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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 455

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◈ Episode 455. Darkness Descends (4)

Swamp Dragon and Storm Dragon.

The malicious rampage of the evil dragons was devastating.

Even Iron Castle Hold, with its Dwarven defenders, was shaken.

“The matchup isn’t favorable, Chainwalker!”

“And of all things, it’s a dragon that stirs up storms. It’s so windy that even holding onto the control lever is a struggle. We can’t even send out the fighters. Are the magical cannons ready?”

“It seems like there’s a problem with the machinery!”

“Darn it.”


Chainwalker Wallswyle, holding a hammer, vented his frustration.

“This is why I said Iron Castle Hold needs renovation. We can’t handle them with just our technological prowess. We should have accepted the adventurers’ skills or the magic from the Matap…!”

“I get it, Wallswyle. Spare me the nagging.”

The process of refining must be planned out.

Since the tolerance for each type of ore was different.

Iron Castle Hold was a collection of Dwarven technology. Renovating the highly complex Iron Castle Hold in a short period of time was an impossible task, and they knew it.

But why did he blurt out such meaningless words?


Wallswyle brought down his hammer.

“It’s frustrating, that’s why, frustrating!”

The situation was dire.

If the only threat was the evil dragon, even if Iron Castle Hold had to be demolished, they would have stopped them. Embarrassingly, they didn’t want to think that they had to rely on that, but…

“If it’s a reversal magic.”

If it was the chief commander’s mystical magic.

Undoubtedly, they would be able to restore the broken Iron Castle Hold. However, the threats were not only the evil dragons.

Behemoth’s maw showed signs of spewing out demons, and the chief commander’s traces were also mysterious.


A loud noise emanated from the ground.


Flying shrapnel hit Iron Castle Hold. The Iron Castle Hold shook violently. The safety of the giant alliance, which had to confront the swamp dragons and adventurers barehanded, was deeply concerning.

“Darn it.”

Of course, that didn’t mean they had the resources to support them.


At the same time, cracks appeared on Iron Castle Hold’s glass windows.


Though it looked like ordinary glass, it was not just simple glass. For defense purposes, it was a single giant shield crafted with exquisite craftsmanship by carving jewels and crystals to the extreme.

“Is the simple wind causing it to crack?”

“It seems like there’s something wrong with the mechanical devices!”


Lamenting voices, but there was no capacity to support them.


The glass windows seemed to crack even more as they looked outside. Chainwalker Wallswyle grumbled.

“Does this mean that we have to endure just a simple wind?”

“If you go outside in this storm…!”

“You might even get your flesh torn apart!”

“Just a wind doing this…?”

Answering the futile question was the spirit, High-Elf Hayell.

“It’s not just a simple wind.”

“What do you mean, High-Elf?”

“This storm contains more than just malevolence.”

The blessing effect of the World Tree.

Beyond the {Nature} of the forest, Hayell could now understand the essence itself. Thanks to that, he could see it. The truly indiscriminate violence wielded by the King of All Things.

Hayell said quietly.

“The bloodthirst is intense.”

How many lives had the Storm Dragon taken as it flew over here? The Swamp Dragon’s movements on the ground would be no different.

Chainwalker made up his mind and nodded.

“If that’s the case, we can’t just stand by and watch. Is the repair finished, Wallswyle? Prepare the magical cannons right away. As long as the chief commander is absent, we don’t have a means to purify the dragons!”


The mechanical devices clicked and made a resounding noise.

At the same time, the gun barrels protruded from Iron Castle Hold.

They were at maximum output.

Chainwalker Wallswyle prepared himself.

“We will slay the King of All Things today!”

It was not an easy decision.

If the chief commander, Hoel, were here, he could have saved even the rampaging evil dragons. Even if they had committed unforgivable sins, he would have forgiven them and granted them a rebirth.

Chainwalker cursed.

‘Although I, a humble Dwarf, may not understand.’

Because you would have accomplished it as a matter of course.

But they didn’t have that pride.

They didn’t have the ability or the chief commander.

So this was the best they could do right now.

“Ready to fire!”

The resolute Chainwalker opened his eyes wide.

To precisely aim the swaying gun barrels.

It was a moment he had been waiting for.


Beyond the shattered crystal window.

A glimmer of silver hair was visible. It was the presence they had eagerly awaited, no, believed without doubt. The commander-in-chief of the Holy Alliance, Hoel.


“Is that hair…?”

The radiant silver hair extended long past his waist.

If it were just that, it wouldn’t have been surprising.

Several days had passed since Hoel’s disappearance.

For Hoel, it wouldn’t be strange no matter what happened.

And right then, as Hoel made his appearance, tranquility returned to Iron Castle Hold.

They thought it might have been stabilized with magic, but that wasn’t it.


Wallsweil reluctantly called out to Chainwalker.

He had no choice but to do so.

When, in what moment, did this happen?

Not only was the Storm Dragon covered in blood, but both of its wings were completely broken and twitching on the ground.

This was not the scene they had anticipated.

“I’m watching.”

Despite that, Chainwalker nodded resolutely.

Perhaps that evil dragon was in a state beyond return.

Above all, High-Elf Hayell would surely understand the intentions of the chief commander.

Just as Wallswyle turned his head, he saw Hayell closing his eyes.


Hayell was the one who should be happier than anyone else about Hoel’s return.

With his eyes closed, Hayell brought his two hands together.


He muttered the one word softly.


Giant Alliance.

A message appeared to the players.

Thanks to that, they could truly believe it.

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]…

The evil dragon was dead.


The dry throat swallowed involuntarily.

It was because of its tremendous presence. The Swamp Dragon that had pulverized an entire area just by rolling around. The sense of existence from the severed head and torso was overwhelming, matching its massive size.


There was no need to explain the fountain of blood spurting from its neck.

In this unexpected situation.

Hisagi was the first to speak.

“It seems like there was no other way.”

Hisagi had faith.

If it was the usual chief commander, he would have surely purified the evil dragon. The existence of Prosnax guarding the World Tree near Antorium was evidence of that.

“There was no way to revert the evil dragon to its original state.”

So it was puzzling.

Why didn’t the chief commander show mercy and purify the dragon this time?

Perhaps it was because the Swamp Dragon had already trampled on one village.


It wasn’t that kind of problem.

Hisagi shook his head.

At that moment, he was truly relieved that it was not so.

Chief Commander Hoel would have forgiven even greater atrocities. Moreover, it was known that the dragon was merely running rampant under the influence of evil consequences.

There was another reason he was sure of.


A loud noise came from afar.

It was the Storm Dragon, which was falling, crashing into some mountain range.

It happened in the blink of an eye.

Shreig chuckled.

“You could still call this the work of the chief commander… right?”

Just what skill or magic could take down a dragon that soared through the ground and the sky at the same time? Moreover, in a moment, in the blink of an eye. Hoel’s realm was beyond comprehension.

But what surprised Shreig even more was.

“No, maybe not…?”

There was a strange aura emanating from Hoel.

The only thing that had changed in his appearance was his long silver hair.

Hair that extended past his waist.

Because of that, the atmosphere felt different and unfamiliar.

As Shreig pondered, he murmured.

“It suits you well, though.”

As if Hoel had always been a person with long hair.

Of course, the pondering didn’t last long.

Nam Taemin spoke.

“If you’re curious, you should just ask.”

It had been the same since their first encounter.

Hoel had never hidden anything in the face of a question. Of course, he didn’t observe formalities. There had been times when he coldly stated that he wouldn’t answer the questions of those who didn’t show respect….

[Reckless Rage] released.

Nam Taemin, who had regained his composure instead of his wild nature, corrected himself.

“No, you should just ask.”

He was confident.

If it was the Hoel he knew.

He would surely explain the reason behind his actions even without being asked.

The reason why he had to hunt down the dragon instead of purifying it.


It seemed that even the members of Iron Castle Hold had noticed Hoel’s appearance.

He was landing slowly.

Suddenly, the voices of players belonging to the Holy Alliance were heard.

“…Am I alive again? Thanks to the chief commander, as always?”

“I guess so, judging by the level-up messages.”

“Hey, why is it still the same…?”

“Are you sure it’s not alive?”

“Stop talking nonsense.”


At that moment, the three guild masters of the Giant Alliance, including Shreig, stopped in their tracks.

Now that they thought about it.

‘Why is that?’

The corpse of the evil dragon was still there, not disappearing.

The green flames that flared up when demons were defeated.

According to the words of the romantic explorer Laurentzk, they were called ‘Hellfire.’ The system of the Arcana Continent, where the death of a monster turned it into smoke and scattered, was not observed either.

“No one picked up the dragon’s loot?”

No one had acquired the dragon’s loot.

That raised questions.

During the battle, Hoel had overwhelmingly contributed to the defeat.

“You took down both of them alone?”

Why were they only able to suffer from the dragon’s attacks? According to the loot distribution system, Hoel should have automatically acquired the loot.

Hisagi muttered inwardly.

‘…Did he refuse the loot?’

Was such a thing possible?

As players, they couldn’t be certain if such a system existed.

Certainly, there would be no players who would decline loot.

At that moment, another sound echoed.

Hoel’s foot touched the ground.

Walking through the air, the sound of footsteps sounded near their ears.

Everyone was suspicious.

But they didn’t have time to be surprised yet.


At the same time, Hoel disappeared.

Due to the sudden situation, everyone froze.

Even the gears of Iron Castle Hold screeched in disbelief.

Leoni stammered, trying to explain, “M-maybe there was something urgent?”

Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to disappear without taking any loot after defeating two dragons. Shreig wiped the cold sweat from his forehead as he replied, “Right! Things aren’t ordinary in reality right now, are they?”

However, Nam Taemin and Hisagi remained silent.


They understood the act of not taking the loot.

‘After all, it’s Hoel.’

He was just, and his reputation supported that.

Having witnessed Hoel who didn’t care about loot before.

But what they couldn’t comprehend was.

‘He didn’t even spare us a glance.’

Since his appearance.

Hoel’s gaze had never turned towards the forces of the Holy Alliance. No, it wasn’t merely a matter of not looking at them; he didn’t even touch the loot like before.

Nam Taemin recalled Hoel as he used to be.

Compassionate and always there in moments of crisis.

He remembered the “ray of light” that had saved him several times.

However, at this moment, he didn’t feel any mercy from Hoel.

It was both puzzling and not puzzling at the same time.

Yes, if they accepted “one thing,” everything fell into place.

‘If the current Hoel is not the Hoel I know.’

Nam Taemin remembered the unfamiliar scent lingering in the air.

An extremely strange scent.

In the same way, a “strange name” also came to mind.

Yes, the “name” that had followed Hoel from behind.

“Granfel Cloudy Arpeus Romeo.”

Unconsciously, Nam Taemin blurted out the name.

“No way.”


Another Space Ho.

The despairing count was updating anew.

“The number of captured mana particles is now 642.”

Truly a despairing number.

However, the rapidly increasing count returned to zero.

It didn’t take long to reset to zero.


The ten mana particles surrounding Earth burst out simultaneously.

“Seniors, it seems like there’s something wrong with the cameras.”

“What? We just checked them. Why?”

“Th-the mana particles suddenly disappeared from the screen!”


At the same moment.

A knight appeared on Earth.




[Breaking News] Ihoyeol appears, will he become the spark of a turnaround?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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