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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 72

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Episode 72. (1) Frost

was a territory of the Empire.

Even if Lord Sirion died, that fact would not change.

In a word, everything must follow the imperial procedure.


Frost’s nature.

The sound of shoes echoed through the castle.

The knights saluted me.

If you ask what articles there are.

Of course, it was the Lion Heart Knights.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Lord Hoyeol.”

Harkon, Commander of the Lion Heart Knights.

As soon as he saw me, he was very happy.

“As expected, this kind of work is not easy for a swordsman like me.”

Yes, according to Imperial procedure.

It was Harkon who acted as Frost’s lord.

Among the Arcana summoned to reality.

Because the one with the highest position in the empire was Harkon, the leader of the Knights of the Lionheart.

Of course, I was involved in that decision.

“I’m sure you will do well.”

Relations and influence at their peak.

[Permissions] function enabled thanks to that.

Yes, the authority function was really powerful.

‘Enough to break Harkon’s stubbornness.’

If it was Lee Ho-yeol, full of greed, I wouldn’t know.

Isn’t it the Grand Fel who can’t live without formalities and formalities?

It’s not even the land where Frost was abandoned.

In the yard that clearly knows that it is the territory of the empire.

Violating imperial procedure and guzzling estates?

‘It’s something impossible for Grandfel.’

Of course, I couldn’t help but regret it at first.

Unlike Grandfel, who is innocent and innocent, I am an ordinary human being.

That’s not enough, so you should have made a lot of noise around you.

-What is Frost’s economic value?

-Japanese government “Frost cannot yield to anyone.”

-AAU “International agreements must never be ignored….”

New update history.

Ever since the word Frost came to mind.

Up to now that Frost was freed from the demon lord’s clutches.

The press talked nonstop about Frost’s values.

Thanks to that, I was also expecting a little bit.

I thought maybe I could become the lord of Frost.

-“I have to follow the imperial procedure, but rather than me, Lord Hoyeol is in the acting position…”

Even Harkon said that.

But that regret didn’t last long.

Activate the [Permissions] function.

It was after confirming Frost’s condition that he realized it.

[Northern City Frost]

[Status: Worst]

…It’s a relief that this didn’t happen!

Frost’s current condition is literally the worst.

The situation was worse than in the early days of Yusra Kingdom.

‘If Yusra Kingdom started from nothing.’

Because Frost was rather negative.

“How is the condition of the residents?”

“It won’t be easy, but I’m trying to accept the situation.”

You won’t be able to understand it as easily as Harkon said.

Before he can overcome the aftereffects left by the demon king.

Because they even found out that they had fallen into another world other than the Arcana continent.

If you think about it in that sense, it was fortunate again.

‘…A guy like me pretended to be the new lord.’

Wouldn’t it have intensified the resentment?

Thinking like that, I couldn’t help but be grateful.

‘I had to do well to see it. this.’

You often benefit from Grandfell’s tired personality.

I added to the worried Harkon.

“Get used to the place. Sir Harkon.”

“I am trying to do that too.”

“No, you must get used to it.”

“…sir, is there something going on?”

As expected, Harkon was quick-witted.

Cracks in the Kürnberg Machine Tower.

The situation on the Arcana continent that he witnessed through him.

Just like Marcelo.

There was no reason not to tell Harkon.

“I guessed it to some degree.”

Harkon took a deep breath and continued.

“But the guess is confirmed, and the emotions run high.”

Soon, his eyes brightened with determination.

“According to your words. in place. You will get used to the weight.”

Yes, Harkon had to get used to it.

Considering the situation on the Arcana continent.

There was no way that a situation like Frost would not happen again.

Even the emperor of the empire does not appear in reality.

Harkon’s shoulders will become heavier.

‘…wow. Wasn’t it nice to see it now?’

I don’t know if this was a game.

Being a lord didn’t seem like a good thing.

More than anything, I have so many responsibilities.

In that sense, the [Permissions] function was fraudulent.

‘It’s not the lord, but the power equal to that of the lord.’

Of course, I couldn’t wield that powerful function at will.

Power wielded for self-interest?

Grandfell’s pride could not tolerate him.

I don’t know why it’s being used in the right place like now.

“How is the recovery?”

“Thanks to the guild’s stepping up, things are going smoothly.”

“is it. You’d better prioritize your work.”


I immediately picked up the feather pen.

Frost reconstruction.

I looked through all the documents and found something to correct.

Why was there a point for improvement?

Naturally, this was also thanks to Grandfel’s settings.

『There was a good reason why Grandfel was chosen as the heir to the family at the age of only 7 years old.』

In the setting.

Wasn’t it Grandfel, the heir to a great family?

Knowledge of overall manor management?

Like a talent for magic or swordsmanship.

Intuitively identify problems as soon as they are seen.

It was said that it was possible to come up with that improvement point.

So when Harkon greeted me fiercely.

It sounds like there was a reason for everything.

“It’s terrible! Without the wonder, I would have made a big mistake.”

“Everyone makes mistakes.”

“You made me feel ashamed to be humble. Isn’t Sir Ho-yeol never making mistakes?”

…What are you doing? Answer me quickly.

Every moment is the result of a mistake made in school!

However, contrary to my feelings.

I was shamelessly silent.

In the end, it was Harkon who spoke first.

“I heard the bad news, but talking to the sir seems to be breathing a little bit. Of course, I owe you another debt.”

Thank you.

Having said that, it was rather me who had nothing to say.

I have the might of the Lion Heart Knights.

Didn’t you eat it like a beef bone…!

Here, with nothing to go back to.

If only Frost hadn’t had the Knights of the Lionheart.

You wouldn’t have been able to see the demon king, let alone subdue the demon king.

But I didn’t stretch out my horse’s tail.

just to put it succinctly.

“There is a give and take in everything. Never mind.”

…simply shameless!

Really, an answer that is not like me.

“haha. I’ll keep that in mind.”

It’s good that Harkon has a big-hearted personality.

I was thinking about it.

Suddenly, I heard a noise outside my office window.


‘It’s a helicopter.’

A helicopter was flying over Frost.

Harkon glanced at him before opening his mouth.

“According to Yeshika, the residents of Frost look at the flying iron block with uneasy eyes. I think that’s good enough.”

I nodded.

That would be a natural reaction.

Just like we were shocked when we saw the monster.

Modern civilization would be unfamiliar to the Arcana people.

Ideals summoned to reality.

You will have no choice but to adapt.


There was something hanging from the helicopter.

Untidy and messy.

My reaction to him was also natural.

I withdrew my cold gaze and said.

“It’s aesthetically very disturbing.”


People had no choice but to be twisted for anything worthwhile.

Even if that’s nonsensical nonsense.


It wasn’t long before a creepy sound came out of the loudspeaker.

A high-pitched voice continued.

“The government should expel the refugees immediately!”

“Exile! Banish!”

“Do not go against the will of the people for your country!”

Hokkaido around this time never had windy days.

“This year is tough. punish.”

Including Jeong Man-seok of the Minkook Ilbo.

Korean reporters gathered in Hokkaido, Japan shuddered. It may be because of the wind blowing in Hokkaido, but the bigger reason was because of those protesters.

“Is it really creepy? No, do you want to do that?”

“What is a refugee? refugee.”

“I wouldn’t have watched them all. What conditions the people of Frost have been through. A real person wouldn’t be able to do that.”

I didn’t even want to call it a protest.

That’s because the reporters’ eyes clearly showed the impure purpose.

Steam came out of Jeong Man-seok’s mouth.

“It must have been funded by far-right groups.”

“The government tends to be that way, so how can it be?”

“It is urgent. In fact, the situation in Japan makes no sense, right?”

The Japanese government even broke international agreements to preoccupy Frost.

Although it was a gamble for the Inazuma Guild in their home country.

Most of the members of the Inazuma guild, led by the guild master Hisagi Kazuma, had openly migrated to Yusura Kingdom.

Been upset for a while

“It was practically an asylum. that.”

“I don’t know what happened to Inazuma and the Japanese government. After a real handshake, now they throw an irrational number. Japan’s image

is going to hell.


during the conversation.

Hearing helicopter sounds.

The reporters couldn’t even sigh and pressed the shutters.

“What is that written on the banner?”

“go away. Long live Japan. It was refined to the fullest, so that’s roughly what it was about.”

“Awesome. those.”

I wondered if this was necessary.

Is an international agreement just an international agreement?

No matter how hard I tried, nothing changed.

It was said that no matter how the Japanese government tried, it could not influence Frost.

Even though he knew the fact, he felt unfair,

so he was trying to stab him.

How dare you put up a banner like that in the sky.

“I have no intentions. That’s just pure malice.”


Yes, if a person is twisted where it is worthwhile.

Where people are entangled, ‘devils’ appear.

Especially in a place where negative energy is overflowing like now.

“You are doing well.”

Guidelines full of protesters and journalists.

Kenji Maeda, the man who watched the scene, shuddered.

Because it’s cold? no.

Did you get goosebumps? no, that wasn’t it either.

Maeda trembled with a sense of exhilaration.

“Yes, this is it.”

Maeda was no longer a member of the government.

‘Even though it may seem that way on the surface.’

Because the devil was possessed in it.

Maeda’s pupils turned black.

“stupid. It’s all stupid.”

Humans were stupid.

Did you say Kenji Maeda?

What’s so great about this insignificant guy?

I wonder if this guy’s words even show a filthy look.

Of course, as I said, it wasn’t just humans that were stupid.

“My lord. You were also very stupid.”

Demon King Decaravia.

Yes, even the devil, who was once his master, was foolish.

The hundredth commander of the demon king’s army.

The guy who recalled his past laughed meanly.

“A devil always has to be a devil.”

meanly and viciously.

The devil has to live like that.

because i knew that

He did not sacrifice his life for his foolish lord.

He deserted from the Demon King’s Army and thus occupied a human body.

What is the result?


the foolish Demon King is dead.

He was living and breathing like this.

Maeda, intoxicated with the ecstasy, came to his senses.

“You are such journalists.”

He started playing Kenji Maeda.

It was not difficult.

No, it was rather enjoyable.

“Isn’t it a democracy? Even if there are different opinions, isn’t there no wrong opinion? Since when did protests have to be conditional? isn’t it? What nationality are you anyway? what Korea?! Yes, you deserve to know the insides!!”

With every word you say at will.

Because people’s negative emotions fluctuate.

Even the follow-up was good.

Kenji Maeda.

It was something that could have been thrown away if his body was no longer useful.

Of course, by then, he would have become a much stronger demon than he is now.

‘Even so, I have no intention of dying foolishly like the demon king.’

He had no intention of claiming to be king.

Just mean and viciously demonic.

I will live by possessing humans.

In that sense, the guy was aiming for prey.

‘The one who defeated the demon king.’

Did you say Lee Ho-yeol?

It would be the best if I could possess Lee Ho-yeol’s body.

As if seeing it through Maeda’s body, which is nothing special.

I could wield a human.

If I take the body of Lee Ho-yeol, who defeated the demon king…

‘…I can become more than the demon king.’

Yes, that was the reason he found Frost.

Confidence to occupy Lee Ho-yeol’s body?

That’s all there was.

‘I am not stupid.’

Because I had no intention of boasting that I was the devil like the demon king.

Even if he is the one who defeated the Demon King.

He probably wouldn’t be able to recognize himself possessing Maeda’s body.

It was just a matter of aiming for a moment of carelessness.

In that sense, it could be seen as fishing.

‘I threw the bait.’

The bait of protesters and helicopters.

‘If Lee Ho-yeol just takes the bait…!’

While Maeda was thinking that way.


The helicopter was returning.

For some reason, with the sound of a very urgent propeller.

Reporters shouted.

“Wait a minute. is that on fire? no way?”

“Is the helicopter broken?”

“No, that’s not it, the banner is burning?!”


Suddenly, the corner of Maeda’s mouth went up meanly.

‘As expected, humans are foolish!’

Lee Ho-yeol asked for the bait.

Maeda opened his mouth to reporters as if he had been waiting.

“This is an outright hostile act. I can’t watch any more. I’m going to go into Frost right now and settle it myself!”

Of course, Maeda’s illusion did not last long.

The moment I set foot in Frost.

It was because I realized it subconsciously.

‘…What is it? This gaze?’

The fear of the prey who encountered the natural enemy!




Is it because the level has risen?

You will feel that your body’s senses have become more sensitive.

Like now, for example.

[The skill ‘Relationship with the Natural Enemy’ is activated.]

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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