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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 419

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Episode 419. Merciful Darkness (1)

“…isn’t this a dream?”


“This one too?!”

Shouldn’t the expression “turned eyes” be used in such a situation?

And that world-class quest shines endlessly.

Arcana Continent players rolled their heads.

“Even the buffs that are active are incredible.”

“If I could eat the World Quest rewards on top of this…!”

“Isn’t it just turning your life around in one blow?”

No, the reversal of life was not the problem.

Notice going between players.

If I miss this quest as it is.

“…In other words, you will become a beggar by lightning in an instant.”

fleeting moment.

The end of a fierce head roll.

A few made estimates.

“okay. It’s quite unfortunate that the emperor closed his eyes, but anyway, didn’t he mean he saved the empire and Antonium? It definitely means that the urgent fire has been put out.”

“The greatest adventurer of all…. That is because Lee Ho-yeol, not anyone else, said that he was about to ascend the throne. Honestly, don’t we have to worry about the empire collapsing?”

“Right. We don’t have to make a fuss about it.”

It was a rationalization anyone could see.

“Isn’t it the Arcana continent in the first place? There is a saying that when you go to Rome, do as the Romans do. Shouldn’t we first follow common sense from the days of Arcana Continent Electric? Since when did players get along well with each other?”

“After hearing it, it makes sense, doesn’t it?”

“Why look at the contents of the World Quest.”

[World Quest: The Age of Violence]

[World Quest: The Age of Death]

[World Quest: The Golden Age]


I feel different when I go into the bathroom and when I leave.

Now that I know that the Arcana continent is more peaceful than expected.

Holy crusade allies driven only by pride?

Belonging felt rather cumbersome, like shackles.

Words coming from the portal in the back.

Seo Jeong-yeon shuddered.

“You really can’t even play!”

Even the low-level monster Noll, who was only level 30-50, had camaraderie…! How can a human be able to change his mind like flipping the palm of his hand?

Choi Jeong-hoon let out a rotten smile.

“It’s obvious.”

“Is it obvious? What?”

“I know it’s a right because the favor continues.”

Han Sung-wook silently agrees.

“The Crusade Allied Forces decided that there was nothing more to be gained.”

“Nothing to gain? How many preferential treatment are players in the Kingdom of Frost and Yusra? While going in and out of the Mage Tower, where you wouldn’t even be able to see it normally! Yes, even if that’s the case in real life… What about the free food and lodging at Cloudy’s mansion over there?”

“Humans are creatures of adaptation. Are you already used to it?”

Jeonghoon Choi added,

“They didn’t understand the subject and wanted a bigger reward.”

“It’s really too much…”

Seo Jeong-yeon looked at the contents of the quest with tears in her eyes.

Although numerous world-class quests came to mind.

They had one thing in common.

– Join the irresistible violence. (Ongoing)

– Join the eternal death. (In progress)

-Join the innocence of gold. (In progress)

That the Empire should be turned into an enemy.

“Anyway, it’s true that Antonium stumbled and the emperor died. I don’t know which ones are aiming for the empire, but it’s a definite opportunity.”

“So how is it going? Who is the commander-in-chief?”

“That’s right, even if you ask a low rep like me…”

Because he’s not an experienced person.

That was all Choi Jung-hoon could answer. However, when Arcana was just a game, rankers who had experienced similar quests were more aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Second Sun.

Guild Master Shraig bit his lip.


Things got complicated.

It is said that the commander-in-chief has obtained the right to be crowned as the emperor of the empire.

It is only natural that there would be constant noise, big and small, within the Empire for a while.

Because Arcana’s system was designed that way.

Executive Zachary searched for his memory.

“Even when we took possession of a small territory, there were forces trying to stab us in the back. Even if you had enough relationships and influence, there were no exceptions.”

“Because you can’t manage a territory with only relationship or influence.”

“But the empire? When he ascends to the throne of the emperor, of course there will be a huge backlash…!”

Just looking at it now.

Even the players are agitated.

Even if you are the commander-in-chief. It meant that it was unreasonable to put an end to internal strife in a short period of time in which numerous interests were intertwined. But in such a situation, forces aiming for the empire are attracting players.

Schraig concluded.

“Let’s join the giant coalition for now.”

Nam Tae-min Hisagi Leoni.

Except for Ryu Junchun, who rode the independent route, they were rankers who would be very familiar with this situation. If we put our heads together and think about it, wouldn’t something good come to mind?

Zachary nodded.

“Considering the efficiency of the portal, I think we should go a little further south. about an hour? That’s enough for the three people who joined at the end. You can step on Antonium through the portal at once.”

“good. do that.”

However, the steps I moved were colorless.

Before long, everyone stopped.

In a voice full of room.

“Stop there for a second.”

It was clear that they looked down on them, but Schraig couldn’t hold back. The pressure you feel as soon as you face it. Because my eyes began to flicker mercilessly.

[The state abnormality ‘atrophy’ occurs.]

I was able to intuit.


If the opponent was a monster.

It is the highest level condition just by facing it.

Even if ‘fear’ occurred, it wouldn’t be strange.

The fact that there is such a gap between them and themselves.

“Adventurers, where is your destination?”

Why are you asking where you are going?

‘no way.’

Think about it in relation to the World Quest that came to mind a moment ago.

At this moment, the forces aiming for the empire could not be counted with one finger.

Possibly one of them?


the dry saliva passed by itself.

‘If I pick the wrong answer here.’

Maybe we’ll have a battle with them.

The pressure that makes your hair white.

Will I be able to overcome the status ailments and face them properly?

‘Is it possible?’


“We are on our way to Antonium.”

Schraig didn’t budge.

If they are enemies of the Empire.

Because it meant that he was the commander-in-chief’s enemy.

With or without a chance, as a crusader allied force, they could not withdraw.


Was it wrong too?

Intensifying pressure.

A colder voice follows.

“Then what is the purpose?”


Schraig’s hand stretched toward the foil at his waist.

This is to be able to respond to an attack at any time.

Soon Schraig gritted his teeth and shouted.

“It is to support our commander-in-chief Lee Ho-yeol!”

The second sun and the giant coalition guild members responded to that cry.


I felt sorry for Seo Jeong-yeon and the others who got caught up in it.

It seems that they were also determined.

Each raised a weapon.

I looked straight at the warrior in front of me.

Then why

The blurred vision returned.

Did the trumpeting determination offset the status ailment ‘Atrophy’?

Schraig shook his head inwardly.

‘No, it’s not an arcana if it’s solved with willpower alone.’

It means that there must be a reason why the pressure is gone.

The reason was found right away.

Warriors who blocked the way.

Because their eyes were too red.

The head man opened his mouth.

“Then we are allies in the same boat.”

“Are you an ally?”

“They have the same purpose.”

Red-Eyes Clan Dune.

Leader Shaheen Dune laughed intrigued.

It’s still absurdly fragile, though.

Isn’t that resolution enough to serve Cloudy?

“It is an infinitely deep darkness.”

“…infinitely deep darkness?”

“They deserve to survive a noble struggle.”

“…A sublime secret struggle?”

“Okay, I passed.”

“…Ha passed?!”

“We will escort you all the way to Antonium.”

It’s infinitely deep darkness.


it’s pass

No, who are these monsters in the first place?

Schraig shook his head violently.

I have a mountain of questions to ask the commander-in-chief…!




If there are those who have not overlooked pride.

There were also those who did not realize pride in the first place.

Guild ranking 84th [Apocalypto].

Guild Master Tirano flinched with his muscular body.

“It was a boring fence for us, the Allied Crusade.”

His rules!

Now that you have entered the Arcana Continent and even the World Quest has come to mind, now is the right time to break through the fence of the Holy Temple Alliance and escape. Executive Mammoth presented an option.

“Couldn’t the forces that suit us be the Primitive Tribe Ares Zone and the Berserk Society, Captain? More than anything, I like that you can conquer everything with force.”

“Even if it wasn’t so, I was thinking of going to the broadside.”

“Broad Expo…!!”

A legendary shadow mercenary from the underworld of Arcana.

The Kwangpokhoe was an organization that was said to have divided the back world of Arcana along with the shadow mercenaries in the past. Of course, since Arcana was just a game, it was just a setting for the sake of setting.

“The system doesn’t lie. The fact that it emerged as a quest definitely means that the berserkers have returned. I don’t know how he was resurrected.”

Tyrano clenched his fists.

“The moment when we turned Ho-Yeol Lee into an enemy of the Allies in the Crusade. We need to become a force so great that it can swallow up the broadsword. That means we have to devour even the players who will flock to the wide open with the same ulterior motive as us!”

The guild members nodded.

“You’re saying that you need a firm baseline, Captain!”


The guild ranking is still in the top 80, but there was a reason. It was because all of the guild members were used to fighting against other players rather than monsters.

“It’s not just this World Quest. In the broadside, you will be carrying out the quests dedicated to the wide circle. What if you successfully complete that quest? Rewards and loot are copied.”

I’d get some blood on my hands in the process, but…

it didn’t matter.

In the first place, blood had been smeared on my hands dozens and dozens of times.

‘I just pretended not to.’

Lee Ho-yeol is too naive.

Humans put too much trust in ugly beings.

I am just giving Lee Ho-yeol a bitter lesson.

“Since ancient times, the instep of your foot is always cut by the ax you believe in.”

Tyrano let out a laugh.

“Then let’s go to the hideout of the broadshoe society.”

However, Apocalypto could not move even a single step from his seat.

Since when…?

Because there were people who had been eavesdropping on their conversation earlier.

“Did you hear the inspiration?”

“Your ears are still intact, so speak softly.”

“okay? I’m glad you corrected it.”

It was the shadow mercenaries.


The muscles of the Tyrannosaurus, which felt heavy, looked weak.

The owner of a different size.

Rockkid laughed.

“How can I chew? Is this the first time you’ve seen an assassin kill a prey? Anyway, the bastards who eat kalbab are not cheap. Look at how he squeaks with half words.”

“You ate a lot of cutlery, too, Rock kid.”

“okay. So, don’t speak ill of this old man. hahaha.”

Shadow Mercenaries.

At the time of leader Kichi’s disappearance, the number of people was only nine.

However, a player was a way to recognize a player.

Tyrano’s face was stained with despair.

‘I can’t win even if I die and wake up…!’

If it were the usual shadow mercenaries.

It wouldn’t be strange if he blew the heads of all of Apocalypto’s at this point.

But circumstances were circumstances.


No, now Wolf, the leader, opened his mouth.

“I will also give you two options.”


“Say the whereabouts of the broad-leaved meeting in an obedient manner.”

His eyes were sharper than usual.

“Say it right before you die after the severe torture.”

The eyes of a rolling Tyrannosaurus.

It was clear what he was thinking.

He must be trying to talk about the same adventurer, Ho-yeol, by claiming his adventurer status.

But it’s a pity.

Because it was none other than Ho-yeol who gave the order to them.

“Don’t think nonsense.”

Wood deok!

A roar from my fists.

Rockkid spit out directly.

“It’s not a job to open your mouths without going against your pride!”




4 families.

They too were in a state of action according to the owner’s will.

Arcamond of trembling.

Gaju Rethel Arcamond.

A player who was prostrated in front of her.

Letel used the player as a chair and sat down.

“Adventurer. Aren’t you intelligent?”

I didn’t understand.

“Unlike the Arcana Continent, his name seems to have resonated in your world earlier…. Why can’t you, adventurers, see his greatness properly than we do?”

Letel hooked and blew out the fingernails she was using.

It was also because Cloudy was so merciful. Hagiya, he was the one who generously forgave the atrocities of the four families, including himself. So even to repay his mercy.

“We probably need to sort out the turmoil on the continent.”

Secretly and grandly like Cloudy.




Five stars.

One of the five stars of Junchun Liu.

Baek Sung-ryun was carrying out the orders of his master. Among the forces that emerged as a world quest, he set out on a territory to search for a force suitable for the unification of the world to swallow.


Baek Sung-ryun also faced Ho-yeol’s arrangement. I don’t know if it’s unfortunate or fortunate, but the opponent was alone like Baek Sung-ryun. Baek Sung-ryun asked the man who stood in his way.

“What is your purpose?”


a sword that aimed at the man’s neck in an instant.

However, the man did not seem to be intimidated in the slightest.

“Tell me where you are going.”

Baek Sung-ryun noticed something unusual. In this case, it is best to look around properly. Even for the sake of carrying out the command of the lord. Baek Sung-ryun shook his pride and answered.

“Would a stranger wandering alone have a destination? I just want to find a nearby village. In the meantime, a stranger blocks my way, so I have no choice but to take up my weapon.”

Not inside the unification of the world, but outside.

It is Baek Sung-ryun who has survived so far while hiding his identity.

His manners were great.

just that criterion.


The problem was that it was limited to ‘humans’.


Eventually, a man appears through the branches.

The man had a beautiful countenance.

Except the ears are way too big for a human.

Baek Sung-ryun’s pupils widened.

Because I noticed right away.

“But why?”

However, before Baek Sung-ryun was astonished.

The man opens his mouth.

No, the leader of the elves.

The high elf continues.

yes this moment

Unification of the world who fled from their homeland to the Arcana continent to avoid Elsidore.

A cataclysm that surpasses Elsidore for them.

“Do you smell like Elsidore?”


It was draped by Argentress.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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