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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 532

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Episode 532 You will go to hell (1)


To Chief Lee.

I do not want to disturb your short rest, so please understand my feelings as I express them in writing. Did you know? Nasrow, although I didn’t have much contact with the chief…


Just the chief and senior.

business relationship.

Starting with seniors who were nothing more or less than that.


Are you resting comfortably?

I can’t sleep because Chief Lee’s words bother me. So, I grabbed the feather pen like this. Chief Lee, if you need someone to talk to…


Bellier and other seniors I am close with.

They all wrote me detailed letters?!

Even the content was unusual.

‘I woke up after a good night’s sleep and found out what was happening.’

That’s the only thing I can guess.

-“I will soon fall into hell.”

Ah, the Granfell style of speaking…!!

Well, both in reality and on the Arcana continent, hell was a place only the dead could go to. The information that one can walk through hell even while alive was information that only Lorentzk or the leader of the Explorers’ League could know.

‘No matter what, it is. ‘I’m terminally ill, not someone else?’

Should I be honest?

As long as there is [the blessing of the first world tree].

There won’t be many people in the Magic Tower who will live longer than me, right?

“Did I unintentionally cause concern?”


Granfell says it needs to be corrected right now. To be precise, hell is just a special field that can be entered through an item called [Sangsa Flower Growing from Blood]!

‘They say there is a gateway in Lorentzk.’

As long as you can enter it alive.

Isn’t the gateway ultimately something that can be conquered?

Plus, the most reliable insurance of all.

[Class Quest: Are we still evil?]

I ask you, Akshan. We who became devils and fell into hell to hunt devils. Are we still devils who hunted devils even after falling into hell?

-Encounter the demon hunters of hell. (Reserved)

Acknowledge Akshan of Hell. (Optional)

Reject Akshan of Hell. (Optional)

-Enter hell. (In progress)

The system that does not lie was displaying a quest window to enter hell. Eventually, I reached into my inventory and took out a bunch of Sansanghwa flowers.

“It must be knowledge you don’t know.”

Yes, now is the time to be kind, not cubic.

“There is a saying that seeing is worth seeing.”

I was fully aware of the repercussions that the Granfell style of speaking would bring about through past experience. If you try to explain hell in a hundred words, you may end up creating another misunderstanding.

‘So, if you add the commercialization as reference material…’


It was the moment when I put down a bunch of Sansanghwa flowers on the desk.


A brief vibration felt in the inside pocket of the jacket.

The moment you check that message.

I couldn’t help but be shocked.


No, not immediately.

Stop all actions.

I had no choice but to immediately raise my magic power.

[Hoyeol, are you busy? Now, if the time is right….]

Just in case I get disturbed.

My mother refrained from contacting me.

Because it was a message that reached our Lady Choi Kang-hee.

I don’t want to lose anyone anymore.

I realized something through the Jeju Island incident.

So, at least in order not to regret it.

I immediately manifested the portal.




…I’m glad it’s like this now.

“Did you get a good look at our son today?”

The reason why our Lady Choi Kang-hee urgently called me was simple.

Just before signing the contract.

You were notifying me.

President Lee Jun-wook keeps shaking his joined hands.

“Thank you for your help today.”

“no. On the contrary, our Gaon has received great help, father.”

“Please tell our boss Nam that I’m grateful.”

“I will, father. “I would like to inform you that President Lee Jun-wook expressed his gratitude to both Guild Master Nam Tae-min and Senior Analyst Nam Cheol-min.”

What kind of contract did you sign? If you ask whether people from the Gaon Group came to visit our ‘Harmony Dumpling House’… I will show you Mrs. Choi Kang-hee, who shrugs her shoulders.

“I thought it would be such a relief, but it’s refreshing.”

Made with the blood and sweat of two people.

‘Dumplings for harmony’.

The store closed for business today.

‘When I told you to rest like that.’

He told me that he was still active and that he could eat for another 30 years, but forbid me to ever say anything again to my son that I had no intention of opening my hands to him already…!

Seoul, the land of strangeness.

As I said, Seoul has become a place that the whole world is paying attention to, so it was only natural that real estate would rise explosively. Even the only dumpling restaurant where they would be at peace was Masekwon.

What is Masekwon?

It is a new term called the Three Powers of the Magic Tower.

What does that mean?

-Is Seoul dangerous? Masekwon is different!

It meant that it was the safest place from the cracks that could be created at any time and the erosion of the Arcana Continent. As a result, land prices in the Mase area, even in Seoul, rose explosively.

As the saying goes, our CEO Lee Jun-wook sold a commercial building to Gaon Group. If you ask why it was sold to Gaon Group.

‘Still, are you quick on your feet when it comes to things like this?’

This was because a special law was enacted.

-Starting today, foreigners will not be able to trade real estate in Seoul.

As I said before, the world is paying attention to Seoul, so the government took emergency measures to prevent the land in Seoul from being taken over by a huge amount of foreign capital.

‘Well, are we good for each other?’

In fact, Gaon had nothing to lose.

This is Seoul with the Arcana system overlaid on it.

Even these small commercial buildings can be useful.

‘For example, it could be used in a siege…’

Anyway, it’s quiet at times like this, right?

‘Aren’t you going to talk about wealth and fame as usual, Grandfell?’

As if in response to my provocation, Cubic Jeong murmurs.

“It was a break you both deserved early on.”

…Did you become a very good son?

At times like this, it leaves me with nothing to say.

Did Mrs. Choi Kang-hee get emotional from what I said?

He slowly turned around and wiped the corners of his eyes.

“Thank you for saying that, Hoyeol.”


My father lightly touched my shoulder.

Although we didn’t talk specifically, I was guessing.

Why did you two suddenly sell the store?

‘It must be because of me.’

I’m afraid it might become an obstacle for me.

It must be your decision.

So I remained silent with a heavy heart.

‘Why did he go on a rampage with black hair…’

Because he behaved in an indecent manner on Jeju Island in the words of Granfell.

There was nothing to say even with this handsome cubic crystal.

But the calm emotion did not last long.


Our CEO Lee Jun-wook.

“You say I should sell it right away when it goes up like this?”

Because you have regained the look in your eyes from the past.

“I always say, real estate is the same as stock investment. There is no such thing as invincibility. As you climb, there is always a section where you fall. So, real estate prices in Seoul are currently at a peak that has never been seen in history…!”

There is one fact to remember at this point.

What was the outcome of my father’s business?

I still can’t forget the red ticket…

Fortunately, it seems that Mrs. Choi Kang-hee felt the same way as me.

“you! Anyway, just stop thinking about useless things.”

“…It’s not about thinking about useless things.”

“That’s Okay. “Because I don’t want to ruin your mood on this great day.”

There is knowledge accumulated through numerous experiences. When Mrs. Choi does something like that, she is really angry to the core, so she should just keep her mouth shut.


I looked at the sign.


Dumplings for harmony


I had no intention of contradicting my father’s words that this was a high point that would never come again in history. Nowadays, real estate prices in Seoul have skyrocketed due to competition as it has become a land of wonders.

‘If it all ends.’

It will truly be a peak that will never come again.

‘Because I’m going to end everything.’

It was the moment I made a promise.

Mrs. Choi Kang-hee spoke gently.

“Hoyeol, are you going to eat dinner?”

“okay. “I had a hard time on Jeju Island, so please stop by.”

“If possible, it would be better to stay overnight….”

One night.

‘I’m a bit busy because I overslept.’

But as I just said. There was nothing good about talking back to Mrs. Choi, who was angry to the core, so I politely bowed my head and answered.

“I am willing to follow your words, mother.”


Garnet Hall.


Enchantment senior Kiko Armin.

She opened her droopy eyes with difficulty and waited.

It was a fever.

I look at the parchment.

It was clearly written.

Kiko muttered again.

“You definitely said it would be soon….”

Regarding the time commitment.

Chief Lee was strict with himself even more than he was strict with others. I have never seen Chief Lee late, whether at regular conferences or roundtable meetings. There were no exceptions even for trivial promises.


“Senior Kiko, aren’t you coming in?”

“You guys go in first.”

“Oh, excuse me then…!”

Skilled wizards leave Garnet Hall to go to sleep.

Even if I finished a lot of my senior’s work.

Chief Lee didn’t even see his shadow.


Anxiety began to sprout inside Kiko.

‘I’m sure something happened…?’

Normally, I would have just passed it off as something urgent happened.

It’s surprising that Chief Lee didn’t keep his promise. There was a time when I myself was unable to complete Chief Lee’s request within the deadline. It would have been considered insignificant.

But this was not a normal situation.

A clear voice in my ear.

A declaration that resonated through the Crystal Hall.

-“I will soon fall into hell.”

Kiko guessed it too.

Chief Lee must be living a life with a predetermined end.

That must be the price you pay for the great power you wield.


Kiko suddenly remembered something.

“You haven’t been seen since you said that, right?”

A day has already passed.

Considering Chief Lee’s usual schedule, I didn’t think he would be asking for a break yet. Why did you send the message on parchment in the first place?…

“It was only a few hours ago…”

An ominous thought suddenly passed through my mind. What if Chief Lee passed away after leaving his last words…? Kiko had no choice but to get up immediately.


I had no choice but to grab a feather pen and scribble.

And it was now.

Kiko and top owner Marcelo.

Two people climbed the stairs of the Magic Tower.

“The Lord failed to keep his promise.”

No one else.

Lord Hoyeol of the world.

That alone was worth checking out.

Soon, Marcelo and Kitsch knocked on the door of Hoyeol’s office.

But there was no answer.


No questions were asked.

He was not the kind of person who would not answer when he could.

Soon, Marcelo carefully placed his hand on the doorknob.

And I witnessed it.



On the desk.

A bunch of red flowers lying around.

If it were normal times, I would have simply been shocked.

Did someone at the Magic Tower give Kyeong even a single flower?

It was just something I would have thought about and passed over.


However, the feeling I felt from the flower was too subtle for that. The intense red light felt like blood. Furthermore, it felt like death itself.

Kiko opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

“…That can’t be possible, but could it be a flower offering?”

The scene flowing through Marcelo’s mind at that moment.

Senios Elder Wizard.

Top owner.

Yugweed Elder Wizard.

To mourn their deaths.

I could see my own two hands that had put down the flowers.

Marcelo placed a red flower in his hand and on his desk.

He looked at the two subjects alternately and then opened his mouth.

“From now on, I will keep all possibilities open, Senior Kiko.”


His eyes were burning quietly like never before.

“There is even a possibility that Chief Lee fell into hell.”


…What is it?

My ears suddenly feel itchy.

But now is not the time to pick your ear canals.

“It’s a memory.”

Memories are shit.

This is your first time seeing Gran Fell.

My room.

‘Well, thank you for not calling it shabby.’

But there is no time for childish arguments.

Now, I happen to be spending the last night before going to hell at my parents’ house.

My job was simple.

I need to find my dark history notes…!!!

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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