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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 489

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Episode 489. Base fertilizer (5)


I know a man named Benshee William better than anyone else in the Mage Tower.

As a fellow senior wizard.

It was Bangrit, a senior pure magical science expert who had been watching him from an equal perspective.

But even Bangrit was in agony.

“Senior Benshi, how much should I trust you?”

A sigh that flows out naturally.

Bangrit has suffered from the banshees as much as Hoyeol.

Should I say that it is a neurosis that I acquired thanks to you?

That can’t be possible.

At any moment, the door to the office bursts open.

I had the illusion that a banshee was going to attack me, scattering parchment.

-“Senior Bankrit, is it possible for you to ghostwrite today?”

…I shake my head again.

There’s this senior manager who sees everything, but he’s a ghostwriter. It was out of the question for sparks to fly. Thanks to this, Bangrit never once held the feather pen instead of Banshee.

In that sense.

“Are you really saying that Senior Benshi is the temporary acting chief…?”

Of course, he knew the true nature of the Flame Emperor very well. Among the twenty senior Mage Tower seniors, it was Senior Benshi who stood out along with Matisse, the senior black magician.

Considering that Master Mathis is a wizard from the previous generation…

Senior Benshee’s potential is.

It was like saying it was more than that.



his own office.

Bangrit’s gaze follows the traces of Banshees scattered everywhere.

I think Chief Lee, who is no one else, once said…

“A person with formality should show formality even where he or she stays.”

Senior Benshee William, who was not able to tear out his hair and even pulled out the feathers from his quill pen. The one who dripped ink all over the place was also senior Benshee William. Finally, the one who threw the parchment on the floor was William the Benshee…!

That’s what I thought as I looked at the mess he had made.

“…Is this why you entrusted it to me?”

Perhaps through the hard work of Chief Lee.

I think he was trying to teach Senior Benshi a lesson.

Of course, Bangrit shook his head.

“Hey, how could Chief Lee do that?”

You are not the kind of person to judge based on the thoughts of a small person like me.

Bangrit shook off his thoughts.

It may be that my office is so chaotic that I can’t think of anything else.

He immediately shrugged his shoulders.

“Should I finish cleaning it up?”

One by one, Bangrit erased the traces of the Banshees.

But this time it was especially severe.

Why are there more feathers and parchments scattered around than usual?…

“I guess you are more desperate than ever to go to the tower…”

Bangrit thought nothing of it.



Suddenly his hand twitched. It suddenly occurred to me. When Senior Benshi submitted a particularly large number of applications for the temple. What happened outside the Magic Tower?

‘Isn’t there a big incident every time something like this happens…?’


Every time, an incident occurred so big that senior wizards went to the tower. Of course, someone had to guard the magic tower, so in most cases, the senior Benshi was unable to accompany them.

Nevertheless, Bangrit was not overlooked.

“Surely you, Senior Benshee…?”

Did you instinctively know what was going to happen and fill out so many application forms each time? If so, Bangrit had no choice but to be concerned.

To an unprecedented degree.

Her own office was a mess due to the hands of the banshees.

Gurgling Bangrit swallowed dry saliva.

“What kind of incident do you want to happen…?”


Even with great magical talent, the direction is bound to be different.

If we say that the talent of Marcelo, the founder of theoretical magic, is specialized in the observational ability to judge all things, including magic particles, rationally and objectively.

In the case of Fire Magic Senior Benshee William.

“…Anyway, I will take responsibility!”

The focus was on intuition over logic and reason.

“The use of magic tools for decisive battles is permitted not only to non-senior but also experienced magicians. You won’t be passed over for any mediocre responsibility, right? Depending on the situation, you may be imprisoned for several days indefinitely.”

Enchantment senior Kiko Armin.

She walked the stairs of the magic tower with the banshees, equipped with magical tools for decisive battle. Sweat was seeping from the hand holding the magic tool. It wasn’t just because of the unidentified golem that blocked the sunlight shining on the Magic Tower.

“It’s not called a decisive battle for nothing!”

This was because he knew better than anyone else the power contained in the magic tools for decisive battle.

It was the same for Banshee.

Bensh continued as if making excuses.

“Now look. I don’t know what that is, but isn’t it like our magic tower is under siege? There is no free time in the Tower now that neither Marcelo Tower owner nor Chief Lee are here. “It means we have to take control from the beginning.”

“…You speak well.”


“I don’t know either. Please dispose of it properly later.”

Disposal Bensh was startled by those words.

“Hmm. No matter how bad it is, I still have to dispose of it…”

No matter how uncomfortable I felt.

Was the permission to use all magic tools for decisive battle too harsh…?

Because he looked back on his choices later.

But Benshi’s reflection did not last long.

“What did you say just now?”

Apprentice wizard players were having a conversation.

Because I heard it in their conversation.

A former senior wizard of the Magic Tower.

“The golem that surrounded this magic tower is… Elder Yugweed?”

The name of Yugweed Lupeng.

It was from then on.

The Banshee’s spirit began to heat up.

“Yugweed Lufeng, a fused intelligence…”

To Yugweed, who left the Magic Tower.

What on earth happened to bring about this situation…

Kiko, who was worried, belatedly came to terms with Benshee’s judgment.

‘If that’s really Yugweed’s golem.’

If it’s Yugweed’s summoned animal, which is running wild for some reason.

Permitting the use of magic tools for decisive battle was by no means an excessive response.

Especially now that the core forces of the Magic Tower are away.

Kiko’s judgment was absolutely right.




An urgent call is heard.

“Senior Kiko!”

A member of the enchantment school that is not familiar with practical use.

I must be a lot of worry on this battlefield.

However, Kiko was doing his part on the battlefield.

A magical tool for decisive battle that emits light [Pendant of Interference].


Kiko was doing his part by using a magic tool that could store and manifest the magical “interference” process he had witnessed.

As the pendant shines, the collapsing building begins to recover again.

“Reversal magic.”

I was manifesting it using the power of a magic tool for decisive battle… but even though it was manifesting, I couldn’t understand it. How on earth is Chief Lee able to freely manifest such absurd magic?


It was a complex and pedantic interference process that caused the pendant to vibrate from overload. There was no need to mention the amount of magical power consumed in the process. There were already signs of magical exhaustion.

of course.

“You overdid it, Kiko.”

“oh. “Senior Bellier…!”

“are you okay. “Take a deep breath.”

Likewise, use the magic tool [Branch of Rest] for decisive battle.

Bellier quickly recovered Kiko from magical exhaustion.

And I looked at the battlefield.

“But wouldn’t this be a passing grade?”

The Magic Tower was responding to the fusion intelligence while minimizing the damage caused. It was all thanks to temporary acting chief Benshee William not overlooking the threat and actively responding by fully authorizing the use of magic tools for decisive battle.

Kiko exhaled as if reflecting.

“…Honestly, I doubted Senior Benshi’s judgment. But I don’t think it would have worked if it weren’t for Senior Benshi. “No one senior would have made such a bold decision.”

Bellier nodded.

“Chief Lee must have foreseen even that.”

Chief Lee seemed to be fully aware of the potential of the Banshees, which even they had overlooked. At this moment, Benshee’s performance was such that the nickname Flame Emperor was not enough.

It would be great.

“It’s unfamiliar, Senior Benshee!”

There was a hint of respect in Bangrit’s eyes.

William the Benshee has extremely developed intuition.

Also, I have always longed to use magic tools for decisive battle.

As if it was due to a legitimate need.


The firepower of the Banshees who freely wielded [Anatosh’s Flame] was beyond imagination. Senior psychedelic magician Nasrow urgently calls out to Bangrit, who was in a trance.

“Bangrit’s aftermath is coming!”


“I never thought I would live to be a senior Benshee.”

Soon, the fingers of the fused intelligence began to turn red and then completely melted. Banshee took charge of the fusion intelligence alone, and the remaining senior and experienced wizards focused on minimizing the damage caused by it.

of course.


The presence of players should not be overlooked.

More accurately, it should be called a grand alliance.

The most influential guild in Korea without Gaon?

It was definitely a mythological guild.

Led by guild master Baek Yi-seol.

The Myth Guild focused on rescuing citizens.

Baek Yi-seol took a deep breath and looked at the situation.

‘Is Phase 1 now over?’

It was then.

The wizards flying through the air landed around Baek Yi-seol.

Unlike usual, when he was wearing a simple robe.

Wizards equipped with the right items.

‘As expected, the Magic Tower has never shown its full power.’

Surely you have to be at that level to be able to move forward along the same lines as Ho-yeol. In comparison, I… It was the moment when Baek Yi-seol bit his lip at his own inadequacy.


A self-introduction that begins with a bowed greeting.

“I am Cle Odia, a skilled wizard belonging to the Healing School! “If you don’t mind, I have a favor to ask the adventurer, would you mind?”


“Yes, please lend it to us!”

suddenly? Do you want me to borrow it? what?

Except for Jesse Heinness, there were no skilled magicians at the Magic Tower among the high-flying rankers. It was surprising that an experienced wizard would ask him a favor, but he would ask for something so expensive.


A leading conglomerate.

A myth guild belonging to the myth group.

Does the Magic Tower have information about the financial world?

“How much do you need? Ten billion? “100 billion?”

When Baek Yi-seol asked, Klee shook his head.

“no! “It’s not that, it’s the eyes.”

“If it’s snow… a ski resort owned by Shinhwa Group?”

“A ski resort? I don’t know what it is, but no! “These eyes!”


When Klee pointed to his eyes with his finger, Baek Yi-seol understood. Player’s view So you need a system message.

Baek Yi-seol readily answered.

“Of course I do.”

The evacuation of citizens was almost finished.

Even if I’m not there, the situation can be sufficiently resolved.

Klee asked, surprised by the immediate answer.

“Thank you for your cooperation, but… to be honest, I cannot guarantee your safety, adventurer. As you can see, we are not in a situation where we can be completely confident.”

“It’s okay if you’re determined.”


Baek Yi-seol spoke sincerely.

“I had to die at least twice anyway.”

Am I the only person in this world who has been possessed by the devil twice? I don’t know if it was because of this, but Baek Yi-seol wasn’t particularly afraid of death.

No, on the contrary, I was glad for this opportunity.

‘If you’re helping a wizard belonging to the Magic Tower…’

Still, wouldn’t that be repaying some debt?

Baek Yi-seol ran through the building forest and chased after Klee.

At the same time, the information delivered as a system message was conveyed to Klee.

“I think the arms are next after the fingers.”

“Your arm?”

“According to your message, the left arm.”

At that point, Baek Yi-seol had joined the wizards of the Magic Tower.

Thanks to this, Baek Yi-seol’s words were clearly heard even by the senior wizards.

Is that why?

“Wait a minute, what is that light?”

The wizards of the Magic Tower were able to identify strange phenomena that did not occur on the Arcana continent early on. Light shimmering from the left hand of Yugweed, a fusion intelligence.

“Left arm…left handed…!”

Bellier shouted.

“It’s a manifestation of magic!”


In life, Yugweed was left-handed and used only her left hand to perform magic. Unlike the right hand of the Arcana Continent, which was simply struggling.

The left hand that appeared in reality was able to manifest magic.

Magic Tower.

Everyone responds immediately.

“Do you have a rough idea of that magical power, Bangrit?”

“I don’t know. It’s so huge…!”

“I guess I have no choice but to bump into it first.”

“Is it difficult to perform reversal magic with a pendant, Kiko?”

“For me, collapsing buildings are the limit…!!”

But in that tense situation.

“…don’t be crazy.”

Baek Yi-seol’s pupils were shaking dangerously.

Through AAU.

No, not exactly.

It was because of confidential information passed down through an informant in the Shinhwa Group.

“Who who who who…!!”

of course.

“He died on the Arcana Continent…?”

Although that was just an ‘obvious’ illusion that would turn the world upside down.



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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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