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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 356

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Chapter 356. I can see everything,

I promise you, I won’t live up to my name.

‘There’s no need to spit it out!’

Of course, this must have been said thanks to faithfulness to the procedure.

Why the next tower owner candidate quest?

Looking at the contents, from the gentle giant to that bastard’s dark dragon.

Because all of them were running under two names.

‘It’s a relief that the full name didn’t come up, but…’

Even so, with my mouth.

Claiming to be the Dark Dragon was still painful.

Of course, my brazen face still maintains a poker face.

In order to handle the reactions that will pour from now on.

It was important not to lose your composure.

“…what did you just say?”

The next top owner candidate voluntarily resigned.

The sapphire hall that was excited by my declaration.

The atmosphere becomes even more tumultuous.

But if there is something different from before.


“Even if you hold on to Senior Banshi and shake him, I will do nothing…!!”

“Then what do you know, Bangrit?”

“Well, the result of Mr. Banshi’s next job application?”

“What is it? How could you…!”

Even though they were embarrassed, they must have been agitated by the executives of the Magic Tower, who had been trying hard to maintain their composure. Yugweed was no exception to that.

Ugweed spoke cautiously.

“Could it be that I raised the medicine and got angry, Chief Lee?”

I got a little nervous when they called me the next tower owner.

Whatever it is, is that the reason?

Do you still not know the world’s Grand Fel?

‘If only I could move according to my mood.’

I don’t know anything else, but Rayman Shen and the unification of the world are no longer people of this world? From the point of view of Lee Ho-yeol, who is not a saint, they are beings who have crossed the line by a long time.

But are you still alive?

What does that mean?

In all of Grandfel’s actions, there were no personal feelings.

“Mere emotions cannot move me.”

“Then why did you give thanks to the next tower master election…?”

“Because I witnessed a loophole in the rules of the Mage Tower.”



As others have said, for the pride of Grandfel to sway, his cause was of utmost importance.

It is not a match of proof that you can refuse if you want to refuse, and even if you are not interested in the next tower owner, it means that you cannot resign as a candidate at will.

That’s when Marcelo asked.

“Chief Lee Ho-yeol, I ask on behalf of the Magic Tower.”

I nodded.

‘Cancer is representative enough.’

A little while ago, Yugweed had been stripped of his position as an elder mage. So, at this point, the ones holding the highest positions in the Mage Tower were Marcelo and I, co-chief co-chiefs.

“I will formally question what loophole you witnessed.”

Hung Sung Hung—

From the elder mage to the co-chief. Wouldn’t I be seen as a hot potato troublemaker in the eyes of those who watch the incidents and accidents never cease?


I was the one who saw through Yugweed’s intentions.

There was no way he could not understand Marcelo’s intentions.

‘You’re laying the plate for me, Marcelo.’

So I couldn’t panic, but I didn’t panic.

The sapphire hall as if it were a pulpit.

He walked leisurely and opened his mouth.

“Do you guys remember the battle between me and Yugweed?”

It looks like you understood my intentions.

The Sapphire Hall turned into a battlefield again.

At that point, I looked at Yugweed.

“The magic that Yugwid manifested in the proof sparring was the highest level of magic, and its power was enough to vaporize several cities large and small. After that, the storm must have passed on to you as well.”

Yugweed shrugged.

It was a premeditated action, so it’s only natural that you don’t make excuses.

I had no intention of criticizing Ugweed like that.

“The act of manifesting the highest level of magic inside the Mage Tower cannot be tolerated regardless of its purpose. Even if it was in the middle of the proof that he risked his everything, it means that there can be no exceptions to the disposition.”

Yugweed shakes his head as if empathizing.

Marcelo, who had been listening to him.

The audience in the Sapphire Hall also seemed to have nothing to say.

I’m in silence


I stopped walking and stretched out my hand.

“Then it is reasonable for you to have questions. How was I able to receive the highest level of magic expressed by Yugweed without breaking the rules?”


With her outstretched hand, she picked up the ear iron from her waistband.


Among them, the players are buzzing.

“…Crazy, that was swordsmanship?!”

“It’s not just swordsmanship, that’s it, Ego Sword!”

“Is it possible for the Ego Sword to transform into a dragon?!”

“You idiots are just giving an example.”

The last sentence is correct.

‘I’d like to put a compliment sticker on it.’

In fact, for an intuitive explanation, it was easiest to activate [Legendary Black Dragon Lee Ho-yeol] again. However, if [Legendary], which has tremendous effects, can be used at any time, there will be no balance destruction.

[Legendary ‘Dark Dragon Lee Ho-yeol’: 5 hours and 50 minutes] It’s

because of the cooldown.

Therefore, it means that there is no choice but to give an example instead of the legendary Gwicheolro.

I had such an inescapable mind.

I calmly raised my ear iron.

“That’s because I didn’t use magic.”


I raised my ear iron.

-Master, am I cutting the magic itself today?

It’s not like that, so don’t get me wrong.

‘This is more like a lecture than a battle.’


As the demon with moderately controlled destructive power was swung, a sharp yet hollow sword wound appeared on the battlefield. As late as lightning flashes and thunder roars.

Kwa kwa kwa deuk—!

A roar filled the Sapphire Hall.

Again, a buzzing sound is heard.

This time, not from the player, but from the Mage Tower side.

“That’s why… You overpowered Yugweed’s highest level of magic with a non-magic method, right? Does that make sense, Jibril o…!”

“You are looking at me because of you. Shut up, Lynne.”


I didn’t mean to brag about myself.

‘This guy’s attitude is the problem. posture.’

Thanks to the upright posture, there is no sense that it looks like self-praise.

However, this attitude is not a day or two.

It was not a place where anyone would point out that he was arrogant.

“As you all know, the Mage Tower is extremely closed. It means that no outside influence was allowed in this golden pagoda built by magic. Was it a benefit or a loss? I won’t judge. However, there was an obvious loophole in the sparring rules of proof.”

Marcelo added to my comment.

“That’s right. According to the rules, it is strictly forbidden to manifest middle-level or higher magic in proof sparring… but there is no specific information about other means and methods other than magic.”

From now on, the Mage Tower is completely open.

I will slowly start loosening the bolts.

Players will gradually learn about the rules of the Mage Tower.

In that sense, 『Dalian of Proof』 was dangerous.

Considering the pride of wizards, it would be easy for them to fall prey to players’ provocations. What if a player with impure intentions uses a loophole in the rules to make a cowardly move?

‘It’s about dealing with a mage who is forbidden to manifest magic above the middle level. It would be a piece of cake for the players if there were no restrictions on means and methods.’

It meant that they could be defeated in Dalian.

‘Society isn’t so full of dreams and hopes.’

the flower garden itself.

I don’t know what Grandfel thinks, but as a member of society, I knew. Players who see the Mage Tower’s favor as a right, or more than that, and use it?

To be honest, it will overflow.

to such people.

How does the magic tower become a mess?

“Therefore, as chief, I will formally propose.”

As the head of the Magic Tower, he couldn’t watch it.

“May the Mage Tower establish new rules befitting the new era.”

At that moment, my eyes flashed.

[Quest: Reconstruction of the Magic Tower]

The reality of the contradiction that existed in the Wizard’s Tower.

Now, even the purpose of the Mage Tower, the pursuit of truth, has become impure.

Build the magic tower right from its foundation.

A message that one step has been taken towards the complete reconstruction of the Mage Tower.

‘by the way.’

The time when he became co-chief of the Mage Tower with Marcelo Parachute.

The memory of losing sleep for several days because I was only trying to fully understand the rules of the Mage Tower came to mind. The books with only the rules were more extensive than most complete collections.

‘When am I going to rebuild it?’

It’s obvious, but I had no intention of taking on such a burdensome task for me. There was no more leeway. So, at that point, I brought it up again.

“So in a moral sense.”

Even if no one explained it, looking back at the pagoda owner’s work, he could understand it.

Revising the rules of the Magic Tower is something that only the tower owner can lead. In other words, it meant that revising the rules of the Mage Tower would be the role of the next tower owner.

“I will step down as the next top owner candidate.”

That was the reason I expressed my appreciation as the top owner candidate, even citing moral intentions…! Still, at times like this, Grandfel is strict and you benefit from strict discipline.

I don’t know anything else, but I’m dealing with discipline.

As much as Grandfell’s temperament head, the magic tower.

Players should know better.

“…but is that enough to resign?”

Even if there are some people who couldn’t figure out the situation.

“If you admit victory, you will win by using the wrong method, but Lee Ho-yeol of the world will admit it well. Can’t you see that I’ve lived without a single bit of shame?”

“As expected, everything was sparring to show the contradiction!”

“Well, there wasn’t really any reason to fight each other, right…?”

He immediately dismissed the question.


I put the noble iron into the scabbard around that point.

The scenery of the Sapphire Hall being restored again.

Ugweed whispers to me like that.

“Really, this old man is at the tip of his head, this chief.”

In the end, he burst out laughing and spoke.

“Then, I guess I should edit this last greeting. I believe that he will continue to do well as he is now. If you don’t believe in you, no one will believe in you. In addition…”

Yugwid’s gaze turned to Marcelo, who seemed to be less aware of the situation.

“Please take good care of our next little Tower Lord, who is innocent but exceptional in his abilities. With your help, Marcelo will be able to fulfill the role of tower owner.”

Yugwid was disqualified as an elder mage for violating the rules.

Of course, there was a reason for disqualification in the qualification of the next top owner candidate.

In addition to that, I morally withdrew from the candidacy.

Among the candidates for the next Top Master, the only option left is Marcelo.

It meant that Marcelo would naturally become the next tower owner.

I thought only me and Yugweed noticed that fact.

Thanks to someone, everyone in the seat soon realized.

“…wait for a sec!”

Suddenly, a gruff voice came from the audience.

“Then, isn’t that the only candidate left for the next tower owner, Marcelo? Yes I knew it would be like this! The intuition of Rock Kid, the god of gambling in the Colosseum, is not yet dead!!”

Thanks to Rockkid, who was only thinking about gambling all day.

Of course, Rockkid’s jubilant uproar did not last long either.

Who am I?

As you said.

A knife-like discipline keeper.

“Shadow mercenary rock kid.”


At my call, Rock Kid jumps right into his seat.

At this point, you don’t need to say anything, right?

I quietly put my finger to my mouth.



Even if you write a new rule.

Basic etiquette won’t change.


Unification Chongqing Branch.


The man clicked his tongue at the beeping sound that continued without a promise.

“What are you doing at such an important time?”

The General Assembly was just around the corner.

I couldn’t get in touch with the Tianjin branch manager, who had to get along with each other.

At first, I thought Tianjin was going to hit the back of the head.

But no matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason to do so.

“Aren’t we the ones who came together for the sake of our lord?”

even if it was excessive.

There was no change in the fact that it was an act born out of loyalty to the lord. Even if you tell the truth, the lord will punish the informer more severely.

Everyone in the unification of the world knew about it because they had been watching it.


“Then why didn’t you accept it?”

I tried to contact the Tianjin branch as well, wondering if they were avoiding their own phone calls.

There was no one to contact from the executives to the bottom.

It’s like…

“Did it go up into the sky or go down to the ground?”

If it’s not both…

“Did you get caught in a rift unluckily?”

Just in case, he was the man who confirmed the observation of the rift. However, there was no sound that a rift had been created in Tianjin, neither in the homeland, nor in the update history, nor in AAU’s notice.

If so, another possibility that comes to mind.


Shaking my head.

It is not an exaggeration to say that all sides are enemies, although it is the unification of the world.

No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t make sense.

It was not the Zero Mountains, it was Tianjin.

“As long as it doesn’t go crazy.”

Who dares to attack the headquarters of the unification of the world?

“I must have sharpened my nerves too.”

thinking about useless things

The General Assembly for the Unification of the World hadn’t been in a long time.

Because I know the weight of the agenda coming and going at the General Assembly.

It’s obvious that you’re already on edge.


Now it was the moment when the beeps were getting louder.


Suddenly the door opened.

Did the secretary come with the news?

The man asked without paying attention.

“Did you get a reply from the Tianjin branch?”

But there was no answer.

When I turned around, no one was there.

It was only then that the man noticed something unusual.



At the same time, muddy footsteps in the hallway were getting closer.

Eventually, the main characters of the spirit reveal themselves.

Kinber calmly canceled [Stealth].


Elsidore spat dryly.

“Not in Guangzhou, not in Tianjin, not in Beijing.”

“…Tianjin? and Guangzhou Beijing?!”

“The Five Stars of a Supernova.”

It wasn’t a threat, it was just words.

“Where did you hide your intelligence?”

The man’s eyes flashed.

[The abnormal state ‘fear’ occurs.]




Unification of the World Guangzhou Tianjin Beijing.

And the capture of the Chongqing branch.

Elsidore and Kinber’s landing in China.

It happened in just 30 minutes.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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