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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 487

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Episode 487. Base fertilizer (3)

This is not going to be easy.

‘If this continues, there will be nothing left.’

Yugweed Lufeng, a fusion intelligence.

Every time the giant golem wriggled, it seemed like an earthquake occurred.

Just flinching while lying face down is this powerful.

What if something like that could stand up on its own two feet?

It was a moment when I was having a terrible imagination. Phoenix, the Spirit King of Flame, spread his wings of red flame. He then unleashed a fierce flame towards his twitching fingers.


Neither magic nor skill, but {nature}.

A flame of its own.

The power was incredible even at first glance.

Phoenix’s beak trembled with anger.

“Oried, I am so ashamed of your disgrace.”

Is it because he lost face as a fellow spirit king?

If not, does that mean you don’t even want to be tied together?

Phoenix seems to be trying to prove his innocence.

It radiated red flames non-stop.


“That’s fine, Phoenix.”

As the system message that does not lie declared, I had the [command authority] of Phoenix and the flame spirits under his command. Therefore, at my word, Phoenix stopped taking action.

I continued speaking while staring at the golem’s fingers.

“Emotional responses backfire.”

It wasn’t even a small rock. It was like a living rock mountain. What we’re dealing with is only an arm, and at least five fingers.

Chii Iik.

The fingers, which were bright red from the heat of the phoenix, seemed to recognize us as enemies. Although the movements were slow, the power contained in them could not be guessed.


According to the shape of the palm being struck down.


The ground is melting.

It was good to avoid this by teleporting early.

Such a thing is literally a natural disaster that cannot be prevented even with building magic.

Only then did Phoenix realize his mistake.

“I expected it to be just Oried’s level…”

Oried and Yugweed.

I still don’t know what the story is between the two or if it’s Yugweed or Oried. What is certain is that he has been reborn into a weight class that even Phoenix, the Spirit King, cannot dare to compete with.

Phoenix bowed his head.

“I’m sorry.”

But I don’t have anything to apologize for.

First before accepting the apology.

What should I do with my fingers that are so hot?

‘After all, is it only absolute zero?’

Gii [『Absolute Zero』].

If it were absolute zero, it might be possible to not only cool down the guy’s heated fingers but also block his movements. Of course, I’m worried because it’s my first time experiencing strangeness in such a wide range.

‘I have to do something. Is there anything I can do?’

It was the moment I was thinking about.


Suddenly, a chill swept through the battlefield.

Of course, there is no Lee Ho-yeol shivering from the cold because he does not have the [Warmth] buff.

[The Blessing of the First World Tree] The effect is quite widespread.

[The blessing of the first World Tree rejects the status abnormality ‘Frostbite’.]

…Still, this is a bit cold, isn’t it? Anyway, I was able to look at the protagonist without frowning. You can guess it just by looking at that cold-blooded appearance.

“The Ice Spirit King Princher meets the Blesser.”

In urgent situations, you can skip greetings.

If I had to compare it, it was a coldness that could never be inferior to Bingryong Prosnax. Thanks to this, the golem’s hot fingers cooled quickly.


Damage was caused by rapid temperature changes.

Of course, there was no significant damage.

As soon as something goes wrong with the golem’s body.


Because the earth spirits had suddenly appeared and were recovering the golem. The fire and ice spirits who were watching the situation with concern murmured.

“Have you really betrayed us?”

“You were simply following Oried’s orders, right?”

“…I feel sorry for everyone.”

Among the spirits, there was also a familiar lizard.

Fire Drake, a contract spirit from Senior Feiyan of the Spirit School. As a high-ranking flame spirit and as a magic tower contract spirit who knew me to some extent, the Fire Drake silenced the commotion.

“There is nothing to worry about. Appropriate action will be taken.”

…A reasonable disposition?

Is it really up to me to make that decision?

What did you say to Payyan Senior Contract Spirit?

Those eyes full of trust are quite burdensome.

Well, I wasn’t sure even at this moment.

‘How many phases does this raid exist?’

Check the flashing message.

[Hidden Quest: Proof of the Earth]

Oried, the spirit king of the Earth.

Oried wants to prove the blessings of the World Tree.

Overcome the trials of the earth and prove the existence of the World Tree.

-Natural world: Enter the territory of Mother Earth. (Failure)

– Fusion Intelligence: Defeat Yugweed Lufeng. (In progress)

Neutralize the fingers of the fusion intelligence. (In progress)

The biggest characteristic of the boss monster.

As you can see, there are phases. It was a fused intelligence that was only moving its fingers in accordance with the quest’s goal. After that, I couldn’t tell which part and how many patterns were left.

Shall I be a little more honest?

‘Because of that, I was already prepared to die.’

[The Last Adventurer] effect is effective because it is the Arcana Continent.

Therefore, I was even thinking about throwing away at least one life.

Why don’t we just have to wait for the cooldown this time?

‘Because the same guy would have appeared in reality.’

So, I am at this moment.

I was thinking of a way to die as efficiently as possible. Of course, the fusion intelligence that printed the appearance message on the Arcana continent was running rampant without considering my situation.

“You’re late, Ariel.”

“Did you come here because you were worried about Zeus’ son?”

“Shut up, Naias.”

“You’re here, Dryad.”

All the Spirit Kings except Oried have gathered here as well.

I feel grateful and admirable again, Hiel.

I glanced at Hiel and swallowed relief.

‘Really, what would I have done without you?’

I might have done everything I could to stop it on my own. Among those forced actions, there must have been the use of [Heavenly and Heavenly Childhood], which has the risk of going out of control.

‘If it goes crazy.’

I wasn’t sure how the situation would develop.

Thanks to my alter ego, Haiel, I guess I was able to avoid the worst situation.

At about that point.

“Listen to the former king.”

I opened my mouth convincingly.

“You, the kings of nature, have power. The ability to calm the raging earth. Because that is nature’s providence.”

It’s nature’s providence.

Let’s talk about the Granfell style of speaking.

In short, it is rock, paper, scissors.

‘It’s the nature of biting and being bitten.’

The spirits of the earth desperately seek out Yugweed, a fusion intelligence.

Although the golem is being protected, the clear fact has not changed.

The golem’s fingers were damaged by rapid temperature changes.

Princher, the spirit king of ice with a cold appearance.

He continues speaking politely.

“I will gladly accept the words of the Blessed One. However, that being is an unknown being that surpasses Oried, the spirit king of the earth. Even if we give our best…”

Because we competed for sum a little while ago.

There must have been an estimate.

He must have felt the overwhelming difference in power.

Phoenix did not make much of a rebuttal to Princher’s words.

But I spoke calmly.

“Still, there is nothing to worry about.”


They look surprised because they think I have some secret to my words… Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Like I said, there’s nothing I can do.

“I will open the way for you.”

All I had to do was sacrifice my life to take away the power of Yugweed, the fusion intelligence. Of course, this does not mean that we will leave the work behind and only make the spirit kings suffer.


Suddenly, a magical reaction waved in the sky.

It’s not magic, it’s a magic stone’s unique magic release pattern.

Yes, it was the Iron Castle.

‘It’s faster than I thought?’

Allied forces of the Crusade.

It hasn’t been long since the battle with the great monster was over, but the players who witnessed the appearance message probably didn’t sit still. Arcana people must have also heard the news through players.

‘He’s probably a stronger supporter than me.’

The person who added confidence to my thoughts was Dryad, the spirit king of the forest. It was probably news from the spirits of the forest. A change occurred on the face of the dryad, who had never lost his gentleness even in this situation.

“…It looks like the elves are aware of the situation.”

Under the command of their leader, High Elf Argentress, they wandered the continent in pursuit of the original evil, the enemy of the World Tree. One of those elves must have witnessed a huge fusion intelligence.

‘They must be flocking based on that information.’

I suddenly became curious.

‘The spirits also called the World Tree mother, right?’

But to the point of harboring misunderstandings.

The spirits received no attention or affection from the World Tree.

As I was considering the lineage of those spirits…

‘…isn’t this similar to our family?’

Let’s put aside #1 and #2 and think about why we get along well.

Even in the Lee family.

Even in the world tree genealogy, I was the youngest.

And they consider themselves relatively marginalized.

The third one is right in the middle.

‘Lee Ye-rim is just like this, like Gwanjong.’

As I think of Oried as the one who stabbed him in the back…

I feel like I want to end the commotion even more quickly.

It was then.


Sighs erupted from the Spirit King and the spirits.

Did he realize that attacks were coming towards the golem?

The earth spirits became shields and stood in front of the golem.

“Oried, you are so cruel.”

Ariel, the Spirit King of Wind, was furious. The earth spirits were used as meat shields by order of Oried. The fearful expressions on the faces of the earth spirits are proof of this.

“What should we do…?”

All the spirits, including the spirit kings, stopped.

I immediately understood that I had not yet lost my innocence.

Even in this situation, they probably can’t point their teeth at each other.

The spirits.

‘That’s why it has been patiently tolerated in the natural world.’

…I feel sorry for comparing you to someone else.

It’s a natural thing to say.

I had no intention of wasting the purity that the spirits had worked so hard to protect.

Moreover, didn’t I tell you?

This was also the World Tree’s plan.

‘We’ll have to see how great of a plan that is.’

I opened my mouth.

“Blood is thicker than water.”


“Spirits of the Earth, you do not have to follow the orders of the wrong king.”

To the spirits of the earth, Lord Oried’s orders must be absolute. However, after thinking about Prosnax and hearing news about elves, I became convinced.

‘If the spirits are the third children of the World Tree.’

[Hierarchy of blessings].

The effect is said to be effective for spirits as well.

My prediction was right.

My vision blinks.

[A ‘hierarchy of blessings’ occurs among the earth spirits.]

The earth spirits that were trembling in fear begin to disperse.

Hurry away from the golem.

Rather, they are joining our side.

The spirit kings let out a gasp of astonishment.

“Are you saying you have surpassed even the king’s command?”


“Why go to such trouble for no reason when you have such power…!”

It’s just that I simply didn’t think about it.

Do you think I was considerate of their reputation as the Spirit King?

After the astonishment, admiration poured out towards me.

…Okay, whatever.

‘This is how I am.’

Because my current self was built up through all sorts of illusions.

I won’t bother denying it now.

Here, my best bet is to prove it convincingly.

Underestimation is proof, overestimation is realization.

Isn’t that the path that Lee Ho-yeol and Granfell are taking together? In that sense, I took steps. The goal is the first quest goal, Five Fingers.

In my head.

I think of fifty thousand means and methods.

Choose the best move among them.

A combination of pure magic and attributes.

It is the nature of attribute magic that is amplified through it.

Nature is no exception.

I manifested pure magical magic.

Above all, my magical power is not just magical power.

This means that it is a magical power of a different level.

I spoke to the Spirit Kings.

“For this moment, you can use my power to run wild.”


At my words, the spirit kings prepare to strike.

Eventually, various natural properties exploded as a medium for my magical power.

I looked at the flashing message.

Neutralize the fingers of the fusion intelligence. (Success)

Of course.

In my current actions, I, Lee Ho-yeol, are scribbling in my head.

A timid bill was also included.

[You have earned contribution to the kill.]

I thought as I looked at my fingers collapsing.

Be as plausible as possible.

I’ve passed phase 1.


How does reality deal with such a monster?

‘Still, there’s a magic tower so there’s nothing to worry about…’

Then a thought occurred to me.

I entrusted the chief temporary acting job to ‘someone’.

Perhaps it was headed to the Arcana Continent?

‘Oh no, Benshee William…!!’




Park Hwi-gang could not believe his eyes.


Suddenly, an appearance message appeared.

[The freed flame emperor ‘Banshe William’ appears.]

“If you are a Benshee, then you are a senior mage…? But the Flame Emperor was released…?What is this great modifier?!”

At the same time, I felt scared.


From the stairs of the Magic Tower.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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