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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 65

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Episode 65. Mage Tower (2)

only 300 levels.

Originally, let alone an apprentice wizard.

My shabby level that I couldn’t even come close to the magic tower.

However, that concern is not worthless.

I skillfully evaluated the wizard’s research results.

Actually, it wouldn’t be anything strange.

If you think of Grandfel’s talent.

There was no need to give an example.

‘Considering what happened at the regular academic conference…’

You can stand at the regular academic conference only after going through verification.

In other words, all studies presented at regular conferences are high-quality studies that have passed verification.

Because I calmly followed the advanced magic announced by the chief mage Marcelo at such a regular conference.

Yes, I have such a talent.

A study by skilled mages?

I couldn’t help but look pretty.


“You are full of confidence.”

“…yes? What do you mean by that?”

“Did you mean to present this kind of research at a conference?”


to this savage personality.

Talking back is even more impossible.

Of course, all actions had to be accompanied by formality and pride.

If it was just a subpar level, I would have been generous with it.


“First chapter. From the twentieth chapter to the thirtieth. A paragraph taken from a book has been cleverly replaced with words. Do you really think that this thesis contains your own research? Skilled mage Cyril Juve?”

It was a problem to see clearly with these eyes…!

‘It’s the third year of Seodang Gaedo’s recitation of Poongwol.’

Sleep late, wake up early, and read magic books whenever you can.

Wasn’t that me who was reminiscing about the process of expression with a feather pen?

‘I’ll take care of that.’

Isn’t this a bit harsh even for me?

Because I was thinking about it.

Grandfell’s lofty pride could not be tolerated.

So it was only natural that fine words could not come out.

“It’s a dropout.”

“It is right to dispose of it.”

“You didn’t do a good job of transcribing.”

But also spitting out vicious words and kicking them out.

This is not the attitude a senior should have.


I scribbled a feather pen on my research paper.


“It is right to correct errors in the search process. The method of interference is also unnecessarily twisted and inefficient. If it’s a mistake, correct it; if it’s a habit, just break it.”


Of course, I didn’t know how helpful the advice that wasn’t that advice would be.

Breaking the habit is easy.

However, it will be entirely up to them to accept it.

“Thank you!”

Yes, the research returned like that.

There were already 20 wizards sent out like that.

I was startled in my heart.

‘…Isn’t this why they’re all going to be rejected?’

But fortunately, this time it was a proper study.


“oh. yes yes!”

“You chose a difficult study.”

Cleodia, an expert wizard of the Healing School.

I read the thesis she submitted.


Healing Science – How to grow elixirs


Twenty schools that exist in the Mage Tower.

The myriad branches that exist under that school.

Among them, this was a minor field.

Claire asked with a slightly surprised expression.

“…Thank you for looking at me like that!”

In Arcana, ‘non-herb’ refers to plants that are used as ingredients for elixirs.

Something like a potion that restores vitality or regenerates mana.

Naturally, her major, the Department of Healing, seemed far away.

Healing science was able to restore the target’s vitality and magic power only with the mana of the manifester.


“That’s a pretty interesting approach.”

Research will always be the ‘how to nurture’ non-medicinal herbs.

So, the focus was on ‘nurturing’ the non-herb.

Quite an unfamiliar field.

Klee seemed to have prepared an additional explanation.

But maybe it’s because I said it’s interesting?

“Did you just say the bar was interesting…?”

A look of bewilderment was evident.

It seems that he did not expect me to understand the research at all.

I also felt the same way about that.

‘It was nice to have a conversation.’

Shadow Mercenaries.

7th stone alkali.

I had a conversation with the old man who drank the potion like water.

Even stories about magic and elixirs that can be used as potion ingredients.

I was wondering if there was a place I could use it for.

It was only a few days ago that we had been talking for hours.

“Since there seems to be no leaps or errors in the logic and process, what is needed is the result.”

Thanks to that, I was able to talk plausibly.

I scribbled my feather pen.

“I’ll see you at the regular conference.”

Yeah, this was an interesting study for me too.

‘Low quality level.’

The resulting low-quality horsepower.

Equipment or potions can supplement the pitiful mana.

However, it was not easy to find equipment that fits the aesthetics of Grandfel and has outstanding effects.

No matter how much money there is, the quantity of the item itself is insufficient.

‘But if I can nurture the non-herb that produces the elixir.’

It must mean that precious potions can be mass-produced.

It was a unavoidable possibility.

So I added a word to Cle.

“To pursue research with confidence.”


Claire’s eyes widened, then returned to normal.

“I will do my best!”

OK, first pass.

After that, another disqualification parade followed.

“Unfortunately. I feel like my eyes are going to rot.”

After all, there was only one study that I passed in the verification process…! Did you drop too much? I also wondered if it might be a problem.

As you said.

Haven’t I made up my mind?

If you’re going to be crazy

Let’s become crazy enough that no one can touch us.

So I thought shamelessly.

‘The person who ordered it is wrong.’

If you don’t like my work, don’t let me do it in the future…


Topaz Hall.


After the verification, the senior wizards who returned to their respective labs were shocked.

They were definitely studies that I was confident of passing.

that’s inconsistent

What does this mean?

“Did I make a mistake?”

“…no. I couldn’t say a word.”

“What? Didn’t you answer the question?”

“no. I didn’t even get a question.”


What nonsense is this?

I was dumbfounded, so when I asked about the whole thing, the thing that jumped out.

Of course, Lee Ho-yeol.

That was the name of the chief collaborator.

“You dare to say a rolled stone?”

When I first heard that name.

It felt like the blood was pumping backwards.

Being an adventurer, he deserves the equivalent of a senior wizard.

It was because they were senior wizards who had lost their pride no matter how hot-tempered they were.

But this time, it went beyond what could be tolerated.

“This is a study that was reviewed by me and no one else…!”

At the regular academic conference, the honor of the school is at stake.

Because of this, before going through the verification at Topaz Hall.

It was only natural to go through internal meetings at the school level.

Isn’t that against the rules?

Some senior mages only snorted.

Why are you all pretending not to?

That’s why I couldn’t understand.

“I guess I’ll have to formally raise the issue with the higher up.”

in such a gloomy atmosphere.


The senior wizard of the Healing School, Bellier, was a little distant.

Because Klee’s research passed with confidence.

That too, with the judgment of the tumultuous Ho-yeol.

Clee had come to see him with tears hanging over him.


At first, I expected that the result would not be good.

Klee’s research was definitely an unfamiliar field.

It may be difficult for the person who judged it to appreciate it.

So I thought of comforting myself first.

‘It’s just a matter of using failure as food and aiming for the next conference.’


“I passed!”

Klee’s study passed.

“He is not Senior Collaborator Lee Ho-yeol…!!”

That too by senior co-researcher Lee Ho-yeol.

Bellier listened to Klee’s story.

Although Claire wasn’t a bullshit kid.

Bellier had no choice but to doubt his ears this time.

That’s what Klee said.

‘…That means he has knowledge about healing, pharmacy, and manufacturing.’

It also has a considerable level of knowledge.

That was the reason Bellier couldn’t be happy.

“I voted yes because I wanted to watch closely.”

I never thought I would show my presence in this way already.

Belle laughed.

“But won’t it be easy?”

Bellier knew the other side of the senior mages well.

A perverted obsession with magic.

Because it was the regular academic conference that showed it the most.

Ho-yeol had touched their heart.

There’s no way the other senior wizards can sit still.

“The Mage Tower will be noisy from tomorrow.”

Bellier stroked her green hair.

…this way or that way.

Do you know the true value of Klee?

Bellier smiled.

“But don’t feel too sad about it. At least I have no intention of joining them. This time, of course, in the future.”




However, contrary to Bellier’s expectations, the Magic Tower was silent.

The reason was simple.

“…what plagiarism?”

“I have no face…”

“Are you sure? Are you sure he noticed?”

More important than plagiarism.

It was whether Ho-yeol correctly recognized that.

What matters is the result, not the process.

However, the answer that came back was quite shocking.

“I couldn’t even get away with it! A few pages of any book, even a few paragraphs! Senior collaborator Hoyeol Lee memorized all the books!”

Is that possible?

Where in the world is such a monster?

Isn’t that worse than Marcelo?

“Aren’t you mistaken about something?”

“Absolutely not. Those eyes are really…!”

“No, think again. Judo newspaper or something…”

“Didn’t I tell you! Didn’t say a word. It’s all something I brought on myself. If you keep coming out like that, it’s that seniority process and whatever, just beat it all up…!”

“Uh huh. this man Calm down for now.”

The senior wizards who were preparing to raise the issue had no choice but to go blank.

After hearing the story…

I figured out that raising the issue wouldn’t save face.

“…Let’s make this happen for nothing.”

So, I had no choice but to curl my tail.

So Topaz Hall.

The failed parade continued.

After the appearance of Hoyeol.

A new air current was blowing in the magic tower.


…with a wind of tears.


Indeed, I was right.

I will become a madman no one can touch!

Is it because I faithfully carried out that resolution?

I was able to complete my duties as chief without major problems.

I checked the quest window.

[Quest: Marcelo’s Study]

Marcelo, the chief wizard of the Wizard’s Tower.

In order for him to reach an advanced level of magic.

want to be with you

—Accept Marcelo’s proposal. (Success)

─Prove your ability. (Success)

─The Chief’s Weight (Repeat)▲

Proceed with the verification in the Topaz Hall. (Success)…

…but the problem is that this is a repeatable quest.

What is this kind of hard work?

It was nothing compared to the gains he had gained from the Mage Tower.

Besides, I was sure to give and receive.

Do you work harder than you receive?

It would be enough to receive that kind of price from the Mage Tower again.

With the authority of the chief, there were many things that could be eaten in the Mage Tower…

no, legally enjoyed?

Let’s start with the rental of magic tools.

Even the item appraisal service that other players have to spend billions of dollars to use.

‘It’s a right to be enjoyed as a senior.’

It’s for that.

All you can do is shout disqualification.

Take a moment to decide.

I pulled the teacup with telekinesis.


he tilted the cup and opened his mouth.

“The passage of time cannot be stopped even with magic.”

To put it bluntly and bluntly.

It was just that it was already Thursday.

That said, it reminded me of a new update.



formality completed by acquiring telekinesis.

You no longer have to lower your head to look at your smartphone.

You don’t have to put down the teacup.

Telekinesis is so convenient.

I opened my mouth for a moment even with useless thoughts.

“There is nothing to notice.”

First of all, it wasn’t a major update like Yusra Kingdom or Frost.

It’s just that a new rift has been updated.

Of course, the proper level of the rift seemed considerable.

‘Level 400 is just over. now.’

Of course, that would have nothing to do with me.

It’s not even a demon-type monster.

Not even against the pride.

Well, I wasn’t in a position where I was struggling with living expenses like I used to be.

Of course, that thought didn’t last long.

The quest window blinks momentarily.

At the same time, a knocking sound.

…well, yes.

I should expect what to expect from my sales.

I answered with no regrets.

“Would you like a cup of tea? Marcelo Chief Mage.”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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