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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 63

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Episode 63. That difficult thing (2)

Buzzing ─

Smartphone vibrating noisily.

Kazuma Hisagi confirmed the sender.

Bona Mana, as expected, they were guys.

The short-haired man next to him asked cautiously.

“Kazuma. Are you really okay?”


“We will always follow you. Can you afford it?”

To Korean player Lee Ho-yeol.

Inazuma, the pride and symbol of Japan, bowed her head.

The sight was spread all over the world by players who were broadcasting live.

“I owe a great debt. thank you.”

There was no directive from the Japanese government in that action.

It was. It was Hisagi’s decision.

Hisagi narrowed her eyes.

“well. What do you guys think?”

“…we? It won’t be any different from you.”

“I saw something, isn’t it obvious?”

Dark tanned skin.

The woman who intervened spat and continued.

“Shit bastards. It’s because I don’t even know.”


in the same space.

Because I watched it through the eyes of the same player.

The Inazuma guild members were able to bow their heads to Lee Ho-yeol with all their hearts.

If it wasn’t for Lee Ho-yeol, Hokkaido would be by now….

“Hundreds of thousands. Are you saying you can’t even say thank you to someone who saved the lives of millions of people? Just because you’re Korean? I’ve thought about it before, but the upper-headed bastards…!”

“do not be angry. Because it hurts me.”

“…Whoa. So are you going, Kazuma?”

He asked with a tone that didn’t match his rough hair.

Hisagi’s snake eyes flashed.

“Yes, because I have to tell the old friends the truth.”





Hisagi knelt down.

The ones sitting around him were the ministers of the Japanese government.

They started vomiting at Hisagi.

“Don’t you think it’s a lack of ability, Hisagi?”

“Have you bowed down to the Koreans? Like an idiot…!”

“Now that Gaon has surpassed Inazuma. It’s because you don’t know how much your actions meant!”

I’m going

to kill you.

Hisagi put saliva on her parched lips and was deeply troubled.

To thread those greasy bodies like skewers.

I don’t think it will take even a few seconds.

but i will have to be patient

don’t know yourself

Even for the sake of a colleague riding on his shoulder.

‘It was stupid.’

In Frost, Hisagi realized.

That he had been making a big mistake up until now.

[Recapture Frost].

I forgot about it thanks to a quest that suddenly popped up.

He was blinded by the contribution and forgot that the location where the Frost Devil appeared was Hokkaido.

It was after meeting Lee Ho-yeol that I realized that fact.

‘Even if I think about it again, I have nothing to say.’

To be precise, after witnessing Lee Ho-yeol rescuing survivors.

Rescuing survivors is not enough.

Until the corpse was rectified.

Hisagi suddenly felt dizzy.

…If Lee Ho-yeol had been a little late.

‘The residents of Hokkaido…’

could have been like them.

Thinking like that made me feel like an idiot.

‘What did I do that for?’

However, only Hisagi was enlightened.

Because these top guys are the same.

“Even if you think of the national interest as the best, it is not enough. Tsk.”

“I know. Didn’t I tell you to delay their entry a little longer!”

“You are right. Dozens of Hokkaido civilians get caught up in it. If only they had used that as an excuse to blow up the missiles. It would have been much better than the current situation.”

if it is for their own benefit.

People who regard other people’s lives as if they were devoted.

As the illusion was broken, reality began to come into view.

‘In the end, I’ll be thrown away too.’

Of course, Hisagi had no intention of taking it lightly.

Then Hisagi stood up from her seat.

Those who were sipping sake asked startled.

“What are you doing, Hisagi?”

“Our story is not over yet!”

“Uh huh. Have a seat!”

I see you’re mistaken.

Instead of answering, Hisagi exhaled death.

class magician.

6th player ranking.

Its nickname is the Lightning Spear.

The killing spewing out with his determination was thicker than the deadly venom of a snake.

“Hi Hisagi!”

“I think there must have been a misunderstanding in our words…”

“I didn’t mean that.”


trembling hand.

The sake glasses they missed are broken.

His crotch was so wet that he didn’t even know what sake was.

Hisagi replied.

“Inazuma will not cooperate with the government in the future.”

“…what what?! What are you talking about!”

“You may dispose of it as you please.”

Hisagi’s eyes flashed.

“If only I could still breathe.”

At those words, the ministers realized the reality.


The position of Hisagi that they held and shook…!

In terms of strength, he is one of the top 10 players in the world.

That said, it was meaningless in front of Hisagi even if he put up a bodyguard.

To stop Hisagi, you’d have to call in a player at least Nam Tae-min.


‘How could such a thing be possible…?’

Players of that level are on a personal quest.

Because I didn’t move for money.

Hisagi’s words were not lies.

‘Really die…!’

Frozen ministers.

leaving them behind.

“Then let the snake go away. Please enjoy yourself.”

Hisagi lowered her head and left the room.

I did it in the end

Hisagi shrugged.

“Maybe it’s not good to live in the motherland?”

Right now anyway.

There would be no way to let go of a snake that had escaped from the barrel.

Hisagi thought seriously.

“Well, exile wouldn’t be bad either.”

Because his homeland was unnecessarily powerful.

If you think of the interests between countries that are intricately intertwined.

There may not be many countries that will accept you, but…

you won’t even care about Japan.

No, the one who doesn’t seem to care.

Hisagi knew one person.

Inazuma and others lowered their heads.

A bowl that accepts that polite greeting as if it were natural.

The formality that flows from that action.

Hisagi crossed his fingers and counted the balance.

“…How much do you need to invest in Yusra Kingdom?”


The taste of alcohol in this world also gradually suited my taste.

“Kyaa. I like this green bottle so much~”

“It doesn’t taste cheap. leader.”

“You want to buy cheap? Are you ignoring me because I’m from the slums?”

“…and. The captain is already drunk. Truth.”

A sister who does not drink alcohol.

A kid who hates annoying things.

He’s an old man who says he’s old.

except for those few.

The shadow mercenaries staged a drinking party under the guise of a regular meeting.

Kitsch hid—and then shouted.

“Hey fat! Turn down the volume!!”

“Wait a minute, Mrs. that i will come out Here.”

“From the truth to the truth. Ugh.”

Loud TV sound.

Fat Rock Kid was sitting tight in front of the TV.

A muscle mass that makes even a 100-inch TV screen look small.

Contrary to that sense of intimidation, Lockkid’s eyes were shining.

“and. I was just looking at this good thing.”

I thought it was just a frame.

When I touched something, a picture came to mind.

It is a picture that comes alive.

It was something that could not be bought on the Arcana Continent even with billions of dollars.

That alone is enough to make your eyes widen.

Rockkid focused on the news that was flowing.

-There are a lot of positive reactions to Inazuma’s actions. What do you think, experts? Do their actions represent the attitude of the Japanese government?

-I don’t think so. According to a Japanese government official, Inazuma’s actions this time do not

match the government’s opinion in the slightest.

An ever-rising data screen.

There was Lee Ho-yeol, a familiar face.

“so. next. I am.”

Yes, Hoyeol Lee.

Rockkid generously understood.

‘Well, that guy did a bit of an activity too.’

However, this Rock Kid-nim also played a big role.

Just as I praised Lee Ho-yeol, I want to honor this Rock Kid nim as well.

“…so how long are you going to show the same face?”

However, the wait is colorless.

No matter how long I wait, even if I turn the channel.

It’s all about Lee Ho-yeol.

“…the same thing on the front and back?! suddenly. What. this.”

The breaking news is over.

When a nasty CF pops up.

It was only natural that Lockkid’s patience would explode.


Rockkid approached with a huff and gulped down the liquor like water.

Rock Kid, who had emptied three bottles of liquor according to his size, asked with a sad face.

“What am I worse than Lee Ho-yeol?”

It’s a start again.

As usual, the grumbling of the bottom line that he ignores lightly.

The only one who reacted was the drunk leader, Kichi.

said Kitsch flirting.

“…I can’t even use magic. You can’t even fight.”

“Apart from magic, what kind of fight?! What kind of fight are wizards…”

“Tsk tsk tsk. You don’t know anything, Rock kid. Heeep.”

that monster is

Up to the swordsmanship….

There were many things I wanted to say


My body didn’t listen to my tongue.

But it seemed like it had to be done.

Kitsch drove a wedge into Rockkid.

“And above all…”

“…what. What kind of drunkenness are you going to do again?”

“Lee Ho-yeol is much more handsome than you.”

“What?! What are you saying?!”

I can tolerate everything else, but I can’t stand that!

Rock Kid’s face turned red.

Kichi added sincerely to such a rock kid.

“Hey, don’t touch me anyway. I don’t want to fall behind.”

Rockkid also noticed.

‘From the inspiration to the leader?’

From alkali to kitsch.

Because I had a very high evaluation of Lee Ho-yeol.

There must be a reason.

Rockkid had no objection to that.

‘…Because that one magic wasn’t normal.’

So, Rockkid had no choice but to scream.

“Then, where do I go to resolve my injustice!!”

As expected, the only answer is the drunken kitsch.

“Hey, what? You should be at the Magic Tower by now?”

Rockkid stuck out his tongue.

There is a degree to being sincere.

I felt it from the time I watched it in Yusra Kingdom.

There is no one who lives in the world as tiredly as Lee Ho-yeol.

‘That strength makes sense.’

by the way.

“…But he said don’t touch me. Why are you telling me that?”

“Because it is too noisy. I want to be quiet if I get hit.”

“I have no intention of going there and getting hit. And what? mage tower? What’s the point of visiting a place full of monsters? I’m crazy?!”



pouring sweat.

emerging message.

[Conditions have been met.]

[Reward will be paid.]

I said with bated breath.

“It’s easy.”

This fucking bastard’s bluff.

A class quest that increases strength and agility.

It was me who repeated aerobic and anaerobic exercise every day.

Because it digests an enormous amount of exercise.

It’s only natural that basic physical strength goes up even with the exception of stats.

“Tea after exercise isn’t bad either.” It

‘s tea

time to enjoy while suffering from thirst.

As always, I asked a question.

‘…Isn’t it really like this to die?’

It is said that pride drowned in formality and left behind.

But I was feeling it with my body.

Was it because he struggled so much?

Now, even if you want to sink, you can’t sink at will…!

“Even this is getting used to.”

Yes, because humans are animals of adaptation.

Thanks to the improved stamina, it was said that no matter how hard the daily routine was, vitality remained in the body.

It really couldn’t have been more embarrassing.

Why was it like that even now?

In the past, physical fatigue was an excuse to take a legitimate break.

due to increased stamina.

To the endless pride of Granfell.

Because it was said that there was no choice but to match the rhythm.

As soon as I returned after defeating the demon king, the magic tower.

It’s also a research lab.

But what if I try to whine any more?


Because I knew that this pride would never be broken.

I let go of my lingering feelings and checked the quest window.

“Akkshan. That’s a name I miss.”

[Class Quest: Akkshan’s Legacy]

The beacon of survival was clearly delivered.

The last demon hunter.

Reclaim your heritage lost by evil.

—Train your weakened body. (Repeat)

First guess.

The smoke rising from the demon’s remains seemed to have been hit by a beacon.

It is said that the beacon of survival was clearly delivered.

I don’t know the specific circumstances.

You must have met the quest conditions while defeating Dekaravia.

‘I have no choice but to wait until the next goal comes to mind.’

It is the legacy of Akshan.

But let’s think about common sense.

‘Of course, there’s a high probability of being at Akkshan Base. What.’

The problem is that the Akkshan base disappeared from Arcana overnight.

Players in the past didn’t seem to think much of it.

– Because it’s a ruined class, didn’t you just hit the area deletion??

– ㅇㅇ It seems that there is not a single demon hunter player that is not in the update



In the days when Arcana was just a normal game.

But I learned through experience.

That Arcana was no ordinary game.

Even to the Yusra Islands, which were considered simple treasure islands.

Because there was a story about an ancient kingdom and a giant.

There was a high probability that Akkshan Base had a tangled back story as well.

‘That’s why it came up as a class quest…’

I get it roughly.

I opened my mouth.

“I look forward to the day when I can meet you again.”

I couldn’t remember a face or a name.

You really have no shame.

‘It’s a quest goal. It’ll come up on its own when the time comes.’

So right now, it is right to faithfully work on the given routine.

Organize your thoughts.

It’s scary to sit in a chair with an upright posture.

The words on the parchment came to

mind .

When I checked the sender, it was Marcelo, the chief wizard.


I calmly tilted the cup.

I read the text that came to mind.


However, the contents were surprising.

Quite a bit too.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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