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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 60

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Episode 60. Self-proclaimed demon king (1)

I started to get a sense.

It was from when the demon corps commander appeared.

“…Demon corps commander? Why are they?”

“They definitely have something in common.”

“What do you have in common?”

Seong Hyeon-Jun pondered and thought, Tak! hit the desk

“ah! A filthy unlikable appearance like a pigeon!”

“Whoa—that’s it. It was my fault for asking.”

“Oh why? then.”

“They’re all new heads.”

“…a bird’s head? uh? Yes.”

Frost, where rankers from all over the world gather.

Among them, Ho-yeol showed an overwhelming performance.

Maybe because I was drunk with soup?

I didn’t care about their appearance and passed it on.

Yoon Soo-gyeom clicked his tongue at Seong Hyeon-jun, who realized it belatedly.

“The demon kings got the concept from a legend…”

“Yes, it definitely was.”

“Among them, there is a demon king related to birds.”

Yoon Soo-gyeom, who was talking seriously, turned the monitor.

Seong Hyun-jun carefully opened his mouth.


“Yes, Decarabia.”

“One of the 72 demons who use birds as their familiars…?!”

Sung Hyun-jun’s eyes widened.

“Senior… This is a bird’s head…!!”

“No, not yet.”

If that was all, I wasn’t even sure it was 99.9%.


Yoon Soo-gyeom immediately switches the screen with the mouse.

What appeared on the monitor was Frost’s satellite image.

Sung Hyun-joon tilted his head.

“Suddenly, why is the satellite picture? senior?”

“Take a look.”

“We checked this together at first. I couldn’t see anything thanks to the smoke rising like a cumulus cloud. What’s new… Huh?!”

A clear view of Frost.

Yoon Su-gyeom continued as if he was surprised.

“The moment the demon corps commanders blew the smoke away with the flap of their wings.”

“Wow. Did you capture it at that time, senior?”

“okay. I have to pay for rice. I’m sick of paying the salary lupine now.”

“…Wait. senior.”

Seong Hyun-jun, who was looking in, muttered in bewilderment.

Clearly visible red patterns.

It’s a star painted with blood and corpses.

It was a delusion.

‘…is this sure?!’

Click─ Seong Hyeon-

jun moves the mouse instead of Yoon Su-gyeom.

When the window was switched, the shape of Dekaravia came to mind again.

Yoon Soo-gyeom nodded.

“okay. At the same time, it is a demon in the form of a pentagram.”

class .

After alternately looking at the pentagram that appeared on the two screens, he opened his mouth.

“Can you check this 100 percent, senior?”

“Doesn’t that star pattern painted with blood and corpses also suck?”

“yes. It must be the procedure of the demon king summoning ceremony.”

“In that sense, I’m glad.”



The place Sugyeom Yoon pointed with the mouse cursor.

Let’s zoom in. Oddly enough.

There were no corpses scattered around that area.

Did the demons make a mistake?

no that wasn’t it

Seong Hyeon-jun opened his mouth, saying no way.

“Wait. One-on-one this way…”

“That’s right. It matches Ho-yeol Lee’s entry route.”

“In that situation, you moved forward while collecting the corpse?!”

“I don’t know what his intentions were, though. It must be like that.”

Guessing that, he seemed to understand why so many monsters flocked to Hoyeol’s side.

Because Ho-yeol was the one who directly interfered with the demon lord summoning ceremony.

Yoon Soo-gyeom nodded.

“Maybe we can help Lee Ho-yeol this time.”

If you know the identity of the demon king.

so you can prepare for it.

In that sense, information about Decarabia was important.

“I’ll look for it right away!”

I’m sure the data I saved is still there somewhere.

Seong Hyun-joon, who opened the search bar and looked through the files, opened his mouth.

“senior. I found it.”

By the way…

this situation was not good.

No, the compatibility wasn’t good.

“…what? Possess knowledge of all plants and ‘minerals’?”

After all, it’s a mineral!

both in the past and in the present moment.

Wasn’t it Hoyeol who used the alchemy skill using stones?

damn it

I promise to give you useful information.

“All I could find was…”

Such pessimistic information.

Seong Hyun-joon opened his mouth quietly.

“The resistance to earth attribute magic must be considerable.”

“If you think of bird heads, the concept will be valid.”

“…but it’s Lee Ho-yeol, right? Well, there are many other skills!”

“It’s not like that. Still, one major skill is useless.”

Yoon Soo-gyeom murmured softly.

“That’s not enough, the opponent is the Demon King.”

I couldn’t help but be concerned.

no matter how hot it is.

One major skill is useless.

Because it was a huge penalty.

But concerns and what to do were separate.

Soon, Seong Hyun-jun took a deep breath and opened the messenger.

“Whoa. You can deliver it to Gaon, right?”

“I’d rather do that. Because I’m about to join Lee Ho-yeol.”

“…please. I hope there is even a number of hidden secrets.”

I don’t know if it’s Lee Ho-yeol…!

Seong Hyun-joon thought that even though he hoped, his expectations were too high.

That’s right, wasn’t Ho-yeol always a wizard?

‘Suddenly Voila! Like fighting with a sword…’

Dori Dori—

Seong Hyeon-Jun shook his head right away.

Even thinking about it made me laugh out loud.

“Because I’m desperate, I have all these useless imaginations. me too.”

I have to say something real.


Nam Chul-min’s briefing through the speaker.

I opened my mouth.


The demon king’s true identity was that of Dekaravia.

Of course, it was a name I hadn’t heard from even the Akkshan demon hunters.

The demon kings they mainly mentioned were the highest ranking demon kings among the demon kings….

To put it simply, they were the highest ranking demon kings.

‘It’s rather fortunate that I haven’t heard of it.’

The pride of Grandfel. I will not break it in front of any devil.

I who take pride in it is different.

It means that you have to struggle forever…!

There is no change in expression, and I am relieved.

The atmosphere around it was not good.

– It’s embarrassing. Mr Hoyeol.

Starting with Nam Chul-min, those who help out word by word.

“therefore. In AAU’s opinion, skills that use minerals won’t work, brother? Of course, it will also neutralize the skills that Mr. Hoyeol usually uses, such as summoning stone pillars and stone walls?”

Nam Tae-min, who treated his injuries.

I wouldn’t have been able to fully recover my stamina.

His face was full of concern.

Leonie said bluntly.

“What’s with all that? Seed.”

Of course, I wasn’t really excited.

Drumsticks that I ate raw through alchemy.

Because I didn’t have only alchemy.

‘It’s worth struggling on its own.’

It was also rewarding to dig several wells.

Fortunately, there are people who know about my hard work.

It was my swordsmanship teacher, Harkon.

“It’s nice, but you have a colleague who is unnecessarily worried. kyung.”

Harkon seemed to be looking forward to it.

After all, Harkon was mistaken for my true aptitude for swordsmanship.

That reaction was understandable.


‘I can’t guess how they reacted.’

I looked at Kitsch.

Did you even get goosebumps?


Kichi trembled.

Of course, there was no deep thought.

It’s other people’s thoughts or evaluations.

Because it wasn’t even a concern for Grandfel.

“Nothing to worry about.”

I said so.

Yes, because I had other things to worry about.

I checked the flickering quest window.

[Class Quest: Defeat the Demon King]

The king of demons.

Their demonic powers begin to reach out.

The last demon hunter.

Take down the throne of evil.

—Train your weakened body. (Repeat)

─Investigate the northern city of Frost. (Success)

─Save the survivors. (In progress)

─Interrupt the demon king summoning ceremony. (In progress)

Defeat the Demon Corps Commander. (10/10)

The last demon corps commander has fallen.

With this, the goal of the quest was achieved.

However, the progress of the quest did not go over to success.

To say yes was simple.

‘That means there’s still something left.’

Now that all the demon corps commanders have fallen.

The Demon King’s army was virtually destroyed.


Harkon said, inserting his sword.

“There will be no time to waste on those with broken wills.”

These are the guys whose morale has been broken.

Even if you don’t have to go looking for it, the other players will do their best to take care of it.

Even for experience and contribution.

So what I did was simple.

“Go to the square.”

Frost Central Square.

The center of the pentagram.

In other words, to reach the center of the demon king summoning ceremony.

The intruder had disappeared.

It wasn’t long before I reached Frost Square.


center of the star.

As much as the number of strokes that interlock with each other.

Scattered corpses are mountains.

The scattered blood was like the sea.

At that horror, the Lion Heart Knights, including Harkon, shook their heads.

“Oh God. rest to them.”


Nam Tae-min gnashed his teeth.

Jesse was wearing a cone-shaped hat.

Leonie spat out a series of curse words.

It’s not like you feel different emotions as a player.

because it was real

It was said that non-NPC people died.

It was only natural to feel miserable.

It was then.

One of the corpses flinched.

“…iced coffee.”

Everyone responded to that moan.

“…a survivor!”

“Wait, that face…?”

“Isn’t that Lord Frost?”

Yes, it was the lord of Frost who was alive.

Harkon opened his mouth.

“Earl Sirion…? Are you right!”

“Could it be Lord Harkon…! Unbelievable!”

“Oh my God.”

Count Sirion.

It was natural to have doubts if you think about it soberly.

he among the corpses.

How could I have been alive alone?

However, Earl Sirion was shedding tears.

“Your Majesty, the Empire did not turn away from us…!”

That was enough to dispel the doubts of those who watched.

That face and voice too.

Because he was the same as Count Sirion, whom he knew well.

But I knew

[Subdue the demon lord].

The fact that the class quest isn’t over yet.


Natural Enemy Relations: Fighting power increases dramatically when fighting demons.


Besides, the effect of [Natural Enemy Relations].

From the moment I set foot in Frost until now.

The fact that not a single moment has gone away.

most decisively.

I had experience.

Enough to deceive the world as well as the people around you.

A succubus who perfectly played Baek Yi-seol.

That experience of facing the devil.

Yes, it was a question that I had been asking since I realized that fact.

The devil has appeared in reality.

It couldn’t have been just a few years.

The devil had already naturally melted into reality.


In Arcana, the home of demons.

How many demons are hiding among humans?

Naturally, I couldn’t answer him.

When does that mean enemy arcana matter?

I don’t know if I’d kept playing Arcana.

Because I had a gap of well over ten years.

But one thing was certain.

That is not Frost’s lord, Earl Sirion.

At the same time, the quest window flashed.

—Destroy the demon king Dekarabia. (In progress)

I declared in a cold voice.

“It’s so ugly that it’s hard to see.”


“The smoke is there. Devil.”

that was contempt

“You who claim to be the king of an inferior race. While driving his subordinates to limb. Isn’t it shameful that he was hiding among humans?”

As a noble aristocrat.

The despicable act of the demon king that can’t be crossed.

My declaration made the party evidently bewildered.

“…the king of an inferior race. sir what is that?”

Even Harkon, who was approaching Sirion, took a step back.

But the bewilderment did not last long.

Because the Dekaravia guy is starting to show his true colors.

“You seem foolishly misunderstood. human.”


Shirion’s body that changes in an instant.

It was no longer Sirion.

Sirion’s body began to crumple mercilessly.

the guy told me

“It was not driven out with limbs. It is a noble sacrifice for the king.”

I could understand the meaning right away.

crumpled lumps.

The mass began to suck up blood and corpses.

“Praise me. Your interruption was very significant. however.”

If it’s an obstruction, you’re probably talking about collecting the body.

The moment I thought about it, the demon army flew in from all directions.

To be precise, it was mixed with the sacrifice and sucked into the mass.

“There is no law that the sacrifice must be human.”

The Dekarabia guy absorbed the demon lord’s army as a living sacrifice as much as the lack of sacrifices. At the same time, the growing mass gradually began to take shape.

A pentagram made of flesh and blood.

As the stars faded, the sky was covered with darkness.

Demon King Decaravia.

The boy was completely resurrected.

[Demon King Decarabia appears.]

[You have entered the living hell ‘Frost’.]

But then what?

But I wasn’t even agitated at all.

As always, I opened my mouth.

“Do not dishonor true sacrifice.”

What is sacrifice?

for pride.

to protect Frost.

A word that can only be attached to those who gave their lives.

“You don’t deserve it.”

Is it because he is gradually immersed in Grandfel?

If not, is it because I really think so too?

At this moment, my mouth didn’t twitch.

The flesh of the pentagram trembled loudly.

“I’m looking forward to the moment when that arrogance hits the ground. I already see through your magic. very regrettably. Rocks are more than just minerals. Your greatest talent must be sealed.”


greatest feat?

I see you’re misunderstanding something.

‘Granfell’s talent is so. Even I can’t measure it.’

I calmly checked the condition.

The remaining magic power is sufficient.

The ‘appropriate magic power’ required by black magic is also sufficient.

He also did not uselessly waste his physical strength to release his sword skills.

So, there was no hesitation.

[‘Ghosted Sword’ has been selected as the sacrifice.]

[The skill ‘Exorcism’ is activated.]

[Invite the demon king Dekaravia to the ‘ritual’.]

“Shut that ugly mouth first.”


“You self-proclaimed demon king.”


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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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