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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 82

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Episode 82. Is it finally moving? (1)

An apprentice wizard.

Before a wizard sets foot in the Mage Tower.

The adjectives attached to them varied.

unspoiled genius.

magic prodigy.

At least it’s the pride of the family.

I have to be proud of him in my own way.

However, after entering the Magic Tower.

From the moment you realize that the knowledge you have acquired so far is only a cup of water in seawater.

Beyond forgetting modifiers, they feel ashamed.

It’s just to become a new chick in the mage tower.

“…Hey. Isn’t something strange?”

It was obvious what those new chicks were doing.

Snobbling and squealing.


“right? Didn’t I feel it?!”

Today, the sound of beeping in the floating garden was particularly stealthy.

Maybe someone is listening

Talk with your voice down.

The subject of the conversation, of course.

“Isn’t that a picture you see often?”

They were senior mages.

Senior Mage.

You have to be proud of the magic you choose, but you can climb up.

Naturally, all twenty senior wizards have the idea that the magic they choose is the best.

That we can’t get along well with each other.

“If it was the same as usual, it would be the time when we wouldn’t even say hello…”

Besides, isn’t it the period of regular academic conferences now?

This is the time when senior mages are most sensitive.

It was the period of the regular academic conference where the honor of the school was at stake.

So, the scenery of the floating garden now was very unfamiliar to the new chicks in the Mage Tower.

“…Why are you gathering like that?”

“Even face to face with each other!”

“Hey, Senior Wizard Bangrit Tom is there too.”

It was.

Banglit Tom went missing.

Twenty senior wizards, including him, were all gathered at one table.

It is a sight that is not often seen even in the Crystal Hall.

This was a floating garden, a social place.

Because that’s not enough.

“We are not just talking.”

Meals served on the table.

The senior wizards were having a breakfast dinner.

A look that doesn’t make sense.

The chicks started to roll their heads in their own way.

“…if you sit close, won’t you hear something?”

“Are you crazy, Rachel? Don’t you have any eyes? Can’t you see that skilled wizards don’t hang out in the Floating Gardens? It’s not normal!”

“Of course, this would not be normal. Because Senior Bangrit Tom is back. But honestly, are you curious? what the hell happened Being close enough to sit down and eat together like that…”

…No, by the way.

Should I see that as a good relationship?

The senior mage’s expression didn’t look good.

“You all look extremely tired.”

“As if you were suffering from someone…”

“Hey, who are these people suffering from?”

But, strictly speaking, not all.

Among them, there is nothing different from usual.

Yes, because there was one constant.

Yes, an existence that can make great senior wizards suffer.

With a status equal to that of a senior mage.

It was Ho-yeol, the senior co-researcher.

The attitude of handling the fork and knife is exemplary.

From the upright waist to the angle of the arms and neck.

Ho-yeol’s appearance as if he personified the word formality.

“…Doesn’t it seem like you’re eating well alone?”

Unlike the senior mages who don’t feel the slightest bit of hunger.

Ho-yeol was eating casually.

Speculation naturally poured out from that appearance.

“Have you all heard what I said? You know why because you saw it at regular conferences. There was no announcement that just skipped over, maybe? You’ve all been pointed out.”

“You say that in the Floating Garden? While eating?”

“no way. No matter how strict you are, you won’t do that.”

“that’s right. Talking about work while eating is really crossing the line!”

But why would a chick be a chick?

What you know.

Even if you look at it at that level, you can’t see anything.

It was natural not to know why.

However, this time it is a new chick.

It wasn’t just a story for apprentice wizards.

“…I don’t know what to say. really.”

“I’m glad I found out now.”

“It was something that had to be rectified at any time. I can’t help but think that now is the right time.”

just a few hours ago.

What happened on the top floor of the Mage Tower?

Only the elder mages and the two chiefs.

And only twenty senior wizards know.

Because it was the ‘internal affairs’ of the Magic Tower.

Five Elder Mage.

Three of them, the majority, were devil worshipers.

Since when are they going to the devil…?

Is it really okay to chew meat?

Senior wizards with expressions as if they were chewing something else.

My head is confused, but what does it mean to know what goes right down my throat?

The reason they gathered in the Floating Garden was simple.

“Skipping breakfast is a bad habit.”

It was only because Ho-yeol said so.

In the silence where no one speaks easily.

The senior wizards looked at Ho-yeol.

…is it really all right?

Ho-yeol is an adventurer.

After all, he was an outsider not too long ago.

However, the status of the mage tower was well known even among adventurers.

To think that such a mage tower was being played by a devil worshiper.

Even though they were shocked like they were.

Ho-yeol calmly cut the meat.

Even that was not enough, the top floor of the Mage Tower.

Even the attitude he showed when facing the elder mages.

What kind of existence is the elder mage?

They are demigods who can shake the heavens and earth with magic.

If it was the same wizard, just facing them would have no choice but to be weighed down by the magic they radiated.

It was said that there was no choice but to be overwhelmed.

However, Ho-yeol was different from them.

Not being overwhelmed is not enough.

Rather, it was to the point of talking to the elder mages.

‘Surely a foolish worshiper…’

That was a very thorny word.

Because I witnessed it firsthand.

It was only natural that the evaluation of Ho-yeol would change more dramatically.

Yes, if it hadn’t been for Hoyeol.

Maybe he couldn’t have retrieved Bangrit Tom, maybe he couldn’t make up his mind despite feeling suspicious. It was terrifying to think of the worst.

If that were the case, the Mage’s Tower would still be playing with the demon worshipers’ deceit.

It was.

whether you know it yourself or not.

Everyone in the Magic Tower owes a lot to Ho-yeol.

That was the reason he couldn’t refuse Ho-yeol’s invitation to eat.

in just one day.

It was Hoyeol who showed great success in the Mage Tower.

There was no change in Ho-yeol’s attitude.

It looked surprisingly normal.

It’s pointless to keep an eye on it.

yes, it’s the same as usual.

Being extremely sensitive to etiquette and formality.

Ho-yeol looked at the table and said.

“Sometimes there are things more important than appetite.”


What’s more important than appetite?

There are only twenty people gathered.

The answer to that is obviously different for each person.

‘Oops. Is it against dining etiquette?’

‘I held this fork and knife in reverse…!’

‘…Am I the only one who ordered a different menu?!’

But the behavior was the same for all.

It wasn’t until Ho-yeol’s words ran out.

Forks and knives begin to move in earnest.

Finally, the proper meal began.


Yes, even if you don’t have an appetite, you should eat it.

My schedule will be busy from today.

People move with their stomach.

Of course, I am the busiest person.

What can I do?

this was my seller

Let’s sell my windless days.

The top floor of the Magic Tower.

To begin with, the battle did not take place there.

Elder Wizard.

No, it’s more appropriate to call them devil worshipers now.

because they lowered their tails.

He must have known that his life was precious.

I realized there

If you want to die, you live, and if you want to live, you die…!

Rather, the development was possible thanks to the determination for an all-out war.

As a result, the quest is successful.

[Quest: The Truth of the Magic Tower]

There is a contradiction in the Wizard’s Tower.

uncover inconsistencies.

Set up the magic tower and the truth right away.

─Secure the chief mage, Bangrit Tom, who is entangled with the Mage Tower’s leadership. (Success)

─Find out the devil worshipers among the elder mages. (Success)

[Conditions have been met.]

[Relationship with the Mage Tower has increased significantly.]

[Influence in the Mage Tower has increased significantly.]

The quest that came to my mind not to succeed.

It was a blatant success…!

The reward for that was quite large.

The relationship with the Mage Tower also greatly increased their influence.

Wasn’t it me who ate more of the Mage’s Tower just now?

A valuable magic book, of course.

Taking out magic tool items approved for rental.

And even the free breakfast you just ate.

‘I don’t know how much is left until that maximum.’

One thing I could be sure of.

The fact that the relationship with the Mage Tower seems to be much better than the reward for increasing influence. Of course, the quest isn’t over yet.

To match the scale of the Mage Tower.

Quests were also linked quests.

As expected, it is a chain quest that is never easy.

[Quest: Reconstruction of the Magic Tower]

The reality of the contradiction that existed in the Wizard’s Tower.

Now, even the purpose of the Mage Tower, the pursuit of truth, has become impure.

Build the magic tower right from its foundation.

—Encounter with the tower lord. (Ongoing)

─Dispose of the escaped devil worshipers. (Ongoing)

─Find the true truth. (In progress)

It is indeed the Magic Tower.

It was clear that he would roll as much as he received.

Quest goals are poured from the very beginning. Pouring.

Above all, none of the quest objectives seemed easy.

Even if it’s just the top owner.

Even at first glance from the top floor.

Because it didn’t look like it was fine.

And what about the goal of disposing of an escaped devil worshiper?

This was a call to find the elder mage and settle it.

From the end of the dragon to the pursuit of the truth, the ultimate goal of the Mage Tower.

Looking at those targets…

I really feel like a member of the Mage Tower.

Relations and influence have risen significantly.

Did you even get this quest?

well anyway As you can see from that grand goal.

It wasn’t a quest that could be broken right away.

In the first place, the name of the quest was [Reconstruction of the Magic Tower].

It’s because it’s to set up a magic tower right away, where you don’t know when and where it was designed wrong. It’s no wonder it’s not easy. But everything starts with one step.


so I stepped out.

Toward the basement of the Magic Tower.


There is an underground space in the magic tower.

The role of that underground space was merely to support the Magic Tower.

It is a mage tower with many spaces that cannot be understood by common sense.

Its structure cannot be scientifically explained.

From the outside, it’s a magic tower that’s neither very tall nor vast.

Indeed, the inside of the Magic Tower had countless floors, and each such floor had a vast space.

It is a mage tower built with magic.

In order to support such a magical tower, of course, a solid foundation was needed.

A foundation that can always maintain its stability, unshakable by any kind of magic power or eons of time.

Yes, the basement of the Magic Tower is a space dominated by those always.

The correct name is infinite.

True to its name, it was a hellish space.

There were people who fell into such an infinite hell.

Devil worshipers who were called Elder Wizards just a day ago.

They were the worst criminals in the history of the Mage Tower.

‘It’s a fucking space.’

Elderly wizards who have reached the ‘state’ of magic.

However, their magical powers were useless in Mugan.

The same is true of the spirit of being noble and proud.

‘How long has it been? one week? one month?’

All senses, including the sense of time, have long since failed.

But they didn’t give up.

Yes, it’s because they’re not the only ones who are overbearing.

“Marcelo. When did you notice?”

Knowing that fact, I desperately called out.

Marcelo coax that kid.

If only I could get out of this iron grate.

Might be able to get out of the fucking inferno.

‘If only I could get away with it…’

This disgrace would be able to pay back more than double.

To deceive one’s opponent with words?

It couldn’t have been easier.

Because even the Magic Tower has been fooled by their own tongue.

And besides, they had reasons to meddle with them.

‘I’ll have to find out the whereabouts of one.’

To find and condemn the one who escaped.

That would be the Mage Tower’s top priority at this point.

So I had hope.

‘…if I wake up, I will live.’

Of course, that hope was short-lived.

“Are you here?”

Marcelo, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

Lee Ho-yeol was where the greeting headed.

An adventurer and Marcelo’s chosen collaborator.

The moment I met his face, I felt a sense of alienation.

‘…what is it?’

There was no hint of embarrassment in him.

This place was barren.

It is difficult for those who set foot for the first time to stay sane.

In other words, it is always a space where time seems to have stopped.

But how can it be so fine?

‘…I have to trick him to escape from here?’

Is that really possible?

Is it an illusion that you feel when your senses are broken?

If not, is it really real?



I felt cold sweat running down my spine.



It is always space.

I thought the moment I heard Marcelo’s explanation about him.

『The first thing Grandfel learned as the next head of household was not to skimp on personal things.

The seat of head of the Cloudy family was such a place where even the slightest agitation was not tolerated.]

There was no meat that was completely watered down.

That prediction was exactly right.

Because I felt very comfortable with Mugan.

It was not an illusion.

Even with Marcel alone, his tiredness was evident.

Not to mention devil worshipers, of course.

‘The momentum from the beginning is nowhere to be found.’

by the way.

It’s like they don’t even know what kind of expression they’re making.

Judging by the state of this…

-Dispose of the escaped demon worshiper. (In progress)

Maybe we can finish it sooner than expected?

It seemed that we might be able to find out more information than simply finding out the whereabouts of a fugitive demon worshiper, of course.

‘Anyway, it was because I was in the position of an elder mage.’

Wouldn’t you also know advanced information about the Arcana continent?

Of course, there was no rush.

Because this infinity space was on my side.

It was literally the home ground.

So I said as always.

There was no need to be intimidated.

The same attitude is always there.

“Let the interrogation begin.”

In that sense, I said it well.

…Why did the expressions look more like tears?

I don’t know why.

Not being biased towards personal feelings such as sympathy.

That also means always.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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