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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 516

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Episode 516 There is light there,

Gentle Barbatos, Demon King of the Eighth Throne.

“That’s not like you, Paimon.”

At this moment, his usual composure did not appear in his actions.

A series of events taking place in the demon world.

This was because he could not understand it even with his own understanding.


Even though I force my trembling hands, I don’t let go of the telescope.

Thanks to you, I was able to witness it.

The entire western part of the Demon World.

Paimon’s domain.

The sight of everything being sucked into the ‘curse’ floating in the sky.

“What on earth is this curse for?”

Do you really need that many sacrifices?

It may not be comparable to Baal, but Paimon was different from the other ten. The fact that he possesses such strength and is satisfied with the ninth throne is proof that he exists in a realm that Barbatos himself cannot understand.


I swallowed for a moment out of tension.

“Is it really him?”

Barbatos was a guest who did not wait.

It reminded me of Pride.

Because it was an unplanned meeting.

I expected that the place would be sold out quickly.

The conversation between Paimon and Pride did not end easily.

“You’re so good at talking even under those circumstances.”

What is such a situation?

The new Ten Chairs Lee Ho-yeol. I was talking about him running wild like a thunderbolt without considering his own influence. Barbatos demonstrated his understanding as a mediator.

‘Maybe you guys already guessed it.’

Is that why the conversation was held without paying attention to the new Ten Seas? So, Paimon, does that mean that the curse that is being manifested by sacrificing your domain is part of the plan?

Barbatos shook his head sincerely.

“…It would be an action that only Baal could understand.”




Pride said.

“The world of adventurers, especially Korea.”


“Yes. A ray of light leaked from the land.”

From greed to lust and jealousy. It was the Seven Deadly Sins that expanded its scope of activity from the Arcana Continent to the world of adventurers. Therefore, Pride was fluent in information about reality.

“Unlike you who were trapped in the demon world, we had no restrictions. Of course, now the Behemoth’s mouth has stopped working. “You guys could easily invade the Arcana continent, but…”

Pride asked subtly.

“Your goal is not the Arcana Continent, right Paimon?”

Paimon was intrigued by his cockiness.

‘The vile devil of the Arcana Continent.’

In Paimon’s eyes, Pride only appeared that way. But Paimon did not underestimate. Pride clearly understood the dangers of ‘a ray of light.’

Pride did not miss the opportunity.

“If you cannot extinguish the light, all you have to do is turn the land where the light started into a living hell. “Let’s show the demon hunter ‘Sunray of Light’ what the pain of falling into hell is like.”

Even while observing the other person’s feelings, he did not give up his will.

“For that to happen, we need your decision, Paimon. Compared to you, I am an insignificant devil and have no ability to turn the world into hell…”

“What does it mean?”

“What do you mean…”

Dry golden eyes.

‘…If I answer wrongly here, I’ll die.’

However, Pride did not make a mistake.

“I can jeopardize the ray of light that holds and shakes my poor brother. A ray of light can cause itself to dim. “Wouldn’t that be enough of a reason?”

The day Cloudy was burned.

Because I encountered a ray of light that illuminated Gran Fell.

Pride is not overlooked.

Paduk Pride gritted his teeth.

“If we don’t change, a ray of light will never go out. You will lead my brother without even knowing the subject, and you will make him suffer eternal pain. Therefore, the idea is to destroy a ray of light from within so that it loses its own light.”

Paimon pondered over the words that struck him like a dagger.

-“Shut up. “At this moment, I am extremely suppressing the urge to tear you to pieces.”

I could sense it from your hostile eyes.

To extinguish the light that shines within you.

I might have to risk my life to fight you.


‘Let the light extinguish itself.’

This is clearly a ruse.

Among them, it was a despicable secret drug.

This meant that it was not a noble method.

But Paimon made a decision.

‘If it’s for you.’

I will no longer think about things like face.

“Pride, this noble Paimon will accept your offer.”


Soon, noble eyes turn to the area.

The West of the Demon World.

Now that Rich Discus, who threatened Buer’s position in the past, has disappeared.

In the demon world, the only land that could be called territory was the west.

Paimon’s power, Golden Fragrance (黃金鄕).

It was all thanks to Paimon’s care. However, at this moment, Paimon let go of his weight as a nobleman. Rather, I have also let go of mercy, which is a meaningless emotion.


The golden land immediately lost its light and turned into dust.

At some point.

Everything was sucked towards the curse floating in the sky.

It was like a declaration of sorts.


It is truly a mad power.

While Pride was sighing.

Paimon said to Pride.

“I got help from you.”

It was a thank you, but Pride felt uncomfortable.


This is because I caught a subtle change in Paimon’s voice.

But that was it.

Blood soon burst out of Pride’s mouth.


A sharp pain felt in the throat.

The blood that suddenly poured out made the flowing silver hair turn red.

Paimon continued indifferently.

“Therefore, I will spare your life.”

At those words, Pride realized.

‘Did you finally reveal your true nature after you stopped playing noble?’

Now you’re even more like a devil, Paimon.

That is why it deserves to be called the Ten Seas.

Pride gritted his teeth.

Still, he lowered his head.

“I express my gratitude for his mercy….”

Granfell Claudius Arpheus Romeo.

If only for my poor brother.

Because I could endure this kind of pain.


Jeju Island.

“The situation is serious, Taemin.”

Nam Cheol-min looked at the panoramic view of the island from a helicopter.

Wizards of the Magic Tower who gained the freedom to climb the tower.

Thanks to their quick support.

“We evacuated all the remaining residents through the portal… but the damage that has already occurred is significant. What’s more, I can’t put out that fire. “Starting with the green tea fields… No, it would be better to just look at the pictures.”


Nam Cheol-min tapped his laptop and sent a message.

Then a meaningful voice came back right away.

-…Is that really a crack?

Like his younger brother, Nam Cheol-min is a player.

I had to recall information about the ‘crack’ that covered Jeju Island.

Nam Cheol-min shook his head.

“No, as AAU expected. “It wasn’t an ordinary crack, it was a curse.”

[You have discovered the curse ‘Paimon’s domain.’]

Nam Taemin answered right away.

-Brother, I’m asking just in case. The other players haven’t arrived, right? Are the magic tower wizards still watching from a distance from the curse?

“huh? Oh right. The fire is so strong that I don’t think I’ll be able to land for a while. Well, at a glance, I don’t think the situation of other players or other guilds will be much different…”

-Thank goodness. Anyway, please block entry.

“why? “Do you have any guesses?”


It was an unfamiliar word even to me as an analyst.

Well, if you say it’s a curse in Arcana.

Because it was a term commonly used to refer to a debuff.

-I heard it briefly when I was working with the commander-in-chief. You said that demons draw objects into their consciousness through curses, so you wouldn’t be able to break the curse with half-hearted mental power.

Nam Cheol-min couldn’t believe it.

“…Bringing it into consciousness?”

There was no possibility that Mr. Hoyeol’s information was wrong. Because it was Mr. Hoyeol who resurrected Akshan, the sacred land of demon hunters, and even controlled the wolves of Akshan at will.

That was the reason Nam Taemin couldn’t calm down.

-At that time, I didn’t exactly understand what consciousness was. Now that I am able to enter and exit the social gatherings of time and space, I am able to get a little bit of an idea. That’s what I’m saying, bro.

Nam Taemin’s voice became louder.

-From the moment the curse materialized, Jeju Island had already fallen into Paimon’s consciousness. Unless you have the mental strength to deal with Paimon, setting foot on Jeju Island would be tantamount to suicide!




Maia Deian, Senior Earth Magician.

“Are those the best curtains?”

He urged the senior curtain revel in ice magic. Curtain frowned. I tried to extinguish the flames by squeezing out all the magical power I had, but it wasn’t enough.

“There’s something strange about that flame.”

Maia responded crookedly.

“Are you trying to blame the compatibility of ice and fire? If Elder Senios of the Perennial Snow, who put the Fire Dragon to sleep, had heard, he would have yelled at you.”

“I’m not discussing compatibility. “You idiot!”

The curtain gnashed its teeth.

“It is impossible to interfere at all with that fire!”


“So, to put it simply, it’s similar to hallucination magic!”

…Illusion magic?

Maia raised her already high nose even higher and looked at Jeju Island. If it’s a hallucination, does that mean the earth, which is heating up at this moment, is also suffering from a hallucination?

“That can’t be…”

The curtain cut off his words early on.

“No, it’s similar, I’m not saying it’s a real hallucination. Since we criticize each other as usual, doesn’t that mean our mental capacity is intact? “Unless it’s a hallucination that disturbs not only the five senses but also the sixth sense.”

“Hmm, I’ll ask senior Nasrow, the expert, about that.”

“anyway. “You don’t believe me, Maia?”

The mumbling curtain fought back.

“So, Senior Maia, aren’t you ashamed of the gentle giant, former Elder Yugweed? At this moment, the earth is screaming…”

“There was a story that Yugweed told only to me.”

“Only to you?!”

Oh my god, you had a conversation alone with the elder?

Earth Magic.

There was something in common between the two, that they were from the same school.

‘…Senios. ‘If that happens, what will become of me?’

Freezing magic.

Why don’t you talk to me, a junior who studied the same field of study? I, too, have to hold down the nose of that powerful Earth Wizard…!

‘It’s shameful, Mr. Yugweed…’

The curtain swallowed silently.

Without paying attention to him.

Maia continued.

“An earth mage must be cautious until the very end.”


Maia was patient at this moment.

If you feel like it, do it right away.

“I also feel like weeding out the burning ground, Senior Curtain.”

However, because it is the earth that lies beneath all things.

Because of that, the aftereffects when it appears are the biggest.

This meant that I had to exercise patience.

Why didn’t you show it to Yugweed?

‘I guess you taught me a lesson until the end.’

With your death, you connected the Arcana Continent and the world of adventurers. So Maia desperately contemplated Jeju Island. Eventually, apprentice wizards who were adventurers arrived in Jeju Island.

“The update details clearly state that it is a crack… but I don’t think it is a normal crack.”

“Are the letters in your field of vision different?”

“That’s right. “It’s clear that it’s not a crack, it’s a curse…!”

Following Chief Lee’s teachings.

It’s probably thanks to Kii not neglecting his quest.

It was easy to understand what the adventurers were saying.

“It’s the domain of Cursed Paimon.”

Maia pondered over the exact name and made a decision.

“As expected, I have no choice but to wait for Chief Lee…”

There is, of course, someone who can resolve this situation.

There is only Chief Lee.

But someone answered his self-talk.

“no. “I can’t depend on Chief Lee forever.”

“…you are?”

“I’m sorry, Senior Maia.”


Conical hat.

Jesse bowed his head but did not give up his will.

Because I saw it just a little while ago.

‘Chief Lee doesn’t have that kind of luxury.’

Chief Lee, who was desperately trying to suppress his emotions in a social gathering of time and space. I wonder if the teacher in the conical hat also said something in defense of Chief Lee.

-We can’t place another burden on Chief Lee.

Jesse continued.

“At least we shouldn’t be the first to ask for help.”

“Is that so, Miss Jessie Hine?”

Maia stared at Jesse.

What I got by luck.

A girl who mistakenly believes that her abilities are solely her own.

However, no matter how much he has been favored by the Magic Tower.

“No matter how you are, you will have to take responsibility for your remarks.”

There was no favoritism in the responsibility for expressing conflicting opinions with only twenty senior wizards in the Mage Tower. Maia spoke leisurely.

“Then, show me how to do it.”


“How do you plan to extinguish the curse, a flame that doesn’t even work on magic? “Skilled wizard… no, Miss Jesse Heinness, successor to the Grand Wizard?”

Whose disciple is that cheap guy?

It was the moment when the top owner in the conical hat growled.

Before Jessie could even answer.

Maia’s face distorted.

It was a reflex reaction.

To be precise, it was because it captured a sign that had been intentionally imprinted.

Their presence on Jeju Island at this moment.

Maia gritted her teeth.




A long-cherished wish she left without being able to solve.

A bad relationship with a group of shadow mercenaries.

‘How dare you trample on the land where Yugweed is buried…?’

With what qualifications did she crawl out from the Arcana Continent into the world of adventurers? Maia immediately closed her eyes and searched for magical traces to trace the movements of the shadow mercenaries.



Something was strange.

Shadow mercenaries.

Their outfits…

were too flashy.

“…What are those cloaks?”


[Additional Urgent Update]

※Akshan will now resume demon hunting.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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