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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 44

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Episode 44. A series of surprises (1)

Harkon said.

-You must walk the path of the sword.

But that’s probably because you don’t know what to say.

『His innate magical talent was such that he could imitate most magic just by looking at it. Furthermore, even the potential of the body that is not inferior to that.』

Middle 2.

It was the setting of Grandfel, which took all the good things with the sensibility of those days and pasted them on.

It’s literally a waste of talent to give up either one.

Of course, it is not possible to give up…!

‘Only one well is short of broken lines.’

It was because of the love-hate class Demon Hunter.

As I said, except when hunting demons, not one screw was missing, but several.

Because of its ambiguous performance, it is a class that has no choice but to make the stat distribution ambiguous.

Truly a vicious cycle.


The downside is that there is no special place.

its downside.

I will turn it into an advantage that has no weaknesses.

I had set that lofty goal.

More than anything, it was because I had the talent of Grandfel.

That’s why he was the chosen opponent.

[Silver Mane Leopard: Lv.300]

Level 300.

Among the monsters regenerated in Yusra Kingdom, they were not strong.

But my level is only level 226.

when considering the level difference.

It would be close to impossible for me to defeat him alone.

‘Because the natural enemy relationship has not been activated.’

More than anything, because now I was in a state where the screw was missing.

Why did you choose him as your opponent?

Simply because of pride.

“That cheeky personality is no different from a cat.”

Because he showed his teeth first.

You can’t just get over this character.

It’s just a casually tidying up of clothes.

“Sorry, but I hate cats.”


I took out my training sword.

Because it was a training sword, the blade was blunt, but since it was a rare item, its attack power was not inferior to swords of the same level. Besides, I had sword skills.


The feeling of becoming one with the sword.

I slowly raised my sword.

…Damn it.

As soon as the faint light shines on the sword, the stamina runs out.

But there is no shaking in the posture.

“You’re quite docile for a tail held up.”


Do animals even understand their curses?

The silver-maned leopard roared wildly.

But the guy wasn’t going to be able to run away easily.

Most of all, it must be because of this attitude that there is no gap in sight.

“However, I can’t afford to wait until it lowers its tail.”

Exactly, I don’t have stamina…!

If it doesn’t come, I have no choice but to go this way.

But I didn’t move an inch from my seat.

‘I’m good at understanding the subject.’

No matter how much I realized the sword skill.

For me, I can’t defeat him with only swordsmanship.

I wouldn’t know if the natural enemy relationship was activated.

‘Because I can tell just by looking at the stats.’

Two stats that affect swordsmanship.

[Strength] and [Agility].

It’s because I put all my level up points into magic.

Even if there were stats raised through class quests, it was natural that the absolute numbers would lag behind those of the swordsman classes of the same level.

‘The moment I move rashly, I’ll be counterattacked.’

It may bite the scruff of the neck in an instant.

The 74 level gap was like that.


‘I know that, so I went through that dog school. I!’

As I said, I have no intention of selling just one well.

Quad deuk-!

Instant magical manifestation.

The possible reason was that the object of interference was ‘stone’.

Enough that you don’t have to go through the search process.

Because I’m used to the stone of Yusra Kingdom.

Kya Kyareung—?

towering stone pillars.

The embarrassed guy moves his body around.

So, he didn’t understand.

“I wish I could understand when you said nice things.”


The fact that the distance between me is narrowing.

I straightened my sword while maintaining my stance.

‘It must be finished as quickly as possible.’

Now I was in no position to relax.

You can tell that just by looking at the mana consumption.

When the natural enemy relationship was active, it was fine even if I made dozens of stone pillars rise at the same time.

‘…Really, it’s still a long way off.’

As of now with the screw missing.

Mana was noticeably decreasing just by handling a few stone pillars.

Once again, I realize the importance of tempol.

If I didn’t have the [Sexy Star Brooch], I’d have to worry about my magical exhaustion already.


a leopard approaching as if being pushed by a towering stone pillar.

I caught my breath and raised my sword.

Its breathing and stride also mimic Harkon’s behavior.

So there are no gaps.


By the time you found out, it was too late.


Diagonal cut.

The moment the blade clad in a faint sword touches the leopard.

Sensation at your fingertips.


It was not an illusion.

The sword was really vibrating.

At the same time, Harkon’s words came to mind.

-Because on the battlefield where life and death go back and forth, the sword becomes thicker and takes on its own color.

From now on, you have to learn from practice.

I thought I knew a little bit why Harkon said that.

I wonder what the identity of that little trembling is.

because i could figure it out

‘…The sword skill is growing.’

This must also be thanks to Grandfel’s talent.

It was the moment when I realized that fact.


The leopard tumbled across the floor…

What is this?

…is he dead?

I looked back at the battle in disbelief even after seeing it.

‘I manifested a pillar of stone to lure him in.’

However, the stone pillar did not cause direct damage.

That’s why there was no reason to pull out the sword.

Only one time to lure the guy like that.

It was only cut with a sword.

Then, the guy slumped—and fell down…!

‘No matter how it is.’

Even if swordsmanship is the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

does this make sense?

The sum of my strength and agility is only 70.

But as if to prove that it is a real situation.

A message popped up.

[The level has risen.]

…At this point, I had no choice but to have expectations again.

I don’t know if that lofty goal is achievable?

But there was no joy on my face.

Even this is natural for me.

as if to say so.

I checked the loot I obtained.

[Pure silver hair]

[Rating: Magic]

[Restriction: None]

[Effect: None]

[Description: It looks like fur, but its essence is pure silver. Since it is silver, its absolute value is not great, but it may be highly valued depending on its use.]

It is pure silver.

As shown in the description, it seemed useful depending on the use.

It didn’t catch my eye right away.

After all, I had just witnessed a possibility that was more valuable than trophies.

‘Still, it’s definitely not an easy road.’


two hands trembling like tremor.

It was because of the aftereffects of radiating sword energy.

‘Nevertheless, I have no choice but to go that way.’

Because that was the only way not to sink into pride.

Besides, haven’t you witnessed the feasibility of that?

‘Swordsmanship grows on the battlefield where life and death come and go…’

Even now, the gap of a whopping 74 levels.

For me, every battle was like a life-and-death battleground.


Faster than I expected.

Is it not possible to reach that goal?

Think about it for a while.

I shamelessly opened my mouth.

“It wasn’t bad for a warm-up opponent.”

Yes, one day this bluff will become a reality.

I’m afraid that someone might hear it, really.


Shadow Mercenaries.

One of the top three mercenaries on the Arcana continent.

However, in the yard summoned to the world of adventurers.

What’s the use of a reputation that has become an old story?


Kichi, the shadow mercenary leader, stretched out.

“Still, it smells a little like home here.”


to the extent of untangling the hair that was tied up.

Kitsch had a new feeling.

Her long, straight black hair blew in the wind.

“Who knew? really.”

Legendary treasure island Yusra Islands!

To think that the Treasure Island, which has remained at the top of the shadow mercenary list for generations, will be found in the world of adventurers.

Kitsch smiled as he brushed his hair.

“I have to collect the commission fee.”

It was a joke, of course.

A mercenary group that has no choice but to be sensitive to rumors.

It was the same in the world of adventurers.

Kichi is the Yusura Islands.

No, he had also grasped the truth about Yusra Kingdom.

“So it was an ancient kingdom?”

The kingdom has reappeared with its king.

Shadow Mercenaries.

As a leader, you will hear a lot of unbelievable rumors and requests.

That’s why I came with the entire mercenary squad.

“But where have they all gone? these guys?”

A small group of elite shadow mercenaries.

Even if I said all of them, there were only ten people.

Anyway, isn’t it too much to scatter as soon as you arrive?!

In the end, it was the leader, Kichi, who suffered.

She bit her lower lip.

“…I’m not used to this.”

Why did Kichi visit Yusura Kingdom?

It was simple.

Kichi planned to make Yusra Kingdom a base for the Shadow Mercenaries. Of course, I wasn’t talking about the base station on the Arcana continent.

‘Isn’t the situation a bit different now?’

The Shadow Mercenary Corps received any request.

So, to them, the garrison was nothing more than a temporary shelter that could be abandoned and left at any time.

However, he was summoned to the world of adventurers.

I couldn’t live like that anymore.

“It’s a fresh start!”

I never had a chance to make a fresh start like this.

Business Debts and even abusive relationships!

The shackles holding the Shadow Mercenaries were summoned leaving all of them on the Arcana continent.

Of course, it was a problem that he was summoned while leaving the mercenary funds in the secret storage…

“…Anyway, a new start!”

Isn’t Yusra Kingdom an ancient kingdom that has just begun to rebuild?

Kitsch was swollen with grand dreams.

A shadow mercenary group that is revered as a contributor to the founding of Yusra Kingdom!

Clean money that you don’t have to notice even if you spend it!

Kitsch’s eyes turned golden.

“…Even if you’re not used to it, you should try it.”

Kichi was planning to meet with the king of Yusura Kingdom.

It’s because I had the ability.

Of course, there was a competitor called the Lion Heart Knights.

“Let’s get along well with the people from our hometown. we.”

Even the shadow mercenaries had common sense.

The Knights of the Lionheart, of course.

Because he hadn’t built up a grudge against the imperial family.

I wondered if the Knights of the Lion Heart had no particular reason to be hostile to them.

Of course, there had to be adventurers.

“Ayy, I’m not a competitor anyway~”

Maybe in the distant future.

Right now, adventurers weren’t a big threat…

That’s what I thought until just a moment ago.

“…what is that?!”

For an instant, Kichi’s big eyes narrowed.

…maybe I was wrong?

After being trapped between the dense buildings, I saw the scenery like my hometown for the first time in a while.

It’s clear that the eyeballs have been blown away.

But if you look closely, it’s clear.

A faint light emanating from the sword.

That was definitely a ‘sword’.

Kitsch was genuinely astonished.

‘…Aren’t you an adventurer?!’

The adventurer was radiating sword energy.

That’s why I have no choice but to take back what I just said!

Still, let’s get closer to make sure.

‘I can’t go too close.’

If you’re a swordsman user.

That sense will also be sharper.

Perhaps he could see through his own hiding.


Kichi held his breath and approached.

and witnessed

An even more unbelievable sight…!



That was a sword.

But what are the pillars springing up from the ground?

‘No matter how you look at it, that’s magic?!’

while radiating the sword.

At the same time, even manifesting that level of magic?

An adventurer?!

“It wasn’t bad for a warm-up opponent.”

It wasn’t all that hard either.

Even if I speak passionately in front of the members, they won’t believe me.

But what was unfolding before my eyes was reality.

Besides, Kitsch could notice.

‘…The blackness has noticeably thickened.’

That ridiculous growth rate.

That alerted Kitsch.

Kitsch looked at the adventurer.

‘What’s your identity?’

If you are an adventurer with such skills.

The name must have been known on the Arcana continent.

Among the adventurers Kichi knew, there was no man like him.

‘…Anyway, it’s fortunate.’

The decision to quickly visit Yusra Kingdom was correct.

If it was even a little late, the adventurer who suddenly jumped out like that might have taken the place of founding contributor!

Kitsch hurried his steps.


for a bright new start.

For a life of earning honestly and spending a lot.

The Shadow Mercenaries will be loyal to Yusra Kingdom.

To express that will, he ran towards the golden palace.

“…I don’t know who it is, but don’t meet again. We.”

An adventurer whose teeth tremble just by thinking about it.

Under the authority of the adventurer Hoyeol.

Without knowing that the future of the shadow mercenaries lies…


Aftereffects of the sword.

Thanks to this, the exhausted body did not recover easily.

I guess it literally feels like I’m missing Jin.

…I really don’t want to get out of bed.

“You mean there’s no annual leave in the Magic Tower?”

But this body that can’t live without formalities and etiquette.

There is no way you can break your promise.

As soon as I arrived at the magic tower, I headed to the Floating Garden.

Floating Garden.

The only social hall in the Magic Tower.

True to its name, it had a great appearance.

It was also an unrealistic landscape.

Because the flowers and grasses that grew up were overly beautiful.

I admired the scenery to the fullest with my aesthetic eyes.


Especially, there was a shape that went against planting.

It was black as if only that part was painted with ink.

He was a middle-aged man who did not fit in with the splendid floating garden.

I could intuit

The author is a senior black magician.

My name is Mathis Dean Carle.

The closer you get, the more noticeable it is.

The most impressive thing is the ring on the ten fingers.

Each one must be a magic tool.

‘The ones with jewels look expensive.’

I sat across from the man.

I was trying to get straight to the point.

More than anything else, the desire to get rid of the annoying Matisse from the floating garden sprang up.

Shim Mi An is so tired.


It was then.

The jewel in Matisse’s ring started to sway.

A jewel that turns black in an instant.

It was black to the point of being heterogeneous beyond pitch black.

I didn’t show it, but I couldn’t help but be surprised.

what is steam pressure

However, it seemed that it was not a kind of pressure.


Because there was Matisse, who was clearly more surprised than I was.

He muttered as he looked at the discolored jewel.

“What kind of sensitivity is this…?”


What do you mean?

I didn’t know what it was, but I calmly questioned it.

“Senior Mage Matisse Dean Carr.”


“Is the ring related to the business of the promise?”


he added a word while holding up a teacup.

“Answer wisely.”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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