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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 68

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Episode 68. Legacy of Akshan (2)

When Arcana was a game.

Traps were familiar to players.

“Finally treasure…!”

“Hey wait. Don’t touch that box!!”

“Aagh! what what?! The box moved?!”

“You bastard!! It’s Mimic!!”

From monster mimics disguised as treasure chests.

Even dangerous traps lurking around the dungeon.

There were not only explorer classes with skills to dismantle such traps, but also nettubers who used trap capture as content.

“to? barely? That’s too easy for me~”


When a trap pops out of the Kürnberg Machine Tower.

Netubers specializing in trap attacks scrambled to turn on the broadcast.

“In my mind, I want to run right away. It’s a shame. really.”

I was regretting it on the outside.

This is a great opportunity to attract viewers.

Because it was already more than just the broadcast through the relay.


Aside from that, the trap level of the Kürnberg Machine Tower was not normal.

Above all, that pattern.

The complex pattern was different from the traps I had seen so far.

“If I jump here, it will be easy…?!”

“Aren’t arrows coming from all directions at this timing?”

“…brothers. I’m sorry, but I can’t wake up like that?”

Did the mechanical tower’s technology melt into the trap?

It was so sophisticated that it felt vicious.

Thanks to this, players who fell to their knees in traps appeared one after another.

“Oh, if you hesitate here!”

“Yes. It just turns into a hedgehog.”

“The record is gone.”

“I’m glad though. There doesn’t seem to be any major damage.”

if you’re lucky

Apart from the difficulty of the attack, the trap doesn’t seem to have much killing power.

It was thanks to all the traps being made of silver.

“I am certain with this. It’s called competitive content.”

The Kürnberg Machine Tower is not designed to take the player’s life.

According to the quest goal that came to mind.

Competitive content that pits players against each other and rewards them is certain.

“This is what the plate was laid out.”

“I want the players to prove their abilities!”

“Let’s see who gets to be number one!”

The moment you feel that way.

Interest in the Kürnberg Machine Tower is bound to grow.

Yes, in that enormous interest.

Hoyeol finally started to move.

And the shock that begins—

“What the hell is this?”

“What is it? What am I looking at?”

“Ha, the trap isn’t broken, is it?”

Didn’t I just tell you?

The mechanical tower’s traps are so sophisticated that I’ve never seen them before.

I know it won’t suddenly break down… but

an incomprehensible scene was unfolding before my eyes.


The trap is deflected.


Ho-yeol did not escape.


Because Ho-yeol was just walking calmly.

It was.

The trap was avoiding the heat!

As if a barrier had been created around Hoyeol.

All the traps that fell on Ho-yeol had missed.

It was only natural that the amazing sight needed an explanation.

Busy chat window.

But aren’t you a nettuber specializing in traps?

It is impossible to comment on such an unheard-of sight.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a strategy like this!”

“…I thought I’d break through the trap by just walking.”

“What have I been doing all this time, brothers?”

“…Suddenly I feel like retirement.”

Is that also a skill?

If it’s a skill, where in the world is that kind of skill?

Which class uses that skill?

In the end, as always, only questions follow Ho-yeol.

in that dismay.

Ho-yeol reached the portal on the other side.

It took only about 1 minute.

A record that was achieved by walking confidently without running.

The chat window exploded again.

Just Homen…!


Manifestation of exploratory interference.

of those three steps.

The trickiest step was, by far, exploration.

Search is truly the first button of magic.

If you do it wrong, you can’t even go to the next step.

Even if it passed, the efficiency of magic was extremely low.

‘It’s only natural.’

Why is the chief mage of the Mage Tower?

It was to the point that even Marcelo couldn’t filter out the waste in the search process.

But for me.

No, that doesn’t apply to Grandfel.

『Innate magical talent was to the extent that he could imitate most magic just by looking at it.』

I wonder who made up the setting.

A truly amazing talent.

Thanks to that, I was able to break through the trap on foot.

‘Of course, it was possible because it was all silver.’

Because I was able to skip the most important search process.

It was possible.

Even if it’s Grandfel’s talent.

It was unreasonable to search for unfamiliar subjects simultaneously. If it had been a trap

made of a material other than silver…

spill one

One is to dodge like the other players.

Anyway, the result wasn’t bad.

─Current ranking

1st place: 1 minute 01 seconds

2nd place: 4 minutes 41 seconds

3rd place: 4 minutes 50 seconds

I didn’t expect it to be 1st place.

The difference between the record and the second place was also significant.

It must be because of the high level of traps.

“and. This trap is no joke. Mr. Hoyeol?”

Nam Tae-min arrived breathing heavily.

Because the record was not broken.

It doesn’t seem to be in the top 3.

Nam Tae-min said while wiping his sweat.

“Heh, just 10 seconds wasn’t enough.”

It’s so difficult that even Nam Tae-min sticks out his tongue.

Also, the technology isn’t too bad.

So I can’t believe it even more.

‘…is this really Akkshan’s decisive battle weapon?’

I can’t believe it, so I check the quest window again, but I still can’t believe it.

The Akkshan Base I know.

Didn’t you really have nothing to do with the exception of the fact that he would provide you with rye bread for three meals?

To think that Akshan had built such high-level decisive battle weapons all over the continent…


To find out, you have to go through the quest.

In that sense, I looked at the portal.

A portal manifested through a mechanical device type item.

This, too, is a tremendous technology that Akkshan couldn’t even see.

one step.

As I approached, a message appeared in front of my eyes.

[Kirnberg Machine Tower-Central]

[Recommended level: Lv.450]

[Collapse progress: 0.1%]

The first thing that came in was the appropriate level.

A whopping 450 levels.

But it wasn’t as worrying as before.

‘Because the proper level isn’t the player’s standard.’

Yes, the Kürnberg Mechanical Tower will always be the demon hunter’s decisive battle weapon.

It is a mechanical tower built to deal with demons.

Just looking at the trap now, it was like that.

“It’s not bad to take a break like this from time to time.”

It was natural to think like Nam Tae-min.

Because the damage of the trap was weak.

Even players who could not avoid the trap did not suffer significant damage.

That’s why everyone probably thinks it’s a simple competitive quest to take a break.

But I do know.

I mean, it’s serious.

I mean, I can’t give up…!

‘What kind of fool would give up his inheritance?’

I wasn’t expecting much though.

I don’t like to be taken away by others.

Of course, there are quest rewards as well.

So I quietly headed for the portal.

“Go first.”

“yes? Oh, I will come too!”

Nam Tae-min hurriedly follows.

After passing through the portal, a message appeared in front of my eyes.

[The conditions have been met.]

[Rewards will be given.]

[Teams will be assigned according to the recorded rankings.]

…Wait, traps, then team battles?

startling moment.

Letters that come to mind in succession.

[You have recorded ‘1st place’]

[You have broken an overwhelming record]

[Your teammates according to ranking and record are ‘1’.]

[Currently searching for a suitable opponent… .]


no wait.

The moment I check the message, I feel resentment.

Alone in a team battle…?!

It is certain that it is because he set a record far ahead of others.

no, still

‘What kind of rules are there?!’

To be honest, I was relieved because it was a team match.

Because Nam Tae-min was by my side.

But the moment you pass through the portal.

It seemed that the location was mixed up.

Nam Tae-min was nowhere to be seen.


a mechanical device that started operating within no time.

The footboards swayed as they exhaled steam.

Apart from my chagrin.

The body, which could not die due to formalities and formalities, understood the situation.

“If the procedure is the case, then I have no choice but to follow it.”

…Don’t understand this kind of evil, Grandfel.

yes what to do

It’s impossible to take back the message that popped up.

I checked the quest window.

[Quest: Tournament]

A platform that moves according to victory or defeat.

Be the first to reach the upper floor by winning 30 victory points.

─Current Victory Points (Win: +3p / Lose: -2p)

1st Place: No

2nd Place: No

3rd Place: No


must be a reason why the scaffolding made a loud noise.

Up if this foothold wins.

It will move below the ground.

by the way.

‘I have to earn 30 victory points?’

It was 3 points for 1 win….

It meant that we had to win 10 wins.

If you record a defeat along the way, you will forget the victory points you have accumulated.

More than anything, the key was that I was alone in such a team fight.

…so lonely.

All you hear is the sound of mechanical gears engaging. I

miss the talkative

Nam Tae- min


Quest Rewards!

Suddenly, the thought of a reward came to my mind.

In any case, the reward might be helpful in the battle.

I opened my inventory and checked the rewards.



Broadcasters who pull out one viewership rating astonishingly.

Recording was already in full swing in the studio.

“It’s a tournament. I don’t know who designed the mechanical tower, but I want to praise it. Where could you have a look? The way the players compete against each other!”

“That’s right. When Arcana was a game, I was able to see things that I could only do at the Colosseum thanks to the crack in the Kürnberg Mechanical Tower.”

“The moment I speak… Now, it looks like the opposing team has made their appearance!”


a mechanical device that moves with a loud noise.

The players who rode on it ran into each other.

The presenter said in an excited voice.

“It seems that all the players who passed through the portal moved to one place. As you can see, the players who entered through different rifts became the same team, right?”

“This is another interesting system!”

“Now, the number of people on both sides is 3 to 3. That sport is…!”

The mechanical devices both teams rode.

A large cog wheel emerged from the center.

If you’ve noticed, you could have noticed.

“…Are you fighting for that gear?”

“Because they took that gear before the opposing team. Fitting them into their gadgets seems like a win condition!”

“It is said that the mechanical device goes upstairs only when the gearwheel is inserted. It’s a pretty plausible production.”

“It looks like a war of nerves has already started between the two teams the moment I said that, huh?”

As expected by the cast.

A strange tension flowed between the two machines.

It had to be.

“It seems that the average level of the players is similar.”

Aren’t these two teams who met after searching for suitable opponents?

Their average levels were exactly the same.

So it was natural that I couldn’t move hastily.

“… Hey wait.”


Sudden muting.

Creepy cast members.

What does this mean at the critical moment?

“Why turn down the TV volume! You crazy bastard!”

“No, listen. Is it really important?”

“What else? This bastard is making a fuss again.”

“no! No fuss, Lee Ho-yeol!!”

“Lee Ho-yeol? Lee Ho-yeol, why all of a sudden?”

Tournament Quest.

Both teams face opponents of a similar level to themselves.

Then, if you look at the average level of players on the other side who will meet Lee Ho-yeol…?

“If we do well, we might be able to find out Lee Ho-yeol’s level!”

…Lee Ho-yeol’s level?

It was a topic worthy of the attention of the players and the world.

Viewers who saw that fact had no choice but to swallow dry saliva and wait for Ho-yeol to appear.

-Ahhhh So, when is


Ho-yeol coming out?

-I searched all over nettube, but there is nothing other than aggro ㅇㅇ;;

Of course, the same goes for the players in the machine tower.


A mechanical device that rises when a cogwheel is inserted.

The Shining Guild Master.

Rox checked the quest window.

─Current Victory Points (Win: +3p / Lose: -2p)

1st place: 15p

1st place: 15p

3rd place: 13p

5 consecutive wins.

15 points earned.

Thanks to that, the ranking rose to the joint 1st place.

As you can see, there was a team that reached 15 points before you.

Rox could guess who it was.

‘Lee Ho-yeol.’

It was Ho-yeol who set an overwhelming record in breaking through traps.

It would be natural for him to lead the way in this quest as well.

However, Rocks had confidence.

‘This is a team match, not an individual match. Lee Ho-yeol.’

It is also a team battle with a balance system.

The higher the level of heat, the higher.

The level of that team member must be low.

Rocks was thinking of attacking the hole in the team.

‘We have no choice but to meet.’

There are only two teams with 15 points.

A head-to-head match is unavoidable.


A mechanical device that slowly stops working.


The opponent on top of the mechanism that reveals itself.

Rox’s face soon turned into shock.



Rocks’ prediction was exactly half right.

5 wins in a row.

Notice of 15 points.

Although there was a hot fever there.

Because Ho-yeol was alone.

So, Rocks’ overflowing confidence.

‘…He recorded 5 consecutive victories alone?’

It had to turn into anxiety.

‘Impossible! How can I do it alone?!’

Because that was absolutely ridiculous!


It was crazy luck.


a mechanical device that gets closer.

emerging message.

[Currently searching for a suitable opponent team…]

I thought to myself.

‘This is the end of sucking the bye-win honey.’

My level is only level 295.

Even that was not enough, I was alone.

I can’t find a suitable opponent for my level.

to put it the other way around.

It means that I am an unsuitable opponent for teams with the same victory points.

Thanks to that, I was excluded from competing with other teams.

It was a five-game winning streak with only a bye.

[There is an opponent with the same victory point, ‘Team 1’.]

But now it was inevitable.

Only one team other than me scored 15 points.

So from now on I

‘I have to deal with three people.’

Even with players who are much higher level than me.

But it was worth a try.

The other side is tired of fighting over and over again.

Besides, I had a ‘quest reward’.

But this is war anyway.

It’s not like a duel to the death.

To have the formality accordingly.

I said hello lightly.

“I have been waiting for you.”


…But did I say something I couldn’t?

Why are the faces like that?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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