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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 39

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Episode 39. Performance test (2)

Twenty Mage Tower senior mages.

They are mages representing each school.

Of course, they didn’t get along very well with each other.

Aren’t they already proud wizards?

That alone is reason enough.

The Senior Mage competed for the position of Chief Mage.

The chief mage of the Mage Tower.

that’s only in one generation.

Because it was a position that only a wizard who reached the pinnacle could occupy.

In that sense, the senior wizards of the current generation were quite good friends.

All thanks to Public Enemy Chief Mage Marcelo.

“Tsk. I knew I would have an accident someday.”

“Because I’m stuck in the lab all the time, my senses have become dull.”

“Wasn’t it nonsense in the first place?”

Crystal Hall.

Twenty senior wizards were gathered in the space where the regular conference was held.

The reason they were chatting while hiding their true intentions was simple.

“Joint research with adventurers. what is this?”

Marcelo’s decision.

to address that misjudgment.

It was to remove Marcelo from the position of chief and make the position vacant.

The possibilities for realization were plentiful.

Above all, you are an adventurer.

“Whoops. I don’t think there was such a place to turn to?”

The days when Arcana was just a game.

That is, before worldview interference occurs.

Adventurers were unknown.

Because they had the power of immortality to revive even if they died.

However, in this world of adventurers, they no longer had the ability to immortality.

Even the only possibility was gone.

“Even if there was an incident like that at the regular conference. You still don’t know the truth, do you?”

“you’re right. I don’t know if the study of catching floating clouds was accidentally caught by an adventurer who was struggling with his arms!”

“Above all, this is unbelievable. Being an adventurer and understanding magic.”

Velier Yusia, the senior wizard of the Healing School.

She was silent.

Crystal Hall.

Even though there was no wind blowing in that special space.

Parr –


Her loose light green curls quivered.

Bellier was barely holding back the laughter that was about to burst out.

‘Oh that’s funny. Do they really want to do that?’

It was not an impression of the adventurer Lee Ho-yeol.

Because Bellie didn’t trust Ho-yeol yet either.

But in the case of Marcelo, the story is different.

Marcelo, the founder of theoretical magic.

He did not discriminate between magic and schools.

Even magic that has been handed down outside of the Mage Tower.

Marcelo founded the theory of magic that could organize the vast amount of magic into a theory.

Thanks to that great achievement, Marcelo became a senior wizard, and not only that, he immediately took the position of chief.

‘If I talk about it for 100 days, will that achievement be damaged?’

No matter how coveted the position of chief is.

In fact, they themselves will know.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t take Marcelo’s place by normal means.

That’s why I’m risking my life this time.

Bellier, ridiculed, looked around.

‘…More than anyone else, of course.’

Black Mage School Matisse Dean Carr.

That guy must be grinding his teeth the most.

It was Matisse who raised black magic, which had been treated as a sapper, to its current position.

Even if Marcelo hadn’t appeared like a comet, the current head mage of the mage tower would have been Matisse.

‘What is it? If only if.’

Belle shrugged lightly.

It’s about time.

A loud chatter was heard.

“Doesn’t it seem like it would be difficult to enter this on time?”

Yes, as they say, credentialing has already begun.

Joint research with the chief mage.

As much as being treated like a senior wizard.

Rigorous credentials for him are bound to follow.

Honestly on the subject of adventurers.

I didn’t expect to pass the credential.

‘They’re grinding their teeth like this.’

I could tell just by looking at that tightly closed door.

Sealing magic of different series manifested in triple.

That was enough to make even Bellier stick out his tongue.

‘I wonder if it’s Marcelo.’

It will take quite a bit of time for even the most senior wizards, including myself, to break the seal.

In that sense, certification was a failure, and the result was already obvious.

Why is there not much time left for the appointment…



It was then.

The first seal was lifted.

No, the sound did not stop there.



sound in succession.

In an instant, the triple sealing magic was released.

The three senior wizards, who were the manifestors of magic, were astonished.

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“…Did you destroy that so quickly?”

“…Maybe Marcelo. Is it Marcelo?”

door open.

But Marcelo was not there.

A single shadow in the backlight standing alone.

At that moment, a memory popped into Bellier’s head.

‘…no way?’

That’s a skilled magician from the School of Healing.

Claire’s story.

-Over there, senior mage in Bellier. If the. really if If there was someone who would talk to me without an invitation… that would mean that he saw through the tower lord’s hallucination magic, right?

Claire is not a kid who talks nonsense.

So Belle asked.

Why did such a person exist?

– With that silver hair… Oh no! It was a mistake.

I didn’t finish talking.

That child Claire must have said that.

Another angle—

a man who soon appears in the backlight.

Bellier’s pupils widened.


His hair was obviously silver.




Crystal Hall.

This is where regular conferences were held.

I didn’t expect to find it again so quickly.

That’s just to prove my abilities.

I looked around at the faces of those gathered.

As written in the quest, twenty people.

Are you really a senior mage?

The atmosphere emanating from each one is ghastly.

If you compare only the feeling of intimidation…

‘Everyone is definitely higher than Harkon.’

Harkon’s level is 600.

So what level are these wizards?

I suddenly realized the level of the mage tower.


Again –

like it or not.

As if enjoying the gaze, I moved towards the center of the crystal hall.

Then he opened his mouth.

“Someone seems to have played a trick on the door.”

Like it’s very unpleasant.

The cause of this discomfort is clear.

I want to get off work like crazy right now…!

Society Yusura Island The crystal hall where the society was held again.

I did close my eyes for a while in the lab.

Because there was no way to relieve the fatigue of the overworked body.

In the midst of that, it was a quest that came to mind.

No matter how familiar I am with proofs.

Isn’t this a very informal schedule?

What do you mean there are no labor laws in the Mage Tower?

“I am not idle enough to be worthy of your pranks.”

Working overtime is boring…!

Was my dissatisfaction conveyed?

Some of them showed signs of startling.

I looked at them and spoke.

“If only I had wasted my time with this kind of prank.”

I mean I want to go home

“I will formally ask for responsibility for that.”

I mean, I want to pour hot water on it.


to my words.

There were three people who responded exceptionally well.

Why don’t you even think about that?

The quest window flickered.

─Prove your ability. (In progress)

Convince the majority of senior mages. (3/20)

And the answer came.

“…We will withdraw our objection to Chief Mage Marcelo’s decision. It means that the qualifications for joint research with adventurer Lee Ho-yeol will also be acknowledged.”

I took it for granted.

Yes, you should have come out like that.


[Someone has uncovered the secret of the Yusra Islands.]

[The ancient kingdom of Yusra appears.]

Who is the ‘someone’ who made a mark in Arcana’s history?

There was no such thing as gossip in the media.

Rather, there is no need to take responsibility because nothing has been revealed.

It was something you could say anything about.

for ratings.

as stimulating as possible.

“As expected, I think it’s Skal.”

“Are you talking about the number 1 player ranking Scal?”

“Is Nescal a great man who would be content with just one treasure on the island? It would be pretending not to know even after catching the giant evil so as not to break the concept of mysticism.”

After all, there is only Skal.

There were many who thought so.

However, there was a major blind spot in that argument.

“If Yassy Skal had defeated her, her level would have risen.”

It was.

The current level of Skal is 406.

The increase was too small to say that he had defeated the Seven Deadly Sins of Greed, which reached level 650.

If so, another possibility that comes to mind.

“I think there are only Knights of the Lionheart after all?”

That was the most likely option.

Moreover, in the case of Ryan Hart, there were eyewitnesses.

“It was like a flash of light? Just destroying the skeleton and moving forward!”

650 levels.

A monster with a level of shame that no player can compete with.

However, if it was the Knights of the Lion Heart, which were called the strongest in the empire, it would have been unknown.

Besides, they had helpers.

“Gaon and Berserker. Lastly, Ho-yeol Lee. Wouldn’t it be worth rubbing with that much power? Assuming that Harkon put all his energy into it.”

End of speculation and discussion.

Public opinion was getting narrower.

The Lionheart Knights and the players worked together to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins, Greed. However, knowing the truth, it was frustrating.

“Ugh. I can’t show you this. really!”

It explodes. I.

puck puck!

Nam Tae-min knocks on his chest while watching TV.

The only one who sympathized with him was his brother.

“Even if you just stretched your imagination, you stretched it in a strange way. what did we do In the end, Ho-yeol was the only one who defeated the giant.”

For Nam Cheol-min, the truth of that day remained as a video.

That day’s battle that I watched through Nam Tae-min’s eyes.

No matter how many times I watched it, I couldn’t help but be amazed.

As soon as he faced Ho-yeol, he was agitated.

The skill bombardment that was pouring into that guy.

It was an overwhelming battle that I had never seen before.

Nam Cheol-min nodded.

“I can understand that feeling.”

“Oh it was! Because my brother was also possessed by an imp.”

“okay. My appearance would have been just like that. The imp guy was completely terrified at that time. After all, in front of Mr. Hoyeol, there is no big difference between an imp and an evil?”


Put a crown on the reawakened king.

Ho-yeol reveals the truth about the Yusra Islands.

Nam Tae-min raised his voice and followed Ho-yeol’s lines.

“It is time to right the wrong. the nameless king kya.”

This is a drama and this is a movie!

When the video ended like that, Nam Tae-min screamed again.

“…ugh, there’s no other epic like this!”

Only we can see this

I can’t help but listen to such brain teasers.

The reason was simple.

“Even if it’s frustrating, you have to be patient. Can you tell me anything?”

Above all, Ho-yeol’s power was revealed in the video.

It was impossible to release such a video without Ho-yeol’s permission.

Nam Cheol-min continued.

“But I don’t know if you will ever need it later. You should keep the recorded video. In that sense, it was fortunate that there were fewer eyes to see.”

Except for the Knights of the Lionheart.

Nam Tae-min and Leonie were the only ones who directly witnessed the battle between Ho-yeol and Geo-eok.

Both of them had already ordered the guild members to retreat.

“I know. You shouldn’t be doing anything embarrassing in the first place.”

I owe Ho-yeol a big debt again.

what did they do

Hoyeol gave me a chance to participate in the reconstruction of Yusra Kingdom.

Thanks to this, Nam Tae-min and Gaon’s guild members received a valuable quest called [Reconstruction of Yusra Kingdom].

So I had no choice but to repay the favor.

“Let’s try really hard bro.”

There is give and take in everything.

I’ve only received it so far.

Even in order to be in a position to give someday.

Nam Tae-min, who had been making a promise, suddenly muttered.

“…Anyway, that kid will be careful with his mouth, right?”




“Oh, it tickles my ears.”


Leonie scratched her head.

Of course, scratching my head couldn’t solve the complicated thoughts in my head.

Mr. Arai.

Leonie nervously threw the remote control away.

“I don’t see you.”

Where is not fun?

I turned the channel because I wanted to.

No matter where they played, it was all about Yusra Kingdom.

What is the truth of the day?

Who caught the giant?

Leonie slumped on the sofa.

The corners of her lips lifted slowly.

“…even though I don’t even know that well.”

do i know everything

what happened then?

A feeling of superiority that you unconsciously feel.

That sense of superiority was precious to Leonie in its own way.

“Are you really not going to tell me?”


“no. What happened when we told them to leave!”

“I don’t know. me too.”

“Ah, sorry!!”

To the point where I don’t want to share it even with guild members who are like real sisters.

“What the hell happened? A deal that even received a quest?”

Leonie just shrugged her shoulders.

However, his mind was still complicated.

As the quest progresses, the influence and ranking of the Berserker Guild will naturally rise. Yes, as a guild master, it is clear that he genuinely likes it

Can I get a cup of tea like this…?

Concerned, Leonie muttered involuntarily.

“…what are you doing?”

“What are you doing? What time is it, sister? You must be sleeping.”

“…what did you say? who? Who sleeps?!”

“Who is who? Aren’t you talking about Lee Ho-yeol?”

“What?! no it’s not! What do you know?! Won’t you shut up?!”




Drip drip—

drops of sweat.

…I haven’t slept yet.

I tried to jump right into bed after washing.

The body refused.

Because I realized my weakness.

It is said that he defeated the giant by himself.

It would have been impossible without the help of the Lion Heart Knights and other players.

If I had been alone, instead of reaching the giant, I would have been surrounded by skeletons and suffered magical exhaustion.

that fact.

The pride in the heart is unacceptable.

—Train your weakened body. (Repeat) ▲

Run 20KM (Success)

1000 push-ups (Success)

500 pull-ups (Success)

300 burpees (Success)

Only after I checked the message.


I collapsed to the floor as if fainting.

…Damn the dark history.

I’m going to die first while trying to overcome it…!

[The conditions have been met.]

[Reward will be given.]

I barely opened the status window.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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