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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 47

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Episode 47. However, hiding is useless (1)

Minguk Ilbo.

Reporter Jeong Man-seok’s fingers danced on the laptop.


I didn’t even have any expectations.

Who is Lee Ho-yeol?

I’ve seen many players, but among them, the player whose moves are the most unbelievable! Above all, Ho-yeol’s personality was notorious even in the newsroom.

Picking interviews is like picking stars from the sky.

I can feel the life in those cold eyes.

That’s not a concept, but sincerity….

It feels like I’m crawling into a slaughterhouse with my own feet.

“…What if I bury it with magic for being rude?”

I couldn’t help but be genuinely concerned.

That’s because the question he brought up seemed absurd even to himself.

No matter how much I received it from the top and ate it.

Because this was a question no different from asking to side with the Shinhwa Guild.

“Lee Ho-yeol will do well to answer. really.”

However, the sadness of a member of society who has to do it.

Jung Man-seok grabbed his pounding heart and approached Ho-yeol.

and asked a question

Please don’t bury it in the ground.

praying earnestly.


“Amazing, Great. oh my god…!”

What is this?

Lee Ho-yeol of the world accepted the interview.

It wasn’t even a short answer.

It was a very sincere answer by Lee Ho-yeol’s standards.

Jeong Man-seok had no choice but to do a shoulder dance.


“I’d never have thought it would be so openly sniping.”

You can’t even hide in a mean way.

Also, don’t roll your hair that is clearly visible.

It’s just a reporter’s position.

Jeong Man-seok was a little thrilled with an honest feeling.

‘…Feels like something was put on it and my stomach goes down?’

How much did the reporters suffer, including yourself?

I just thought my fingers were rotting from writing Shinhwa Guild articles that I didn’t want to write for the past few days. In such a situation, Ho-yeol openly shot the culprit.

Suddenly, the dancing fingers stopped.

“But what are you talking about?”

Show yourself proudly before me.

I could understand that far.

But do you have all the authority?

Jung Man-seok did it just in case.

“…oh no way. Isn’t that right?”


A feature that is activated for players who own the territory.

Those words were only used when Arcana was a game.

That’s because there was no precedent for a player’s estate to be updated in reality.

Shaking my head.

Jeong Man-seok shook his head.

Wouldn’t it be better if he had defeated the Seven Deadly Sins of Greed alone with his stupid words?

“Anyway, that doesn’t make sense.”

No matter how passionate he was, it was natural that he would not be able to build up an influence in the Yusra kingdom to the extent of gaining authority.

Jung Man-seok guessed the meaning.

“Well, close friends with King Hakuna. Is that a relationship?”

Rather, that would be more likely.

Anyway, that wasn’t the point.

Jeong Man-seok relaxed his stiff wrist.

“Whatever it is, it’s a big scoop. This.”

In addition, independent coverage.

There is no fear of being stolen by others.

I will write it with all my heart even if I am grateful to Ho-yeol.

The moment when Jeong Man-seok’s fingers were about to move again.


a vibrating smartphone.

was the manager

I wonder if this is what it would feel like if I passed the first grade.


Jeong Man-seok cleared his throat and touched the call button.

Then an urgent voice is heard.

-Reporter Jeong! Have you met Lee Ho-yeol?

Did you just have to meet?

I definitely got the interview as per the headquarters.

Jung Man-seok replied calmly.

“Yes, we met.”

But why is the reaction unusual?

-okay? did you meet soon? Are you doing an interview? Are you near Lee Ho-yeol? Then, correct the coverage immediately! Just blow the mythic guild questions!

“…yes? What do you say? What are you flying?!”

It is an interview that I risked my life for a while.

Jeong Man-seok had a moment, but tears almost came out.

Whether you know the feeling or not.

The bullying is back.

-What is it, Jung Man-seok? Didn’t you check the video that just came out?

“…a video?”


At those words, Jeong Man-seok hurriedly checked the group chat room.

Then there was a nettube link.

It was a video released by Gaon.


In that video, Yusura Kingdom appeared in the world.

“…wasn’t that just something you said?”

The truth of the day was there.


A world-class message popped up for all players.

[Someone has uncovered the secret of the Yusra Islands.]

[The ancient kingdom of Yusra is revealed.]

That someone was ‘Lee Ho-yeol’!

The video released by Gaon contained the battle between Ho-yeol and the Seven Deadly Sins, greed.

video intro.

The sense of intimidation shown by the giant was truly staggering.

-ㅁㅋ;; Nam Tae-min and Leonie can’t even resist

– The devil said that abnormal condition is a headache??

-Thinking about the level, it’s level 650.

Yes, that guy was a level 650 demon-type monster.

It was natural that no matter how ranker I was, I couldn’t respond.

It is not that Nam Tae-min or Leonie were weak.

So, the wave of the next scene is bound to get bigger.

It seemed that he easily overcame the status ailments.

Ho-yeol moving towards the giant.

The angle of the screen that returns at the same time.

-What is it really? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

. really don’t know;

-Is it true that Lee Ho-yeol released the status abnormality right now? ㄴㄴ

That alone wasn’t enough, the moment Ho-yeol opened his mouth.

Nam Tae-min and Leonie were also out of status abnormalities.

Ho-yeol’s voice was intact in the video.

[There is no need for that. Here I am.]

The comments left on that part were hard to count.

-3:50! 3:50! 3:50! 3:50! 3:50! 3:50! 3:50!

-I didn’t doubt Homen

. -Gaon bastards, are you finally revealing this


It was only natural to cringe.

The dramatic situation rather saved the taste of the dialogue.

If it wasn’t for Ho-yeol, Nam Tae-min and Leonie might have really lost their lives.

Yes, that alone was a great performance.

But it was only after that that the unbelievable development began.

As soon as he faced Ho-yeol, the giant evil began to stir.

[Who are you? How…?]

And the demon hunting began.

Yes, that could only be described as hunting.

It was a one-sided joke.

A feast of colorful magic that fills the screen.

-It came hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -Wait

a minute, what is that shiny thing??

-It looks like a bullet… No, what is this again?!

-Suddenly became an arrow???

It was hard to put into words.

that moment of time.

How complex are the skills linked? There were people who watched the scene dozens of times while replaying it at low speed, but the conclusion they came to was the same in the end.


like Homen Nam Chul-min boasted.

It was a level of magic that could not even be analyzed.

[That doesn’t make sense. Why am I against a human…?]

Without even being able to counterattack properly.

The muttering Seven Deadly Sins, greed.

In the end, the guy even handed over a servile offer.

[okay! good night! Let’s make a contract with me! If you make a contract with me, I will give you all of this. can’t you see All of this brilliant golden palace will be yours!]


a few people drool there.

Because it was a very tempting proposal.

However, Ho-yeol’s answer was firm.

[That look is ugly. Foolish devil.]

As if it wasn’t worth worrying about.

cold voice.

With that, the battle was no different.

[Save me! Ah, I don’t want to die yet…!!]

Greed for the Seven Deadly Sins begging for life.

It was as Hoyeol said.

They say it’s evil.

In front of Ho-yeol, he was nothing more than an insignificant devil.

There was no mercy.

A silver dagger in my hand at some point.


Hoyeol struck the head of the giant as it was.

-…wow. Is the movie over already?

-no!! Don’t turn it off yet, there are still cookie videos left!!

-What is it? Now that I see it, isn’t that Hakuna? He is the king of Yusra,

the king of Yusra who escaped from the reign of the giant.

The appearance of Ho-yeol putting a crown on such a king’s head.

[It’s time to right the wrong. The nameless king.]

At the same time as Hoyeol’s last line.

Like the ending credits, the subtitles came to mind.

[Someone revealed the secret of the Youth System.] [The ancient kingdom of Youth’s kingdom



-This is good at editing this house

. Nothing lol -Lee

Ho-yeol? Correct it to Ho-yeol right now

– If you haven’t been able to reveal it so far because you’re editing this, you

‘re welcome.

Breaking news is basic.

There was also a broadcasting station that carried out emergency programs.

“Didn’t I tell you? Lee Ho-yeol is certain to be a top ranker who has not disclosed information. The evidence came out like this on video!”

Naturally, it was all about Ho-yeol.

Even though the video was released.

The sense of mystery about Ho-yeol did not go away, but rather grew.

“But no matter how much I analyze the battle footage, I can’t figure it out! Even that class is not guessed. It seems certain that it is a wizard series…”

“At least level 500. No, I think it will be level 550.”

“…indeed! I’m starting to understand the argument that they kept it private because they didn’t want to become famous through rankings. You defeated the evil and made a mark in history. You haven’t revealed that fact until now, have you?”

So, it was natural to have questions.

Why was this video released at this point?

Is it because they put so much effort into editing as a joke?

the answer to that.

Really unexpected for anyone.

It came out of a daily newspaper in Korea.


[Exclusive] Lee Ho-yeol “I have the authority of Yusra Kingdom… It’s better not to hide and not to roll your hair… If you want something, show yourself proudly in front of me.”


At least the people of the Republic of Korea have no choice but to notice it right away.

The comment section of the article exploding in real time.

Yes, this was like a declaration of war.

-Wow, I couldn’t




. Hahaha

The myth of chaebol guilds and the vested interests are intricately intertwined.

towards those who touched their planting.

An upright declaration of war as usual.


Shinhwa group competing for the 1st and 2nd place in the Korean business world.

Seoul Deluxe Miss Hotel, one of the symbols of Shinhwa Group.

Top floor private room.

There were two men and women who shouldn’t be together.

Of course, just being in one space.

The man was the only one lying on the bed.

“It’s funny how you look drunk in a dark dream.”

Master Baek Lee Seol of the Shinhwa Guild.

She looked at the man who must have been drunk in an ecstatic dream.

“Where is the initial momentum going? Foolish.”

If you’re so intoxicated with pleasure that you can’t tell the difference between dreams and reality, you’ll throw everything away for yourself. Fame, family and even life. I mean, I threw it away.

“Like those idiots.”


It took a while for Baek Yi-seol to snort.

The energy that escaped from the man’s body flowed into Baek Yi-seol’s body.

Baek Yi-seol’s pupils instantly turned black.


Seoul Deluxe Miss Hotel, one of the best hotels in the world.

Among them, it was a private room that was secretly operated for VIPs.

Considering the level of management, it is impossible for the light bulb to flicker.

So what the crackling light bulb meant was simple.

“At this rate, it won’t be long before I become a high-ranking demon.”

That Baek Yi-seol was possessed by the devil.

Baek Yi-seol looked out the window.

Not the Han River beyond the window.

I looked at myself reflected in the window and started talking.

“how is it? Do you think you are getting closer to your goal, my lady?”

Long white fingers caressed Baek Yi-seol’s face reflected in the window.

A seductive voice followed.

“Of course, it may be different from the way you thought. But what if I regret it? It’s something that can’t be undone now.”

upward lip.

That smile must have been the devil’s deception.

“Still, there isn’t much time left before we can break it down.”

Since the energy was absorbed, the business was over.

Baek Yi-seol left the private room.

The waiting secretary followed.

Then he spoke in a voice with a clear expression of bewilderment.

“CEO, have you checked the article?”

“Are you talking about Lee Ho-yeol’s interview?”

“…Did you know? sorry! Just in case.”

As soon as I entered the private room, the man put me to sleep.

Baek Yi-seol had enough time to check the breaking news on his smartphone.

The secretary was taken aback by Baek Yi-seol’s reaction.

‘…Did you know? If I do something wrong.’

Everything in the Myth Guild.

Even the trysts in the past, including today.

It is a crisis that can be revealed to the world.

However, Baek Yi-seol did not feel the slightest agitation.

“thank god. Because you’re not Leonie.”


“Work could have been very tiring.”

At Baek Yi-seol’s words, the attendant’s doubts deepened.

Baek Yi-seol stroked the attendant’s cheek.

“Do not worry.”

“The Great Representative…!”

“I owe you all the time.”

It is natural to have doubts.

The attendant probably couldn’t even imagine that he was a succubus. He didn’t even realize right away that he was also a victim of intrigue.

Yeah, it wasn’t just the secretary.

From a government official who fell asleep in bed.

Entrepreneurs Supernova and even rankers.

Baek Yi-seol is the victim of numerous conspiracies.

No, it gave confidence to the mid-level demon succubus.

‘You said you defeated the giant by yourself?’

Even if that’s true, I think it doesn’t matter.

‘Whoops. It must have lacked the qualities of a giant.’

Lee Ho-yeol As long as he is a man.

You can’t be free from your own temptations.

Baek Yi-seol removed his hand from the attendant’s cheek.

“You told me to show up, so I have no choice but to show it. But how far do you want to expose it? Should I choose a more daring outfit than now?”

Baek Yi-seol’s eyebrows curled.

“Make sure you clear all your plans for tomorrow.”

Lee Ho-yeol I will go to Yusra Kingdom to meet him.

Baek Yi-seol. No, the succubus swelled in dreams.

‘What is a high-level devil? I don’t know if I can become a giant!’

The place to go with your feet.

Without even knowing it was the realm of the natural enemy.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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