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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 526

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Episode 526. A true disaster (4)

could not be resisted.

“What the fuck is going on?”

A helicopter teetering precariously.

Nam Cheol-min held the tablet tightly and looked down at Jeju Island.

From the moment Paimon appeared, we distanced ourselves from Jeju Island.


The analyst who was constantly operating the camera shouted.

“Even when using infrared mode or using the Hawkeye lens, you can’t see anything! “It’s clear that black energy is completely blocking all observation, analyst…!”


Nam Cheol-min gritted his teeth.

What is black energy?

‘…Everyone watched.’

That it originated from the commander-in-chief.

Until Paimon appeared.

Just like yourself.

These are helicopters and observation drones flying over Jeju Island.

Naturally, all developments would have been broadcast around the world via radio waves.

Nam Cheol-min thought realistically.

‘…He is none other than the Commander-in-Chief.’

I suppressed the concerns rising in the back of my mind and continued my thoughts. Yes, even if you are shaken, the Commander-in-Chief will overcome the current crisis.

‘But the problem lies next.’

Seoul has become a land of strangeness.

Additionally, numerous guild branches.

This is because the guild houses are crowded together in the narrow space of Seoul.

Seoul was a place where the siege warfare system was always active.

What was the impact of that change like?

-Is Kii’s land only owned by the Republic of Korea? There is room for controversy…

– U.S. Senator “Seoul is the land of the whole world.” opinion.

-AAU official “The player who becomes the lord of Seoul will have enormous power… It is right to elect in a transparent manner. If we don’t do that, something terrible will happen.”

Seoul has become a place where players from all over the world are paying attention. It was a problem that the commander-in-chief and himself were already aware of.

‘He declared that he would bear the burden once again.’

You will become the master of Seoul.

Nam Cheol-min after the dumpling meeting that day.

He did not neglect the ‘Master of Seoul’ plan.

I figured it out through that process.

The fact that this rotten country is overflowing with unrecyclable waste.

‘You can tell just by looking at the media that checks have begun.’

Currently, the media is cleverly biting the commander-in-chief.

Ignoring all the achievements I have made so far.

After assuming that the commander-in-chief is already the owner of Seoul.

I was writing a novel.

‘I guess they were planning to induce public opposition.’

Of course, most of the public had insight.

This means that they didn’t even pay attention to trashy articles.

However, public opinion may change due to this incident.

‘…Because I have something to bite.’

It was a high-level Demon King Paimon raid.

A new update with different rules than cracks.

In the course of the attack, common sense dictated that damage would inevitably follow.

Nam Cheol-min muttered.

“…Because you have been performing unconventionally.”

He never forgot to remain upright in any battle.

Because he was the commander-in-chief who did not waver.

But this time was different.

This meant that he was a difficult enemy who had no choice but to use new abilities that even the commander-in-chief could not control. slap. Nam Cheol-min tapped his cheek with both hands.


As if that wasn’t enough, I shook my head.

“Come to your senses, Nam Cheol-min.”

Yes, the whole world may criticize the Commander-in-Chief.

This was also the commander’s sacrifice.

Without knowing that thanks to this, the crisis of destruction was overcome.

There was a high possibility that they would start talking without even knowing the topic.


‘Even if the commander-in-chief says it’s okay….’

Nam Cheol-min himself couldn’t just sit back and watch.

‘For that to happen, we have to watch.’

Everything that happens in Jeju Island.

It was the moment when Nam Cheol-min shifted his gaze to Jeju Island again.

His face turned pale.


It had to be that way.


A new model that plummets at breakneck speed.

Those fluttering robes were all the more familiar.

That’s the senior mage of the Magic Tower.

It was William the Benshee.


Nam Cheol-min doubted his five senses.

This was because the Banshee’s plummeting body was trembling.

black energy.

Appropriate magical power that the commander-in-chief clearly manifested.

Then, the Commander-in-Chief attacked the senior leader of the Magic Tower…?

“…That’s ridiculous.”


Pure Magic Science senior Bangrit shouted.

“Senior Benshee!!”

Chief Lee is in an unusual situation.

The two seniors, Benshee and Bangrit, noticed this.

It was right after Chief Lee showed up on Jeju Island.

-“Why don’t you use magic?”

-“Because you don’t need to do that?”

-“No way. Don’t you know, Bangrit? Chief Lee’s magical power is on a different level. Of course, your magical affinity is at a high level, but… it is literally on a different level.”

What Benshi said was not wrong. This is because Chief Lee’s magic power boasted greater magic efficiency than the magic power of twilight. So the two seniors could not let down their guard.

-“The chief I know is a person who uses a knife to kill cows and does not use a knife to kill chickens. Especially when hunting demons.”

-“…But you still didn’t mean it with all your sincerity?”

-“Oh my, that’s going to be a big problem. “That’s not it, Bangrit.”

Bensh continued speaking without the slightest hint of playfulness.

-“There is no reason to use the appropriate magic power, which carries a lot of risk, over a different level of magic power. Don’t you know that thanks to Senior Matisse, Bangrit? “The dangers of ‘blackening’.”

Yes, the two senior wizards had knowledge.

-“If you are in a situation where you can only use appropriate magical power… that’s right. “There will be nothing but the darkness that Master Matisse warned about, the variable in black magic.”

Thanks to this, I am convinced that Chief Lee has fallen into ‘black magic’.

The magic power was raised to help Chief Lee.

In particular, the Banshees manifest the William family’s arcane magic.

He had awakened to a true flame.

Bangrit had said that to Benshi.

-“Isn’t that too much?”

-“In my head, I think it’s too much, Bangrit. But this intuition is speaking. “I’m warning you.”


Benshi was not sure as he spoke.

-“Maybe that’s not the chief I know… No. “I said something useless, Bangrit.”

Bangrit understood the meaning of those words, albeit belatedly.

Senior Benshi couldn’t even approach Senior Lee and left.

I realized it only at this moment.

“…As expected, something is different.”

Bangrit gathered his overwhelming emotions and looked at his surroundings.

There was no longer a big devil here. Although the demons that poured out from the curse were rampaging everywhere, they were not a threat because they had lost their masters.

Even the primordial Satan.

Honorable Paimondo.

A huge, unidentifiable hand.

Now it no longer exists on Jeju Island.

This uncontrollable fear and confusion is just that.

It meant that it was coming entirely from Chief Lee.

Bangrit gritted his teeth.

“…This can’t happen, Chief Lee.”

Soon, all the magical power in the body was raised.

The content of interference is actually simple.

Only release.

Not even from a magic family.

Bangrit’s transcendent talent earned him a senior position at the Magic Tower.

That brilliant talent begins to glow along with magical power.


So much so that my curly hair straightens out.

A vast and pure magical power emanated from the body.

In that state, I head towards Chief Lee.


The magical power that caused the senior Banshi to fall is coming.

However, Bangrit released even more magical power.


The circle that could not be formed was throbbing in the aftermath, but it was okay.

If only I could reach Chief Lee.

Go closer.

Because there was something I had to ask.

Suddenly, Chief Lee’s advice passes by.

-“It is not necessarily necessary to make up for shortcomings. So that the advantages can offset even the disadvantages. All you have to do is maximize your strengths. “Don’t you have those strengths, Senior Mage Bangrit?”

In the end, Chief Lee’s advice was correct.

Thanks to that teaching, I am now able to release pure magic power that can resist your appropriate magic power, although it is less efficient. Bangrit opened his mouth with difficulty.

“…Do you remember Chief Lee?”

You did it for me, a worthless person.

“Even if you don’t remember, I won’t be able to forget you even if my whole life passes. “The day Chief Lee and Master Marcelo risked their lives for me…”

Bangrit laughed bitterly.

“What did I say? What can I say when all I have is potential? Did you take that risk for me? Until the moment they invade the top floor of the Magic Tower together to kill the devil worshipers. I didn’t know why. But…”


“I realized this while watching Chief Lee’s actions.”

Bangrit’s eyes shined clearly.

“It’s not that I was special, but that Chief Lee was just like that. In the first place, he was the kind of person who would not ignore anyone’s difficulties…”

That’s why I didn’t understand.

“But why why?”

It was a moment when Bangrit suppressed the emotions rising up.


Long silver hair began to move.

The head that was facing away from me began to turn, along with the hair.

Eventually, the eyes are revealed.

Bangrit, facing those heartless eyes, noticed.


At the same time, I felt relieved.

“It wasn’t…?”

Even if.

Even if the appearance is the same.

Because that wasn’t the chief I knew.


After confirming, Bangrit had no more regrets left.

As soon as the release of magical power that I had been forcibly maintaining ended.

Bangrit lost consciousness.


Toward that kind of bangrit.

It spread out to the appropriate magical power in the area.

Those stranded on Jeju Island were watching the scene.

“Senior Bangrit…!”

Jessie covered her mouth.

The top owner in the cone hat also has his insight.

The current situation was completely incomprehensible.

So all I could do was warn.

-Don’t even think about stopping that guy, Jessie.


-That is neither the chief you know nor the chief I know. Do you need to be more direct to understand? In that case, that is ‘something’ disguised as Chief Lee.

To break Jesse’s stubbornness, the cone hat added.

-Do you think you’re any different from Benshee and Bangrit?

Topju felt sick to his stomach.

Because Banshee is gone and Bangrit is in danger?

No, the wizards of the Magic Tower are of that kind.

No one can guarantee when and where you will die.

In fact, it’s Benshee and Bangrit.

Those kids probably know it better than anyone else.

This is a position that cannot be reached without such determination.

The position of seniority.

So, at this moment.

The reason why I feel sick to my stomach, which doesn’t exist anymore, is because of you. It’s something other than Chief. The head of the office looked around in his conical hat.

-Appropriate magical power formed its own domain.

Just like the underground infinity of the magic tower.

What that means is simple.

There may be interference from the outside to the inside.

There is no way to escape from the inside to the outside.

The lives of those trapped here depend on Chief Lee.

No, it means that it depends on something disguised as Chief Lee.

It was the moment when the top owner made a cool-headed decision.


A purple light shimmered from Jesse’s body.


The spreading magic of twilight.

It was an apparition to save Bangrit from falling.

But even that was an eyesore?

Something’s gaze was focused precisely on Jesse.


Immediately, appropriate magical power began to reach towards Jesse.

It was then.

Something happened that no one could believe.

In an instant.


Appropriate magical energy dispersing into the air.

Granfell had stopped.

To be exact.

A ‘ray of light’ had awakened within Gran Fell.

That moment.

Humanity has deviated from Paimon’s prophecy.

It’s not any powerful skill, magic, or spell.

Just from inside the chest jacket pocket.

It was thanks to the small beating sound.


[Sender: Eldest sister]


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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