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The Player Hides His Past Chapter 99

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Episode 99. Top Secret (2)

Wizard-style communication.

There was no unnecessary conversation there.

The information of the rift that flows into the head through telepathy.

…You’re overflowing with magical power, really!

Sending telepathy not only to me, but to all the senior mages.

If it were me, I’d already be exhausted.

Take a moment to stick out your tongue.

I felt familiar in the location of the cracks.

‘It looks similar to Frost.’

The descending ceremony of the demon king Decaravia that took place in Frost.

A sacrifice for that Advent ceremony.

And the process was necessary.

‘Like a magic circle drawn with blood and corpses.’

11 cracks created.

The location of the cracks looked like a specific pattern, just like back then.

Senior Mage Bangrit cautiously opened his mouth.

“…something that looks like a horse?”

If there was a constellation related to horses, would it look like that?

I hear it seems like that.

But the point wasn’t like that.

in terms of the distance between each crack.

The problem was that the scale of this advent ritual was incomparably larger than that of Frost.

I couldn’t help but cringe inwardly.

‘There’s a difference in the amount of sacrifices needed.’

Between the lower demon king and the upper demon king.

That there is a gap between an ordinary devil and a demon king.

The words of the Akk’shan demon hunter touch my skin.

‘I mean, people who are about the size of elder mages…’

They must be making this fuss to bring down a high-ranking demon king.

But, of course, I didn’t show that feeling.

『No devil’s temptations and trials of deception can even damage the lofty pride of Grandfel.』

That’s right.

It is said that the goddamn heavy pride of Grandfel is in front of the higher rank demon king.

Because I wasn’t swaying without a backbone.

Even if it sinks under its weight.

But again, of course.

‘Of course, I have no intention of sinking.’

Not even the first time.

Because I know what this guy’s pride is like.

to not sink.

I mean, I was constantly struggling.

That this time is no exception.

“What you guys care about is not the demon lord.”

So how did you move?

In order to prevent the coming of that great Demon King-sama.

I spoke calmly.

“Disposing of high treason Karimzeba. Focus on your purpose.”

It was.

In the end, the key was Karimzeba.

‘Why are you worried in advance about the coming of a high-ranking demon king?’

In the first place, in order to prevent such an unfortunate incident, I was fully prepared and moved. So, stop blaming the negativity. Banglet Tom Senior Wizard.

In that sense, I opened my mouth.

“However, even if the Demon King is resurrected. You have nothing to worry about.”

In front of the Demon King’s Advent Ceremony.

My damn pride has risen higher and higher.

In the end, I had no choice but to say something that was not in my heart.

“I am.”

…even though I promised myself that if I was going to go crazy, I would go crazy.

‘I didn’t mean to go crazy like this!’

I feel like pouring curses on me if I could.

That’s the people in front of me right now.

Where are the common people?

They are the real powers of Arcana’s most powerful military group, the Mage Tower.

‘Senior and senior, and that’s not enough, even an elder.’

It’s not like creasing in front of a chrysalis…

There’s nothing I can’t do at level 333.

This is a shame that is different from what I used to say in front of the players.

But there was not the slightest change in my shameless condescension.

“I got it.”


At Marcelo’s answer, I could see Bangrit and other senior mages nodding their heads.

I hope you didn’t take my words seriously.

while praying earnestly.

Marcelo’s words continued.

“Then we will proceed according to plan.”


that was a kind of signal.

Through telepathy, everyone has grasped the information about the rift.

Each manifested a portal.

Naturally, I stayed still.

We should conserve mana as much as possible.

‘Although I did dope with non-herb.’

full preparation.

Of course, non-herb doping was included.

[Magic regeneration slightly increases for 6 hours.]

[Mag regeneration increases slightly for 3 hours.]

[Mag regeneration increases slightly for 1 hour.]…

Truly full doping.

As long as the effect does not overlap.

I was the one who ate all the things that were good for mana regeneration.

‘It would be really terrible if I didn’t have something like this.’

This must also be my struggle.

Still, thanks to the information about the non-herb obtained through [The Pentagram of Pure Knowledge], I was able to consume the non-herb with various types of effects.

It wasn’t difficult to get the elixir.

‘Because they’re being treated as japtem at the auction house.’

Knowledge about non-herb was vast.

It is bound to be difficult for players to appreciate the true value of elixirs.

Because there was a limit to directly ingesting and understanding the effect.

‘First of all, if it’s an elixir, it means I bought it as I saw it.’

Among them, there were a few rare herbs that permanently increased stats, although not as much as contemplative mistletoe.

But at that point, do you think there are eyes to recognize? Although there was an auction.


No, who is Grandfel?

The incarnation of integrity and innocence that transcends material life.

Even when buying green tea bags, I have been looking for the lowest price. The astronomical bank balance is still intact. Even if it is an expensive herbal medicine, it is not unreasonable to buy it without hesitation.

[Name: Grandfell Cloudy Arpheus Romeo]

[Title: Last Adventurer]

[Class: Demon Hunter]

[Level: 333]


Strength: 62 / Agility: 66 / Magical Power: 287 / Luck: 6 / Aesthetic : 下

[Possessed points: 0]

The visible status window was the result of struggling.

It’s strength and agility.

Because it has been steadily rising through class quests.

Even considering that, I had a total stat far exceeding that of players of the same level.

Of course, these numbers would be nothing in front of Karimzeba.

“Let’s go.”

I am not alone Karimzeva.


Elder Mage Senios hit the floor with his staff.

Then, a portal appeared immediately.

Is it real?

This is exploration and interference, and it’s not at the level of talking about it?!

Well, when you become a senior mage of the Mage Tower, a portal appears casually.

Senios’ greatness might not come close to you.

‘But what kind of ordinary magic is this?’

Portals were definitely high-level magic.

Among the players, there are only a handful of players who can use portal skills.

Its performance is embarrassing to compare.

‘A portal as if it were manifesting some kind of light.’

To think that Senios like that is with me.

Yes, I, the weakest, need to be considerate like this to keep the balance right.

To me who thought shamelessly.

Senios suddenly asked.

“Chief Lee Ho-yeol. Are you prone to cold?”

random question.

Well, if it’s cold, it’s very disgusting.

from Russia to Hokkaido.

‘When I think of wearing only a long coat in that cold wave, I still do.’

It feels like it’s chilled to the bone.

It was because I was unlucky enough to have frequent connections with cold regions.

Of course, the act of making a fuss in the cold?

It was something that couldn’t be done with the dignity of Grandfel.

I answered calmly.

“Not even the cold can stop me.”

“is it? Good luck then.”

Wait a minute, what are you happy about?

It wasn’t long before I figured out what that meant.

I love you!

…What is this knife wind?

I could guess from the air seeping into my lungs.

That this is cold on a different level.

‘It’s a shame because I packed the warmth buff.’

If it wasn’t for the jewelry box that gives the [Warmth] buff to stored trinkets.

It’s so cold that I can’t last even a few minutes in a suit and suffer from hypothermia. This!

through the fluttering snow.

All you see is snow.

And it was a crack.

The coordinates of the rift that pop into my mind at the moment.

Inside, I resented Senios.

Of all the many cracks…

‘Why did you choose the crack in the North Pole?!’


Senios definitely has feelings for me…!

Of course, it’s impossible to say anything.

Because I also had a conscience.

Treating the superiors in a sloppy manner and protesting.

Considering what I’ve done, it must be strange to have no feelings.

“I like how cool it is.”

However, Senios seemed to have no other thoughts.

At this moment, his eyes were cold.

The purpose of the tower he declared with his mouth.

Karimzeba’s punishment.

It was a gaze that was thinking only of a purpose.

Among many, many cracks, I chose the Arctic Rift.

‘So it’s just a coincidence?’

Then what kind of coincidence is this!

It’s not like I’m serving in the military in Cheorwon.

From Russia to the North Sea and the North Pole.

Keep looking into the eyes of some bastard…!!

“The stronger the opponent, the more important it is to choose an advantageous battlefield.”

Advantageous battlefield?

Senios’ words reminded me of his nickname.

If Karimzeba was called the Fire Dragon.

‘Senios of the ice cap.’

Because he was the pinnacle of ice magic.

“But Karimzeva. That arrogant stupid guy wouldn’t have cared about such simple common sense at all. I mean the odds are the same. You won’t know until you check beyond it.”

Senios headed straight for the rift.

“Come on, Karimzeba. Let’s see if he’s here.”

I thought as I followed him.

Even if Senios was by his side.

Even if you are fully prepared.

It is very burdensome to face Karimzeba from the beginning.

I hope you have common sense. Karimzeba.


It’s still a fucking sensation.

“I’m not used to it.”


Karimzeba wiped her hands, looking at the last crack.

Everything was just a process for the ‘true truth’.

Even so, it was a reluctant feeling to align with the devil.

“The preparations for the ceremony are complete. Devil.”

However, all that is needed now is a sacrifice.

It was up to the demons to prepare the sacrifice.

Now all you have to do is make sure the ritual ends safely.

All it does is burn the intruders who run into it.

“I hope you show up, Acampatam.”

Even if it turns out to be a demon.

Become an adventurer

There will be no exceptions.

It was the moment Karimzeba had made such a promise.


Karimzeba felt it.

The magical power that tracks one’s presence.

It was obviously high-ranking magic.

It is natural that adventurers who are only at the level of apprentice wizards are not even considered. Except for adventurers, there weren’t many people who could use magic like this.

“A wizard.”

Karimzeba muttered and shook her head.

Who is it?

Who is tracking his magic trail?

What comes to mind is

“Is it you guys?”

An elder mage whose communication has been cut off.

No, they were devil worshipers.

Karimzeba held a sneer.

He got too close to the devil, and in the end.

“Is that appearance no different from that of a devil?”

To Karimzeba, the devil was just a means to witness the ‘true truth’.

But the guys were different.

Not obsessed with demonic powers.

In the end, it seemed that he had become no different from a demon.

“I don’t know.”

Why are they chasing him now?

I couldn’t tell.

But one thing was certain.

To witness the real truth.

To successfully complete a ritual that has been started.

Soon, Karimzeba’s eyes burned.


It was then.

The detection magic that was placed in the rift area was manifested.

Someone had approached the rift where the ritual was to take place.

‘Are you an adventurer?’

It didn’t matter if they were adventurers.

It was like a sacrifice crawling under my feet.

But it wasn’t.

Because his sense magic was discovered and destroyed.

“It is you too.”


Karimzeba instantly raised her mana.

I will immediately open a portal through the rift and burn the traitors.

However, contrary to his promise, Karimzeba could not move.



and three.


Something incomprehensible happened.

There are only two traitors.

Even if you overestimated it and that bastard Acampatam interrupted the ceremony…

the interrupter had to stop at three.

but four.

and five



In turn.

The crack detection magic was being completely destroyed.

unexpected flow.

Karimzeba shook her head desperately.

And I remembered.

“…Could it be that the magic tower moved?”

Suppose the magic tower moved.

One by one, the questions began to unravel.

Devil worshipers that they couldn’t transmit telepathy.

That someone traced his own magic traces.

The fact that the detection magic is being destroyed at the same time.

If the Magic Tower found out about their plan.

All could be explained.

‘But how?’

Who can see through their plans?

It was the chief mage, Marcelo, who was suspicious.

Because he was the only wizard who had doubts about the elder wizards. However, they couldn’t have done anything with the elder mages just by questioning them.

‘There is no time to worry like this.’

As long as the mage tower moved, time was running out.

I wonder if it’s another senior mage.

Chief Marcelo was by no means easygoing.

But even if the magic tower moved.

There is no change in the plan.

as promised.

Even if it means giving up one’s life.

The ‘true truth’ is something that must be carried through.

‘Is there only one perfect rift?’


Karimzeba opened the portal to the coordinates of the rift.

Enter the rift and wait for the intruder inside.

and met


With an unexpected hindrance.

“I knew this would happen, Karimzeba.”

Elder Mage Senios.

He had entered the rift.

‘Did Senios find out about our plan?’

No, if only I could have noticed.

You should have noticed it long before that.

The devil’s curse had clearly clouded Senios’ judgment.

Of course, Karimzeba’s doubts did not last long.

Because Senios was not alone.

Another angle—

the reality and the Arcana Continent.

A landscape of jumbled cracks.

through the fluttering snow.

A silver-haired man appeared.


…no way?

Suddenly, possibilities pass by.

Co-chief Lee Ho-yeol.

and acampatame.

‘Acampatam must be in contact with Lee Ho-yeol…’

Wait, what if Acampatam was caught by Lee Ho-yeol?

“…That’s right. That’s how it happened.”

I just found out

the root cause of everything.

The one that moved the magic tower.

It was neither Marcelo nor Senios.

Lee Ho-yeol was that guy.


Karimzeba’s pupils burned like flames.

Magical power that seemed to devour everything swayed through his body.

Senios reacted reflexively and stuck out his tongue.

“It’s still great heat.”

But even in front of the Fire Dragon.

The heat was the same as always.

“Karimzeba, high treason.”

Even in the raging heat.

Consistently upright posture and gaze.

“You are ignorant to the point of stupidity.”


Even the cold voice.




[Masterpiece – Nishikigoi Scale Handkerchief]

[Grade: Unique]

[Limit: Lv.200]

[Effect: Fire attribute affinity increase when equipped]…

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

플레이어가 과거를 숨김
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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