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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 93

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Episode 93. Everything goes according to procedure (1)

“Crisis of continental annihilation…”

Marcelo sobbed.

A world tree that has been regarded as a legend.

The fact that it even existed was shocking news.

It’s not enough for you to find the world tree.

I never thought that even that seed would sprout and come back.

Besides, to make a contract with the spirit in the process.

“Even I find it difficult to follow your footsteps.”

But the ugliness didn’t last long.

Marcelo calmly grasped the situation.

“But it was a good decision. The World Tree in the legend is a being that coordinates the Arcana World. The longer the vacuum of its existence is. The forces of the demons will become stronger and those who resist them will lose their strength.”

Hoyeol sprouted a new world tree.

It was like planting a seed of hope on the Arcana continent.

‘It’s a matter of a different dimension from the study of magic.’

that you have done such a great job yourself.

Does Lord Hoyeol know?

It was truly an achievement worthy of being praised as an ‘achievement’ by everyone on the Arcana continent. However, the person concerned was very unconcerned.

Beyond that, there was nothing different than usual.

Marcelo had a feeling of doubt.

‘…Didn’t you think that far?’

Rather than being satisfied with the achievements he has built.

Rather, Ho-yeol seemed satisfied with the leisurely tea time.

Marcelo was determined.

‘Even if it gives the impression of being talkative.’

Lord Hoyeol.

what a great job you have done

You need to know properly.

“It’s not just words, there’s a new air current on the continent…”

It was the moment when Marcelo decided to take his luck.

Click— Ho-

yeol put down the teacup and opened his mouth.

“You are right, Marcelo.”

just quietly.

“By sprouting the seeds of the World Tree. The energy of life will sway on the Arcana Continent.”

went on speaking

“The energy of life will be of great strength to those who resist the crisis of extinction. It means that it affects not only words, but also vitality and mana regeneration.”

There was not the slightest change in the tone.

“Those who witness the new world tree will also intuitively sense the danger of continent extinction. To protect the world tree and the continent. You can expect to face the devil with even more heroic determination.”

That said, there was no agitation or excitement.

‘You knew more accurately than me…!’

Even though I know that I have made a great achievement.

How can you talk about your achievements so calmly?

It was an attitude as if he had done what he should have done for granted.

“As expected, I can’t follow your thoughts.”

Marcelo could not help but be astonished at the bowl of Ho-yeol again.




[A new World Tree has taken root in the Arcana Continent.]

[The Arcana Continent blesses the birth of the World Tree.] [

The energy of life radiates throughout the Arcana Continent.]

[The entire Arcana Continent has a life regeneration buff. .]

[The magic regeneration buff is applied to the entire Arcana continent.]…

I just read the message that was printed out.

Because the message says so.

I guess I could have said that.

…But Marcelo doesn’t know.

Just how successful this skipped a massive intermediate step. It’s like ignoring the normal path and taking a shortcut after cheating trick after trick.

that fact.

Even though you know better than anyone.

How can you be so shameless?

I really want to be astonished at the thickness of my skin.

Of course, the attitude of always not joking around.

Let’s consider it fortunate that it didn’t turn off.

However, even if Grandfel did not show it.

‘Wait a minute, what did Marcelo just say…?’

I couldn’t help but be shocked.

It’s a story that makes you doubt your ears.

“The tower no longer requires the approval of a majority of the top officials.”

At first, I thought it was like that and passed it on.

Because the current leadership of the Mage Tower was not intact.

The tower owner is unable to act normally.

A situation in which three of the five elder mages were identified as devil worshippers.

Speaking of leadership, there were only two elder mages left.

What does majority mean?

Yes, I thought that was the meaning….

“Julpap. That full power has been given to us.”

…what? Did you mean that?!

the moment you realize

A quest window popped up in front of me.

─The chief’s weight (repeat)▲

Proceed with the verification in the Topaz Hall. (Success)

●Proceed with regular conferences successfully. (Success)

Supervise the mage’s exit tower. (In progress)

I couldn’t help but be startled.

That’s what it means to go out.

Because what he meant was very clear.

“That’s right. Thanks to the Lord for breaking the bondage of contradiction. Finally, the Mage Tower allowed us to perform external actions.”

The wizards who were tied to the mage tower were moving!

…the day finally comes.

I couldn’t express it this time, but I was deeply moved.

‘Is my dream coming true?’

At the same time, a corner of my heart was reassured.

I realized the need for reinforcements in [The Predator’s Swamp].

If it hadn’t been exchanged in advance.

Thanks a lot if you didn’t get help.

in my own strength.

The seed of the world tree could never sprout.

In that sense, the wizards of the Mage Tower?

As an ally, there was no one stronger than them.

Moreover, it was me who had to carry out the World Quest.

In the future, more and more quest goals will be waiting for you.

But if the magic tower becomes an ally.

It’s not about taking a shortcut.

Wouldn’t it be possible to create a new path?

‘It’s going to break through the highway!’

But wait a minute.

The goal of the blinking quest was unusual.

It’s not like I’m approving the tower…

to supervise?

“The purpose of the tower will be diverse. But in general, it will be towards the crack. However, as you know from your experience when you were selected as Banglet. There is a high possibility that the fissures contain demonic spells.”

It was.

[The gap in the broken dimension].

‘???’ in the crack.

The nameless demon was aiming for Bangrit.

Of course, that was only possible with the cooperation of the elder mages who were devil worshippers.

‘Even if it’s not necessarily that.’

I was sure because I was a demon hunter.

That demons will invade reality more and more skillfully.

Because the devil was a race that became meaner the stronger it was.

In that sense, Marcelo was wary.

“I want our powers to be fully used.”

The chief mage of the Mage Tower.

That with great power comes great responsibility.

Marcelo knows better than anyone.

‘I hope so too.’

I nodded without speaking.

Imagine if Bangrit was possessed by a demon.

Just imagining it is terrifying…!

Wasn’t it me who couldn’t run away from the devil? Crying and eating mustard, he attacked Bangrit, and by now he would have drowned in the Nether, drowning in heavy pride.


“As you said, there must be a need for a director.”

Even for my old age.

I am the launch tower of the mage tower wizards.

Precisely, it was necessary to accompany them to the rift and supervise them. However, being a manager is always my Grand Fell standard.

“The procedure will be simple.”

Of course, the procedure always came first.

Marcelo nodded.

I opened my mouth without hesitation.

“A wizard who wishes to launch a tower clearly states the purpose of the tower and delivers it to me. Judgment on whether the purpose is justified is solely my share. Of course, in my judgment, the position of the aspiring candidate is not considered.”

Do you accept troublesome things by being swayed by others?

The heavy pride of Grandfel will be easily swayed by others.

As long as I’m supervising Grandfel’s launch tower.

‘It’s supposed to be wizards, not me.’

I spoke shamelessly.

“Also, I decide and proceed with all the launching schedules.”

learn another

Promises in society shouldn’t be done carelessly.

look at it now

Thank you for handing over the entire volume.

“I will pass it on to the senior mages.”

Didn’t this unfair procedure go straight through?

But that’s not what I care about.

Didn’t I declare it all along?

‘If you twist it, don’t make it from the beginning.’

As much as carrying the weight of the senior.

I have to enjoy everything I have to enjoy.

Even if it’s not to sink.


‘Because there’s something else I need to pay attention to right now.’

Yes, now that the Magic Tower is in full swing.

The biggest threat needed to be eliminated.

Also about the circumstances of the Magic Tower.

Even about demons.

The threat factor that even exists in the criminal record.

[Quest: Reconstruction of the Magic Tower]

The reality of the contradiction that existed in the Wizard’s Tower.

Now, even the purpose of the Mage Tower, the pursuit of truth, has become impure.

Build the magic tower right from its foundation.

—Encounter with the tower lord. (Ongoing)

─Dispose of the escaped devil worshipers. (Ongoing)

─Find the true truth. (In progress)

The supervision of the tower is also the same as the regular conference.

A job where pride as a senior is at stake.


In the tower I supervise.

Not a single sudden action is acceptable.

‘It should be disposed of. threat.’

I got up and said.

“It’s time to interrogate the prisoners of Invincibility.”

Marcelo asked in a worried voice.

“Are you leaving right away?”


“…is Sir really okay?”


Wizards of the Mage Tower who were born with innate magical power.

The sense of helplessness they feel in the middle of the night seems to come as a considerable psychological shock.

Marcelo, as well as the elder mages who were like snarls, couldn’t keep their sanity in the middle of nowhere.

But didn’t I tell you?

『The first thing Grandfel learned as the next head of household was not to skimp on personal things.

The position of head of the Cloudy family was such a place where even the slightest

disturbance was not tolerated.

However, I can’t talk about the embarrassing past even if I die.

I was just adding on my own.

“Powerlessness is also part of the senses.”


“Even that takes some getting used to. Marcelo.”

suffered until just now.

The experiences of magical exhaustion are packaged in a plausible way…


All that is visible is darkness.

“…Are you there?”

There was no answer to be heard even if he asked in the air.


Is your hearing broken now?

Or is it that you really can’t answer?

Elder Mage of the Mage Tower.

no devil worshipers.

No, it wasn’t that anymore.

Moaning in the darkness was just a helpless human being.

‘How long has it been?’

My head is confused.

My memory is hazy.

At this rate, it would be a problem even if they were released from Mugan.

Only then can one magic be properly manifested.

However, even such troubles can only be done when there is hope.

‘Even after such a long time.’

Why am I stuck in this damn place?

Could it be that all plans have become blank?

It wasn’t easy to shake my head and try to clear my thoughts.

‘…Yes, the plan may have already succeeded. Even though we know we’re stuck in the dark. Even if you can save enough. Aren’t they ignoring us?’

After all, were we just discarded cards?


Greater doubt and distrust dominated the thinking.

It was then.



The door to Infinity opened and someone approached.

no matter who

If you let me out of here, I could have begged for it.

“Who is it? Did you come to bring us out?!”

But no answer came.

Yes, what I heard in the dark.

Again –


Even in the confused memory, only the sound of shoes remained intensely.

Soon the demon worshiper saw an unbelievable sight.

“You are you…?”

Because of my hazy memory, I couldn’t come up with a name that was unfamiliar to me.

silver hair.

The most arrogant face.

How can I forget that appearance?

Marcelo was an adventurer whom he had placed in the co-chief position.

that he reappeared in the dark.

It was simple.

‘…Even though the same amount of time has passed.’

The plan is to reach the real truth.

Are you still far away?

Feeling hopeless again.

But the real despair was just beginning.


The man sits in a chair.

Then, without saying a word, he picked up something.

It’s because of blurry vision.

I couldn’t see it exactly, but I could tell.

That was a book.

And what I’m holding in my other hand is…


That’s right.

It was actually a teacup.

It is not a floating garden.

This place is infinite.

time flow diagram.

bodily sensations.

A space where everything converges at all times.

It’s a terrible space where you can’t keep your mind intact the moment you step in…! But it’s not enough to open a book in this innocence, so you can savor tea…?

‘Does that mean he can still keep his mind intact?’

However, the doubt did not last long.

Because I realized it right away. The sound


turning the pages of a book.


the sound of a teacup moving.


Those actions became the ticking sound of the clock.

It was a sound that awakened the broken sense of time.

That means some of the senses are back.

It wasn’t something to be happy about.

A map that the man opened the book.

It seemed like a few days had passed.

‘It’s just that one page of the bookshelf has turned over…?’


It seemed like an eternity had passed.

The steam rising from the teacup showed no signs of cooling down.

“…That is nonsense!”

Yes, something must have been messed up.

It must have been tricking the eyes with magic…

I realized that while thinking about it.

The fact that this place is invincible, where magical power cannot exist.

‘Then, the time I endured is like an eternity…?’

only a few weeks

Did you mean it was only a few days?


‘How much longer do I have to rot here?’

from what I’ve felt so far.

I felt despair on a different level.

Just because of a book and a teacup.




Even the small amount of time should be considered precious.

‘Why, even when I was in school?’

The kids who were good at studying didn’t let go of the book even during breaks.

Besides, I’m sorry.

That means you have to dig a lot of wells to live in.

‘It means that the interrogation must be done efficiently.’

We can’t waste our time interrogating devil worshipers and the like.

That’s the reason why he entered Mugan with a magic book and a teacup.

Of course, I am under no obligation to kindly explain the reason.

『Intensive Theory of Enchantment』.


The book I brought was an advanced course in Enchanting Studies.

Because the services of the Mage Tower, which can be enjoyed for free by claiming the right of the chief, include enchanting.

I had no intention of attempting enchantment with my own hands, leaving the magic tower free service.

‘Even if it’s enchanted, it depends on who touches it.’

As a result, the effect of the item was different.

I can’t even do anything properly with my shitty hands that lack magical power.

But even if you borrow someone else’s hand.

‘Because I need knowledge to order properly.’

Besides, this is knowledge that, once acquired, can be used over and over again.

It was the car I was concentrating on reading.

Suddenly, a voice close to a groan was heard.

“I will tell you the truth about everything. Where is that old wizard who escaped and what is he doing right now? I’ll tell you everything from what I know…!!”

…What is it all of a sudden?

Didn’t the interrogation even begin?

Anyway, it saved me the trouble.


There is a procedure for everything.

I said with my eyes fixed on the book.



Quiet while reading.

It means sticking to basic etiquette.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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