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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 64

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Episode 64. Mage Tower (1)

Mage Tower.

In terms of force, it was a group that there was no one in Arcana to touch.

Even the emperor who commands the continent.

To the extent that they are concerned about its influence and want to have a friendly relationship.

But is it because it is in such a huge position?

The mage tower did not move much in any of Arcana’s events.

Of course, back when Arcana was just a game.

It would have been something that could just be considered a limitation of the system and passed.

Why does the Mage Tower intervene in events where players will be active?

The Magic Tower quickly sorted out the situation.

It was obvious that players would only suck their fingers.

However, Arcana was no longer a game, but a reality.

‘Even so, the mage tower didn’t move much.’

It was.

Even when summoned to reality.

So it was natural not to have high expectations.

The wizards of the Mage Tower step forward and act?

As a player, it was unimaginable.



I heard the news.

He was concerned with defeating Dekaravia, the demon king who descended on Frost. As the chief wizard of the Mage Tower, he has no face. All I can say is thank you…


…what kind of nuance is this?

No matter how many times I read it again.

no one else

The reality of the magic tower.

The letter from the chief wizard Marcelo was certain…

Considering his personality, he would never be able to say empty words.

No matter how much you read this…?

‘It’s full of the feeling that even if you want to go out, you can’t.’


I put down the teacup and parted my lips.

“There are circumstances that cannot be told to anyone.”

Yes, I can’t even say that it’s a dark history…

‘No, that’s not the important thing!’

There must be circumstances, right?

I also have something to notice.

And besides, did he officially set foot in the Magic Tower?

Am I not the one who knows to some extent the structure of the mage tower, and thus the way the mage tower rolls? Besides, I had a quest in the Magic Tower.

[Quest: Marcelo’s Study]

Marcelo, the chief wizard of the Wizard’s Tower.

In order for him to reach an advanced level of magic.

want to be with you

‘…Wait a minute, maybe this.’

I put the loose pieces together at will.

Yes, there are things that cannot be said about the Mage Tower.

Because of that situation, magicians are unable to take active action.

Marcelo is concerned about that.

I am such a co-researcher and ally of Marcelo…

Then, what was completed was a plausible happiness circuit.

‘…If this solves the situation at the Mage Tower at the end of the quest.’

Wouldn’t the magic tower move more actively?

Naturally, in the process of clearing the quest.

It is only natural that a huge relationship in the Mage’s Tower would have an impact.

That means…

‘The Magic Tower is also a reliable ally…?’

no, let’s not go ahead

It is only natural that the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Besides, if you like to eat it raw.

Even if I have an upset stomach, I have nothing to say.

So, it is right to organize your thoughts at this point.

‘I’ll find out more as I go through the quests.’

Even if I was curious right now, there was nothing I could do.

Can’t you ask the person involved, Marcelo?

is it possible

It’s just asking about things that can’t be said.

Because it was against the rules.

It was obvious that such a reply I would send to Marcelo.


I fully understand your anguish.


“Interviews are always welcome.”

To bring up the three highs and lows.

There are so many things I have received and eaten…

The one calculation I give and receive is thorough.


Frost Skirmish.

The aftermath of that day did not go away the day after that or the day after that.

It had to be.

Unlike before, there were too many eyes in the battle for Frost.

Shining and Unification.

1st and 2nd place in the guild rankings.

Their robustness was proved once again.

Their strategies and tactics ahead of the demon king’s army.

It seemed that the siege experience was not in vain.

An unexpected ambush also appeared.

Horikan, the commander of the demon corps.

Nam Tae-min faced the named monster alone.

It wasn’t enough that he broke Horican’s leg, he was the one who tore off his wings.

Seeing his exciting battle, players could guess.

-Yes Taemin Nam Did you finally start the class quest??

– Like that??? Compared to other rankers, there is a sense of delay

– Isn’t it rather great? I kept the top 10 rank without class quests

– ㅇㅋㅋ Now, there’s only one day left to eat


Like Inazuma’s polite attitude.

Like Jesse Heinness leaving the Shining Guild.

Like the power of the shadow mercenaries.

Like the appearance of Harkon who defeated the demon corps commander in one blow.

It was a skirmish for Frost, which had a lot of happenings.

Well, it’s because everyone’s taste is different.

The biggest concern is bound to be different.

But one thing was certain.

objectively and popularly.

receiving the most attention.

So who is the hottest potato among them?

“You can also say that Lee Ho-yeol is a player.”

Cast members nodding their heads at the expert’s words.

The expert gave a satisfied smile.

“Let’s look at that ability first. You’ll know it because you’re tired of watching it on the data screen. this skill! The appearance of this skill is different from the skills players have used so far!”

The goddess of flame that appeared in Frost.

If the person concerned listened to it, praise continued to the point of shocking.

Just use the [Aesthetic] stat.

It just added to the aesthetic sense.

“So I dare to predict. Lee Ho-yeol must be a fire mage-type hidden class former.”

fire mage?

It’s also a hidden class.

Because there was a huge misunderstanding.

However, opinions are bound to diverge on that.

“I am against it.”

“Oh do you have any other opinions? Hwang Expert?”

“Of course, the flame goddess was amazing. see Do you see the black energy emanating from player Lee Ho-yeol?”

It was an intermediate black magic black crown.

“This is a completely new type of skill! Judging from its appearance, I’m assuming it’s black magic. Why is it that black magic has just been officially recognized in the Mage Tower!”

“Isn’t that a very interesting claim?”

“That’s right. Who is Lee Ho-yeol? Isn’t that the first player who has attained the same qualifications as the Chief Mage? It’s definitely a class related to black magic…”

This is Ho-yeol’s position in the Mage Tower.

Because it spread rapidly by wizard class players.

That opinion was not entirely nonsense.


“But wouldn’t the problem be that you used those two great skills at the same time? What do you think about him? What about the two experts?”


“…I hate to say that.”

Two people who became dumb after eating honey at the host’s point.

A hot fever that makes the face of an expert unreasonable.

Yes, Hoyeol was literally the eye of a typhoon.

Even while being at the center of events big and small.

Despite being in all kinds of spotlights.

Even if they talk about themselves in the media all day long.

-In the meantime, it wasn’t enough to rescue survivors, so they also collected bodies. -If this isn’t

noblesse oblige,

what is it


Do not lose your upright posture.

On the contrary, the attitude to the extent that the concerned side seems strange.

“… Chew. See who you want to see.”

So, it was natural for her to be worried about her precious older sister.


Leonie threw the remote control on the sofa and went into the room.

Berserker’s guild members, who had been holding their breath, started chattering.

“My sister’s face is emaciated.”

“It wouldn’t be a lie. I was just heartbroken.”

“You really thought you heard it wrong?”

That’s a story that continues from the recapture of Frost.

During the recapture of Frost.

Ho-yeol’s voice came from the alley across the street.

“what? serve tea? I really couldn’t have imagined it, did I?”

It was Jesse Heinness who would serve tea.

Among the guild members, Jesse was a person of interest.

Even if I don’t show it, how complicated my hair is. My sister.

“How many times did I pull my hair out so it became sporadic…”

“That’s just because I didn’t wash my hair today.”

“I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday…”

“I don’t eat. The smell of pizza wafted through the room.”

“…Then why is that sister overdoing it?”

no, just do one

The guild members couldn’t guess Leonie’s intentions.

But it was unavoidable.

“Chew. What. really.”


Leonie, lying on the bed and burying her face in the pillow.

Even Leonie herself couldn’t understand her feelings.

serve tea

And also to Jesse Heinness.

“…Isn’t it a cut-in line?”

That was definitely unpleasant.

who is it

I’m curious about the taste of that tea.

I’m diligently trying to keep track of what I’ve exchanged.

Obviously it was

– It wasn’t a bad move. Leonie.

…Suddenly, what kind of praise?

say all the things you can’t say

Considering Ho-yeol’s straight-forward personality…

that’s probably just one voice because he doesn’t really move that well.

but at the same time.

I also knew that Ho-yeol had a personality that never said empty words.

“What. damn.”

So I have no choice but to be terribly concerned.


“A cup of tea during the time to praise. Chew.”

Leonie stamped her feet.

I turned on the TV to empty my head.

No matter how many times I turned the channels, Ho-yeol’s face popped out.

That was the reason I gave up the remote control and got stuck in the corner of the room.

“…let’s play a game. just.”

Leonie went online and was terrified again.

A picture of Ho-yeol’s knight adorning the main screen of the Internet.

Truly, a huge presence that cannot be avoided anywhere.

Leonie threw the pillow away this time.

“Aww! I don’t drink because it’s dishonest!”




“What? It feels like being robbed.”

Shining’s guild master Rox said so.

“Don’t get me wrong, Rocks. Even though I never had one~”

“That’s what they say. Even if you say that…”

“Well, Camilla, you are not wrong.”

Rox shrugged.

Jesse Heinness treated The Shining as a thorough business relationship.

The reason why she is putting herself into The Shining is just the best conditions.

In addition, it was thanks to the guarantee of free activities.

“I knew, but it doesn’t feel good.”

I feel like I’m losing something

It was definitely a strange sensation to Rox.

Because it was Rocks who always stood on the side of winning rather than being taken away.

“Isn’t it already too early to be sad?”

“Hey Camilla. You’re trying to salt again.”

“No~ Jessie never said that she would leave The Shining, but she has already caught on to her emotions, so~ it’s because she’s worried. What are you going to do when you say you’re really leaving?”

I don’t know if Dmitry is insensitive even if I watch him all his life.

Camilla could feel it.

That Rox’s emotions are fluctuating.

‘My breathing has become rough.’

Wind that affects shooting.

I can feel it because I’m like Camilla who doesn’t let go of that wind.

very subtle changes.

Rox was suppressing his emotions that much.

‘I’m not used to it.’

no i can’t tolerate it

‘It’s about your personality.’

founding member.

Camilla has been watching Lox since the beginning of The Shining.

Lox’s nature that he suppresses because he has too many things.

It was that he knew better than anyone.

“I was mistaken.”

“Are you going to fight again? Can’t we get along a little better?”

“What were you misunderstanding, Rox?”

Despite Dmitri’s pleas, Camilla asked calmly.

Rox brushed his hair.

“Anyway, I thought it was below me. I mean Lee Ho-yeol. So far I just thought I was lucky. During Ascura, I thought I benefited from the Lion Heart Knights in Jessie Yusra.”

“…Rox, that’s a fact.”

“But I was mistaken.”

Rox’s eyes flashed.

“He is definitely stronger than me.”

No, it’s stronger than the No. 1 Skal.

It was an intuition that I could feel because I was the same player.

Rocks continued with a serious face.

“At least level 600.”


“wait for a sec. What is level 600… Hey Rox. no way?!”

“Up to 700 levels.”

Rox’s face was serious without a hint of a joke.

“That’s the level of Lee Ho-yeol I expect.”


…you won’t know even if you die.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 295] [

Ability Level]

Strength: 45 / Agility: 46 / Magical Power: 243 / Luck: 5 / Aesthetics: 下

[Possessed Points: 0 ]

You wouldn’t even dream that I wouldn’t be level 300. Really…!

Mage Tower Topaz Hall.

A large-scale event regular society in the Magic Tower.

Before standing in the crystal hall where regular conferences are held.

A process of proof that must be passed through.

This is where the pre-verification takes place.

It was Topaz Hall.

I am sitting here now as the equivalent of a senior mage.

What are you doing here?

if anyone asks

I’ll show you a blinking quest window.

[Quest: Marcelo’s Study]

Marcelo, the chief wizard of the Wizard’s Tower.

In order for him to reach an advanced level of magic.

want to be with you

—Accept Marcelo’s proposal. (Success)

─Prove your ability. (Success)

─The chief’s weight (repeat)▼

That’s right.

This is a co-researcher with qualifications equal to that of the chief.

So, that was the weight I had to carry.

Simply put, it was a job.

‘…It’s very burdensome.’

I know very well how great the wizards of the Mage Tower are.

Even if you leave the senior and senior mages out of the question,

the Mage Tower mage’s strength was incomparable to that of the players.

‘Because even Jesse of the world is treated as a minor in the Magic Tower.’

Tea time in my lab.

Jessie held the teacup in both hands and spoke politely.

– As an apprentice wizard, I’m having a private interview with the chief wizard! This is a great honor! So, here are some well-thought-out questions!

wizards of wizards.

That Jesse Heinness.

In the Mage Tower, he was an apprentice wizard who was one step below the skilled wizard.

It was.

That’s why I brought up levels.

‘I’m not an apprentice, but to verify a skilled mage…?’

…to me?

Me who is less than level 300?

It was understandable that it was insanely burdensome.

But that will always be me, Lee Ho-yeol’s inside story.

Topaz Hall.

To me who sat in the seat of honor.

There was no hint of pressure or tension.

The formality that a senior should have.

A posture that does not go against the formality in the slightest.

I was calmly looking at the parchment…

‘…This must also be my struggle.’

Yes, if you can’t avoid it, it’s better to enjoy it.

Because I realized that it was true.

I stopped lamenting my life.


The time has come, so I shamelessly opened my mouth.

“Let the verification begin.”





Clé, an expert wizard of the School of Healing, calmed his beating heart.

‘Because I prepared hard…!’

Regular society of the Magic Tower.

Standing in the Crystal Hall as a presenter was an unprecedented honor for a wizard.

Clee remembered the words of Bellier, a senior mage of the same healing school.

– There’s nothing to be nervous about, Claire. Your ability is good enough.

If you are still nervous, think of your efforts in the past.

– Even so, if the results weren’t good… I think it’s the jealousy of the senior wizards who were jealous of me and let it go. What Claire needs is confidence.

When I thought of Bellier’s calm voice, my heart started to calm down.

Yes, even for Velie-sama…!

I will overcome the verification without trembling.

‘Of course, there must be the honor of the healing school!’

How many studies do you present at regular conferences?

As a result, the school and its senior mages would either save face or lose face.

You could tell just by looking at the treatment Senior Bangrit Tom, a pure magician who hasn’t made any announcements recently, is receiving.

‘I can’t let Belle-sama go through such a disgrace!’

can do. I can do it….

while Klee muttered.

Suddenly, the door to Topaz Hall opened.


But what does this mean?

A skilled wizard who was elated when he entered.

She ran out, crying.


Even that was not enough, even the swollen eyelids.

It was clear that she had been in tears. Klee’s heart

, which

had been barely suppressed, began beating wildly.

Claire couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

‘…what the hell is going on in there?’

Who the hell is waiting for…?

Worry for a moment.

A voice was heard.


“Next. Cleodia.”

…Now hold on.

‘Certainly this voice?!’

Klee screamed, clutching his head.

Why is that adventurer…

no, ‘him’…?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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