.

You’re still overlooking me in Grandfel.

‘Why did I have to match the rhythm when I knew everything?”

It was because I also had a plan.

Before the shock that struck the sapphire hall was gone.

I then declared

“Also, I, the Dark Dragon.”


“I will express my gratitude in the next tower master election.”



He spits out charismatic twists and turns, everything is good.

I wonder if the title is ‘I, Dark Dark Dragon’…!!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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