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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 97

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Episode 97. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (2)


rumbling magical power.

Jang Hyeon-do’s body floats in the air like a feather.


A space where even oxygen has become rare due to the high concentration of magical power.

Jang Hyeon-do gasped, but Karimzeba didn’t even move.

I just searched for Jang Hyeon-do’s body.

‘I can’t feel the magic mark.’

Thorough handling of Marcelo’s work.

The basic rule is not to leave any traces of magic that could serve as clues.

No matter how hard she was, Karimzeba didn’t have the talent to track down the remaining magic traces.


Karimzeba’s brow crumpled mercilessly.

“You dare deceive me, Acampatam.”

Acampatam ran away.

Karimzeba had no choice but to think so.


“A worthless human bastard.”

Jang Hyeon-do falls from the air.


Jang Hyeon-do, who fainted, was thrown to the floor.

Do you dare to speak ill of yourself?

It’s like I can’t remember anything properly.

“Did you mean this from the beginning?”


Did Acampatam suddenly disappear?

Karimzeba calmed the rage that seethed like lava.

In the end, there was only one thing to stick to.

‘Are you saying that a devil is just a devil?’

The devil is a being who deceives everything.

Even if that’s their king.

Even a demon lord can’t abandon his true nature.

I just didn’t want to pay attention to the demon of true name.

Acampatam knew too much.

‘Was this the reason why I mentioned the specific plan?’

That’s not enough.

As for the handling of work.

It was Acampatam who had asked him to stay away from it.

Karimzeba was just waiting.

“You were foolish to believe in the devil.”

And only now did I find out.

The fact that Acampatam does not exist in Jang Hyun-do’s body.

“It is an outright mistake.”

Trusting the devil was my mistake.

Karimzeba conceded.

However, the self-reproach did not last long.

‘I definitely realized it during the wasted time.’

That you no longer have friends.

Now that acamphatame is gone.

There was no way to obtain information about the Magic Tower.

“I am very sorry.”

Telepathy is still unknown.

Thanks to that, I was sure.

whether it was their will or their will.

Two elder mages.

The fact that I will no longer be able to be with them.


Karimzeba wiped her face once with her hand.

And he quietly opened his mouth.

“With this, success must have been greatly reduced.”

It’s to the point where I want to give up.


but Karimzeba’s eyes were still burning brightly.

like a blazing fire.

Yes, those are the eyes of an infallible wizard.

“But if it was solved easily, that would be a strange thing in itself.”

It was the gaze of a wizard longing for the truth.

“How easy would it be to remain silent on the true truth?”

The road to ‘true truth’.

Even if that plan is disrupted.

Even if Acampatam knows the whole plan.

Even if this action is the last thing to be hastened.

“good. There could be no funeral more splendid than this.”

He had no intention of resigning from the wizard Karimzeba.

for the real truth.

“Because this little body can be burned any number of times.”

That’s because wizards were an ill-fated tribe.

So Karimzeba warned.

“A fire once ignited is not easily out of control.”

mage tower?



It didn’t matter who it was.

The road to the true truth.

It was something that could have been burned down if it got in the way.


Fire Dragon Karimzeba.

In line with that grandiose modifier, he was a great wizard.

Well, you don’t even need to look at magic books.

Senior Wizard of Fire Magic, Banshee William.

I could tell just by looking at his fuss.

“To be honest, I want to get out.”

Crystal Hall.

me and Marcelo.

In the space where all the senior wizards gathered.

Banshee declared everything.

“Mrs. Karimzeba. No, it’s because he’s a treacherous criminal of the Mage Tower. Karimzeba’s bastard wasn’t called the Fire Dragon for nothing! His achievements in flame magic are truly beyond imagination. That strength can never be matched even by that Banshee William…!”

That’s what I know.

It was me who read all kinds of magic books in order to dig various wells.

Of course, I have also accumulated some knowledge about flame magic.

‘The name Karimzeba came up a lot.’

don’t lie

At least once in a paragraph his name popped up.

Apparently feeling frustrated himself, Banshee slapped his chest and said.

Puck puck.

“Of course, it would be impossible for me to be alone. However, I asked you to consider the characteristics of fire magic, and I said this at a meeting like this.”

Characteristics of fire magic.

Reading is my strength.

He knows even if he doesn’t listen.

‘It’s a magic with a certain hierarchy.’

A flame is swallowed by a bigger flame.

It was the same with fire magic.

Shall we assume that Karimzeba and Bensh’s fire magic collided?

‘It will become a bigger flame and attack us.’

It’s a pincer magic between an elder mage and a senior mage.

Just imagining it makes my mouth dry already.

In that sense, Benshi’s words made sense.

“Even otherwise, I was considering that in your formation.”


Marcelo was busy moving his feather pen.

Like the word organization, how should he tie the senior mages together?

It was a worrying sight.

They say they are the best wizards in each field.

Because each field has strengths and weaknesses.

‘If you think like a player.’

prior to crack entry.

Similar feeling to organizing a party according to class.

Of course, it wasn’t all that important.

After all, the purpose of the Mage’s Tower was to stop Karimzeba, the high treason, not to capture cracks.

‘The moment when Karimzeba’s location is confirmed.’

All senior mages will gather there.

Distance between cracks?

It’s like portal magic.

It won’t be a concern for the senior mages who use magic like water.

‘Of course, it’s a bit burdensome with my pitiful magical power, but…’

Anyway, let’s supplement it with non-herb as much as possible.

In the moment of making a promise, Marcelo continued.

“As expected, the only thing that can respond to that risk variable is to appoint Matisse Dean Carr.”

Matisse Dean Carl, senior wizard of the Black Mage School.

In the past, Matisse was a wizard who competed with Marcelo for the position of chief.

Matisse nodded as if he respected Marcelo’s decision.

“…yes? Senior Matisse with me?”

Of course, Banshee clearly looked burdened.

“No, actually, it’s not that serious, is it? Isn’t it enough to bother Chief Matisse again… Besides, wouldn’t Chief Matisse feel a bit burdened because of me?”

Among the senior mages, Matisse’s influence was significant.

‘Why is it even in the ability proof quest?’

It was to the point that as soon as Matisse voted for it, the rest of the senior mages voted for it along with him.

Banshee must be uncomfortable with Matisse alone.

Of course, there’s no way I can just sit back and watch it.

‘Fire up?!’

It’s good to sell, Bensh William.

Disposing of treason criminals is an important mission at which the Mage Tower’s pride rests.

In other words, trivial emotions such as discomfort cannot be prioritized.

I immediately opened my mouth.

I looked at Matisse.

“Is this decision burdensome, Matisse?”


“I see. Senior Bensh William.”

I seriously thought about it.

…how would it feel to deal with a boss like me?

One thing was certain.

‘It must be a more tiring style than our manager.’

Unlike the general manager, who was at least flattery.

Because flattery and even bribes didn’t work for me.

Banshi’s reaction left no further explanation.

“That’s why you don’t even need to ask…!!”

I’ll accept the formation….

After the crawling words, Banshee fell silent.

Of course, there were also senior wizards who were not inferior to Banshee, who were making unusual expressions.

Perhaps it is because of my title for Matisse. It can also be misunderstood.

‘That great Matisse Dean Carr.’

Because I was calling him by name naturally.

Of course, there is a complicated story there too.

“I can’t figure it out. really.”

someone muttered.

Yes, I’m curious about the story.

For me, of course.

You wouldn’t dare to ask Matisse either.

‘I have no intention of ever telling you.’

So, to explain everything, we have to go back to our first meeting with Matisse.

Of course, I will also mention my aptitude for black magic.

source of black magic.

My past, which is the source of suitable magic power.

Because I couldn’t tell the dark history even if I died.


even in the midst of a small commotion.

Marcelo did not stop the pen.

As a result, it seemed that the organization was finished.

“I intend to monitor the situation inside the rift and move towards the need for support. So… now all that remains is Chief Lee Ho-yeol’s decision.”


in the gaze directed at me.

I honestly thought

‘…It’s like a heart.’

I wanted to tour every crack.

The desire to pick up all the beans that the senior wizards were about to drop was like a chimney.

But there won’t be room for that. It was because there was no way to know what kind of devil Karimzeba was hiding in some crack.

So I declared as I decided.

“I will accompany Senios.”

Everyone was silent—

as if ice water had been poured on my words.


The Crystal Hall fell silent.

Then, someone barely raised a voice.

“…What about Senios? no way?”

Yes, that guess is probably right.

The Senios I mentioned was Senios, an elder mage of the Mage Tower.

Marcelo, who was at a loss for words, came to his senses and asked.

“Sir, if you say Senios-sama…?”

“Yes. I am the elder mage Senios.”

“Accompanying means that Senios-sama also leaves the tower. So you’re saying you’re heading for the rift?”

Head of the Magic Tower.

As much as he had frequent exchanges with the elder mages.

Marcelo seemed to have difficulty understanding the decision.

I thought so too.

I wish I could go out like this.

I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better if I had done well in advance.

– “You may not know. The race of wizards is a selfish and arrogant race. It is a nature that does not change no matter how old you get or when you reach this level.”

However, Senios’ reaction was unexpected.

He just admitted that it was because he ate too much.

Even there, a specific story continued.

‘To talk about someone else’s personal history in a public place like this.’

something out of order.

So I had no choice but to tell the truth.

All I could do was speak calmly.

“Senios also asked me for permission to launch the tower. The purpose of the tower is to dispose of Karimzeba, a high treason, with his own hands. I did not consider Senios’ position, but judged the purpose and allowed him to leave the tower.”

At my words, a commotion erupted in the Crystal Hall.

“Senios said he got permission from Chief Lee Ho-yeol?”

“Although Chief Lee Ho-yeol holds the full power of the tower,

but …” This is…”

I never thought they would put so much emphasis on procedures.

Everyone must be shocked

Of course, I have nothing to say even if I get fired.

Because I felt like sticking my tongue out in my bud.

It’s about the buzz of these senior mages.

could kindly understand.

“Surprising, but good news.”

Indeed, Marcelo seems to have finished his judgment quickly.

Then he spoke to me.

“But it would have been impossible if it wasn’t for Sir.”

wouldn’t that be?

‘It’s different from how Senios looks like that man.’

But my thoughts anyway.

Marcelo really seemed to think so.

No matter how you look at it, it’s clear that Marcelo is overestimating me.

But I don’t necessarily deny it.

『The feeling of humility did not exist in Grandfel. Proof of underestimation. Overestimation ended up being a reality.”

Me too.

It means that human beings were born this way.

Of course, that alone could not replace the explanation.

The moment when the astonishment was slowly going away.

Because someone has come up with a fundamental question.

“is it so. It’s a process, so you can understand it. By the way, Chief Lee Ho-yeol must have called the elder mage Senios… didn’t he just call him Senios?”

Pride cannot acknowledge Senios.

To explain the complex story.

Like Matisse.

That means you can’t go back to the past.

In the end, I had no choice but to bring up the silly fact this time.

I got up from my seat.

spoke shamelessly.

“The position is not considered in the tower I supervise.”

Realize again.

If you’re going crazy.

no one can touch

It’s better to get it right.

“If you have a complaint, file it according to the procedure.”

Again –




A new article has been posted on the Arcana official website.


Today wasn’t Thursday.

It means an emergency update, not a new scheduled update.

what that word means

I knew better than anyone.

So, there was no hesitation.

The angle of the broach to align.

trimming clothes.

Even the tea cup that I put down calmly.

I scribbled on the parchment with a feather pen.


As of this time, we will begin disposing of Karimzeba, a high treason.


Elder Senios. Senior Marcelo. Senior Wizard Power.




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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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