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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 452

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Episode 452. Darkness falls (1)

End of unofficial space-time duel.

“It’s oxidine. I will keep that in mind.”

“I will follow up immediately. Dear Cloudy.”

“May you be at peace.”

A scheme revealed by the transcendentalists. The transcendentalist alliance.

The heads of the four families moved to track Oxydin, who had planned all the editions. Since he managed to cooperate obediently, it was only natural that the order to celebrate guests at the social hall would be lifted.

“Ooh run away.”

Like a child of that age.

Starting with the thundering child of lightning.

All transcendentalists exited as if they were running away from the social scene of time and space.

‘But wouldn’t it be quiet for a while.’

What should I do?

Did you all see it?

The rotten shaman Uraia.

The sight of her being devoured by a suitable magic power.

『High-ranking black magic never-ending nightmare』.

Even if it broke the spirit, it could not inflict direct damage on the target.

But Uraia was a shaman.

Thanks to that, he sees through that the nightmare is black magic and tries to escape.

in the process.

‘Even if it’s unlucky.’

It was facing the infinitely deep darkness of Grandfel.

I witnessed Uraia vanishing, engulfed in the appropriate magic power.

And I realized again.

Grandfell is merciful, but not merciful.

Those who exceed the standards set by Grandfel will be punished mercilessly.

In this case, that standard must have been extremely sensitive.

‘Because the appropriate magic power comes from the past and background.’


What she was trying to peek at must have been the cruel past and background of Grandfel. I suddenly became curious. Could it be that it was Grandfel’s suitable magic that swallowed Uraia?

Or was it Granfell?

‘Now that it’s at this point, I can’t be sure.’

But one thing is clear.

‘Am I the only one after all?’

I am the one who can look into the past of Grandfel.

There was only Lee Ho-yeol.

Because the cruelty of Grandfell was a terrible dark history to me at the same time.

‘So I have to take responsibility.’

Isn’t that the pride of an adult who overcame a stormy period?

The social space of space and time.

All that was left was me and Mary, the Witch of the Southern Sea.

‘I’m not showing it, though.’

Mary must be worried inwardly. It was Mary who would have acquired knowledge about black magic while staying in the Mage’s Tower to know exactly what the proper magic power meant.

But don’t worry.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“I will return to the next schedule.”

No matter what storms blow, I can stick to my schedule. So, Mary, I hope you too follow your heart.


Of course, I could guess Mary’s destination even if I didn’t listen to it until the end.


So while I’m stopping by, I guess I’ll have to ask for ‘this’ too.



When I opened my eyes, it was an unfamiliar ceiling.

-The cat sleeps less than you, disciple.

It was a familiar nag.


Jesse grabbed his head and pulled himself up.

How long have you been lying down?

I felt as if I had lost muscle in my arms and legs.

-Didn’t you have no muscles in the first place?

“You can just say it.”

Jesse pursed his lips and looked around. Undoubtedly. This is the private room of the Mage Tower Healing School. As I struggled to relive my last memory, I thought of a duel in time and space.

“…right. How about a duel?”

The pointed hat swayed.

-You managed to remember it even though you fell down like that.

Inherited class Archmage.

The vessel of the Archmage will contain the knowledge of the previous Archmages who have been searching for the truth for eons of time. The size of the bowl was Jesse’s mental power that had grown to the extreme, even in order to handle the vast amount of knowledge.

Thanks to that, the memory was clear.

“Would it have worked? A weakness we came up with!”

The cone hat twitched at Jesse’s words.

-When you say us, old friends in conical hats get worse, disciple. Was it not our knowledge that brought down the grotesque creature, but purely your own knowledge?

Urs, a strange creature.

-Thinking back, he was a foolish guy. Aren’t you fine even after being hit by a meteor strike? There is not even a sign of burning in Hellfire.

A weakness that would defeat the wooden man, which regenerated infinitely, no matter what kind of magic was manifested. It wasn’t the knowledge of the past, it was the knowledge written in the Mage Tower’s thesis written in this era.

How to grow non-herb.

Jesse is the elixir specified in the research book.

Maslova’s features were not forgotten.

It was applied beyond simply not forgetting.

“So the result!”

The cone-shaped hat shakes as if shaking its head.

-Unfortunately, I don’t know the ending either. But at least you didn’t lose, disciple. It seems that the originally scheduled rematch has been cancelled.

“Is the rematch canceled?”

-Yes, there must have been something wrong with the monster.


Even if you want to

I didn’t know the result, so I didn’t feel refreshed somewhere.

ok let’s check

It was the moment when Jesse was about to reach for his smartphone in subspace.

Suddenly, a voice came from beyond the door of the private room.

“Clé, can you take care of the patient for a second?”


What about Clare?

Could it be Cleodia, the author of the method of cultivating medicinal herbs?


Clé approaches with a lithe voice. It was Clé, not Jesse, who was surprised by the unexpected encounter. Klee jumped up and down when he saw Jesse standing upright.

“Uh, when did you wake up? More than that, it’s still stable…!”

Truth, of course, also does not neglect the quest for oddities.

It was a mage tower faithfully following the flow of the new era.

The news of the time-space duel reached the Mage Tower.

Claire laid Jesse down and continued.

“Are you Jesse Heinness? I watched you engage in a duel. You are so amazing! It seems like it’s been a while since you were an apprentice wizard, but before you know it, the senior wizards are reaching a state of admiration.”

Claire hurriedly replied.

“no! I am still far away!”

“Be humble.”

“really! More than that, it really helped!”

“…yes? me?”

Could it be that he misunderstood that I took care of his injuries? If it’s such a misunderstanding, it’s a situation where I feel sorry for the fellow healing wizard who took care of Jesse until just now.

But it was not a misunderstanding.

“no! It’s not like that, but the book How to Grow Elixir Herbs written by a skilled magician in Cleodia was a great help in the duel! Really!”

“Yes yes yes?!”

Claire was genuinely surprised.

How to grow non-herb.

To the extent that I want to see who unfolds it.

A book with a boring title.

Seriously, would Miss Jibril have said such a thing?

-“There are times when Chief Lee’s name doesn’t work, Ms. Klee. Look, it’s a whole new book, right? Of course, all recently published magic books have gone through Chief Lee’s review, but this is too harsh. In a place with a better view…”

The value of research is not evaluated by attention.

Because Senior Bellie said.

Claire wasn’t hurt.

Rather, Jibril vented his anger as if his research had been buried.

But did you read the recipe for growing non-medicinal herbs?

“Have you really read my book?”

Claire asked with sparkling eyes.

“yes! 1324 pages to be precise…”

“If it’s there, it must be about Maslova, right?”

“that’s right! Information about Maslova’s aphids!”

The cone hat cynically looked at the two mages making a fuss.


A tribe that cannot get close to each other because of their natural temperament.

-okay. Try to be friendly even now.

Surely sooner or later the relationship will fall apart.

– I’m not saying this because I don’t have friends.

It’s not even because I’m jealous.

It was the moment when the cone hat added to the disciple to save the misunderstanding.

Klee hurriedly ran somewhere and brought a sealed letter.

“Ahh, Miss Jesse asked me to deliver it when she wakes up.”

“To me? Who are you?”

Perhaps the Twilight Magic Clan and the Witch of the Southern Sea.

Are you Mary?

It was the moment Jesse accepted the letter while thinking about it.

“Mary-sama gave it to you…”

So you must be Mary-sama.

“You said it was Chief Lee’s message.”


At the same time that Jessie ran out of Clee’s words.

I tore off the wax seal on the letter.

Then I read Ho-yeol’s handwriting on the letter.

Slowly, an exclamation mark appeared in Jesse’s pupil.


Congratulations on entering the social arena of time and space.


A line of writing that started with congratulations that didn’t feel any emotion.


But Jesse Heinness, if I ask you if you really have the status of a complete transcendent. I will answer no. If I could, I would have voted against your entry into the social space of time and space.


When Jesse read the above paragraph, the cone hat got angry instead.

No matter how senior this is.

He says that he severely kills the spirit of his son’s disciple.


But as if he hadn’t turned a single page through the book.

Jesse didn’t even read Hoyeol’s correspondence.


However, I watched the space-time duel between you and Urs. It is safe to say that your manifestation power has already risen to the ranks of transcendentalists. I also vote in favor of your position as a social venue in time and space.


Of course, as much as the standard is difficult.


P.S. Still, it’s better not to get close to social circles.


Even though the words he added were extraordinary.

“I will take the advice to stay away from social circles!”

Jesse folded the letter and kept it in the subspace. And I took out my smartphone. From Ho-yeol’s letter, I got a rough idea of the whereabouts of the duel with Urs.

‘But I want to see it with my own eyes.’

how much i’ve grown

However, Jesse could not confirm his battle.

Because from the first screen, an article I couldn’t believe appeared in my mind.

[The Shining Guild executive ‘Dmitry Malcolm’ dies]

The life in Jesse’s eyes disappeared.



After an urgent update.

Mystic Eyes soared into the sky from the collapse rift. The biggest change was [Corruption], the status ailment caused by the Mystic Eye. The thick middle finger faces the demon’s eye in the night sky.

“Eat this.”

It’s just like fuck.

“You bastard dogs.”


Unlike Horror, no information has been revealed about the Corruption. A new status ailment that even AAU didn’t know about. Players couldn’t shake their feelings while hunting the monsters released in reality.

“Dmitry-senpai, don’t you really know anything?”


Officer Dmitri returned to reality from the Arcana continent. It was because I couldn’t turn away from my country, which had become a mess. However, the guild members scratched their temper.


Dmitri replied, kicking the wreckage.

“You don’t know? In the first place, where are the players who are close to Lee Ho-yeol? It’s not that I’m strange, I’m just saying that the allied forces of the temple won’t be much different from me, right?”

This is Lee Ho-yeol, who is a master.

Great Union, of course.

Among the prominent Arcana, there is probably no one who has a close friendship with Lee Ho-yeol. Seriously, no one knows where you are and what you are doing right now, right?


Anger boils at the persistent reaction.

‘If I continue like this, I’ll fall behind even Camilla.’

Except for Rocks.

Why did you return to reality between yourself and Camilla?

It was simple.

It was because Camilla was burning with enthusiasm that was rarely seen.

– “I will follow. After Jessie.”

There must have been a mental change as he supported Jesse, who passed out at the end of a duel in time and space. Dmitri was willing to give up the opportunity to Camilla, but he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable inside.


I was barely showing off.

“Why are you even doing this to me?”

Now, the distant juniors were scratching their temper.

Why are you asking about Lee Ho-yeol?

Isn’t it strange to think that we are good friends in the first place?

It was a thing of the distant past now.

‘When I think of that article, I still…!’

A knight of Lee Ho-yeol who rejected the courtship of Shinhwa Guild Master Baek Yi-seol. Right next to him, the atrocities of the guys at the broadcasting station who published his failed proposal were still vivid in his memory.

‘I really thought I’d be embarrassed.’

Dmitri tried to calm himself down.

“After that. What do you know?”

Let’s just quickly clean up and come back.

Dmitri overcame the guild members’ complaints.

Hunted the monsters released from the collapse rift.

It was then.

What flickered in front of my eyes.

[The devil appears.]



More important than that was the appearance message.

Outputting an appearance message means that he is clearly strong.

“Everyone beware!”

Dmitry immediately took a fighting stance.

But it was a strange thing.

No matter how hard he tried, the devil didn’t even show his nose.

A voice coming from behind.

“Then, was there anything strange about Dmitry-senpai?”

“Something strange? All of a sudden, what kind of bullshit…”

“No, I mean Lee Ho-yeol.”

…still that sound?

The devil appeared, but I couldn’t get away from Lee Ho-yeol’s story.

Which bastard still hasn’t come to his senses?

As an executive of The Shining, you should be harshly reprimanded.

It was at this moment that Dmitri turned around.


Dmitri noticed then.

Abnormal status [Corruption].

The effect of a new status ailment.

It wasn’t possessive.

It was literally a perfect ‘fall’.

“you you!!”

Dmitry stutters.

The guild members he encountered were no longer in human form.

To the point where I can never come back as a human again.

It had changed to an ugly appearance.

He was an invincible demon.

“They asked me if I knew anything about Lee Ho-yeol.”


flying attack.

Drops of blood splattered in front of Dmitri’s eyes.

A new message flashed.

[The half-blood demon ‘Curiosity Devil’ seeks the correct answer.]


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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