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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 358

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Chapter 358. Do flowers bloom even on abandoned land? (1)

It is not a cubic crystal.

I really said it from the heart.

Second grader at that age.

‘You’re really amazing too.’

Junchun Ryu.

the child.

I should have recognized him every time he called himself Bonjwa…!

At any rate, it seemed that he had started decorating again.

‘What’s going on in this mess?!’

This is why history is important.

Thanks to that, I was able to guess what the unification of the world was aiming for and committed the act of ‘establishing a nation’ with just a few lines of message. In a word, the unification of the world would be a plan to pay for the name.

The present continent of Arcana was no different from a seething furnace. Starting with the empire that started rebuilding, the countless forces that came out of the ill omen are budding each other.

To put it simply, the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.

What is the Arcana Continent for Liu Junchun, who finished his advanced job advancement with [Tyrant] because the [Monarch] class was not enough? There might not really be any fish released in the sea.

‘I watched the continent through Yongseongrak and made my judgment.’

Anyway, it’s a problem to know favor as a right.

I’m not opening a portal to the Arcana continent to please you guys. Of course, Ryuo Junchun will not be able to return to reality from the Arcana Continent in the normal way.

The access device he had would be like a one-way train, but he couldn’t use the magic tower’s portal. Ryuo Junchun was one of the few people who let Grandfel’s patience explode.

‘Do you think I’ll wait and see if I use the magic tower portal?’

Cold words flowed from my mouth.

“It’s not something you can win by copying it.”

…Wait, Grandfel.

‘Are you mad about that?’

4 families and 5 earls.

It definitely smelled similar.

Above all, Junchun Ryu must have known the existence of the four families because he watched through Yong Seongrak’s eyes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m 5 earls, so I’m conscious of my 4 families, so I made it 5, one more than 4.


‘Please don’t have a weird competitive spirit, Grandfel.’

It’s a dark history over there, and we’re proud of it, right?

However, my appeal is colorless.

To Ryuo Junchun, who is no different from the devil.

It was the pride of Grandfel that could not help but be harsh.

“But don’t think about messing around on the Arcana continent.”

Disposition soon fell.

“Highel Diend. Respond to the call.”

“I have responded to the call of Master Hayel.”

“I have responded to the call of the Lord of Diend.”

Highel bowing her head in front of me and Diend wrapped in darkness.

How is it that the same way of speaking and actions go hand in hand?

The taste was bitter because it seemed like they had stained each other, but…

I gave orders to my faithful right and left arms.

“It is time to imprint who the true owner of the continent is to those who are arrogant. Don’t let them get anything without my permission.”

The pride of Grandfel, of course.

From the point of view of me, Lee Ho-yeol, it was a very natural action. It was welcomed with open arms that the Crusade Allies became stronger through the buffs active on the Arcana Continent.

‘Because unification of the world is clearly a hostile force.’

In particular, Ryuo Junchun said how pretty his son was.

Would you like to be able to enjoy the buffs I sowed while struggling?

In that respect, it was the first time in a while that I could communicate with Grandfel.

Through [Understanding the Curse of Darkness].

Maybe it was thanks to knowing about 10% of Grandfel’s past.

I couldn’t figure out why.

‘…Should I be happy or sad?’

Whether they realized their pride or were stained with dark history.

Anyway, it was all up to you to think about.

And to be immersed in such philosophical troubles.

The weight of the burden I was carrying right now was quite daunting.

“I will follow the will of Lord Highel.”

“Dend will obey your lord’s command.”

After Hyel and Diend returned to the Arcana continent, I immersed myself in my work again. Yes. Fusing a dragon heart into a portal is not like granting a wish to an ancestor for free.

『Exploration Interference Manifestation』

I alternately engraved the structure of the mage tower portal and dragon heart in my head. Because the only person who can understand and handle the dragon’s heart, which is the existence of [『Giggy』], is the only one who has entered the realm of strangeness as well.

I was engrossed in my work and suddenly chanted.

“I will also include the crime of obstruction of business execution in the disposition.”

…One thing is for sure, I think you’re worse than me in the aftermath. Grand Fel.


Hearing the news of the unification of the world.

It was evening after the afternoon work.

It wasn’t that Hiel or Diend returned with news.

Golden Palace of Yusra Kingdom.

Thanks to that, I was browsing the odds—surfing the Internet—as usual before the Temple Allied Conference. Because I was just getting the breaking news that was emerging in real time faster than anyone else.

[Breaking News] The unification of the world…?

[Breaking News] Lost contact with key branches of Unification

[Breaking News] Ryuo Junchun’s whereabouts are unknown… Cheonha Unification Executive 曰 “I don’t remember anything…. I won’t comment on Ryuo Junchun.”

But what about destruction?

‘The front and back don’t match?’

It is the unification of the world that widely publicized their improved work to the world through the founding message. I thought the media must have something to say about him….

How come there are no articles, comments, or community posts?

The reason was unknown.

However, the founding of the unified nation was a major event that could move the heavy pride of Grandfel. In particular, if the message came to mind, the player community should have heated


… But no deaths???

-Wow, that



If it was me in the past, I would have been holding my head and struggling alone from now on.

Even in order to see through what kind of tricks are contained in the founding and destruction of a nation.

But not anymore.

“Unification of the world has disappeared.”

Our crusader allies are overflowing with reliable people who can be trusted in situations like this. In particular, there are players who know more about Ryuo Junchun than me, right?

“I will ask what you think.”

The guild masters of Gaon and Inazuma, respectively.

Nam Tae-min and Hisagi.

Hisagi was the first to answer my question.

“We don’t know if the rumors are true until we identify his body. Even before the cataclysm, Liuo Junchun was a thorough-going man, with rumors circulating that he did not trust anyone.”

Taemin Nam nodded vigorously at Hisagi’s words.

I wondered what was going on between the two of them.

It must be that Ryuo Junchun is a being that he is tired of.

“In fact, considering its despicable nature, I wonder if it is a self-made play of the unification of the world that has become such a mess. At first glance, it looks like Ryuo Junchun has suffered from an attack or escaped, but…”

Nam Tae-min continues as if he is really curious.

“Who in the world could do something like that? If it’s the Zero Mountains, I don’t know, but if I invade China, which is no different from the home of the unification of the world. Wiping out the unification of the world without leaving any evidence.”

Harkon looked at the wounded and murmured softly.

“Certainly, swordsmanship at this level is not common.”

The expression on his face is so meaningful…

‘How come he seems to be able to guess who did it?’

With Lee Ho-yeol’s feelings, I wanted to ask Harkon right away. I wondered if there must be a reason for Harkon to spare his words, not to anyone else.

‘Let’s ask about that when the two of us are together.’

Besides, I have to get to the main point now.

In the first place, a topic about Ryuo Junchun and the unification of the world?

It wasn’t an issue worth discussing at the Allied Crusade meeting. To Grandfel, Junchun Ryu was no different from a demon, so he was an existence worth thinking about.

Yes, the core of the situation was different.

“It is good to begin.”

“Yes yes! Commander-in-Chief!”

Glasses that climb up with my permission.

Nam Cheol-min is in a hurry.

Open the laptop and float a hologram in the air.

“As you know, China is the only country in the world that has not signed the AAU Convention! The power of the super-giant guild called unification of the world and the introduction of active modernization. Thanks to this, we have been able to resolve the cracks that have been created inside China on our own.”

A view from the Zero Mountains.

It wasn’t a connection that could have been possible just by matching the sum once or twice.

Of course, more than actively borrowing the power of modern firearms.

Players of Unification of the World would not have been able to acquire the full experience.


‘Because it was only for one person.’

Junchun Ryu.

It wouldn’t have been a trivial matter to him.

Because he was the one who even handed over the guild members as sacrifices to the evil.

The growth of guild members and home country players.

He couldn’t have cared at all, could he?

The festering inside cannot be easily healed.

‘Rather, it explodes easily in this situation.’


the keyboard.

When you hit the keyboard, an estimate floats above the hologram.

“At least 200 million. An estimated 200 million people will die if left unattended to create a rift in China over the next month. In addition, if an undead monster with the ability to expand its powers appears…”


the graph soared toward the ceiling.

Beyond 300 million, towards 400 million 500 million.

‘You must have guessed. That the end would be like this.’

I was the one who witnessed the founding message.

It means you know that this is also part of their plan.

I couldn’t come out even if I had to say good things.

It’s really disappointing to the end. Junchun Ryu.

I muttered.

“Even the place you stay in has to be beautiful.”

…that’s not wrong.

All of a sudden, he recites a phrase stuck in the restroom at a rest stop on the highway, Grandfel…! Fortunately, there are only three Koreans here, Nam Tae-min and Nam Chul-min.

Taking advantage of Nam Tae-min’s tilting his head, I continued.

“You are a servile and irresponsible exit.”

To think that he would throw away billions of people and disappear irresponsibly while claiming that he was the head of state. At this point, it is safe to say that he has surpassed Rayman Shen. Liu Junchun.

‘It’s pathetic.’

Talim, leader of the Holy Knights of the Goddess Church.

He stared at the map floating on the hologram and opened his mouth.

“On a map, China appears to be connected by land to most countries. If the rift collapses, not only China but also neighboring countries will suffer enormous damage.”

Let’s get to the real issue here.

China was the only country not a signatory to the AAU Convention. Rather, it used it in reverse to gain a diplomatic advantage over the world. Of course, it was a diplomatic advantage because I liked talking.

‘Because it was actually the tone of saying that I’m hungry.’

That China, which was like that, would collapse due to the collapse of the unification of the world.

was clearly visible.

In such a situation, how will the entire world of AAU react?

I could tell just by looking at the public reaction.

-Failed or not, are you my alpha?

-So who wants to shoot at monsters? Hahaha -Even

if they cry, the lost experience won’t come back~

-Even if they weren’t just trolls, I’d have seen the arcana ending ㅅㄱ -It

‘s obvious

that we should block the borders first .

I, a single player.

We do not know the emotional trough between countries.

However, we do know that many countries have suffered from China’s actions. Because it was the AAU that strongly condemned the atrocities of unification that brought an aircraft carrier even during the Zero Mountains.

But, as Talim said, a rift is catastrophic.

Because you don’t know what the consequences will be.

AAU will have no choice but to support China at the right time.

But in the process, China will be asked to pay a huge price.

‘Whether it was a reward or whatever.’

I could understand

‘Because that’s real politics.’

But could Grandfel be able to tolerate it?

Now that I know that hundreds of millions of lives are at stake.

There was no way the pride of Grandfel, who did not weigh things, could not stand still.

And the temperament of Grandfel.

at least this place.

If you’re a member of the Crusade Alliance, you’ll be familiar with it.

So I didn’t have to tell you.

Eventually, a new hologram emerges.

“I designed the Chinese relief operation accordingly!”

All of the allied forces in the temple focused on Nam Chul-min’s words.

It’s comforting to see that.

It seemed like I wasn’t alone in feeling proud.

Then Harkon suddenly opened his mouth.

“Cheol-min. Could you withhold the explanation for a moment?”

“…yes? Oh, I will.”

“Thank you.”

He spoke meaningfully to me.

“I have something to tell you, Commander-in-Chief.”

“What is the story about, Harkon?”

“This is a story about the ‘right person’ in this situation.”

…the right person?

Indeed, it is Harkon, the leader of the Lion Heart Knights.

After all, was there anyone who guessed?


Classy flower garden.

Elsidore took care of the flowers leisurely.

I didn’t know what kind of flower the cheeky man had planted.

Is it because this body touches me?


arrogant laughter.

“At this level, it is no less than Sisley’s flower.”

However, Elsidore’s self-praise did not last long.

Elves’ developed hearing.

Because there was a sound that came out thanks to you.


there was a stabbing bar.


Elsidore played calmness. Kinber Garbage said that no one could guess about their whereabouts. The exact reason was unknown, but it was because there was no evidence left.

However, Elsidore was not brazen like anyone else.

A cool voice echoed from behind.

When I turned around, there was Ho-yeol caressing the flower.

in the words that follow soon.


Elsidore dropped the trowel.

“It looks like you’ve pulled out the weeds, Elsidore.”


As expected, this man sees through everything…!!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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