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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 87

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Episode 87. A (4) lower forest spirit nymph

that blooms in a swamp .

The expression of the nymph flapping her butterfly wings was serious.

“It got weird.”

It is because of the unfamiliar scenery overlaid on the swamp of predators.

“It still looks like a forest…”

The nymph frowned and struggled.

Even though he was a lower spirit, he was a full-fledged forest spirit.

even if it looks strange.

That forest must also be a forest that exists on the Arcana continent.

If you communicate with the forest, you will know how this situation is.


But no matter how hard I listened, there was no sound.

It was impossible to even talk, let alone sympathize.

Embarrassment flashed across the nymph’s face.

“I don’t know what is.”


the fluttering wings drooped.

A sigh came out spontaneously.

How did things turn out like this?

Yes, it was all because of the devil.

‘The forest where I was born by now is…’

The nymph did not doubt.

The forest is stronger than anything else.

They say animals break branches and humans cut down trees.

The forest did not groan.

Even in the face of more natural disasters than that.

Because it was the forest of the Arcana continent that I endured silently.


“I’m sorry everyone.”

The forest that had been burned by the demons screamed.

Horrible screams, like burning in hellfire.

The nymphs escaped from the demons in such forests to the swamps of predators.

If he had stayed in the forest, he would have been corrupted and had no choice but to become like a demon.

Even though I knew it was inevitable, my heart couldn’t be light.

“If it’s a swamp of predators, you don’t have to worry about demons.”

Forest, wind, water, fire…

Nature exists everywhere on the Arcana continent.

The spirits dwelling in such nature were well aware of the news of the Arcana continent.

In what direction the demons expand their power.

The demons were clever.

Demons only invaded where they could destroy them.

Predator zone in that sense.

The swamp of this predator was no easy place even for a demon.

“…No matter how hard I try, I just can’t adapt.”

Not worth it!

The nymph’s lips protruded sharply.

Because in the swamp area, the battle did not stop day and night.

If I had known it was a place like this…

I should have flown a little farther.

“Even if it’s impossible to fly all the way to the Zero Mountains.”

What better place than here.

I could have found a little quieter place.

But now, I didn’t have the confidence to fly to another area.

“That’s right, I don’t know the outside news.”

The demons would have expanded their powers further.

In the process, the demons must have become stronger.

A place that used to be safe now has a high probability of falling into the clutches of the devil.

“And the swamps got a bit weird.”

Even that alone gave me a headache.

Forests mixed with swamps.

unidentified landscape.

what else happened

The nymph shook her head gently.

“I don’t know. I will rest now.”

I’ll put my eyes on it under the mistletoe.

Mana consumed by struggling to communicate with the forest.

It was because I was able to replenish my mana with the energy of the mistletoe.



The nymph’s sleep did not last long.


because I heard the footsteps of a stranger who couldn’t be heard.

The nymph woke up from a sound sleep and thought in her slumber.

‘I’ve never heard footsteps like this in a swamp…’

No, wait.

How did the footsteps sound so loud before that?

‘This is the top of the tree?!’

That question didn’t last long.

Soon the owner of the footsteps revealed himself.

That’s a guy with silver hair.

It was the sound the man made as he climbed the floating stairs.

I couldn’t understand English.

He was a human I hadn’t seen in a while.

‘I was surprised for nothing.’

But ordinary humans can see spirits.

I can’t even hear the spirit’s voice.

Well, it was when I was a spirit without a name or rank.

I used to talk to humans who visited the forest without knowing that fact.

But never got an answer back.

‘Cut more. I’m tired.’

That’s the spirit’s common sense.

You won’t see yourself in that man.

yes, i had to do that


I could feel the gaze.

When I slowly opened my eyes, it wasn’t an illusion…!

The man was clearly looking at himself.

For some reason, with a very cold gaze.

The nymph opened her mouth, saying no way.

“Can you see me…?”



One of the schools that exist in the Magic Tower.

The senior wizard was Payyan Lot.

I remembered her

‘I don’t know, but he had a great appetite.’

After the Banglit Tom incident.

Breakfast with all twenty senior wizards.

Payyan was the one who was silently concentrating on the meal in the middle of the crackling senior wizard.

Naturally, the Elemental School also presented research at regular conferences. He said that I also knew about animism at the level of just scratching the surface.


‘…why do I see this in my eyes?’

I couldn’t help but be startled when I saw the spirit.

Spirits are among wizards.

Because it was a rare ‘existence’ that only a very few could see.

I try to roll my head.

I read so many magic books.

Have you made a mistake in your knowledge?

No, I don’t know if it’s Lee Ho-yeol’s head.

No such mistake exists in Grandfel’s brain.

Then the story is simple.

Grandfell was able to see spirits…!

As soon as I admitted that fact, my mind went blank.

Yes, I came up with the conditions to witness the spirits.

It is an introductory animistic book.

first page.

The text described in the second paragraph.

『There are only a few humans who can witness the spirit in a state of no contract.

This is because it requires excellent mana sensitivity and an extremely clear mind.

This is the reason why most spirit contractors sign a contract with a spirit at a relatively young age.]

A perfectly clear mind.

and relatively young.

to put it bluntly.

It means that you can only see the spirits of nature without iron.

realizing it again

That Grandfel was a dark history during my school days.

Yes, whether he became a demon king or a gigantic evil.

I consider them all to be insignificant demons.

It’s safe to say that Grandfell’s state of mind is like a flower garden.


‘It doesn’t mean that I’m looking at nothing.’

A spirit tossing and turning under the mistletoe.

Of course, it is a shallow knowledge that is only scratching the surface.

I couldn’t guess the identity just by looking through it.


“Can you see me…?”

That said, it wasn’t Grandfel who would quietly listen to nonsense.


‘How did you find the non-herb, and that’s mistletoe.’

I was Lee Ho-yeol, who had no intention of yielding to the spirit.

So I said in a cold voice.

“I am Lee Ho-yeol, the chief co-researcher of Mage Tower.”

“…the magic tower?”

“Clarify your affiliation and identity. An unknown spirit.”

I didn’t get enough sleep.

Spirit was unable to comprehend the situation.

But that cannot be a reason to remain silent.

The knowledge of the introductory animology book that comes to mind again.

second table of contents.

first paragraph.

first sentence.

-The spirits have that rank.

lower middle level upper level.

and the King of Spirits.

That there is a strict hierarchy among the spirits.

because I knew that

I had something to say.

“I will ask you again.”

Just like spirits.

Because even in the Magic Tower, ranks existed.

‘Payyan Lot.’

Why did she take the senior position?

It was because the spirit that made the contract with her was a higher spirit.

Its exact name is Fire Drake, a high-ranking fire spirit.

So I said the truth without adding or subtracting.

“I am the contractor of the higher fire spirit, Fire Drake.”


A class society is good indeed.

My eyes widen as soon as I bring up the name of the High.

Of course, you have to listen to Korean until the end.

“Senior Mage Payyan Lot.”

“It was Payyan Lot…!”

“A senior collaborator who ranks one level higher than her.”

“…yes yes?!”

“Clarify your affiliation and identity. Little spirit.”

me and nymph

Strictly speaking, the relationship was south-south.

However, there is a law that connects the same class society.

‘It’s not like I’m mentioning the headline in the movie for no reason.’

I am so good at class society.

The moment I admired my own social skills.

The answer came back from the spirit.

“I am the spirit nymph of the lower forest.”

The effect is great.

I thought I would politely bow my head and say hello.

But somehow, the nymph’s expression was unusual.

The nymph kept her head down and continued.

“To Ho-yeol Lee, chief co-researcher of the Mage Tower, who is one level higher than Payan Lot, who is the contractor of Fire Drake, a high-ranking fire spirit. Would it be all right if I risk rudeness and ask you a favor?”

…Wait a minute, what kind of modifier is more verbose than the main point?

These are the evils of a class society.

But I wish I could have been satisfied.

I was the one who couldn’t reveal my embarrassing inner feelings.

I answered shamelessly.

“I will listen.”

Why is the forest spirit in the predator’s swamp?

The original curiosity was resolved through conversation.

In fact, even without hearing it, I could guess to some extent. Considering the current situation on the Arcana continent, most of the causes of all incidents are demons.

“In the meantime, just like now.”


“Suddenly, the landscape of the swamp changed. I tried to communicate with the forest because the forest seemed to overlap with the swampy area… Maybe it’s because I’m incompetent. It was in vain. That nymph did not hear any voice.”

It was about a rift.

The nymph blamed herself for her incompetence, but she couldn’t help it.

If you ask the forests of Scandinavia in Europe about the situation on the Arcana continent, you will not get an answer.

“I was discouraged… taking a break.”

Even while having a conversation.

The four-colored mistletoe radiated subtle magical power. Such contemplation Near the mistletoe must be a suitable place for a spirit to rest.

“perhaps. Lee Ho-yeol, the chief co-researcher of the Magic Tower, who is one level higher than Payyan Lot, who is the contractor of the high-ranking fire spirit Fire Drake,… about this forest. Do you know anything about this situation?”

every know


‘Before that, what should I do with that bastard’s title?’

However, it is something that cannot be revealed.

I replied with a shameless face.

Well, the explanation about the rift ended simply.

Nymphs must have known to some extent.

“A village or a forest that has disappeared. All the magic towers are like this…?”


“That word. I’m going to the same world as my senior co-researcher?!”

“No, that will not happen.”

That’s when a region is added.

Or because it was a story when the rift collapsed.

Predator Swamp.

No matter how powerful the monsters appearing are. Considering the potential of the players gathered here, the probability that the rift will not be cleared is low.

But wait….

Suddenly, a possibility came to mind.

After clearing the Predator’s Swamp.

The space rift of [『Giggy』] disappeared.

The Predator’s Swamp returns to the Arcana Continent again.

I suddenly shifted my gaze to the relieved nymph.

“Whoa. That’s good.”

I had a thought that the relief would be colorless.

‘Information about the Arcana Continent.’

The information I knew about the Arcana continent was extremely limited.

The gruesome scenery witnessed at the [Kirnberg Machine Tower].

And, through the spatial rift of [『Giggy』], it is possible to interfere with the Arcana Continent.

Because that was only about it.

Still, I was in better shape.

Other players were all dependent on the new update history.


‘If there is a being on the Arcana Continent who can communicate like this…’

The specific situation of the Arcana Continent.

You mean you can get information?

depending on what that information is.

You can make several plans.

Depending on the situation, you may be fully prepared.

However, practical problems existed.

Even if there were beings on the Arcana continent who could communicate with each other.

‘Because I had to calculate the probability of meeting again.’

Arcana Continent.

Do you know which place will be caught in a rift and promise the next meeting?

To expect a coincidence, the probability must be lower than the probability of winning the lottery.

‘But if that being is a spirit, the story is different.’

You may be able to overcome the odds.

That’s right, if you make a “contract” with the spirits.

I remembered the top priority of the Elemental School.

『Overcoming severed relationships』

Reality and the Arcana Continent.

Two worlds completely disconnected because they are completely different.

Even if you made a contract with the spirits.

In reality, it was impossible to summon the spirits of the Arcana Continent.

But I knew

Because I saw the possibility.

I talked arrogantly even at the regular conference.

-“It will need verification, but it must be worth studying.”

It was.

If it was in the spatial rift of [『Giggy』].

He said he might be able to summon a spirit.

Grandfell’s brain was telling me.

‘There are plenty of possibilities.’

That’s if you make a contract with a nymph.

It means that you will be able to summon nymphs from the rift.

In other words, they could obtain information about the Arcana continent.

So I said it proudly.

“Low Forest Spirit Nymph.”

“Ah, I am listening.”

“I want to make a contract with you.”

Recognize all over again

I really put an iron plate on my face.

In this contract, A was the nymph and B was, of course, me.

As I said, the spirit is the one that no one can see.

The proof is that there is no Elementalist class in Arcana, where there are thousands of classes.

It was because the abilities of the spirits were in the realm of {nature}, different from [skills] or [magic].

‘If you think about my level.’

It’s not strange to be rejected by a nymph.

Because the spirits had nothing to regret.


“Are you really me? How could you say that to me…?”

The nymph’s reaction was unexpected.

The nymph was weeping with a thrilled expression on her face.

In the words that followed, I realized the reason.

“Lee Ho-yeol, the chief co-researcher of the Mage Tower, who is one level higher than Payyan Lot, who is the contractor of the high-ranking fire spirit Fire Drake…! Why would you sign a contract with a low-level spirit like me…? Of course, as a nymph, it’s a great honor!!”

A contract with the spirits?

you should be happy


I’m really ashamed of mate….




Stairs floating in the air.

Even while hunting the attacking monsters.

The players’ attention was focused on Ho-yeol.

“What are you doing up there?”

I couldn’t possibly guess.

However, it would be impossible to follow Ho-yeol.

But the anxious wait did not last long.


It was because something popped into his vision.

That’s the Predator’s Swamp Rift.

It was a message that popped up to all the players who entered.

[Someone has made a contract with the spirit.]

[The dryad, the spirit king of the forest, blesses the contract.]

[The dryad, the spirit king of the forest, blesses the swamp of predators…]

The message was constantly floating around.

The interests of the players were still the same.

“This Lee Ho-yeol again!!”

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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