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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 435

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Episode 435. I knew it (2)

Gamigin, the demon king of the fourth throne.

If it’s bad luck, it’s bad luck.

Not from my point of view, of course, but from your point of view.

‘I don’t have that bad feeling.’

My level when I threw Gamigin into hell?

Apart from high and low, there was no root.

Because I was in a hurry to pour water into the bottomless dock.

It was embarrassing to even compare it to now.

‘I couldn’t even understand Gamigin’s words.’

A truly vast gap.

Because of that, he sometimes let out a sigh of relief as he remembered the fact that he had dropped Gamigin into hell. Except for Baal, whose horse is out of specification for the fourth throne, Gamigin was one of the top three demon kings.


I looked down at Ma’an.

Green flames of hell.

Gamigin was burning and radiating malice.

– Howl. Let him hear his screams.

It was for expected reasons.

Gamigin was aiming for my Wensu Lee Ye-rim to get revenge on me.

It’s fortunate in that sense.

The fact that he’s still stuck in hell.

‘I can’t handle it alone if I’m released.’

The top demon lords who started to show their presence.

As I said, I was only getting a taste of the influence they are currently having on reality. To call it a prelude, the scenery of the city center was hideous, but it is not an exaggeration.

Because they have the power to influence the worldview.

‘But isn’t it now?’

It was a demonic beast that spread through a medium that even the fissures in the Pandemonium did not fully understand. It’s just that its power is weak. Further, Gamigin’s influence?

I was sure

‘Aren’t you normal right now?’

It was because I had faith.

Faith in the Agkshan seniors in Hell…!

Of course, the one and only Akkshan junior.

‘Including Sword Saint Shagwin.’

That my faith was not distorted was evident from the reflected scenery. It was. I was looking down at Gamigin’s demonic eye with a cold gaze.

-I will trample you and turn you into porridge.

Because Gamigin wasn’t aware of my presence.

In that sense, I prepared a plausible production.

Remembering the iron rule of the Akk’shan demon hunters.

『Negative emotions are the source of demons.』

Thanks to the occupational disease, I guessed the reason why the high-ranking demon king made renovations.

You guys probably want to spread negative emotions in reality.

But spreading it is my specialty.


Classification movements that are graceful and full of moderation.

I wore Yunaxus’ Legacy [Commander’s Gloves – Old Dragon’s Wisdom]. Anyway, there is no law to wear a single glove roughly. Seeing how he doesn’t forget to trim his clothes as a finishing touch…

‘Anyway, this guy’s formality.’

Normally, I would have grumbled that I was needlessly maintaining my form.

But now it is a special situation.

Negative emotions that overwhelm reality.

with my appearance.

with my presence.

It means completely inverted.

Even if you say it’s a high-ranking demon king.

It’s nothing to me.

It’s not even a rat, so you don’t need to be shaken.

It is a moment when a shameless attitude that goes beyond the usual is needed.

At such times, it is this guy’s cubic crystal that shines the brightest.

I opened my mouth to Gamigin.

“There is no paradise where you run away.”

…that’s a very literary expression from the start.

the moment you open your mouth.

Crowd of people in sight.

Of course, Senior Feiyan Naslow of the Magic Tower. Citizens hold their breath and raise their smartphones at me. And even the players who stop fighting and look at me.

“This is Lee Ho-yeol!!”

Shame rose.

‘I can bear it not once or twice. But…’

among them.

I saw Wensoo with twinkling eyes.

I’m glad you’re safe.

Please don’t talk nonsense about the Heavenly Demon…!

‘…He said he had suffered enough from the Arcana Continent.’

[Dragon Road Dark Dragon Lee Ho-yeol] In the legend.

It was me who gave up my job change as a hidden class dragon lord. Therefore, he couldn’t use the Dragon Lord’s ‘Lord’s Word’, but he could spit out ‘Dragon Word’ as much as he wanted.

[Effect: Declared by Yunaxus, the great elder dragon to be recorded in mythology. “With my legacy, Cloudy will be able to understand and utter words!”]

-…At some point.

It was only then that I spoke to Gamigin, who noticed me.


With both gloved hands, he slowly took out the equipment and lifted it up.

It’s an Akkshan demon hunter’s unique armament that makes you feel frightened just by looking at it.

A sword in one hand.

In the other hand he held up a crossbow.

and declared

“I am your hell.”

[The skill ‘Natural Relations’ is activated.]

His body is light.

The effect of the natural enemy relationship is more noticeable than usual.

It must have been thanks to having gone through hardships on the Arcana continent. Because I was the one who quarreled with the ridiculous guy called the Apostle of the Shadow God in the [Valley of the Forgotten].

‘Without a natural enemy relationship.’


Thanks to that high school student, I was the one who absorbed all of his skills. It means that from now on, the skill of the Shadow Mercenary can be added to the demon hunter’s simple and honest movements.


Rapid fire that cannot be compared to [simultaneous fire].


Further, the silver bolts that have been extended are bent and bent.

Isn’t it easy to add magic?

On the surface, it may not be that different.

‘But it was different.’

Because I’ve been face to face.

I can clearly see the difference. Because the silver bolt was not simply bent, but was shot out persistently digging into the blind spot of the opponent’s field of view.


Gamigin’s pupils moved quickly and followed the bolt.

He must have said that Ma’an had no fighting ability.

Then the only way would be to use the surrounding monsters as a shield.

‘In that sense, I’m sorry.’

Dragon King of all things.

At this moment, my voice surpasses all expectations.

Because it was no different from Dragon Fear, which had the ability to conjure all things.

Thanks, the ending was obvious.


At the same time as the silver bolt hit the back of Gamigin’s mystic eye.

Similarly, a sword attack that penetrates the blind spots.


According to the damn naming sense, ‘Invisible Sword’ slaughtered him.


At the same time, the flames of hell burn more fiercely.

I honestly think it’s amazing.

It’s because he’s about to become the fourth king of the throne.

Even if you fall into hell, you must be holding on tenaciously.

In that sense, again, I think it’s fortunate.

The flames of hell burning from you will be a beacon to light up your seniors in hell. I don’t know where in hell you’re hiding and playing tricks like this, but that deviation also means that it’s over.

Did he even intuit that fact?

-Fuck you kid!!

In the midst of the flames, Gamigin shouted Gilgil.

A seizure so loud that the gathered crowd plugged their ears.

It really felt like a last resort.


He put down the dignity of the fourth throne.

He started talking frivolously like a common demon.

-Do you know? I’m just getting started. Even if you drop me into hell with cunning tricks and kill Buer. Now that the 10th throne has gathered their opinions. Your world will not be safe!

It’s a threat to the end, but this.

Considering Akshan’s iron rule, you shouldn’t engage in unnecessary conversations. Another thing that cannot be overlooked is social life. I think we need to score points for our seniors who will suffer in hell.

‘Especially considering the Akkshan civil war quest.’

I opened my mouth to completely break Gamigin’s spirit.

Actually, no big words were needed. It is a Gamigin whose power has been weakened in Hell. Because there will be a ‘gyeok’ between such a toothless tiger and me, the 10th seated demon king.

this moment.

“□□□□□ □□□□□ □□.”

Gamigin, you won’t understand what I’m saying.

-My attitude to a kid like that…?


how frustrated i was back then.

Even if you fall into hell, be curious.


Living room.

The echoing sound of the TV.

Choi Kang-hee let out a sigh of relief.

“They say it’s okay. Yerim also said that she was almost home.”

Players weren’t the only ones going through the early days of Cataclysm. Perhaps more than the players, the thing that made them tremble in fear. They must be normal people who don’t have the ability to respond to the monsters that have jumped out.

Lee Jun-wook opened his mouth.

“Isn’t that great?”

“Great? Who?”

“Our Ho-yeol. It’s even shown on TV.”

-Lee Ho-yeol’s mutant magic eye is completely suppressed!

As per the subtitles, it was perfect.

Because you’re not a player. Watching Ho-yeol move, I couldn’t appreciate how great it was. But watching the pundits on TV talking about it, I was able to guess.

– “The movement appears to have grown once again.”

– “Especially moving that digs into the blind. That’s instinct!”

-“This kind of fighting power without an Ego Sword?!”

The next news was also about the son.

-“Not only that, but the cooperation of the Arcana forces had a great impact on this situation. In particular, the senior mages of the Mage Tower are all over the world…”

As the announcer said.

If Ho-yeol hadn’t been there, this incident would have caused even greater damage.

Still, I didn’t feel comfortable.

Choi Kang-hee muttered softly.

“…It’s hard to say that I’m just glad.”

News of the casualties flowing into subtitles.

No additional damage occurred after the Mage Tower and the rest of the world responded to the rift collapse. It was a situation that started from inside the rift in the first place. The number of dead players was being updated belatedly.

Lee Jun-wook opened his mouth.

“Unless the cataclysm is completely over, it must be that there can be no peace. In that sense, we will never be able to forget comfortably.”

The TV was still talking.

Hoyeol is overwhelmingly strong.

Perhaps he was truly reborn as the king of all things.

Even so, the parents’ hearts could not be at ease.

Choi Kang-hee nodded.

“You’re amazing, Ho-yeol.”

I looked at Ho-yeol on the screen.

Silver hair that I’m used to now.

But at some moments…

“It’s so great that it feels strange.”

Lee Jun-wook kept his silence.


The one and only son is unfamiliar.

It’s because Ho-yeol has matured.

I had to reply, but my lips didn’t move.

Perhaps it was because I sympathized.

Suddenly, Ho-yeol’s voice came out of the screen.

– “I am your hell.”

Lee Jun-wook smiled with effort.

“…could it be because of that way of speaking?”

It was then.


The front door opened and Lee Ye-rim returned home.

“Yerim, wasn’t there anything special about you?”

“Anything? there was! Mom and Dad and Ho-yeol saw it!”

“…what what?!”

First of all, Lee Ye-rim was hit on the back by Choi Kang-hee.

“ah! Why are you hitting me?!”

Getting caught up in a collapse rift.

Even if you made it home safely.

Take off Shichimi.

You sent me a text saying nothing happened.

“So you met Ho-yeol there?”

“huh! Did you even make eye contact?”

“I am proud. I am proud of you.”

“Pride then. Am I the only one? What Ho-yeol at work saw!”

The palm hitting the back again.

“Mistress Mom!”

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re safe, Yerim.”

“Are you happy? That’s right, I’m very happy.”

Lee Jun-wook and Choi Kang-hee exchanged glances.

one year old

In fact, even calling them twins is irrelevant.

Yerim and Hoyeol were close.

Thanks to you, I don’t even have to pay a tee.

Sometimes even more than their parents.

She was the youngest daughter who was more concerned about Ho-yeol than anyone else.

However, the youngest daughter somehow seemed to be in a good mood.

“…are you really okay?”

“Because it’s okay. Aren’t you fine even after being hit on the back?”

“Is Ho-yeol okay?”

The last question wasn’t about Ho-yeol’s safety.

It meant that the Ho-yeol you were looking at was okay.

To explain it more directly…

It was a question that they did not feel the unfamiliarity they felt towards Ho-yeol.


Lee Ye-rim pondered for a moment.

It was impossible not to know because it was the blood closest to anyone. Since becoming a player, Ho-yeol has definitely changed. One day, beyond the feeling of unfamiliarity, I felt that Ho-yeol was not Ho-yeol.


“It was the same. He was definitely the youngest in our family.”

Today, that thought has been dispelled.

People change, so Ho-yeol can change too.

Maybe that’s why I matured faster than my older sister, me.

Even so, Ho-yeol was still Ho-yeol.

Because I could feel it in the last words.

-“I’m glad you’re safe, sister.”

lingering love and hatred.


Top owner Marcelo.

Hakuna, the king of Yusura.

Even the branch heads of AAU.

At the place where everyone gathered, I declared.

More than cracks are created.

It’s not strange if the demon’s eye keeps coming up.

After today’s urgent update.

The reality is that you have to live with a huge threat every moment.

‘The expressions on everyone’s faces were no joke.’

It was more than a serious expression.

You must have felt that the brief peace was over.

Of course, when I returned to my office, my expression was also serious.

on the desk.

It was because there was an item I didn’t know about.

I radiate magical power.

I traced back the whereabouts of the item.

But I couldn’t read any memories.

What that means is simple.

This item was not brought by a person from this world.

Of course, it was not brought by people from the Arcana continent.


a person from the underworld

Hell Demon Hunter.

An item given to me by Akkshan seniors in Hell.

I could intuit

“Didn’t you tell me?”

Information that comes to mind the moment you pick it up.

[Fourth Throne’s Horseshoe]

[Rating: ???]

“Your hell.”


The guy was hunted by the seniors of hell.

The spoils of Gamigin came into my hands.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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