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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 61

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Episode 61. Self-proclaimed demon king (2)

The devil’s item to be sacrificed for the exorcism ritual.

I had pre-purchased it.

There was nothing difficult to save.

The speed of reconstruction of Yusra Kingdom was beyond imagination.

The auction house opened, along with a basic shop.

It is also an auction house operated by the Arcana system.

Besides, isn’t this an exorcism ritual prepared for the demon king?

‘I’m glad I earned it diligently.’

A few demon items.

I can’t even put a dent in my bank account balance.

suddenly realize

I don’t know about Grandfel, but I’m definitely a slave to capitalism.

I then took out the devil’s item.

The more sacrifices there are, the stronger the effect of the ritual.

[‘Lady’s jewelry box’ was selected as the sacrifice.]

[‘Strangle necktie’ was selected as the sacrifice.]

Added those items as sacrifices for the exorcism ceremony.

That’s how the exorcism began.

I immediately manifested my magic.


Search for ashes floating in the air.

[Esthetic] Interference using stats.

A flame with an aesthetic sense was expressed.


“Shut up that ugly mouth. Self-proclaimed demon king.”

As much as great aesthetics.

It was Grandfel who could not help but loathe his ugly appearance.

In that sense, Dekaravia must be hard to look at.

It was a horror movie, because it was the kind of thing you would only see in a gore movie.

But I didn’t look away.

‘The opponent is the Demon King.’

Considering the level of the demon commander.

His level is at least level 600.

Even compared to the Seven Deadly Sins, greed, it might have been superior.

Because the seven deadly sins were not normal.

It was natural that I couldn’t take my eyes off it.



There was a resident of Frost who was devoured by it.

A flame that burns sublimely by adding an aesthetic sense.

They are in the burning flesh.

their last appearance.

The pride of this guy is that you can’t turn away.

Dekaravia screamed, wriggling in the flames.

“…you you!!”


So what.

Didn’t answer.

Because I was the one who refrained from unnecessary conversations with prey.

to my cold reaction.

Is it because there was not enough to burn, so there was even a heat?

The boy shook off the flames and continued.

“…yes, I get it. I must have entered ‘consciousness’.”

Truly the king of demons. was the devil

To realize that it is an exorcism.

Actually, it shouldn’t be surprising.

The words of an Akk’shan Demon Hunter suddenly come to mind.

-There are not many demon hunters who survived facing the demon king.

Enough to be called the nemesis of demon hunters.

Since the demon king, he has not been a meek existence. The flesh of


which had been burning, began to regenerate.

The boy’s smirk continued.

“You are arrogant, human. To invite the Demon King to a ceremony?”

Dekarabia trembled as if soaked in emotion.

“This feeling is not bad. Yes, I will hang out with you.”

Indeed, it is different from the demons who were helpless in the exorcism ceremony.

Like the demon lord, Dekarabia did not waver.

It looked like he had some spare time.

As the Akkshan demon hunters say.

If you’re at the level of the Demon King, it’s probably not a lie to catch and eat your natural enemy, the Demon Hunter.

But i know

“Know the subject.”

『Perhaps what the devil should be most wary of is not the class of the demon hunter, but the human being itself.』

Even if it is the demon king.

That Grandfell’s lofty self-consciousness could not even be damaged.

A mental battle in exorcism?

The winner was originally

determined to be the Grand Fellow.


“I have no intention of hanging out with an inferior race.”

expression of exploratory interference.

I drove on Decarabia.

There was not the slightest hesitation.

What’s wrong with not being able to manifest the stone pillar?

That’s just magic to conserve mana rather than destructive power.

It means struggling to eat raw with minimal investment.

The magic with greater power than that came after entering Frost.

It’s me who never showed up…!

What he meant was simple.

‘There is enough left.’

That there is room for horsepower.

Naturally, I had no intention of wasting that mana.

Activate [Natural Enemy Relations].

My magic power has risen, but it’s because of my insignificant level.

Because I was the one whose absolute magic power was terrible.

‘The important thing is cost performance.’

As always.

Just my way.

what is and what is not.

It’s just that you have to take it all.


Two completely different concepts.

A fusion of magic and science.

The inspiration Marcelo gave me was manifested as advanced magic.

‘I said it grandiosely.’

It’s just elementary science level.

However, its effectiveness has been confirmed.

Magic for a long time without additional magic power consumption.

that it can persist.

‘That’s regardless of the power of the magic that was manifested…!’

A storm of flames that shows no signs of fading.

The firestorm engulfed Frost’s flames, which had turned into hell, burning even more.

There was an aesthetic sense added to the interference process.

only to judge the demon king.

Like a fire descending from heaven.

The storm of flames began to move as if alive.

“Was the road open for a moment?”

He opened the way for those who were preparing for a pincer attack.


Dekarabia’s movements were blocked so that not a single finger could move.

“Wow! Incredible!”

wizards of wizards.

It was only natural for Jesse, who is called the archmage’s apprentice, to admire the conical hat.

But it’s too early to be surprised.

Because my struggle has just begun.


I raised my mana one after another.

‘I’m not Jesse, so I can’t use magic like that.’

This time, it’s not normal magic power, but ‘appropriate magic power’.

not stats.

Appropriate magic power based on the life and past of the presenter.

‘…No matter what, good is good.’

Regardless of whether the source of that suitable magical power was the second grader.

It was me who did not spoil the talent of black magic recognized by Matisse, the founder of black magic.

I manifested the intermediate black magic 『Black Crown』.

Its effect is to deprive the enemy of their senses.


The first thing he took away was his mouth.

[‘Silence’ occurs to Demon King Dekarabia.]

But the mouth was just the beginning.

Black magic is also magic.

The black tube also had a lasting effect.

Yes, to be precise, every time he shakes in fear.

The guy’s senses are one by one.

It meant disappearing beyond the deep, deep darkness.

I opened my mouth after seeing the frozen Decarabia.

“You self-proclaimed demon king.”

He returned what he had said.

“How does it feel when that arrogance hits the ground?”


…demon hunters!

now i get it

Why did you dare to be arrogant with human subjects?

Decarabia was unmoved.

“…yes, I get it. I must have entered ‘consciousness’.”

demon hunter?

Aren’t they the ones who terribly killed in the Holy War?

It’s been quite a while, but if you think about it again, they were truly like moths on fire.

‘They were the most foolish of all humans.’

He dared to call the Demon King into his consciousness.

Decarabia is a fleeting moment.

made a judgment

‘Except for the presumptuous ego, it’s an excellent body.’

in exorcism.

After subduing Ho-yeol in a mental battle.

I will claim Ho-yeol’s body.

Because it seemed like there were so many things I could do with that body.

‘There is no need to overdo it.’

Above all, even if it was oneself, fighting with the majority was a burden.

It’s not a mean run away.

Just like the capture of Frost.

just looking for the right time.

“Yes, I will hang out with you.”

But that plan fell through.

‘What is this?’

It definitely entered the boy’s consciousness.

Demon king of demons.

That is, the mere presence of oneself evokes fear.

Just by entering your consciousness.

Most demon hunters have gone mad.

But the heat was fine.

No, he was overpowering himself beyond being normal.



soaring flames.

A whirlwind of flames was connected to the sky.

Decaravia pushed herself.

‘This is not reality.’

It’s just an exaggeration created by him.

Even knowing that fact, it was natural to have doubts.

on the trivial human subject.

How could he overwhelm me, the demon lord, in terms of mental power?

‘How dare you ask me to know the subject…?’

Decarabia did not give in.

It was enough to block the flames by transforming minerals.

Frost This city had enough minerals including stone.

It was when I thought so.


Tongue did not move.

No voice came out.

I could tell intuitively.

He said he was cheating…!

‘Is it magic? No, it’s not simple magic…’

However, even if they knew that fact.

I couldn’t understand the current situation.

The moment Dekarabia hesitated.

Something flew between the burning flames.

Shu Shu Shuk!

it was an arrow


Decaravia was enraged at the arrow stuck in its flesh.

‘… How dare you be a human!’

If only there hadn’t been a storm of flames blocking my vision…!

But the baptism of arrows was just the beginning.

This time magic and daggers flew from all sides.

Among them, there was also a blow that dealt fatal damage.

Decaravia could not hide her embarrassment.


It was as perfect an advent as the countless sacrifices.

But why

Am I so helpless…?


Not yet.

Decaravaria made a sound with all her might.


What are you doing with the demon corps commander of the demon lord army!

I mean your king is under attack!

sacrifice your life for me!

But I soon realized.


The demon corps leader, the Demon King, was no more.

Even those who survived were swallowed up as sacrifices.

Realizing that fact, Ho-yeol’s cold voice came to mind.

– Self-proclaimed Demon King.

It was.

There were no more people who would call themselves kings.

It was then.


beep- My ears were deafened.

…no sound was heard.

Even the sound of yourself shouting.

Dekarabia glared at Hoyeol.

‘…It can’t end like this.’

demon hunter.

Because I knew of their existence, I also knew their danger.

The moment you die at the hands of these guys.

The fact that he can never be resurrected again.

Thousands of pupils sprouted from Dekaravia’s flesh


You have to find a way to break it.

The eyeballs, which had been rolling at high speed, stopped all at once.


more offerings.

More blood and flesh were needed.

Decaravia was looking for an easier prey.

‘Did you think I wouldn’t know what was hiding?’

Residents of Frost hiding in buildings.

The reason for keeping them alive was simple.

Because the fear of the living became his strength.

But now it’s done.

‘Peace be blood and flesh.’

Decarabia’s pentagram began to rotate.

Frost’s buildings made of minerals.

To him who realized knowledge of all minerals, collapsing a building was the simplest thing.


like now.

I couldn’t hear the collapse because I lost my hearing.

But it seemed clear.

Buildings collapsing and dust rises.


‘Why this time again?’

There was no blood or flesh to be seen.

Something touched the flesh of Dekarabia——

It was a small piece of stone that flew.

A shape glimpsed through the blazing fire.

Those were the inhabitants of Frost.


Weak humans and their young.

They should be hiding in the shadows.

I was throwing stones at myself.

Dekaravia’s eyes stared at those faces.


From those weak, weak humans.

I no longer felt fear.

Those eyes are those who didn’t let go of their weapons even when they were dying.

Yes, it was the same as the Frost soldiers.

Decarabia’s flesh swayed.

I couldn’t understand it at all.

Not only Ho-yeol, but also the human race.

Decaravia wrote evil.

I mean, I killed them all!

You killed the mother who was trying to protect her child!

He killed his child in front of his mother’s eyes!

Still not giving in

Still can’t understand the fear.

Are humans so stupid that they don’t even know fear?

Decaravia is in turmoil.

It completely stopped moving in the flames.

In the end, even the final outburst has now become a bubble.

There was nothing I could do.

The flames began to burn the flesh.

in the burning sight.

Dekarabia looked at Hoyeol.

‘Even if others can’t hear it, you will be able to hear it.’

Because this place was in his consciousness.

Dekarabia asked.

‘Why? Why don’t humans give in?’

Why do you get up again even if you fall down?

Even though I know I can’t afford it.

What is the reason for jumping in fear?

To that question, he no longer had the face of a demon king.

Dekarabia screamed.

‘…please! please! I will beg you! Let me know!!’

But no answer came back.

Because Hoyeol’s mouth was tightly closed.

As if he would not engage in unnecessary conversation with his prey.

‘please!! Jebaaaaaar!!’




“Die with your doubts. That is your punishment.”

Pride before victory.

that simple fact.

There’s no way Dekarabia could know.

I watched the burning flames.

like it won’t turn off.

A flame that burns intensely.


the survivors of Frost sat on the ground.



“Father and mother… hehe.”

And started to sob.

As if mourning those who left first.

The flames of Decarabia.

Those who were devoured by him.

It burned up noblely without leaving a single handful.

It started to fade only after the cremation was finished.

A message popped up in front of my eyes.

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]…

The level-up message that comes up constantly.

[The conditions have been met.]

[Reward will be given.]

[Frost has been recaptured.]

[You have entered the northern city of ‘Frost’.]…

In addition, there are other messages that are difficult to read at a glance.

Through the messy vision with a message.

Something white started flying.

Harkon quietly opened his mouth.

“kyung. do you know Frost calls snow a gift from heaven. There is a superstition that if you reject that heavenly gift, you will be punished. Because it snows a lot in the north. It must be nothing more than making up a plausible story to clear the snow.”

he spoke bitterly.

“But for today. I would like to consider these eyes a gift from heaven.”

I also looked up at the sky.

Snow from Hokkaido was pouring down on Frost.


[Conditions have been met.]

The conditions of the [Recapture Frost] quest have been met.

There was no one to say first.

Each player confirmed their own contribution.

─Current Contribution: 3210p

─Current Contribution: 2940p

─Current Contribution: 1570p….

“…Hey, what is your contribution?”

“I’ll look at you first.”

“It’s Nim’s line. Is it over two thousand?”

Above expectations or below expectations.

but this moment.

Most players will think the same.

How much contribution did Lee Ho-yeol earn?

What kind of reward will you receive based on your contribution?

At the same time, the gaze of the players towards Hoyeol.

“About 10,000?”

“what. Just cross the bay.”

“But why is your face like that? Is it lower than I thought? Isn’t it less than 10,000?!”

But even if you look into that face.

“But Lee Ho-yeol always has that expression.”

I couldn’t even guess.




I checked the contribution.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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