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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 59

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Episode 59. Five

hybrids .

The demon corps commanders surrounded Hoyeol and his party.

It was natural for those watching to feel their hearts racing.

– Is it true?!

– No matter how bad this is!!

-What are the other guilds doing? I can’t turn it off with aggro.

The movement of the demon king?

It was a familiar pattern, at least to the players.

A monster’s habit of killing the most threatening enemies first.

Because the aggro system existed in Arcana as well.

Even though I knew I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated.


“…Wait. Do you see any familiar faces?”

The hopeless mood did not last long.

angle to enlarge.

Familiar faces appeared in it.

“If I’m not mistaken, I look like Jesse Heinness?!”

Jesse Why are you out there…?

It was only natural that such a reaction would erupt.

Wasn’t Jesse always a member of the Shining Guild?

But it was not incomprehensible either.

Because it was Jesse who didn’t show up even in Yusra Kingdom.

-Meme, could it be that the chirashi was real?

– What’s wrong? Also,

it’s something that


people know


Jessie’s face in the broadcasting screen.

In particular, the pupil was distinctly different from usual.


because they were twinkling.

-No, don’t you look very motivated?

-Is this the Jesse Heinness I knew???

– Lㅇㅋ You don’t say a word properly at official events,

but what is the reason?

One of the cast members threw a provocative topic.

“…Come to think of it, this isn’t the first time Lee Ho-yeol and Jesse Heinness have met, right? Why, even during the Count Ascura raid? Let’s get together…”

But that was a topic that shouldn’t be touched.

Who are Lee Ho-yeol and Jesse Heinness?

When it comes to popular popularity, he is one of the most popular star players.

Even the mass media, who turn a blind eye to provocative material.

Considering the headwind, they are the ones who can’t be touched.

– Get out of the way.

– This is the limit of patience.

– I couldn’t find any ceremony.

Especially Lee Ho-yeol!

before viewers even bombarded the message board.

The presenter hastily started to argue.

“This is the very personal opinion of expert Gyojun Hwang. VBC, including myself, declares that I do not agree with expert Hwang’s opinion in the slightest.”

“…yes? No wait. I made a mistake!”


Aside from that speculation, there seemed to be a clear reason.

The magic of passion manifested in the air.

under the influence of aesthetic stats.

A dazzling spectacle began to unfold.

“I can’t believe attribute magic feels brilliant…!”

“It’s like looking at a picture.”

“The created statue grabbed the demon corps commander’s leg?!”

Even watching it on the screen, I think it’s beautiful.

What if you saw something like that right in front of you?

-…Jesse, that magic geek is worth looking at.

-Yes, Jessie’s eyes aren’t shining for nothing hahahaha

-Is this a new skill? You’ve grown up again?! -You


n’t know if it’s just hidden


Do I need to explain the power separately?

Hoyeol was adjusting the battlefield with magic.

It was an embarrassing landscape even to call it hunting.

Truly a one-sided slaughter.

How long did it take for the wings of the five corps commanders to break?

It was only ten minutes.

“…It’s done. everyone.”

As much as the cast members are dumbfounded.

Viewers didn’t have much to say either. -A

total of six demon corps commanders killed by

Hoyeol with Homen.

According to further update history…

there were only four left.


sure they’ll catch

at least four of them hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

So how is the situation on the other side of the guild going?

Viewers turned the channel out of curiosity.

Some of them couldn’t help but be startled.

on the other side too.

Because a completely unexpected development was unfolding.

A single player facing the demon corps commander alone.

Viewers in Korea were astonished at the identity.

“…Hey, isn’t that Nam Tae-min?!”


Nam Tae-min was startled.

‘Class Quest…? suddenly?’

1st place in the barbarian class rankings.

It was Nam Tae-min who had been searching all sorts of rumor quests for class quests.

When I was looking for it, I couldn’t find even a single clue.

In this situation, suddenly class and quest come to mind.

Nam Tae-min was a little happy.

‘…Maybe I can do something.’

Frost in crisis.

If it was a class quest reward, growth was guaranteed.

It may be able to contribute to the recapture of Frost.

With that thought in mind, Taemin Nam checked the quest window.

[Class Quest: Proof of Wildness]

The boss died.

young and new boss

Prove your true wildness.


And I realized

The reason why the class quest came to you.


That was to say the strongest barbarian.


Back when Arcana was a game.

Cairn was an NPC who stayed in the forest near Frost and helped players change their barbarian job.

But Nam Tae-min knew.

That Arcana is no longer just a game.

Cairn is not an NPC, but a human Arcana like himself.

‘Cairn was attacked by demons.’

I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with Kern.

– A barbarian’s secret skill? do you want that

The days when I was seeking information about class quests.

It was Nam Tae-min who asked Cairn for the information.

At that time, Cairn laughed loudly and replied.

-You’re tempted by something like Biggie. I’m weak, oh!

…I didn’t think much of it back then.

It was only now that he seemed to understand the meaning of the words.

– When the time comes, you will know everything naturally, brother.

It was.

The barbarian’s secret skill is given only to the ‘boss’.

Let the leader Cairn die.

The class quest came to Nam Tae-min’s mind.

So, the word that reminded me of the class quest…

“…Cairn was still alive.”

Fucking devils!


veins sprouted from Nam Tae-min’s muscles.

Nam Tae-min was genuinely angry.

From his older brother Cheol-min Nam to Cairn, who is like a sworn brother.

I’ve only been beaten by demons.


Nam Tae-min’s grip began to crack the handle of his thick sword.

It was then.

The reason [Demon Commander Horikan] appeared in front of Taemin Nam.

A half-man, half-bird armed with a spear.

Horican looked at Nam Tae-min and nodded his head.

Then, looking at the blood on the tip of the spear, he opened his beak.

“That is strange. Apparently, he stabbed his side with this spear and killed him.”


“Why is there a beast here that smells the same?”


beast man.

A vulgar nickname for barbarian warriors.

Nam Tae-min was able to notice immediately.

It’s this guy.

It was this bird head that killed Cairn.

As if to prove him, the voice of his older brother Nam Cheol-min rang in his ears.

-Hey Nam Taemin!! Wake!! That bastard is at least level 500!!

500 levels.

My level is only level 374.

Of course you can’t win

It was right to run away as my brother said.

But my heart was beating.


a rough feeling I’ve never felt before.

run away can’t win The level gap is too great.

The reason that was constantly shouting gradually faded.

The muscles in his body began to twitch more violently.

He could feel his stamina being consumed just by the pulse of his body.

“Heh heh heh heh.”

Nam Tae-min took a deep breath.

It was then.

Fish food—

steam began to rise from Nam Tae-min’s body.

At the same time, a message popped up in front of my eyes.

[Conditions have been met.]

[Reward is given.]

[Class-specific skill ‘Call of the Wild’ has been learned.]

[Conditions have been met.] [Class

– specific skill ‘Call of the Wild’ has been activated.]



Call of the Wild: Awakens the true wildness, greatly increasing the wildness.



Barbarian’s class-specific stats.

It was thanks to the feral stat that the barbarian was able to produce explosive strength.

Such wild stats rise.

that it also rises significantly.

The improvement of that physical ability is indescribable.


The handle of the greatsword Nam Tae-min was holding was completely smashed.

But I didn’t care.

Sweet love—!

Because Nam Tae-min threw the greatsword at Horikan.

The speed that comes out of that muscle power is beyond imagination.

Even the winged Horikan was completely unable to evade it.


I hurriedly raised my spear to block the greatsword.

The impact was enough to push Horikan back dozens of meters.

If only it hadn’t offset its power with the flap of its wings.

He must have been buried in a pile of collapsed buildings.

Burr Horikan brushed off his head at high speed.

“I don’t know what happened. What a beast he is. That one power is great. But beasts are just beasts. Let me hunt slowly.”


Horican spread its wings and took flight.

‘There’s no need to fight on the ground.’

That’s a lesson I learned while dealing with another beast.

It was Horikan who thought that Cairn was all dying and folded his wings, and almost got into trouble.

However, in Horikan’s eyes, Nam Tae-min and Kern looked different.

‘It’s similar, but it smells different.’

Is it the difference between a beast and a beast of prey?

If you are a beast of prey, you can hunt enough alone.

It was a time when Horican was conceited.



I felt pain in my ankle.

It was because Nam Tae-min grabbed Horikan’s leg and hung on.

[A ‘fracture’ occurs to Horikan, the commander of the demon corps.]

“You dare…!!”

Horican quickly swung his spear.

Nam Tae-min is stabbed in the forearm and falls straight into the air.

But there was no shock from it.

Land lightly on all fours.

It was because the greatly increased ferocity made Nam Tae-min move like a beast.


Nam Tae-min climbed the building again and jumped up.

“A baby beast!”

Horican hurriedly tried to widen the distance, but it was not enough.


Rather, Horikan caught the wings.

Nam Tae-min’s forearm twitched.


Just like that, he tore off Horican’s wings.

[‘Bleeding’ occurs to Horican, the commander of the demon corps.]

Horican lost his balance and fell as it was.

Nam Tae-min did not miss such a Horican.


He grabbed Horikan’s long neck and began to twist it.


Horican did not understand.

Both him and this guy.

Beasts were different from normal humans.

However, he is also not an ordinary bird.

‘I’m different from the bird-headed Kupikan…!’

Even if you lose your wings, you still have arms and legs.

Horican raised his spear as he fell.

And he aimed his spear at Nam Tae-min, who had caught him.

It wasn’t to attack.

It was to shake off.

‘If I want to avoid it, I will have no choice but to let go.’



Nam Tae-min was still holding on to Horikan’s neck.

I must have felt stabbed…?

Horican immediately thought of Cairn.

Fighting non-stop for dozens of days.

Even though he was covered in blood and his whole body bones were shattered.

A brute who did not succumb until the very end.

‘Damn it…!’

Horican realized.

‘This beast is the same!’

Yes, beasts had no reason.

Words don’t work, but threats can work.

Horican twisted his body with his only wing.

did it work?


The grip on his neck was gradually loosening.

“Huh, heh, heh…”

[Call of the wild] at the cost of extreme physical strength.

[Call of the Wild] is canceled due to the discharge of physical strength.

It was because Nam Tae-min’s reason also came back.

Of course, the reason didn’t matter to Horican.


Nam Tae-min fell to the floor with a roar.

Horican approached Nam Tae-min.

“You ignorant beast. It is the same until the miserable end.”

A miserable end?


I wanted to laugh at him, but I didn’t even have the stamina to do so.

Nam Tae-min laughed inwardly.

‘…I think I know a little bit now.’

What is the pride in the heart that Mr. Ho-yeol said?

Yes, I was proud to have moved Nam Tae-min.

Cairn’s pride that he wanted to protect.

And the pride of oneself who could not turn away from that pride.

So I had no regrets.

“What happened to the beasts is more stupid than the beasts. Even animals, when they meet their natural enemies, curl their tails and run. Did you think that I, Lord Horican, would be defeated by just four guys? Do your best to misunderstand. A worm-like human being.”

he’s a beast

Yes, he threw down his greatsword and ran around on all fours…

It must have seemed that way to other people.

Nam Tae-min wanted to ask if he could.

‘Hyung, did I look like an animal?’

said jokingly.

Why, if the will is sincere?

Because only those left behind become sad.

The moment you fall, of course.

I couldn’t hear my brother’s voice as the earphones were smashed.



the answer to that came back with certainty.

“You’re talking about a beast without knowing the subject.”


“But understand, little devil.”

from heat.


He could see heat in his blurry vision.

And he saw guild members running towards him.

Nam Tae-min was able to intuit.


The fact that Nam Chul-min conveyed the situation to the guild members.

Nam Tae-min was startled for a moment.

‘…Then, have you seen him running around on all fours?’

Wasn’t he a ho-yeol who valued formality more than anyone else?

There couldn’t be anything less formal than that.

Well, even if he thought about it, there was no other beast.

But it was a really useless worry.

“Because I don’t know pride. A human who fights for pride.”


“You devils, an inferior race, can never understand.”

As always, he quietly exhales the heat.

Nam Tae-min was thrilled, and Hori-kan was embarrassed.


A dangerous smell wafted from the silver-haired man.

…The smell mixed with the blood of the six demon corps commanders, including Kufikan!

Horican intuitively noticed.

That man is his nemesis…!

‘I have to run away too.’

It may have been intact, but the wings were torn off.

Horican wiggled his beak.

‘Yeah, I dazzled him with words and took advantage

of the opportunity…’

But Horican couldn’t even open his beak.


Expression of immediate search interference.

Because the flames rose from its beak.

A moment to writhe in pain.

“I don’t talk to my prey.”

A cold voice echoed in Horikan’s ears.

“Shut up. hybrid.”


AAU Korean branch.

“…I can’t believe it.”

Those who look at Ho-yeol in the monitor as if in awe.

among them.


Yoon Soo-gyeom, who was tapping the keyboard, opened his mouth.

“…I think I understand, Hyeonjun. What kind of guy is the Demon King!”

“Is it real? senior?!”

“Yes. 99.9% sure.”

The time has finally come to pay for the meal.

Besides, this was information that would be more helpful to Ho-yeol than anyone else.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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