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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 415

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Episode 415. After opening the Mage Tower

to look at it properly .

The road to Arcana Continent was always open.

“Is this the Arcana Continent?!”

Players who entered the Arcana continent through the portal.

The information shared by the advance team served as an indicator for the second team.

“So this is Cloudy’s territory…?”

“Could that be Lee Ho-yeol’s mansion that we’ve only heard about?”

“Wow, what’s so dazzling?!”

It is a randomly generated rift in reality.

Thanks to that, most of the players toured the world and experienced luxurious 5-star hotels. Cloudy’s mansion exuded an antiquity that surpassed him.

Blinking message.

Some players have finally solved their doubts.

“There was a reason I didn’t notice this territory when Arcana was just a game. Was it because of Hidden Peace? There’s no way that players or NPCs would have passed by a mansion like this.”

An indescribable experience from the start.

This is not the time.

Do I need to just talk about it?

“Hunting is good, but why don’t you take a slow look around the mansion first? how wide is it And how much do you have to spare? Ho-yeol Lee?”

“Write. Look at his habit of talking about Lee Ho-yeol.”

“No, you are the commander-in-chief now!”

The favor wasn’t the usual favor either. It was such a favor that even players who did not join the Crusade Alliance due to pride made them spit out the title of commander-in-chief.

“Wait a minute. Didn’t the statue over there just move?!”

“The stone statue moved? that big one?”

“What nonsense. Have you seen any ghost stories?”

One by one, the late stage is full of excitement and anticipation.

It was when he arrived at Cloudy territory through the portal.

Doo doo doo—

the sudden feeling of pressure.

The ground in Cloudy’s territory began to tremble.


You can feel the vibration through the soles of your feet.

Soon the cause came into view.

They were players like them.

A narrow gaze.

It is not difficult to find out its identity.

It was not hard to remember because there were so many famous people.

“Schraig? Are they the second sun?”

However, the guild master Shraig’s expression was unusual.

Players guessed why.

The most probable thing is…

“Is it heading to Antonium?”

Imperial capital Antonium is blockaded.

The news was delivered through players who had returned to reality. It seems that the cause of the blockade has been found. Led by Second Sun, the members of the giant coalition guild that remained in Cloudy seemed to have joined forces.


Players passing each other.

The follower, who was watching, asked.

“Are you heading to Antonium?”

“What is it?”

“That… can we join?”

Cases become opportunities, and missed opportunities lead to falling behind. It’s a Cloudy territory tour, so I was able to do it slowly later. Furthermore, considering the buffs currently in effect on the Arcana Continent

Of course, the cause of the blockade is still unknown.

However, it was obvious that a siege would take place in Antonium. Why is it to the extent that even quackery pundits who only talk about it on TV would expect it.

The second team rolled their hair in the blink of an eye.

‘Because we also have a cause.’

The pretext of belonging to the Holy Temple Alliance.

Were you listening to that conversation?

Kang Eun-taek, an executive of the giant coalition, approached.

“Reinforcements are always welcome.”

“Then join right away…”

“But shouldn’t you be aware of the war situation?”

Because you don’t want to share your reward with some goofball?

Or is it the territorial attitude of the seniors of the Allied Temple?

Such an illusion was good enough. Kang Eun-taek spoke without hesitation to the players who had just entered the Arcana continent and had no clue about the situation in Antonium.

“Currently, the great alliance of Antonium and the three senior mages are in a corner. He has lost contact with only whispers that Antonium has been occupied.”


“Also, the commander-in-chief is absent. According to the message, his support can only be hoped for in four days. The remaining four days are completely up to us.”

Faces turn white at those words.

This is also the expected reaction.

Kang Eun-taek raised the corners of his mouth crookedly.

‘If it’s an ambiguous resolution, go away.’

Nam Tae-min Hisagi Leoni.

Currently, the three guild masters of the Grand Alliance were the top rankers who ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the official player rankings. They weren’t enough, so three senior wizards from the Mage Tower joined them.

Nonetheless, everyone was in jeopardy.

Schraig gave strength to Kang Eun-taek’s words.

His expression was as spleen as it was in London.

“If you want to join, you better prepare for death.”

“…No matter how much, until life.”

“Then, would you like us not to disturb you?”

“I will!”

The rearguard quickly moved out of the way.

“Wow, aren’t you crazy?”

Then, I looked at the back of the Second Sun and the gigantic coalition advancing without hesitation. I honestly didn’t understand. According to them, Antonium was no better than a limb.

“Will anything change if we join?”

There is no possibility that the war situation will be reversed, but they must go further and risk their lives. Even if you are a player who has to risk your life for rewards and achievements. I didn’t want to be prepared for a guest death on the Arcana continent, which was not even real.

Is that why?

“Did you really go?”

The backs of those leaving the Cloudy Kingdom were now amazing.

Of course, no one could criticize the late arrivals.

It’s a life-threatening situation.

Because no one can force you to choose.

So, again, it wasn’t strange.

at that time.


A ponytail that suddenly lowers its head.

“I’m sorry, but I will accompany you until here!”

Sorceress Seo Jeong-yeon, who was holding a staff, opened her mouth.

“Whoa. I knew you would.”

“sorry. We will also get out of here.”


shield and mace.

Choi Jeong-hoon and Han Seong-wook also broke away from the group of players after Seo Jeong-yeon. When I slightly turn my head back, the eyes of a madman are pouring out.

What would you do?

Choi Jeong-hun said candidly.

“Even if they don’t know, aren’t we going to a complete retreat?”

Rounded up and barely level 300 chin-ups.

After the cataclysm, these were the three people who had fallen far behind even after the starting line. However, the resolve of the three was sincere. Yes, because I had experience.

Han Seong-wook spits out a smile.

“Does your life matter now? After all, we were the ones who died in that subway station in the first place, right? At that time, our Choi Jeong-hoon wasn’t joking around.”


It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that their lives were already lost in [Gnoll’s Underground Warehouse]. If we hadn’t been saved by Ho-yeol in the distant past, we would have become prey to the devil.

Choi Jeong-hoon raised the corner of his mouth.

“what? He’s talking about things that even the commander-in-chief won’t remember.”

How many players and arcanas have you encountered?

They didn’t even want to remember those who simply passed by.

It was just to pay off the debt.

Because I just wanted to be of some help.

Seo Jeong-yeon grabbed the cane.

“So let’s just do one serving!”

Three people second sun.

And it was the moment when the giant coalition followed the disappeared portal and entered it.

floated before their eyes.


It can also be said to be the result of faith.

An incredible message.

[A great adventurer is about to be crowned emperor.]

…A great adventurer?

three people’s heads.

Not in every player’s head.

A player worthy of being called great.

I bet there was only one.

“Super General Commander…!!”

Lee Ho-yeol.



Seong Hyun-jun and Yoon Su-gyeom are frightened.


Blockade of Antonium.

A bomb was dropped on the AAU at the news. The situation is different from when I couldn’t use my hands. Antonium has been the capital of the Empire since Arcana was just a game.

Seong Hyeon-jun opens his mouth while looking at the messenger.

“Everyone is anticipating the end of the war, senior. It’s definitely very likely. It’s not specific, but even in the initial setting, the War Emperor’s Library had a deceptive effect.”

“Because it’s similar to the so-called Akashic Records.”

“At that time, it was a device for balance…”

The days when Arcana was just a game.

The Empire needed to be absolute.

It means that the empire was the one who instilled etiquette in rampaging players.

The Emperor’s Library was the greatest weapon given to the Empire.

Predicting the future considering even the variable called a player.

A device to solidify the position of the Empire.

Predicting the future, of course.

Even with all of Cosmo’s technology, it was impossible.

Seong Hyun-jun nodded at the memory that came to mind.

“It was a good reason to add it to the balance patch.”

In a word, it was just a setting to justify the balance adjustment. However, after the cataclysm, the warlord’s library would have been realized by attaching flesh that even they did not know.

Yoon Soo-gyeom bites his lips.

“I can’t even guess what kind of monster I woke up as.”

But the worry didn’t last long.

It was because news arrived from the Arcana continent.

Breaking news from the players themselves.

“Senior Seo! Antonium on roses and thorns…!”

And that wasn’t all.

Leoni Hisagi, a member of the great coalition who was about to enter the sealed Antonium. And even the senior mages of the Mage Tower said they had lost contact.

It was as if cold water had been literally poured into AAU.

“This crazy.”

Excluding Lee Ho-yeol, player ranking 1 2 3rd.

And throughout the Arcana Continent, a monster appeared that even the seniors of the Mage Tower, who were not strange even if they reached the ranks by force, could not handle it.

“It is clear. The warlord’s library is running out of control.”

“Because I put such a fraudulent setting…”

“I wonder if that bastard Raymon Sean knew it would turn out like this.”

That we are the Warlord’s library.

Wouldn’t it be the aftermath of adding an unmanageable setting to the empire?

The AAU may be guilt-ridden for hours.


New news came to reality from the continent of Arcana, where time flows four times faster than reality. It was news that shocked and stunned everyone.

Seong Hyeon-jun opened his mouth, saying no way.

“The above great adventurer is about to be crowned emperor…?”

“A great adventurer? Bona mana, he must be referring to our Yusura general manager. But what did you say after that? I couldn’t hear it properly because I was thinking of the warlord.”

“The Super General Manager is about to be crowned emperor!!”



A shock enough to let go of the mug I was holding in my hand.

It had to be.

The player is the emperor of an empire.

It was something I hadn’t assumed even when Arcana was just a game.

Yoon Soo-gyeom calmed down his excitement.

“Aren’t the players misunderstanding something? Even if the general manager was very active in invisible places, acquiring such an influence in a short period of time…”

“I heard that the general manager was responsible for rebuilding the walls of Antonium and the cities and towns throughout the empire? In the first place, they say there is no place on the Arcana continent where you can’t hear Lee Ho-yeol’s name!”


if that’s true


For the commander-in-chief, he could become water thicker than blood.

He might

have really taken the first place in the line of succession to the throne .

Isn’t it natural?

I witnessed the performance of the players who saw the demon king, saw the dragon, and defeated such an absolute monster. I didn’t think there would be any more eye candy.

“Has the time finally come for you to be treated fairly?”

Branch manager Park Min-jae looks at the monitor in the control room.

Monitors are being unified into one screen in real time. Breaking news that Ho-yeol is about to be crowned emperor of the Arcana Continental Empire is floating around.

Of course, it is not yet finalized.

Hyeon Yong-seok, the leading producer of VBC.

Hyun Yong-seok brushes Yoon Jong-jin over his phone.

“Did our kimchi soup hit the mark?”

Hyeon Yong-seok believed in Ho-yeol.

In other words, he believed in Ho-yeol’s unpredictable behavior.

The situation where everyone in the world believes in Ho-yeol’s ascension to the throne.

Hyun Yong-seok also agreed with him.

great adventurer.

Because that title would definitely be a title that could only be held by Hoyeol.


“You think you’re going to wear a crown on your head?”

Unexpected events will surely happen. Hyun Yong-seok was thinking of capturing the incident on camera. Now that other stations are calling in self-appointed experts and babbling about the values of the Imperial Emperor.

“Let’s catch it. that moment.”

Hyun Yong-seok threw a gamble while delaying the organization of Today Arcana.

Of course, Yoon Jong-jin, who was swung around by Hyeon Yong-seok, was like dying.

After the phone call, Yoon Jong-jin sighed.

“No, so where are you going to shoot?”

He was just a camera director for a broadcasting station.

With magic, how can you chase after Ho-yeol, who flashes in reality on the Arcana continent? Yoon Jong-jin swallowed a sigh and captured the best possible angle on camera.

And no one caught an unexpected moment.


Kingdom of Yusra.

golden palace.

Suddenly, the flag rose.

Yoon Jong-jin’s eyes twitched.

“…rose? Isn’t that the imperial flag?”

Kingdom of Yusra.

It was an ancient kingdom that did not belong to the empire.

Why did the imperial flag with a rose, the symbol of the empire, be raised?

It didn’t take long to realize.


Messages from juniors that are passed down through and through.

In Frost, in the Holy Land of the Goddess Church, Muon, and even in the Mage Tower, the imperial flag is being hoisted. However, the imperial flag hung high and did not flutter.

as if expressing condolences.

An imperial flag that hangs low and flutters loftily.

Yoon Jong-jin, who was looking at the camera, murmured.

“As you said, you are truly someone you couldn’t expect at all.”

Thanks to you, I realized the fact that I had overlooked.

Yes, the fact that a new emperor is about to ascend the throne.

Because it meant that the former emperor had died.




Blinking [last adventurer].

24 hours in reality have passed.

As promised in advance, I headed for the Magic Tower.

reporters gathered.

numerous cameras.

Journalists cautiously asking questions.

next emperor?

great adventurer?

There was only one thing I could say to that flood of questions.

“It is not me that you are looking at at this moment.”

and faced

Knights of the Lionheart.

The emperor’s right hand, Harkon.

I dare not guess. How much sadness Harkon is feeling. So all I could do was to be generous with Harkon and the Knights of the Lionheart.

Eyes meet.

eyes full of sadness

Before long, Harkon opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“Imperial Lion Heart Knights. Knight Commander Harkon Kings Guard.”

The lion-hearted knights salute me all at once.

“I express my infinite gratitude to the commander-in-chief and the condolences of this world.”

Did I realize it belatedly?


The crowd subsided.

To the extent that I dare not fire a single flash.

A silent mourning ensued.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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